God Is On His Knees (Signups/OOC) (Accepting!)

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Bastian is going to be mortified and do his best to ignore them. Maybe, if he pretends really, really hard, they'll think they're mistaking him for someone else. Or something. >__>
Bastian is going to be mortified and do his best to ignore them. Maybe, if he pretends really, really hard, they'll think they're mistaking him for someone else. Or something. >__>

That sounds pretty likely for them ^^
The end... is upon us...
This placed died lol.
I'm waiting on the other posts, too. Not trying to ruin your vibe, man. I didn't mean the rp was done for or anything drastic like that.
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did the GM die? :cry:

The Temp GMs have something in place so that this can continue until Clarice returns. Be patient and keep the game alive until she does. Take any past actions (say your character was last waiting for some interaction) and just fast forward to the ball and interact with who is available.
Serah and Brenna are both at the ball waiting for interaction. I was hoping Serah could interact with Elric once he arrives and Brenna could interact with Wisper, since she is fae and Brenna might be fae.
Serah and Brenna are both at the ball waiting for interaction. I was hoping Serah could interact with Elric once he arrives and Brenna could interact with Wisper, since she is fae and Brenna might be fae.
If no one is interacting with them at the moment, then initiate something with someone. Sometimes you just have to be direct with your character's actions. c:
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And I was waiting for Ko'Tsuna to post our seating since I'm following his charas. XD But Wispir is already in the palace and just looking for a seat. So, come at me, bro. XD
I am moving tomorrow and part of Sat but I will try and get a post up Sat night and if not Sat then definitely Sun.
Temp GM's are having a meeting today to discuss and decide where we're going with the RP. Expect a post tomorrow with some changes and hopefully a revival in posting speed.
Okay guys, we're still nailing down details of what we're going to do and how we're going to do it but the general gist of it is that we're going to finish the night off and then continue the RP in another thread. This way, we can properly run the RP and hopefully keep it alive until it runs its course or until Clarice returns. We'll put up a full post once we have everything nailed down.
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