God Is On His Knees (Signups/OOC) (Accepting!)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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I've posted it on the sign-up thread, sorry for the inconvenience. X3
I've posted it on the sign-up thread, sorry for the inconvenience. X3
Oh no! You didn't need to delete it! ^^ I love your character. She's accepted. We're just wrestling with a missing GM at the minute so we're all a bit scrambled on knowing what we can and can't do haha.
Just letting everyone know-- I'll be out of town for the weekend. I'll be checking back in on Sunday.
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Oh no! You didn't need to delete it! ^^ I love your character. She's accepted. We're just wrestling with a missing GM at the minute so we're all a bit scrambled on knowing what we can and can't do haha.
Oh Jee! XD
Thank you for accepting my character, I'll repost her here.
Oh and sorry again for the mix-ups .~.
Meredith Faith PryFord

Duchess Of Cherbourn




Relationship Status:



55 kg

Distinguishing Features:
Her deep blue hues were passed down by her deceased father. Her eyes always told a story, and could express her emotions. Everyone would always divert their attention to Gwendolyn's eyes, they were mesmerizing, yet beautiful at the same time.

Cherbourn is a duchy in Southern Vanqland that has housed a total population of more than 100,000 thousand. The word 'Borurn' in the duchy's name was to signify the small stream that flowed seasonally located nearby it, putting the 'Bourn' in the name Cherbourn. As for the word 'Cher', when translated into English, is 'Precious', representing the worth of the duchy because of its beautiful scenery and rich earth that grew the finest grain and wheat.

House Emblem:
Coat Of Arms

Notable relations:
Lilith Monroe Fairway - Acquaintance
Maximus Fairway - Acquaintance
Katelea Mae PryFord - Younger Sister

Military Might:
Cherbourn rarely receives threats from neighboring duchies and such. Despite being rarely attacked, Gwendolyn is constantly worried about a civil war being declared. Her constant worry has lead her to train almost a thousand men to be prepared for battle. Even the nitty-gritty things bother Gwendolyn as well, being protective of her duchy.

Gwendolyn's loyalty of the crown is continuously being rumored by many in the duchy and the neighboring. But in real truth, Gwendolyn has never really given a thought about the situation and the solution to stop the rumors from spreading like wild fire.

Gwendolyn was born on the 25th of December, marking the day of Christmas. Gwendolyn had been a frightful newborn, crying her eyes out since she came out of her mother's womb. Gwendolyn's childhood was practically out of a fairy-tale, she was dotted on by all of her family members, giving her affection that lead to her cheerfulness. She was almost certain it would stay that way.

A new bundle of joy had arrived to House Cherbourn, being Gwendolyn's sister's, Katelea, birth. Gwendolyn was overjoyed by the fact that she had a new sibling to play with. Since she was still a baby, she couldn't do much to her, other than prodding her little cot, making her cry. It was one of the many sources of entertainment that made Gwendolyn laugh.

A few months after Gwendolyn's sister's third birthday, her mother had been murdered during his stay at House Clayburn. Gwendolyn cried for hours on end, agony and rage filled her heart almost every single day. She hated the residence of House Clayburn with every fiber of her body, she knew that one of them killed her mother, and since then, had an extreme hatred towards Adraelith. But she knew she had to ball up all her emotions inside, she didn't want to be a disgrace to her family, learning to control her feelings and hide her emotions.

Religious Views:
The Duchess Of Cherbourn has no religious beliefs, which makes Gwen an atheist. Even with her nonreligious ways, she has built several churches across the duchy.

Combat abilities:
Gwendolyn's combat abilities are of low standards, her knife throwing is poorly executed and her fencing is of the skill of an amateur. Regardless of that, she has an unexpected talent for archery, which is barely useful in the state of the duchy at the moment.

Gwendolyn has only ever picked up piano playing once at the age of ten, which dragged on until she was aged fourteen years. She has maintained some of her skills, but barely knows how to play a melody. She was quite engrossed in knitting as a child, but stopped when her mother had forbidden her to touch the needles in fear of her getting injuries. The only skill she had maintained since she was a child was horseback-riding, rarely she would visit the stables to see the beautiful stallions and mares that reside in the little wooden building. Sometimes, she would visit the nursery to check on the little newborn colts and fillies.

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Time jump has been posted. This is so that Clarice's disappearance doesn't stop the RP. Hopefully we don't interfere with any of her plans but I don't think she would mind us keeping it moving and alive. Feel free to post in the new setting whenever. :)
Temp-GM Post
This is a check to see who all is still active and to inform you that we are not dead
This RP is still going, and we have decided that in Clarice's absence the following will be our Temporary GMs.

@HellHoundWoof @Jerelin @VengefulPeanut @Duchess of Adraelith

We are only temporarily taking up the responsibilities of the GM in order to keep this RP moving. If we're not mistaken everyone who participates in this RP loves doing so. So we want to keep it moving so that no one forgets their characters or the relations their having. We as the Temp-GM's will make sure everything continues moving and does so smoothly. If there are any thread complaints or arguments we will help resolve them. So basically we'll be doing the work of Clarice while she's off gallivanting in Narnia.


Once Clarice returns we will relinquish the power.

Public Service Announcement Ended
tfw ur done ur post and u forgot about the ball

didn't feel like editing the whole thing so I just added in a line about my character not attending. yay for new temp GMs though! you guys rock
tfw ur done ur post and u forgot about the ball

didn't feel like editing the whole thing so I just added in a line about my character not attending. yay for new temp GMs though! you guys rock
'Preciate it love
Temp-GM Post
This is a check to see who all is still active and to inform you that we are not dead
This RP is still going, and we have decided that in Clarice's absence the following will be our Temporary GMs.

@HellHoundWoof @Jerelin @VengefulPeanut @Duchess of Adraelith

We are only temporarily taking up the responsibilities of the GM in order to keep this RP moving. If we're not mistaken everyone who participates in this RP loves doing so. So we want to keep it moving so that no one forgets their characters or the relations their having. We as the Temp-GM's will make sure everything continues moving and does so smoothly. If there are any thread complaints or arguments we will help resolve them. So basically we'll be doing the work of Clarice while she's off gallivanting in Narnia.


Once Clarice returns we will relinquish the power.

Public Service Announcement Ended
I'll shove up a Nyoka post ASAP, then!
I'll be posting my "re-intro" for Elric tomorrow or Tuesday. Most of the characters will know him but there are a few who joined during my minor vacation, so this will be exciting!
Is there just me that sort of wants a war between the North and the south just for the drama it would cause? There's so many complex relationships forming in this RP that I wonder who would side with who.
~raises hand~ I would also like to see a war. ~grabs popcorn~ Yes.... Fight, my pretties...
@DuchessAriel "A large Teddy Bear" pretty much sums Marlon up perfectly XD As much of a demon he is combat he's actually just big buffoon.
FINALLY HOME. And finally sober. Maybe.

I will try to get a post up tonight or tomorrow-- once I read through everything.
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FINALLY HOME. And finally sober. Maybe.

I will try to get a post up tonight or tomorrow-- once I read through everything.
Sounds like you enjoyed yourself! ;) Hope it was a good break.

Edit: Hehe... break... sorry, I'm a Pandora Hearts fan. Couldn't help myself.
It was a good weekend. So much dumb shit happened, and it was wonderful. lol Thanks. c:

Question, though-- are we just going to say that Maximus has gone missing or...?
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