God Is On His Knees (IC/Still Accepting)

  • Thread starter GoodEveningClarice
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- Eira Merrick, Lady of Stornoway -

Eira blushed, similarly to how Evelyn did, as the young princess reversed the question back upon her. She fiddled with her thumbs as she shuffled uncomfortably on the bench. "I know my father wants me to take a husband, preferably while I'm at court this summer and I must admit the thrills of romance do sound appealing. I just... I don't know. Do you ever get the feeling something wasn't meant for you? With my condition I can barely get a man to dance with me before he runs away after touching my hand." She brushed her hair behind her right ear before her sorry expression turned into a slightly mischievous one, looking back to Evelyn while coyly biting her lip. "Although, I must say that there are a fair amount of handsome men at court. Even the men of your King's guard aren't too bad on the eyes if I can be so crass." She cast her eyes up to the blue sky above and admired the patterns of the clouds that passed by overhead. "'Tis all idle fantasies, though. My father's failing health must take priority and while I'm as cold as a corpse to touch then I might as well be as spooky to men as that advisor of your father's." She raised herself from the bench all of a sudden and ran her hands down her dress in an attempt to press out the creases. "I think I'll return to the main hall for some food and a drink. As much as I love the kiss of the sun, having so much of it throughout my travels has left me weary. Would you care to join me, Evey? I believe we still have a lot of catching up to do over the course of the day and I'm quite looking forward to attempting to guess which of the gentlemen here are crusading to win your heart." She delivered a soft giggle as she awaited Evey's reply. A day of idle leisure sounded incredibly appealing, riding and dancing with Charlie and mingling among the other nobles could wait 'til the next day.


(You can round this off in the 'next day' post. Eira is good to move on)​
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- Sir Robert, Knight of the King's Guard -

With the day's training drawing to a close, Robert wiped the sweat from his brow as he panted heavily. Sliding his blade into its scabbard, he moved over to the group and offered Arren a hand up from the ground, a gesture the young knight reluctantly accepted. "Well fought, Sir Maehel," Robert congratulated in a breathy tone as he recuperated from the intense session, "I see Duke Tristan is protected by strong and skilled hands. Now, if you'll excuse us, there is business to which myself and Arren must attend. Thank you for joining us. It has been an experience." Placing his hand on Arren's shoulder, Robert began to walk with his knight brother back towards the castle. Before they disappeared from sight, however, Robert craned himself backwards to look at Knights of Gethenwood once more. "Please express our indebted thanks to the Duke when you see him next, also." With a warm smile and the nodding of the head, he continued on his course and before long their feet were back on solid stone. "So," Robert said nonchalantly to Arren, "She beat you." Arren's eyes grew wide as his comrade delivered a jest that felt like an elbow in ribs.

"Yes, she beat me. What of it?" Arren responded in a low growl.

"Nothing. You know... she just beat you..." Robert responded, looking away from Arren as he tried to contain his smile and hold back his laughter.

"Maehel happens to be a skilled warrior. I'd wager she would have beaten you too."

"Oh, oh... no, of course. She is indeed a very skilled warrior. I just never thought I'd see the day that you got beaten by a girl." Robert's efforts were in vain with his last statement as a strong cackle escaped his lips only moments after. Taking the bait, Arren took a swing for Robert, a swing which Robert dodged before he hurried away up towards the castle. "Come on, Arren. You'll have to run quicker than that if you ever hope to match the skill of a goat!" Robert continued to tease.

"You're dead when I get my hands on you, Bowman!" Arren cried after him, sprinting with all of his might.

The two continued the banter between them and the play-fighting until they reached the castle, a point which a certain severity needed to be adopted at. Wasting no time, the two proceeded on their way to the barracks to wash and get changed for the coming day. Now that the Knights of the Summer House had arrived and the Knight Commander had returned things would be easier but still they had to remain ever-cautious. Suiting up in their attire for the day, the two proceeded onwards with their duties, hopeful that the day would go by easy and without trouble.



(Robert and Arren are good to move on to the next day. Sorry I took over your character a fair bit Llama. If you come back and there's anything you want changed then let me know.)​
Even though he had the King against the wall. Tristan still found himself under the mans whim. His entire being submitting to the older man as he feverishly attempted to tear away the Kings remaining clothing. The thought of simply cutting them off had came to him but was lost when he heard Maximus mention Sereh Clad.

"The...she wolf...of the north?" He whispered through a shudder as he continued to rip away Maximus' clothing. The Kings assult had his senses in overdrive as he let out a soft moan into Maximus' kiss. Before he followed the King to his room.

"It makes me a little happy that you're jealous my sweet Tristan. But worry not, I'm sure she will have little interest in being in my bed. Really, she can have whoever she wants after she gives me a child. And I'm sure once that's done…"

"I'm not jealous....well maybe just a little. I hope she does not find it too appealing....wait a child with the she~wolf..are you sure...." He whispered softly as his shirt was pulled over his head.

There was just something about Maximus that drove him to remove his inhibitions faster then he could remove his clothes. He couldn't get over how Maximus touch alone had him yerning for more. Yet as he took to the bed, voices interrupted therm once again.

"Damn it Yoren..." He cursed softly making a mental note to speak with Yoren about the interruptions that he had requested him to deal with, as he removed the remainder of his clothing and slide his two daggers under the pillows.

"Perhaps...not.." He jested at Maximus' comment as he beckoned Maximus to rejoin him after he had addressed the two down the stairs. Unfortunately for them and anyone else who wished for a meeting with the King. Tristan had plans to keep Maximus to himself tell supper and then for the remainder of the night as well as most if not all of the morning.

"We were in the midst of kidnapping one another tell lunch tomorrow....." He returned with a smile as Maximus' predatory eyes locked onto his now naked form. As Tristan himself gazed rather hungrily back at Maximus.

Pinned under Maximus all he could do was to wrap his limbs around him as he attempted to match the ferocity of Maximus' kiss with his own as the world around them faded to the swelling nothingness.
~Fade to black~
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How that woman always managed to approach him without a sound when she normally rattled like ill-fitted armor, Bastian would never know. He was, however, quite accustomed to her unannounced appearances and they no longer caused him any sort of alarm.

Sparing a sidelong glance at his sudden companion, the captain continued his walk toward the grand staircase at the end of the hall, idly listening as she chastised for his appearance. The comments weren't undue, though he couldn't help but notice she still wore her usual belt of oddities and trinkets. Mildly hypocritical. Then again, she didn't reek of battlefield.

Finding himself suddenly blocked by one of Nyoka's thin arms, Bastian turned his gaze upon her in silent question. Her explanation garnered no expression of surprise from the captain and he merely gave a slow blink before taking a step back. So he was with the Duke of Gethenwood after all. That news wasn't something unexpected, and it certainly wasn't his place to interrupt the King's escapades. Nyoka, on the other hand, seemed to have no issue doing so, and Bastian resisted the vague urge to quiet her as she called up the stairs to the King and his lover. There was no point in disturbing them-- though that was just her way, time had taught him that much.

Pale eyes fell on the witch's form as she lingered in front of the staircase as if sparing him from some scarring vision. Some part of him appreciated her effort, though he hardly needed shielding from the King's exploits. Maximus was free to pursue his delights and Bastian had borne accidental witness to more than a few of the man's ventures. Nevertheless, the woman continued to block his path, insisting he make himself more presentable. Her comment about accompanying him did not go unnoticed and Bastian turned on his heel, retracing his steps through the hall at a slower pace. The two of them were always an odd pair, the one jingling and chatting while the other seemed to emanate a strange sort of silence.

Once they were free of the main hall, having turned down a smaller corridor leading to the knight's quarters, Bastian finally spoke, tired eyes occasionally flickering over to the witch. "There are always 'things' in court that wish to kill you," he murmured quietly. Had he given the words any sort of inflection, they may have come across as humorous. While it was true that many of the nobles thought poorly of Nyoka, Bastian found it odd that she would be seeking such close protection-- unless something unusual had happened. "Have visitors caused disturbances then?" He asked, again glancing down at the woman's form and the bruise that had blossomed on her cheek. She had been traveling, though he doubted that had little to do with the matter at hand. "I'm afraid my absence has left me in the dark."

Pushing open the door to his chambers, the knight closed and bolted the barrier behind Nyoka as she followed him in. He was not shy of himself and had no issue with her presence; there was neither desire nor shame between them and it would provide a moment for her to bring him up to speed on the previous night's events without having to guard her words. "Where is the Kingsguard? They aren't in the halls and I saw very few in the grounds on my way in," he remarked, though there was little irritation in his tone. It was obvious they weren't currently with Maximus and he sincerely hoped that the answer would be "with the princesses." The last thing that needed to occur was one of the girls vanishing with so many strangers about. He greatly disliked being away from the Fairways.

With no amount of leisure, Bastian laid his weapons aside and pulled off the plumed helm to set it atop the rack that held his armor, followed by his gloves and greaves. Like all knights without squires, he was proficient at donning and removing his armor without assistance, but having an extra set of hands wasn't unwelcome-- especially as he was in a hurry to return to court.

When he was finally free of the dark leather and chainmail, the thought occurred to him that he may need to wait for water if he wanted to bathe. Fortunately, one of the servants seemed to have preemptively filled the basin in anticipation of his return the day before; the water was clean but cold. It would suffice-- and he pulled away his thin, sweat-dampened shirt and trousers before sliding into the metal basin of chilled water, making quick work of his bath, exiting, and seeking out more appropriate attire for court.
"I don' t'ink anybody's caused any trouble yet, but...I never liked Summer Court. Too many people." purred Nyoka as she sauntered along beside Bastian. Of course, words mean nothing if you weren't gifted in reading underneath them; and Bastian would know Nyoka enough to be able to realise that it wasn't the people themselves, but the visitors from faraway lands - ones that believe in their gods and angels, the ones who don't get scared in the dark...The ones who, if given the chance, would run Nyoka through with a sword right under the King's nose.

And so she stuck beside Bastian like a leech.

She looked around the chambers with a slight nod of approval; Nyoka didn't like the grandeur of the palace and the plain décor reminded her vaguely of her own chambers, making her feel right at home. As it was rightly put, the pair of them had very little to hide from each other, and Nyoka perched herself on the other edge of the cold bath-tub as she talked to him. "Now dat, is a good question; I didn't see a lotta guards as I walked in...Ya gonna whip dem into shape, I bet. Make sure dey aren't drinkin' all de wine, have dem guardin' de walls...after all, we wouldn't want our guests to be in danger."

Bollocks. Nyoka clearly didn't care less about the nobles, and the subtle rise and fall of her voice hinted that she'd rather they guarded the walls for the royals and, more importantly, for herself instead of looking after some chubby old man from who-knows where. After a moment, Nyoka rose and helped Bastian out of his armour, sensing his urgency. She browsed his cupboard of finery to help him pick out a good outfit; despite assuming that Bastian was completely capable of doing so himself, it seemed like one of her motherly traits kicking in. She picked out a simple affair - a dark purple silken shirt and black trousers, both decorated with gold. "Didn't see de princesses yet, either." she commented, holding the outfit out to Bastian with a sly smile.

"What'cha gonna do first den?"

The rest of the day passed smoothly for those Capitol. Dinner was uneventful and dancing stopped much earlier in the night. All retired peacefully, save for the King and the young Duke who did not sleep until well into the night.

Early in the morning of the third day…

he sound of the wind through the trees roused the sleeping monarch. His eyes slid open, bright gold in the darkness, before fading to soft amber. He glanced over at Tristan's bare, sleeping form and spared a moment to admire him. The boy was well-formed, flawless even. He pressed a few quick kisses to the naked shoulders, already marked with bruises that matched the shape of the king's mouth. He rose and walked to the window. The moon told him it was two or three hours before dawn. A cold wind, uncommon for the season, rushed into the open room and raised goose bumps on Maximus' skin. He leaned into the sill and then looked down at the garden. Some of the more delicate flowers were already wilting in the chill of the night. Uncommon weather meant his beautiful summer blooms would be ruined soon enough. Scowling, he pulled the shutters closed and took a minute to stoke the fire in the room lest Tristan catch a cold.

He dressed in the dark in a heavy robe and padded barefoot down in to garden. Many of the flowers had been seeds gifted to him by the Anselm family so seeing them die in a freak chill was a shame. He paused to inspect one here and there, noting that one flower in particular was vibrant despite the chill. He felt his heart begin to hammer as he looked at it.

It was a beautiful thing, its petals nearly translucent and very much luminescent in the moonlight. Despite its deep blue color, the center was blood red and spark like spots of color adorned the tips of some of the petals. It was an old plant, one he remembered the former king pointing out to him years ago. Ancient he'd told him. Maximus had not been impressed then, it had no blooms, only two inch blood red thorns that dripped with a strange red sap. Maximus had asked why they kept such an ugly thing.

"For one, that goo it's dripping is sweet as honey of a well fucked woman." Maximus laughed hardily. It was well known the old man had no interest in either sex but he seemed to have plenty of knowledge about carnal acts. "Sweet, but a poison like no other. It's a slow, creeping death. Freezes the blood in your veins." The young soldier tilted his head at him. "Should it be out here like this?" The king laughed. "Anyone stupid enough to try it needs to die my boy." Maximus huffed and looked back at the old king. "Does it bloom or is it always such ugly vines?" The king's face grew grave. "Beware the day the Eye of Winter blooms for it welcomes its master."


They'd laughed about it then. But now, looking at it, his blood ran cold as the poison the flower supposedly produced. If Winter was coming, his reign was going to get that much more difficult. He shut his eyes and turned to find Yoren or Jon Auckland, but something made him pause. Something cold as the night against the side of his throat. He kept his eyes on the terrible beauty of the flower. "Welcome to the Captial Bjarke."


Bjarke and his most trusted warriors had ridden into the capitol during the dead of night. Leaving their Northern brethren behind. The lot of them had scaled the wall during a change in the guard, fortunate for them they had arrived at the opportune time. The four warriors had sneaked into the palace relatively undetected, a few guards had to be knocked unconscious but none managed to alert the palace. They moved like ghosts, all save for Ÿrd who was panting like a dog at every corner.

"Dont make us leave you behind, fat one..." Maryn said as he Bjarke and Tilki jogged forward on soft feet.

"Why you little cunt," Ÿrd said as he ran forward trying to keep pace with the younger and lighter warriors. Bjarke led the small unit through the palace, he knew of its twists and turns. Primarily of how to find the king. The path the warriors took led them to the walls of a great garden, the warriors crouched behind different pillars and plants. Maryn's eyes traced the landscape around them, searching for any sign of a guard. Bjarke detected a flicker of movement at the edge of his vision, he looked up and to his left and saw a window being closed as Maximus walked away from it. He saw a brief glow of firelight and then caught the glimpse of a thick coat.

"So the King comes for a midnight stroll, it will make our task easier. You will all wait here, protect me should any guards arrive. I will speak with the Lord Fairway." Bjarke said as he drew his longsword and walked with deadly purpose into the garden. He stood behind one of the trees in the garden, perfectly hidden by its shade and twisting branches. He watched as Maximus gazed at a beautiful plant, Bjarke had seen one similar to it in his mothers gardens. Well before her death caused them to go untended. Bjarke moved quickly and raised his sword arm as he drew close to the King. He angled the steel so that its edge would sink slightly into the King's neck.

"Welcome to the Captial Bjarke." Maximus Fairway said, his eyes still on the flower.

"Do not speak, only listen." Bjarke's blood boiled in his veins, it took him some effort not to end it there, "You intend to marry my sister, and I would assume for the sake of your own gain to bed her. I know of the political power you hope to gain from this and I know my father will have no quarrel with you backing his armies in the North nor his army yours. But I also know of your many degrees of perversions, and I will allow you to fuck sheep, dog, and man if it please you. But if ever I hear of you bedding my sister I will have your cock cut off and serve it to your daughters. And should it come to pass that she birth you an heir know that he will be not guilty of your sins, and that he will be raised as Northerner."

Maryn and Ÿrd looked on as Bjarke spoke to the King as though he were one of the drunken fools who found his sister pretty in the pairs youth. Bjarke's refused to let his blade leave the King's neck until it was clear that his majesty understood the ever present danger he was in so long as Bjarke lived.

"We may be executed for this," Ÿrd said cynically.

"Aye, but have you ever seen such a spectacle. A wolf threatening a king. And with such anger, its a wonder Bjarke didnt behead him the second his blade came to skin." Maryn said with a smile as he watched.

"Let the steel pressed against your neck serve to remind you of your own mortality, regardless of the rumors that circulate. You are no great demon, nor ghoul brought from hell, not even the spawn of a christian devil. You are the same flesh as we all are, and you can die just as easily as a street rat. So will any man you try to put in between us should you wrong my sister."


And with those words, the pack disappeared into the night to rejoin the rest of the Northerners who would arrive just as the sun began to show himself. Anna and Varric Victorian were there to greet the group and lead them into a secluded wing where they could choose their own arrangements. Serah would have the finest room in the wing, and the one closet to the rest of the castle. A fine gown of silver and pale blue awaited her along with a simple but elegant silver circlet to set off the gold of her hair.

Maximus on the other hand returned to his rooms and lay silent beside Tristan, thinking over the words of the Wolf with a smirk on his features. The younger man had balls, there was no denying that.


In respect for the Northerners sleeping to recover from their journey, the events of Day 3 would not begin until noon. The weather is strangely brisk so guests are advised to dress warmly. Servants will be keeping the fires stoked all day.

The activities are the same as day 2 but a special early dinner will be held and hosted by the King at 6 pm and all guests are required to attend. This dance demands extra formal wear, so please ensure you're properly dressed. (And feel free to include a picture). The NPCs are again available for anyone's use and you can even hook up with them if you want. Enjoy!
Bastian had been content for the evening's events to come to an early close. While he had donned the outfit Nyoka had selected and made his rounds about the court, he was exhausted from the previous battle and sleepless night and, with the Northerners set to arrive the following day, he wanted to be at his best-- should anything occur. He was mildly disconcerted that he'd not been made aware of the arrangements sooner, and he had still to even speak to Maximus since his return… Nyoka, however, had spared the man little grievance and ushered him off to bed.

While there was a feeling of disquiet creeping in on the edges of his mind, it was quickly being overcome by the haze of sleep, and the captain had barely managed to bolt his door and strip to his trousers before collapsing on his bed.

His rest, however, was brief, and he started awake to a pressing feeling of foreboding. Energies stirred around him in an unsettling fashion and he found himself covered in a cold sweat, suddenly shivering. Something was wrong.

Bolting from his bed, Bastian yanked a shirt over his head and seized his longsword, neglecting shoes as he flung his door open and dashed into the dark hall. It was cold and, while it was likely still hours before dawn, it was far too cold for the summer weather. Something was wrong. Despite his internal, panicked alarm, the palace was at rest-- to the observing eye, nothing was amiss. That, however, did not quell the distressing energies that pressed upon his mind.

Swift steps carried the knight through the desolate halls as he headed for the central garden, where the tension seemed to emanate. As he ran, he managed to fasten his belt that bore his sword, and he rested a hand on the pommel to silence it. What he would find, he did not know-- but his intuition had yet to fail him. His lungs were burning from the cold as he neared the garden gates, and a sudden sight struck him with a jolt of dread. One of the guards lay silent at his post. Whether dead or merely unconscious, he hadn't the time to check-- and he sprinted through the gates, sword drawn.

All he caught, however, were fleeting shadows, melting away into the darkness.

To his left, more motion drew his eye and he glimpsed the king, disappearing through the other gate back into the palace.

"Sire!?" Before he was even aware of himself, he had taken a few steps after the man, though he halted when the king failed to turn back.

Whatever had just transpired, he had been too late.

An overwhelming sense of failure knotted in the pit of his stomach as he silently sheathed his sword and retreated from the garden. A deep chill was beginning to bite through his thin shirt, and the cold stone was beginning to numb his bared feet, though the discomforts went largely ignored. Weaknesses of the flesh-- and it was such that could've meant the king's life. Mentally cursing his too-human body and having slept through such an event, Bastian quietly returned to the guard who was beginning to stir from his incapacitation. He instructed the man to rouse any others and return to their posts, not bothering to explain the occurrence or his own negligent appearance.

The walk back to his chambers was one of silence, though his mind was full of censure and self-loathing. When he reached his quarters, he quickly dressed himself in attire more appropriate for the weather and set off to wake the rest of the Kingsguard.

He wasn't going to make a scene-- not until he'd had a chance to discuss the happening with Maximus, but he would see his men on high alert and all the guard doubled.

Ignoring that it was still the dark hours of the morning, Bastian led himself to Robert's quarters and rapped his knuckles heavily on the door until the other awoke. When the other man came to the door, he would be greeted with tired eyes and an unsettled expression, neither commonly worn by the captain.

"Dress warmly," Bastian said quietly, "Then wake the rest of the Kingsguard. I will be in the great hall. Be quick."
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Francis rolled over, a shiver running down his spine as his bare skin connected with the cool air in the room. Slowly opening his eyes, he soon realized it was early morning but where the hell was he? Carefully, he sat up, taking in his surroundings. The portrait over the mantel definitely did not belong to anyone in his family, the dress carelessly thrown across the room didn't belong to any of the women he knew, and well this was not his room or any other woman's that he knew well. Hadn't he fallen asleep in Evelyn's room last night? That was the last place he remembered, but...Looking over his shoulder, he couldn't help but to curse as he saw blonde tresses splayed across the pillow next to where he had been. Francis could say for a fact he didn't know the woman other than whatever they had shared the night previous and he could already say that it wasn't just a simple sleepover. Quickly dressing, he ran from the room as quickly as he could and made it to Elizabeth's room. Perhaps she knew what had happened the night before but he doubted she would tell him.


"Promise me you'll help raise our son. Please? I need to know our son will be safe and Charlie...I don't trust him with Bellamy. What if he puts him into danger? What if-"

Elijah carefully raised his hands to cup Elizabeth's cheeks as he planted a soft kiss on her forehead, "I promise. Bellamy will be safe and you needn't worry about Charlie. You do remember he has a daughter of his own?" Elizabeth watched as his red curls fell into his eyes, somehow overpowering his blue iris's. She found it funny how easily it was to fall in love with Elijah but had it been out of love or spite to her parents? Surely, it was love, right? They had a son and were married, well not legally, but that was besides the point. They were married in their hearts.

"You promised me we would be together, love, but where are we now? What happened to us running away? I don't care about my station. I'm only acting as duchess until my brother remarries. I-"

"Elizabeth, I promise we will be together soon and I promise that I will keep Bellamy safe."

It had been five years. It had been five years since she had laid eyes on her husband. She still received letters but was it enough anymore? Elizabeth didn't know the answer to her own question so she decided to finally get out of bed and lay her thoughts to rest. Walking over to the window, she looked down at the ground bellow, allowing her hair to get caught in the icy wind. Perhaps it would begin to feel like home. She missed the cool breeze that would lightly hold her but she hadn't found that in the south. The breeze was different down here and it reminded her that she wasn't in the north but instead she was staying in the southerner king's presence. What she would give to not see the Faraway's on the throne anymore, especially Evelyn. Elizabeth couldn't see how she could even be allowed to be queen. Maybe queen of the prudes but not the queen of her country and default ruler of the north.


Looking up, Elizabeth smiled as she saw her older brother standing in her doorway. The truth was, she had no idea why he was standing there. She hadn't left her room since her and little Bellamy had returned from their walk in the gardens. Closing the window, she walked towards him, embracing him in a hug, "Francis, I was meaning to come and see you. I heard a rumor but I couldn't believe it was true so it doesn't matter now. What are you doing here, actually?"

Francis returned his sister's hug and as they stood next to one another, anyone could see the resemblance. They could have passed for twins, if anyone didn't know that Francis was ten months older. Taking her hand, he sat her down on the edge of her bed, asking, "Do you know what happened last night? With me, I mean. I woke up in some random noble's chambers and I couldn't tell you her name. It's all a big black blur."

Staring at the wall, Elizabeth's eyebrows crunched together in confusion as she asked, "Am I your keeper? And since when do you care about who you wake up next to?" Then it hit Elizabeth like a ton of bricks, standing up, she all but yelled, "They're true! You and that stupid southern princess! Is it true that you are courting that stupid little-" Elizabeth trailed off in her fit of rage as Francis slowly stood and backed away from his sister.

Nodding his head, he said, "You could say something like that."


"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Amelia jumped on John's bed, attempting at waking him. She had slept most of the journey to the south and once they arrived, well she continued to sleep, so now at this point she wanted nothing more than to run around the castle and perhaps meet a nice boy who would teach her the ins and outs of court. This was Amelia's first time and court, well that she remembered, and she wanted to enjoy every moment. She especially wanted to go and see her aunt but it apparently her father didn't want to wake up. Had he not slept at all on the way down? Or had he sang with the rest of the pack the whole time? Amelia didn't know but if she had to go find her aunt herself, well she would do just that.

When Amelia's foot accidentally landed on a wound in his side that hadn't healed yet, well it was almost comical how fast John shot up, leaving a trail of curses behind. Glaring up at his daughter, he asked, "What are you doing, Amelia?"

"I want to see Aunt Elizabeth but I don't know where her room is." Sticking out a bottom lip, Amelia placed her hands behind her back, looking away from her clearly angered father.

"Fine. Wake up Charles. He may want to see her too." Amelia squealed in delight as she raced to her brother's bed and as quickly as she could, she woke him up. John was quick to dress himself and his children, for it was known that his daughter wasn't the patient one. On his way down to Elizabeth's room, he decided to make a stop to wake Bellamy as well. He wasn't sure where Tyra was so he bother to find her, perhaps she was helping his sister prepare for the coming day. Bellamy was quick to dress as Amelia was similar to a drill sergeant in her ways to hurry people up and it before long the four of them made their way to Elizabeth's room.


"Bell needs to see his mother, Charlie." Elijah looked up at his lover's cousin in wonder as to how they were even related. The only time he ever saw it was when their temper's flared. He had quickly learned to never be in the cross fire when this occurred. It was hard to anger them but once they were then you better pray you weren't the one who caused it.

"And have you met my aunt and uncle, Elizabeth's parents? If they found out that Bell was coming to live with Elizabeth...Gods know what would happen. You are putting him in more danger this way." Charlie liked Elijah but whatever Elizabeth saw in him was a mystery to him. He always assumed Elizabeth would get knocked up by a married noble, not his cook, but hey, he was slightly correct, right?

Why had he been persuaded by someone who worked under him to put his nephew in danger? Sighing, Charlie held onto the little boy's hand as many nobles who were milling about looked on with distaste. They had been there a total of three days and you would've thought the news of his sister's illegitimate child had worn off by now, but he guessed not. Spotting John and Bellamy, he couldn't help but to grin as he outstretched his arms, embracing both of them in a hug. He then turned to his younger cousins and embraced them in a hug. Looking to Bellamy, he asked, "Where are all of you headed?"

"To Elizabeth's room, actually. Would you and little Bell like to come with us?"

Charlie looked down to little Bell, asking, "Do you wanna go see your mom?" The young child nodded his head in excitement, a smile breaking out across his lips.

It was a quick walk to Elizabeth's room and when they opened her door, well they were shocked by what they heard. Francis was apparently courting the princess.

Serah had fallen asleep in the carriage but had been awakened at dawn. They had arrived at the king's summer court.
After being led inside she was shown to a room by a friendly woman who introduced herself as the head housekeeper. The room, as expected, was beautiful and very comfortable. But amid the finery her heart sank as her eyes reddened with unshed tears. To look at her you would have thought she had arrived at the darkest prison rather then the finest room in the summer court and that she was facing her death rather then set to marry a king.

If she noticed the Northern Lady's distress the housekeeper did not question it, but Serah was certain her reaction and her misery would be reported to the king. What a delightful way to begin a marriage? Or would he perhaps become offended at her sadness and order her back to Nacht's Reach.

She couldn't go back there now. Perhaps not ever again. So she tried to force a smile to pass of her misery as being tired from the trip. As soon as she was alone Serah laid down on the bed and wept. Johana's death was still fresh in her mind but that was not why she cried. No, it was her own future that had her shedding tears of despair. How was she to be a queen? How was she to rule a kingdom beside a stranger, one who could very well be the same or worse then her former husband? How was she to be a step mother to two princesses, one who was nearly grown? How was she to survive here when she had nearly lost her life in a place that was supposed to have been her home?
The politics of court were more terrifying to her then the bloodiest battle. The line between ally and enemy blurred so often as to render both terms mote.

Above all she worried about her new husband. She was not like the Southern ladies, with their sun-kissed skin and sweet tongues. Her skin was pale from living in the snow, her gaze stoic from being trained to hide her true feelings, her heart numb from the abuse it had taken from her last husband. How would any man find that attractive, much less a king who was no doubt used to sampling all manner of exotic beauties? No, she feared she would disappoint him. If he was a man of honor he would go through with the marriage anyway so as not to renege on his word, but what kind of life would she have to look forward to if she was not what he had been expecting?


Later in the afternoon there was a knock on the door and four maids entered. After a brief flash of distrust, from her time at Nacht's Reach, Serah allowed them to help her. A bath was carried in for her and she was grateful for the chance to wash after traveling so far. Food, light fare, was brought for her while the maids did her hair and dressed her. The silver and blue dress was quite exquisite. They placed a gold circlet with a blue stone on her head and attached a veil to it so the light blue fabric fell over her golden hair and down her back.

They had just finished when another knock came, this time a steward to inform them that the king was ready to meet his bride in the main court. Serah's hands began to shake.
"Where is my brother?" she asked and recieved no answer at first. Frowning, she planted her feet on the floor to show she was going no where until they answered her. "Where is my brother?"
"I believe he is going to be at the court my Lady," the steward told her impatiently.
Serah considered refusing to go without him, but knew that would be childish. So, putting her shoulders back and taking a deep breath, she followed the steward down the hall.

It was reassuring to see her brother's men as they reached the main hall. A few of them smiled at her and she returned it poorly. Her face was passive but anyone who looked at her eyes would see that she was sad and worried. Those who looked closer would see something else as well, carefully hidden behind everything else.

Trying to breath deeply and calm herself, Serah waited to be presented to the king.

Nothing. Bastian chose to do nothing. Nyoka was perpetually impressed at his unpredictability...

Well, Nyoka wandered around for the rest of the evening, because despite the obvious dislike that members held for her, she simply loved irritating the nobles with her presence. After she was content that her presence was firmly known within the castle, she locked herself in her chambers, and didn't come out until noon the next day. When the doors opened again, a thick haze of smoke tumbled out of the room that smelt of unknown herbs. Nyoke rubbed her bloodshot eyes and staggered out of the room; she had tried, valliantly, to pull on many layers but had to settle for a simple green gown in the hazy aftermath of her narcotic excursion.

First thing's first, Nyoka shuffled her way to the kitchens and grabbed whatever she could find that was edible. She had a thing against maids helping her do anything, and she had made it known, so she made her own meals, ran her own baths, and made her own breakfast which consisted of a loaf of bread, cut haphazardly lengthways and smeared with butter. She then escaped from the kitchens and made her way to the main court, where she noticed a woman, dressed in more finery than the other pompous fools, standing and waiting for...for someone.

Nyoka squinted.

For you see, the very reason Nyoka returned was that she heard it called on the breath of the wind, felt it tugging at her heart and the tingling in her ankles. Maximus has found a woman, it called. Maximus is going to get married. Nyoka thought the ordeal to be quite insulting to the ghost of the lady she looked after, and in her mind she imagined a snake, not quite unlike herself, slithering into the bosom of HER royal family and corrupting it from within (not quite unlike herself). On top of that, she looked to be a northener...Nyoka hated northeners. It didn't matter how much they dolled her up, there was still a monster in the room.

She cocked her head to the side and approached, ignoring the subtle unspoken rules of the others who had filtered to the side of the room like a crowd watching a show (because clearly, thought Nyoka, this was going to be hilarious to watch) and stood close to the woman, inspecting her. She smelled of smoke and poultices, and her eyes slid down Serah like she was a piece of meat. Eventually, her gaze snapped up to Serah's pale eyes. "I can see why Maxie chose you, mmmn? Pretty lady...." she crooned, ripping out another chunk of bread with her teeth. If Serah was the height of sophistication, then Nyoka was clearly the lowest. She stepped back and circled the woman slowly, drinking in her appearance with her darkened pits, taking in every detail. "Ya like a lil' bunny rabbit." she commented idly as she looked into Serah's eyes again.

She heard this tune before. Nyoka had dealt with Maximus, who never tells the truth ever. She knew how to read - books and people - and she learnt it in the court. And here was your stereotypical unwilling bride, because you only had to be a woman to tell that Serah didn't want to be there, and didn't want to be near Maximus (Well, that'd change when he took his clothes off) and would rather be locked away in whatever jewelbox she sprung forth from.

Nyoka gave a predatory grin, but there was something nagging at the back of her head. Her common sense told her that this woman had enough problems to deal with right now and hardly needed to be antagonized by Nyoka, but...Nyoka HATED northeners, and that thought alone spurred her on. "It be okay, though, Maxie ain't too bad, but he likes to play with his food before he eats it." she added, waving a hand dismissively, before reaching out and trying to grab Serah's wrist, fall onto one knee, and press her own darkened lips to her pale hand.

"Nyoka. We gonna be good friends, you an' me." she purred, rising before being dismissed, and stepping to the side to allow Maximus to crawl out of his little love den and take a look at his, now hopefully a little bit more shaken, bride-to-be. Of course, she also moved out of the way before anyone else tried to do something silly, like strike her...because that would hardly end well.
It had been a relatively peaceful day. The captain of the guard returned, albeit exhausted for obvious reasons, and the presence of the Summer House Knights gave rest to Robert's nervous disposition. With security stepped up, everything felt a lot more safe. Well, as safe as it could be. He was certain it would all change when the northerners arrived and he could tell Bastian was thinking it too when he and Arren delivered their briefing. Be sure you and your fellow knights are ready to deal with fist fights. Those were the King's words. Yes, day two's peaceful ambiance would soon be tarnished with the rising of the next sun. He was sure of it. As the day came to its closing hours, the nobles filtered from the hall and Robert did his routine patrol of the castle. With the main doors being sealed shut, he made his way down into the Knight's quarters before seeking out his room and collapsing into his bed. Sleep came quite easy to the young knight as it always did after a good day's training and as the world gave way to a serene curtain of darkness Robert's last thoughts were concerns for the coming day.

"Robert! What are you doing!?"

"Taking the revenge that was owed to me and my family! Now get out of my way!"

"Phillip was right... you've completely lost yourself."

"No, I just know what I want now."

"How is answering blood with more blood going to help you!? How is it going to bring him back!?"

Three loud rasps. Three more. The dull sound of knuckles rapidly striking wood invaded Robert's peaceful room dragging him from his sleep. Surely it's too early to be waking up, he thought to himself idly as he rubbed his eyes. Three more rasps, these ones even louder than the others. Someone was definitely intent one waking him. Sliding out of bed, Robert moved over to the door in nought but his linen trousers and opened it up to see Bastian stood there, a look of cold determination in his eye. "Dress warmly," the Knight-Commander said in a hushed tone, "Then wake the rest of the Kingsguard. I will be in the great hall. Be quick." Robert gave Bastian a slightly quizzical look before nodding once in acknowledgement.

"Yes, sir. Consider it done," he responded resolutely before watching the commander venture down the hall. Maybe the northerners had caused more of a stir than Robert had previously anticipated. Either way, he had orders to follow and no time to think. Not even about how warm and inviting his bed was. He gave himself a quick stand up wash to make sure he was fresh and presentable before dressing. In place of the light linen clothing he had previously worn underneath his armur to cope with the summer sun he dressed in his winter doublet and thick riding trousers. Fixing his blade to his hip, he moved down the hall knocking on each of the Knights doors one by one. Eli's room was the first stop. "Come, Eli," Robert said in a similar tone to what the commander had addressed him with, "We are needed in the great hall. Wake the rest of your brothers from the summer house and I'll put some life into the Kingsguard." Eli looked on at him dazed for a moment but eventually caught up on the circumstances. The door shut on Robert and the sounds of a man preparing for the day could be heard on the other side. Satisfied with allowing the young knight to deal with his brethren, Robert moved on to Arren's room, then the rest of the Kingsguard. It didn't take long for them all to be vertical and ready to move, used to being drilled in reacting quickly from all situations. The group moved to the armoury, first, suiting up in their armour and helping each other gear up properly in the absence of squires before moving as a group to the great hall where Bastian awaited them. "Commander, you needed us?" Robert spoke as the knights all bowed their heads in unison and fixed their fists above their hearts.


"Wakey! Wakey! Rise and shine! All that other toff that your maids might say to you!" Ralwen's voice rang aloud from the far side of Eira's door. She stirred slightly, a strained groan escaping her lips as she twisted and turned in her bed. She had only managed to open her eyes before Ralwen was banging on the door.

"Calm down, Ralwen. There's training dummies for you to practice your hand to hand combat on, remember?" she responded sarcastically. It was only then that she remembered the occasion. From what gossip she could discern from the other nobles at the party and from what she had found out from Evelyn it seemed that the King's new northern bride was set to arrive today. An event which, no doubt, every noble at court would be scrambling to be present at for bragging rights. "I'll be ready soon." That last statement seemed to satisfy Ralwen as he contently awaited her. It took her awhile to look presentable enough for court but she was soon ready to begin the day.

The walk to the great hall was only a short one, a fact that the duo were grateful of considering the colder weather of the day. It didn't bother Eira much, though. She had always being quite immune to the bitter sting of the icier weather and her pale skin positively glowed under the overcast dimmed rays of the sun. She had just grown accustomed to complaining of the cold so as not to stand out as strange. "So, what do you know?" she asked inquisitively, looking to her bodyguard with whom her arm was linked. Ralwen had known Eira since she was but a babe and the two had a more uncle/niece relationship than anything else.

"Serah Clad of the House Clad. A widow from the north. Rumours circulating say she killed her last husband," Ralwen responded nonchalantly. He didn't much care for court politics however that last bit of information brought a smile to his lips. Just the concept of how many tongues would wag idly over it was quite amusing to him.

"Quite the unlikely match for King Maximus, then," Eira observed as her eyes traced the stonework of the palace ahead of them. It was indeed a beautiful building and it never failed to amaze her every time she visited. "Have you heard any word from Stornoway? Do you miss Isolde?" Ralwen let out a pathetic chuckle.

"Like I'd miss that slippery, commanding woman..." he evaded, earning a cold, knowing stare from Eira. "Fine, of course I miss her. She is my wife after all."

"It must be nice to be in love..."

"Trust me, Eira. You don't want to be in any type of rush. You have no idea the levels of stress that woman caused me when we first fell in love." He gave a nostalgic chuckle. "You know our story."

"From what I've heard you caused my father a great deal of stress also," she said with a smile on her face. She had loved listening to the stories of Ralwen and her father's youth. The two were such an unlikely but dynamic pair. It had always taught her the meaning of humility, the importance of being humble despite your status. She had to admit it was hard. Being a noble demanded a certain pomp and the strict following of a thousand unwritten protocols. However, that was the cost of privilege. The true challenge was remaining true to yourself throughout all of that.

The two continued idly chattering until they reached the great hall. It seemed they had arrived just before Serah was due to make her appearance and the pair blended in at the far corner of the room. "Do you think they are expecting this northern woman to go on a mad husband killing spree?" Ralwen joked, noting the increased presence of the guard, as he chuckled mischievously to himself. Eira gave him a brisk tap on the arm as a mother would to make a child behave themselves. As she finally presented herself, Eira analysed her carefully. She was beautiful, that much had to be said. Although, Eira couldn't help but focus solely on how... disinterested she seemed. She didn't know whether to call it women's intuition as Ralwen had failed to notice but she couldn't escape the idea that the poor girl was scared. Eira frowned slightly before directing her attention to the throne anticipating what Maximus' next move would be.

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The King could not fall asleep after returning to his bed. So he bathed and dressed in the darkness, leaving Tristan to sleep, and brought his still battle soiled armor and weapons to the castle's smith. The man kept strange hours, so Maximus found him awake. He left the armor with the older man, but waited for his sword to be returned to him. It had an ornate, jeweled handle that made it look a ceremonial weapon but it was a killing blade and it had hundreds of men's blood on it. He typically only carried a dagger on his person, but his little experience in the garden was a good reminder that as a monarch, he was always at war. Rearmed, he went to find Jon Auckland.

Jon and falcons typically hung around the kitchens and some of the unused dining rooms, harassing kitchen maids and generally being loud, raucous old Prussians. They were exactly what Maximus needed. Striding into the dim rooms, Maximus smirked at the scene of debauchery before him. Half naked women and men lay here and there in piles. Jon himself sat off to the side, whittling some little figurine. The man had little taste for other women after the death of his own wife and then again after Laurelai's death. His cool blue eyes flicked up to acknowledge the king, but he made no move to bow. The falcons didn't acknowledge him as their king, but their fealty was sworn to Evelyn and Lilith and any of these men would die for either girl.

"What brings you to the rat hole, boy?"

Maximus smiled despite himself. Jon had never liked him, never liked that Laurelai ended up with him. He'd grown on him after Evelyn's birth and more so in-between when Laurelai was happy. But that had faded after death.

"I need you Jon."

Jon's brows raised.

"Northerners causing you trouble?"

The King's lips twitched. Maximus wasn't afraid of Bjarke after their little meeting in the garden but he now knew where the other man stood and more importantly what he was willing to do. And that made him a dangerous man. Pulling them out for execution would have been the safe route, but any support he might have won with his marriage to Serah would have crumpled when he killed their favorite dog.

"Bjarke Keln and his men snuck into the garden this morning and put a blade to my neck. Said if I consummated my upcoming marriage that he would feed specific parts of my anatomy to Evelyn."

The King had hardly gotten Evelyn's name out of his mouth before Jon Auckland was up and shouting at his men to get ready. For a group of mostly older men (and their sons) they got moving fast. Maximus said nothing as they rushed here and there behind him, dressing in their armor and gathered their weapons.

"I'll neuter that pup if he so much as looks at Evelyn."

The king sighed in relief. It was well know that Evelyn took after Laurelai and if Jon had ever loved anyone as much as his late wife, it was Evelyn and her mother.

"I think she's soon to marry. I don't know if the boy if up to snuff but she must like him to be making such poor decisions."

Jon lit his pipe and took a drag.

"You sure he's trustworthy? If he's a northerner he could be working with Bjarke."

Maximus snorted.

"I don't thinks so. The Clayburns have never been known for taking orders. And this Clayburn in particular is a free spirit."

Jon nodded thoughtfully. He'd have to have a little talk with this boy.

"I want eyes on Bjarke and his mangy pack every moment possible. I want your men split into groups to patrol the castle grounds at night and…"

"I know how to handle a wolf, boy. No one is going to touch Evey or Lilith. You can bet on that."

Maximus nodded and smiled. Now, no matter what choices he made, he could rest easy knowing his daughters were cared for.

"Thank you."

Jon grunted and lumbered away to strap on his mighty great sword.


After stopping by Evelyn's room and bringing her up to speed on everything, Maximus spent the rest of the morning with Sir Locke and Sir Stormsent. He'd only just returned from battle, but he couldn't afford to get sloppy or rusty. A fight could break out at any given moment.

When noon came around, Maximus was dressed in full finery, his crown atop his head. He licked his lips and waited. This was bound to be dramatic. Stupidly so. He shifted in his seat and his third or fourth glass of wine in the last twenty minutes. His eyes flicked over the throne room while he waited. Nobles and guests and whatever spread here and there. Bastian and the other king's guards were wisely spread here and there and Jon Auckland and The Falcons were thickly but subtly distributed here and there. He let himself relax a bit. If Bjarke were stupid enough to try anything in front of the court, no one could protest to his men cutting him down.

A hush came over the room as Serah entered, flocked by the maids and ladies and waiting he'd sent to fetch her with watchful Anna Victorian slithering behind them all. From his vantage on the throne, Maximus could see Nyoka making some sort of a fuss, but he made no move to interevene. It ended peacefully enough so he stood up to address the court before Serah actually made it into the room.

"Noblemen and noblewomen of the court, I bid you again welcome to the Summer Court. Despite the chill in the air this morning, I think we are all going to have a wonderful time. I formally welcome The Northern Clans to court and thank them for finding time to bathe before arriving." Laughter erupted in the room and Maximus smiled brightly. "I jest, I jest. In all seriousness I have an announcement. As the King of Vanqland I have mourned the death of my beloved Lorelai for some time. I will never forget her, nor should any of you." A heavy silence took the court. Lorelai had been very much beloved at court. Maximus licked his dry lips and continued. "But as my daughters near adulthood and Evelyn prepared to take the throne, I have decided it is time for me to take another bride. A Northerner and widow like myself."

He stepped off the throne as Serah was lead in. He smiled and bowed at the waist. He took her pale, cold hand in his and pressed a chaste kiss to her knuckles. "My Lady, it is an honor to meet you." Excited whispering broke out behind him, and Maximus could only smile. When all of Vanqland began to support a royal wedding, even Bjarke's growling could not sway them.

With that, the musicians took up their song and the throne room cleared out. Guests were ushered out into the gardens where large fire pits had been set up and dancers and singers and plenty of wine and snacks awaited them. Now with only the essentials in the room, Maximus lead Serah to a prepared sitting room that over looked the garden. The room had no doors but was enclosed on three sides. It was a measure of modesty for unmarried couples. Evelyn and Francis would find themselves in this very room when Maximus sat down with Francis' parents to arrange their marriage, if they made it to that.

The King smiled at his reluctant fiancé. "Lady Serah, you must have a dozen questions and a thousand fears, but I can assue you, you are safe and very much welcome in my court. I am ever grateful that you have agreed to consider my proposal and as such I am at your beck and call, as are all the people of my home." He flicked his eyes at Nyoka who was no doubt nearby. "All of them. But enough chatter from me." He smiled charmingly. "Please, ask me anything. I wish to put you at ease."


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Content to have Robert give a nod of acknowledgement, Bastian turned on his heel and set off down the hall at a hurried pace. As little as he liked to place his trust in others, he knew that Robert, as well as the other Kingsguard, was reliable-- and the captain took a small amount of solace in that. There was only so much he could do on his own-- especially in this body.

Swift steps silently carried the knight through the long corridors as he checked to ensure that the other posted guards had been unaffected by the early-morning incident. All seemed to be well, which was all the more infuriating. First he catches word of palace guards being bribed from the posts, now this? How had no one taken note of these wolves? True, Bastian had arrived in time to see only fading shadows, but a part of him knew by the disquieted stirrings that it had been those that called themselves "The Pack."

And what of Maximus? Why had the man gone out unaccompanied and unarmed? A mild feeling of guilt prodded his mind as he questioned his King's actions, but surely he had known it was a fool's errand! Walking about the grounds alone-- with Northerners set to arrive in court!

Having reached the great hall, Bastian was not surprised to find it empty, save for a serving girl who was stoking a growing fire in the large hearth. The sky was still dark and many were probably still sleeping, or just waking to begin their morning work. It hadn't been on fault on the serving staff that these instances had occurred, but they were to be made aware of the potential threat. Calling the girl to him, Bastian gave her instruction to pass along orders of extreme care. Should anything seem amiss, anything at all, it was to be reported immediately. He would, of course, speak to the Victorians to assure that all were made aware of the severity of his orders.

Dismissing the serving girl as Robert approached with the Kingsguard, the Knight-Commander could only be pleased with their promptness and he gave Robert a small nod. They, no doubt, had questions-- and Bastian only wished he had more answers to give. For now, however, he needed to address his concerns over security.

"Yes," he said quietly, "I cannot yet disclose the details surrounding the instance, but our guests paid an early visit to the gardens this morning." He did not yet want to lay accusations on the Northerners, but he doubted that he needed to specify which guests for the Kingsguard to know his meaning. "Palace guards were found unconscious at their posts and no alarm was raised." As he spoke, he flicked his cool gaze over each of them, his expression impassive. "I lay no blame on any of you, but the past days have seen the court guard quite lax. Everyone is to be on high alert at all times, and all patrols are to be doubled no matter the hour. I understand I am asking much of you, but it is imperative. I want no fewer than two Kingsguard at His Majesty's side at all times. The Princesses are to each have a constant escort as well, and there are to be no guests of any house, walking about the palace after hours. Should any further issues occur, you will be held accountable." Though his voice was hushed, it bore a sense of severity. "Dismissed."

Pausing for a moment to consider what Nyoka had told him about the palace guards accepting bribery, Bastian halted Robert before he turned to leave. "I'm sure the matter has already been addressed," he said, tired eyes locked with Robert's, "But the severity of the issue needs to be made clear. You may inform the palace guards that, should any further upsets occur that call into question their ability or loyalty, they will be forcibly removed." Perhaps it was fatigue or his irritation with himself, but Bastian allowed himself a slight snarl as he murmured the last word. Uncharacteristic, perhaps, but not uncalled for. He would hear no excuses about any further breaches of security in the palace. "Thank you," he concluded, again turning from the man to vanish down the corridor leading to the Victorian's quarters.


By the time noon had rolled around, Bastian had made his rounds and spoken to both the Victorians and the palace guard. No doubt the men were tired of hearing from the Kingsguard, but the point seemed to have been driven home quite soundly and the guards about the court had taken up a look of resolute determination. When he'd gone to address the Falcons, the captain found that Maximus had already been to see them and had discussed the early-morning occurrence. It was a mild relief-- though it did little to ease his growing apprehension.

The Northerners had, thus far, proven amiable-- to a degree. Given, Bastian had yet to encounter Bjarke or the so-called "Pack," but many of the men seemed content enough to walk about the palace without taking up arms, and Bastian had returned to the great hall before Maximus was to address the court. When the King finally graced the court, wearing his finest, Bastian moved to stand near the high table, one hand resting on the pommel of his sword, heavy eyes fixed on the man's form. A slight stir and the sound of a familiar voice, however, quickly drew his attention and the captain had to suppress the desire to drag the witch away from the Northern maiden.

What in the name of Gods and Demons was the woman doing?! The fool was going to get herself run through one day, and it would be no one's fault but her own!

The disruption, thankfully, ended well enough and the captain again turned his attention to those around the court as Maximus began his address, taking in the waiting faces with a keen scrutiny. His attention, however, was immediately drawn back to the King at his sudden announcement.

Take another bride? Her?

Piercing eyes darted to Serah then back to Maximus as the knight stared at the King, expressionless.

The she-wolf, sister to Bjarke? The man would sooner kill the Fairways than look at them!

The sudden news stung the captain like a blade through his chest-- he had never expected the man to remarry after Laurelai. Of course, the King was entitled to his desires and Bastian had never been one to consider feelings of envy, but the fact that he had been kept in the dark about such a decision was what cut deepest. No expression of this would be made, however. It was not his decision to make. He could only assume that there was sound reason behind Maximus' arrangement-- and it was his place to serve, support, and trust in his King.

What, though, would motivate him to make such a seemingly reckless decision?
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Serah smelled her before she saw her. A wild looking woman who looked like a witch from a childrens tale. As she spoke Serah stiffened and stared straight ahead. It was obvious the witch was just trying to rattle her. Well she was already rattled enough.

"You have a way of putting things that seem like a compliment but sound like an insult," she said with the quiet dignity she was known for. The witch would soon learn that she was not one to be intimidated so easily, at least not by a woman such as her.

Finally the king himself appeared. Serah had to admit he was handsome and the confidence in his face said he knew just how handsome he was. She bowed to him and prayed her hand was not shaking too much when he took it in his and kissed it. She felt a mild panic when he led her to a sitting area where they could be alone. She had not seen her brother yet. But she took hold of herself quickly. He would not harm her already, not when they weren't even married yet and certainly not with so many witnesses.

He wanted questions from her it seemed and indeed she did have several, but none that she wanted to share with him. They would seem ridiculous to him. Perhaps instead she should address what he had no doubt been told about her arrival.

"I apologize your grace," she said, bowing her head and peering up at him with her cool blue eyes. "I pray you are not offended that I seemed... downhearted when I arrived," she said, choosing her words carefully. "I feel I owe you an explination. You see, before we left Nacht's Reach, I was attacked in my chamber by those who blame me for my last husband's death. My maid Johana... she was only 14 years old... she lost her life in saving mine," Serah found her eyes stinging at the memory. "As her Lady it was my duty, my responsibility, to protect her. I failed. I watched the life drain from her eyes."

Serah clenched her hands in her lap and looked down. "I can't forgive myself. Not yet. Her blood is on my hands," she looked up at him again. "Please believe I am flattered that you would consider me. I will endeavor to improve my mood around you, but if I seem sad that is the reason." Well partly, she added to herself but not trusting him enough to go fully into the other things that troubled her.

"The only anxieties I have is my worthiness to be the bride of a king. I know how to run a household, to be a Lady and hold lands and govern people, but being a queen? I fear I will disappoint you greatly. I know I am not... what you are used to having," she said delicately. "I am sure a Northern woman's beauty pales against a Southerners. And your daughters. I could never replace their mother and indeed I would never want to try such a thing. I lost my mother at an early age. I fear I will disappoint them as well with my presence and lack of knowledge of how to be a mother-like figure. I cannot promise to be the best wife and queen, but I can promise I will try."

And really that was all she could promise. If she disappointed him in some way there was nothing she could do about it. She couldn't and wouldn't change herself to fit someone else's idea of what she needed to be, not even for the king.
As the Knight Commander briefed the Knights, the group listened intently. His voice echoed in the now empty hall, only adding further to the severe atmosphere and tone of the speech. It didn't surprise Robert much to hear of the palace guard's second failing in their duties. He was simply disappointed. After all, where they failed was where the knights would have to succeed - in addition to maintaining all of their other duties. Although, Robert had to admit a small a bit of joy at being given the permission to bring the issue up with them. If they could stamp out the incompetency then they may just survive the summer with no mortalities... just maybe. Robert watched as Bastian stormed away out of the hall. It was clear the commander was stressed, something he would have to do something about at some point. However, for the meantime, there was a job to do.

The day was an early start to say the least. Robert made use of the extra time and the news of the break-in to do a full patrol of the castle, scouting the potential entry points and the danger zones should they be attacked. It was a defensible place. In the case of an emergency it seemed best to get the King and his daughters to the King's chambers where they could hold the corridor. At least the building was in their favour. The literal pack of Northerners hungry for southern blood certainly were not.


When noon broke, Robert had found himself strategically placed by the pillar at which he loitered on the first night, bags heavy under his eyes. Looking across the room, he noticed both Arren and Rikhen suffering from the same level of exhaustion, both struggling to maintain perfect concentration. He stood smartly, back straight and his hands resting on the pommel of his blade as he scanned the crowd. When Serah emerged, it was the first time he had seen her. She was followed by an envoy of servants and Northern soldiers so she stood out radiantly. She was quite beautiful, not at all what he had expected her to be with the things he had heard about her brother. As she walked forward to present herself before the king, an aura of trepidation surrounded her. She was nervous, that was clear to see. Whether it was her betrothal to King, the pressure of the audience or something else was an unknown factor, though. Robert watched and the King gave his speech. It was a speech typical of Maximus. Always coming complete with a small jest to which the nobles of the room would laugh slightly too much at.

The whole affair was over quite quickly and as the band struck up a jaunty tune the knights peeled from their positions. Robert was in the centre as they formed a semi-circle, separating the guests of honour and royalty from the rest. "CLEAR THE HALL!" he commanded as the group began to usher everyone outside. It wasn't at all a violent call or maneuver but authoritative enough that everyone knew what was required of them. Rikhen took his post by the door to make sure no adventurous guests slipped back inside and more importantly to make sure the palace guards there accepted no bribes. Arren and Robert were assigned to the personal protection of the King so as the rest moved outside with the guests they remained in the hall. Following behind the king, the two took up positions at the edge of the room so as to give the couple their privacy in conversation but also provide protection. Playing the sentry guard was seeming to become the day's theme.

The conversation was a lot more serious than Robert had anticipated. It seemed that the trepidation the Lady Serah had carried before was pure nerves. The topic came as a shock to both knights in attendance, causing both Arren and Robert to share a mutual glance of confusion. It was only so quick that none would notice the slip in discipline but it was there. Although, there was little that Robert could say. He had little experience in romance and courtly romance, especially one so political, was a different game entirely.

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It was the third day of court and Marcella Petri found herself in quite the predicament. Hilda had refused to loan her the dress for a third day, insisting that too much exposure would loosen the dress's threading. Perhaps on any other day Marcella would have been able to pass as a monk or a passing priestess with her tunic but today was to be the date of a special dinner hosted by the king. What with the rumours of his pagan worship flying around Marcella was sure her regular clothes would cause too much attention to be drawn to her. Although there was a church in the grounds Marcella had noticed it to be almost barren, further making her tunic an unviable choice. What was she to do?

"Think Marcella, think." Her eyes scanned her room desperately, looking for anything that could be interpreted as high end fashion. The mirror provided her with the clue for an unexpected answer – she could go as a man. Marcella brushed her fingers against her buzz-cut as she squinted into the dirty glass. It was softer than the usual man's but she'd often crossdressed in Terenzio's company and gotten away with it. Her voice could be a problem but when all the other pieces of the puzzle fit in place, Marcella felt it was unlikely that it would give her away. It was definitely a wrench in her plans however as now she would have to renegade on her plan of gossiping with the other nobles.

It was noon when Marcella was finally finished preparing herself. Her skin still stung painfully from her obsessive hair removal but the armour she wore hid the red skin rather nicely. To make her disguise more authentic she had nicked herself on the chin, reminiscent of a shaving accident. She strapped her schiavona to her belt but left her shield behind, careful not to bring any Vatican symbols to court. Her chest was bound tightly and although Marcella didn't have the biggest of bosoms it still made her miss her flowing tunics. Swinging her arms, Marcella marched off downstairs and out the door ignoring Hilda's choked gasp.

"Okay. Let's go over it once again. You're a simple escort for Lady Maria of House Altieri. If anyone asks, you've lost her in the crowd. She is after all, extremely excited to meet the King in person. What's that Marcella? Your name? Let's see… Dante Antolini. That's good. You're the newly appointed escort which should explain your uh, control over the lady." Marcella rubbed her rosary beads under her chainmail and took a deep breath before joining in the festivities for another day.

The first thing she noticed was the chill in the room along with the many strangers amongst those she'd seen for the past few days. They looked a fierce and rugged peoples, a completely different race from those in the South. Marcella paid no more further attention to it however as the King began to speak. A marriage? She wasn't sure what that signified for the nation but one thing was for sure – there would be many loose tongues by the end of the celebrations, perfect for her mission. She stuck to the outskirts of the crowd as they were ushered into the gardens, mulling over her options in her mind.
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"So it is true then, Francis? I heard of your ride yesterday but I dismissed it as idle court gossip. You and a Fairway princess, who would've thought?" Charlie raised one eyebrow as he looked down at Amelia, who was gaping at her uncle in shock, asking her, "How about you take your brother and cousin to explore the castle? Ask one of the servants to show you around or perhaps one of the guards. I believe the beautiful Lady Serah is somewhere around here. I'm sure she could use some company before meeting the king." Amelia looked up at her father's older cousin, nodding slowly before running out the door with her brother and cousin. Charlie knew court wasn't a place for children to roam but this wasn't a child's matter, this was quickly turning into a political matter. Folding his arms across his chest, he leaned against the night stand, awaiting his cousin's response. Francis Clayburn and Evelyn Fairway were a peculiar match indeed, but this would give the north an upper hand. The eldest Clayburn figured Francis hadn't thought that through but Charlie already had and a plan was already formulating in his head.

"You must be a god damned idiot, brother. Getting involved with the royal family? Do you mean to bring utter destruction to our family? You may have gotten out of your marriage with that Heiser girl but our future queen? The mountains can't protect you forever." Bellamy pinched the bridge of his nose as he began pacing the room. Looking up to his brother's disheveled look and how he shied away from the little amount of sunlight in the room, he asked, "Late night, huh? Was it the princess or some noble whore? I would assume the latter but your tastes lately have surprised me. Perhaps you won't even make it to an engagement. Perhaps you'll screw up this one like the last one because that's all the you do Francis!"

"Bell, calm down. Yelling won't solve any of our problems. The Northern houses need to be present when Lady Serah is presented to the king. How will it make us look if we aren't there in a place where they already despise us? We mustn't lose our heads. We all must remember that we are in enemy territory." John closed the door once he was finished speaking, praying that no one passing the door had over heard what had just been said. He knew at least some guards had heard but if they knew what was good for them they'd stay silent. Running his fingers through his hair, he leaned against the now closed door, saying, "How about we let Francis speak? It seems we have all gotten our shock and anger out of the way. Surely our brother has an explanation for this."

Francis watched as his brother motioned for him to begin speaking but for once Francis was at a loss of words. How was he supposed to say that Evelyn wasn't another one of his many conquests? He genuinely liked her even if they still barely knew each other. Maybe his family had other opinions on the royal family but were they so bad after all? Well maybe they were but he would save that argument for another day. Taking in a deep breath, Francis moved to the other side of the room to stay as far away from his siblings and cousin as possible. He would rather not take a candlestick holder to the head with hot wax still in it, again. That was also another story for another day. Reopening the window to let the cool summer air in, he said, "I was drunk and perhaps I persuaded Evelyn in a not so gentleman way but I have good intentions for our family. I can assure all of you that. Evelyn naively trusts me anyway and don't we want a northerner on the throne? Why not it be me? I'm the least suspecting, right?" Francis may have told a slight lie but this was what his family wanted to hear right? Their family came first especially since battles were being fought within their own house.

Elizabeth narrowed her eyes as she listened to her brother. She would die before she had a niece or a nephew of both northern and southern decent. She would die before her brother became king. Everyone knew of her son now, so how would that make Francis look in front of the eyes of the Vatican and the world? They were known to be openly pagan, how would this end well for anyone? Pushing herself off of the wall she had been leaning on, Elizabeth went to the door, opening and closing it without a word. She needed to collect her thoughts before she spoke to any of her brothers or her cousin. Walking down the hallway a ways, she noticed the way some of the women snickered when she walked past but for the life of her she couldn't figure out why. Finally she looked down and realized she had been bombarded by her family before she had had time to change out of her nightgown. With red cheeks, she turned around but not before bumping into a large man. Stumbling back slightly, she muttered, "I apologize-" Looking up, she cut herself off, quickly realizing who it was, "Bjarke! I'm so happy to see you!" Throwing her arms around the man, she embraced him in a tight hug, a smile on her lips.


The four men didn't stay in Elizabeth's room long after their sister rushed out and they all left without a single word to one another. Francis felt dirty from whatever had happened the night before and quickly went to bath and change. He figured by the time he was finished all of his family would once again be busy with matters other than their own so as silent and quick as he could he went to find Evelyn. He wanted to tell her what had happened the night before but was the back lash worth the risk? He wasn't sure but maybe he could ease her into it. No, that wouldn't work, even he knew that. When he finally made it to Evelyn's room, he noticed that there were more guards than the last time he had visited. Bowing his head in respect, he asked, "May I speak with her royal highness?"


It didn't take long for Bellamy to find his way to where many of the noble men and women were congregated. He recognized many of the faces but he wasn't that interested in striking up a conversation. In all honesty, he just wanted to wish both Maximus and Serah a good marriage then make his way back to the mountains. He had no interest for courtly affairs and hated that he had to be there. Out of the corner of his eye, Bellamy couldn't help but to notice Nyoka. The woman had always left a sour taste in his mouth but something compelled his feet to move towards her. When he was close enough, he asked, "Should you be speaking to the wolf's sister in such a matter? I'm on good terms with Bjarke and still fear for my life."


It didn't take long for the three children to rain terror upon the nobles. In their eyes they weren't doing anything wrong but for everyone else, it wasn't fun. Running into the gardens, the three children pumped into a woman what appeared to be a man, tumbling to the ground beside her. Looking up at the woman, Amelia made the remark, "I haven't seen you before." Continuing her gaze up at Marcella, she helped both little Bellamy and Charles up from the ground.

"Amelia Elizabeth Clayburn and Charles Arthur Clayburn! When I get my hands on the two of you..." John trailed off in his fit of rage as he neared Marcella and the children. Glancing to Marcella in suspicion, he asked, "Are you a guard for the king?"


Charlie made his way to the great hall in time to spot Eira. Making his way to her, he weaved through the crown of gossiping men and women. When he was within arms length, he gently touched her arm, hoping not to startle her as he asked, "Would you like to take a stroll in the gardens to make up for not going on our ride yesterday?" Normally Charlie wouldn't have bothered with asking her to go into the gardens, they were his least favorite place after all, but maybe he could overhear some court gossip that he could use to his advantage. Glancing to Rawlen, he bowed his head in respect, a small smile on his lips.
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"Evelyn. Wake up darling."

The princess groaned her protest as her eyes slid open, each feeling like a ten pound weight was attached. She whimpered as the dim sunlight immediately assaulted her pounding head, reminding her of just how much she and Francis had drank the night before. Last night's ball had been dull after Eira had gone up to bed. So she and Francis had danced and laughed and drank…She inspected herself under the covers and was relieved to find she was still in her party dress. She shifted her lower body and found no strangeness or discomfort which meant they hadn't done anything stupid (well at least they hadn't done anything too carnal) which was a very good thing. She blinked hard though and she looked around. He was no where to be found…had he left before Dame Noria showed up or…?


Suddenly remembering that someone had woken her, she turned to find her father sitting on the edge of her bed. She smiled at him, despite the pounding headache. "Father." Maximus scooted closer to her. "I need to update you on what's going on." She rubbed her eyes and nodded. "Aren't the Northerners arriving today?" The king nodded and reached over to push some of his daughter's sleep wild locks from her face. "And I'm taking one of them as a wife…" Evelyn stilled and stared at him, all traces of sleep fog in her eyes disappearing. "What?" Over the next hour as the sun crept up the sky, Maximus explained everything from his reasoning to his fears to the events of the early morning. She was quiet through the whole presentation. "So if I marry another Northerner….we will have a much better relation to the north. Or at least more business there." Maximus nodded. "This is no threat to your throne and I will not push back your coronation but I thought you should know. Should I end up dead, you can execute Bjarke on my post mortem order." Evelyn smiled and nodded, crawling over to lay her head on Maximus' shoulder. "Be careful father. The night is dark…" "And full of terrors, yes." (SHAMELESS GOT RIP OFF I AINT EVEN FEEL BAD CUZ IT'S A BADASS LINE) Maximus stood up and placed a kiss on Evelyn's forehead before excusing himself.

The princess flopped back on the bed and groaned. Leave it to her father to complicate everything. She pulled herself up into a sitting position then managed to stumble to the door. She poked her head out and pointed at her favorite mute servant girl. "A hot bath, immediately." The girl scurried off to prepare the bathing room a few doors down. The princess got out of her heavy party gown and into a robe.


By the time she was done bathing and having her hair washed and combed and returned to her room, it was nearly noon. Luckily it wasn't rude of her not to attend Serah's being presented to her father. She glanced up when Dame Noria poked her head in, offering a maternal smile. The older woman walked over to where Evelyn sat pouring over a map of Vanqland, color coded by which pieces of land belonged to which families. It was clear she was interested in Nacht's Reach and the Clayburn's lands. Noria nodded at her and patted Evelyn's shoulder. "You'll be a wonderful Queen m'lady." Evelyn smiled. "Thank you." Noria nodded and glanced over her shoulder. "The same handsome young man you stumbled in here last night with is outside and very much wants to speak with you." Evelyn flushed and nodded. "Send him in. Be ready to throw him out at a moment's notice." She smiled to show she was teasing and Noria laughed and nodded. "He's lucky Jon Auckland is taking a piss. He'd probably do a full cavity search on the boy." Evelyn giggled and waved her off.

"You can go in pretty boy. Bring flowers or chocolates next time." Noria winked at him and motioned for the other guards to step aside.

Evelyn stayed at her desk but offered Francis a smile. "I missed you this morning though my father came for a visit, so perhaps it's for the best."

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Marcella's first thought was that of dwarf performers with a little too much wine in their heads. She lurched forwards as the three strangers barreled into her legs, almost joining them into the sprawled pile. She scowled, annoyed at herself and them for letting a crack slip through her disguise - she'd let out a rather feminine sounding "oof". Now that Marcella could see her miniature assailants clearly she could see that they were just children. She awkwardly attempted to lend them a hand in getting back up before the girl confronted her with a "I haven't seen you before".

It was a innocuous comment, nothing more than a observation from the child but it made Marcella freeze in her movements. You're not very good at this, are you Marcella? She forced herself to smile and adopted a lower voice. "Nor I you. Are you alright?" She straightened up as she heard another man approach and judging from his tirade, he knew the children personally. Clayburns? The name tugged at her memory. She seemed to recall meeting another holding that name but right now Marcella could not remember who it was.

It seemed as if her disguise was attracting more attention than she'd thought. Either that or she'd mistaken the exclusivity of the King's invitations - nearly everyone she'd met had asked her who she was. "A Kingsguard? No sir, of course not. I am merely an escort for my Lady Maria - someone who I should be looking for right this moment. Now, if you'll excuse me..." Marcella trailed off, waiting for any further inquiries before she set off on her way. Children were often said to see things that adults could not and Marcella didn't want them giving her away.
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Nyoka chuckled at Serah's response. She wasn't entirely good at playing those types it games, it seemed...her gaze slid around the great hall and fastened itself onto Bastian, who was looking at her in a state of frank disbelief..and was that a bit of hurt she spied? Did he not know about the bride? Evidently not; Nyoka had a knack for finding things out before others. She sauntered over to the guard captain, a look of smug pride on her face. "If it makes ya feel any better, I kissed 'er hand first." she murmured, grinning.

"Now I gotta burn dese lips...What a path-et-ic excuse for a wo'mon. Some Northern porcelain doll who can't even smile. If she be t'inking that she can replace Lorelai...Pftahahah! I wouldn't t'ink much of it, Bastian, she's just another baby-maker for Maxie." continued Nyoka, her glare so seething it could've burnt holes through Serah's veil. That glare slipped to Maximus as he stared at her, and for the briefest of moments, the two of them locked eyes and Nyoka plainly gave him a "We-need-to-talk" expression before he looked back at his precious new wife.

"Good job on de guards, though; if it makes ya feel any better, at least you know dat snake of a wo'mon isn't gonna be able to poison Maxie." sighed the foreigner in her thick, exotic tones. She finished stuffing her bread into her mouth with the complete lack of grace that one would become accustomed to seeing around Nyoka and looked across the emptied Great Hall, an expression of boredom soon washing over her features. She had lost her plaything - Maximus stole it from her - and now she had no way to cause trouble, which just left her with the option of stopping trouble before it starts. She looked over expectantly at Bastian, waiting for him to respond.
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