Ghost Isle Boarding School (OOC Thread)

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Working on mine as we speak :)

Probably won't have them up until tonight so if I have planned entrances with you it won't be until than.
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It is a lot of work to message all of you guys, so I'm just gonna put this in a REEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLYY long post xD


Best Friends with Geo and Axel
Friends with Cordelia, Ariane
Neutral with Angelica and Catherine

Friends with Catherine Lee,
Neutral with Cordelia, Geo, Axel

Enemies with Angelica

Best Friends with Axel
Friends with Ariane, Cordelia
Neutral with Angelica, Catherine
Crushing on Geo

Best Friends with Ariane
Friends with Cordelia, Axel, Geo

Neutral with Catherine,
Enemies with Angelica
Crushing on Ariane

Friends with Axel, Cordelia, Ariane
Neutral with Geo, Catherine,
Enemies with Angelica

Friends with Catherine, Axel
Neutral with Ariane
Enemies with Geo, Angelica, Cordelia

Friends with Geo, Cordelia, Angelica, Axel, Ariane
Neutral with Catherine

Friends with Catherine, Axel, Ariane
Neutral with Cordelia
Enemies with Angelica

@Poisoned Rose
Best Friends with Cara
Friends with Saphira
Neutral with Christian

Friends with Christian
Neutral with Saphira, Cara

Best Friends with Christian
Friends with Cara
Neutral with Saphira

Friends with Cara
Neutral with Christian, Saphira

Friends with Cara
Neutral with Christian
Enemies with Saphira

Friends with Christian
Enemies with Saphira, Cata

Friends with Cara, Saphira
Neutral with Christian

Best Friends with Cara
Friends with Christian
Neutral with Saphira

Best Friends with Rayne

Neutral with Rayne

Neutral with Rayne

Friends with Rayne

Friends with Rayne

Crushing on Rayne

Friends with
Neutral with
Enemies with

Best Friends with Rayne


Neutral with Rayne

Friends with Valentina, Duncan,
Neutral with Summer-Raye, Monte
Enemies with Bianca, Aiden,

Best Friends with Bianca
Friends with Duncan, Monte
Neutral with Valentina

Enemies with Summer-Raye, Aiden

Best Friends with Aiden, Monte
Friends with Bianca, Duncan, Summer-Raye
Neutral with Valentina,

Friends with Valentina, Duncan, Monte, Summer-Raye
Neutral with Bianca, Aiden

Friends with Valentina, Duncan
Neutral with Monte, Summer-Raye
Enemies with Aiden, Bianca

Best Friends with Bianca,
Friends with Summer-Raye, Monte, Duncan
Neutral with Valentina

Crushing on Aiden

Friends with Valentina, Duncan
Neutral with Summer-Raye, Monte
Enemies with Aiden, Bianca,

Best Friends Valentina,
Friends with Duncan, Monte
Neutral with Aiden, Summer-Raye, Bianca

Best Friends with Ben, Dianna,
Friends with Jordan,
Neutral with Robert
Enemies with Valerie

Friends with Valerie, Robert
Neutral with Ben, Dianna

Crushing on Jordan

Best Friends with Jordan
Friends with Ben, Dianna
Neutral with Robert, Valarie

Best Friends with Ben
Friends with Dianna, Jordan

Neutral with Robert
Enemies with Valerie

Best Friends with Ben
Friends with Dianna
Neutral with Jordan, Robert
Enemies with Valerie

Best Friends with Valerie (soon to be enemies with what we have planned)
Friends with Robert, Jordan

Enemies with Ben, Dianna

Best Friends with Ben, Dianna
Friends with Jordan, Robert

Enemies with Valerie

Best Friends with Ben
Friends with Dianna, Jordan
Neutral with Robert, Valarie

Best Friends with Claudia, Rosalie,
Friends with Iris, Adrianna
Neutral with Nyxan, Asheron

Best Friends with Nyxan
Friends with Adrianna, Iris, Asheron
Neutral with Claudia, Rosalie

Enemies with

Best Friends with Nyxan (hoping they could have that "we tell each other practically everything. I'm always there for you" relationship)
Friends with Asheron, Iris, Adrianna, Rosalie
Neutral with Claudia

Best Friends with Rosalie, Iris
Friends with Claudia, Asheron, Adrianna

Neutral with Nyxan

Friends with Rosalie, Claudia
Neutral with Asheron (maybe Ash is a bit uneasy about him dating his sister?), Adrianna
Enemies with Nyxan

Crushing on Iris

Best Friends with Nyxan
Friends with Asheron, Adrianna, Iris (wouldn't be friends with her if it wasn't for her shy side. Iris reminds her a lot of her past self)
Enemies with Claudia, Rosalie (most likely hates her because she's so pretty)

Best Friends with Iris
Friends with Adrianna, Rosalie, Claudia
Neutral with Asheron, Nyxan

Friends with Iris, Rosalie, Claudia
Neutral with Adrianna, Asheron, Nyxan

@Wonderful Thing (We went through this but might as well do it again. And so Shay has them too)
Friends with Cory, Danika, Artair
Neutral with Xiomara

Friends with Cory
Neutral with Xiomara, Danika, Artair

Friends with Xiomara, Artair
Neutral with Cory, Danika

Friends with Cory, Xiomara, Artair
Neutral with Danika

Friends with Danika, Xiomara
Neutral with Cory, Artair

Friends with Cory
Neutral with Xiomara, Artair
Enemies with Danika

Friends with Cory, Xiomara, Danika, Artair

Friends with Cory
Neutral with Danika, Artair
Crushing on Xiomara

Best Friends with Jade, Warren
Friends with Lucifer, Keaton, Samara
Enemies with Evan

Best Friends with
Friends with Lucifer

Neutral with Samara

Best Friends with Keaton
Friends with Lucifer, Jade, Warren Samara

Best Friends with
Friends with Evan, Jade, Warren, Keaton

Neutral with Samara

Family with Jade, Evan
Friends with Warren, Samara
Neutral with Keaton

Friends with Warren
Enemies with Jade, Samara

Best Friends with Samara
Friends with Evan, Jade, Warren, Keaton

Friends with Evan, Jade, Warren, Keaton, Samara
Perfecto xD

Besties With Valerie Of Course (Kind of like Mean Girls, Val is Regina and Bianca would be dumbass Karen xD)
Enemies with Alexandria
Best Friends with Alysette
Friends with Jeydon
Tolerant of Olivia
Hates Genesis
Doesn't care for Declan
I kind of think Bianca would like Stella, just because she seems like a cool chick.

Besties with Nyxan
Dating Asheron
Friends with iris (Can not have her boyfriend's sister not liking her xD)
Enemies for life with Claudia
Friends with Adrianna, because Bianca loves mummies... spirits and all.
Bianca doesn't even know who Rosalie is so yeah xD

Doesn't like Cordelia, popular or not... they would not mesh well toegether.
Bianca would like Catherine, but would feel some type of way about her calling herself "Queen", since evryone knows Valerie Owens is the Queen
Angelica... scared of the dark, so yeah Bianca would stay far away from a damn Nightmare xD
Axel, friends with him... thinking he is very funny.
Bianca would love Ariane
Wouldn't like Danny at all
Probably would rather put a Hex on Geo than talk to her... enemies for sure

@Poisoned Rose
Cara, Bianca would think she is pretty... that's about it, she wouldn't hang with her.
Friends with Christian, would think he was hot... but she has a boyfriend so yeah xD
Would like Saphira, she would want to learn more about dragons... maybe learn a new magical skill^^

Just nope... Rayne is like oil and Banca is like water, so no friendship nope.

Ha! Dianna, nope. Bianca would hate Dianna with a passion.
Friends with Valerie, until are plan comes into work, than she'll be picking her best friend's side of course.
Friends with Jordan
Scared of Benjamin
Best friends with Robert

@Wonderful Thing
I think Bianca would like Cory a lot, seeing as she sometimes have moments when people are like "seriously?" so they could have that in common xD, best friends.
Bianca would be friends with Danika, because Witch Code... so as long as she doesn't try and use her magic on Bianca.
Would like Artair, would want to mold him into a Pop xD
Would hate Xiomara, just would hate her.

Would be terrfied of Lucifer... just the name alone.
Best Witch Friend with Jade of course
Friends with Evan
Would be friendly with Warren... but would be terrified of him
Would like Keaton a lot
Probably would want to bind Samara to a wall... so no friendship there


Crushing on Valerie of course
Friends with Jeydon
Hates Stella
Cool with Olivia
Neutral with Alysette... being that she's crushin on his best bro... can't really hit on her xD.... wouldn't know that she doesn't like him.
Doesn't like Genesis at all
Hates Declan... would fry the boy if he has the chance.
Hates Alexandria

Friends with Nyxan
Close friends with Asheron, his other best bud.
Thinks Iris is hot, so friends XD
Hates Claudia
Thinks Adrianna is hot, friends
Doesn't like Rosalie at all

Cool with Cordelia
Likes Catherine... she's hot to him
Doesn't even know who Angelica is... so yeah
Friends with Axel
Friends with Ariane
Not friends with Danny
If Geo was a dude, Aiden would punch her in the face

Hates werewolves... so enemies for that and other reasons

@Poisoned Rose
Would think Cara is a hot freak... so friends xD
Friends with Christian
Neutral towards Saphira, that's about it.

Hates Dianna
Doesn't know Valerie yet... so neutral, until he starts to notice her xD
Best Bros with Jordan
Hates Benjamin
Friends with Robert

@Wonderful Thing
Would hate Danika
Friends with Cory... kind of, only when he's not being wierd
Neutral with Artair, since he doesn't really know him
Would compare Xiomara to a werewolf, so he wouldn't like her.

Would be cool with Lucifer, in an odd way. Frenemies maybe.
Would flirt with Jade, so friends.
Cool with Evan
Friends with Warren
Neutral with Samara


Would hate Valerie... wanting to beat her head in.
Good friends with Stella
Besties with Olivia, would be The Troublesome Duo xD
Hates Alysette... just because she would be annoying to Valentina, not as much as Valerie but close.
Okay with Jeydon, not like the other assholes.
Friends with Genesis
Declan could be Valentina's best guy friend
Uhh... hell yes best friends with Alexandria

Good friends with Rayne

Would love Geo
OKay friends with Cordelia
Friends with Angelica... since they both would probably have bad reps around the school
Hates Catherine... thinks she is a conceited bitch.
Friends with Axel
Friends with Ariane
Friends with Danny

Hates Nyxan
Best Friends with Claudia
Hates Asheron
Hates Iris
Friends with Rosalie
Neutral with Adrianna

@Poisoned Rose
Friends with Cara, the whole Siren connection
Friends with Saphira
Hates Christian

Dating Dianna
Friends with Benjamin
Hates Jordan
Hates Valerie
Hates Robert

@Wonderful Thing
Friends with Danika
Friends with Xiomara
Friends with Artair
Neutral towards Cory

Would have a crush on Lucifer... don't tell Dianna xD
Friends with Jade
Neutral with Evan
Friends with Samara, good friends
Hates Warren


@Little_Ghost98 @Shayla @IceQueen @UnboundDestiny @Huntress @Autumn_Burns_Red @Wonderful Thing @Poisoned Rose
Duncan would be friends with everyone, or neutral... no enemies.
He would be crushing on Danny of course and Cory xD


@Little_Ghost98 @Shayla @IceQueen @UnboundDestiny @Huntress @Autumn_Burns_Red @Wonderful Thing @Poisoned Rose
Would be friends with everyone... she's new so probably wouldn't know anyone. I guess Alysette wouldn't like her? xD


@Little_Ghost98 @Shayla @IceQueen @UnboundDestiny @Huntress @Autumn_Burns_Red @Wonderful Thing @Poisoned Rose
Would be friends with everyone... who could hate this Southern Gentleman... who's a secret Hellhound

@UnboundDestiny and @Shayla
I think Monte would be close friends with Dianna, Valerie, Jordan, Claudia , being that your father is Hades and he is a Hellhound... maybe they know he is one, and they try to keep him calm, knowing that he can get crazy if he turns. And maybe he could be the one to tell Claudia about the Cerberus Triplets? More drama, but he wouldn't know it would cause drama.

@Wonderful Thing
Dating Danika... the witch who made him the Talisman that keeps his transformation in control.

I think that is everyone... I think, let me know if I missed anyone.
@Shayla @Shayla @Shayla just so I know you will be tagged in here... there you go my relationships finally xD

And Posted^^
Hashtag of the day #FuckedUpLoveShape xD
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Mine will be up in a few and in advance I will apologize for some of their length's :D

Also yes and yes to the Monte bit @Shattered♦Secrets™ :)
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And my posts are at last up!

It wouldn't let me tag so I'm sorry , Peeps!

Now time to take a small breather from writing.. Whew.
No worries, nothing like a bit of reading to pass the time xD
You said something earlier about my popular and yours possibly having something. Still want to work it out?
Posted! However, still gotta do the friendship Guide. Will do sometime tomorrow, but if you want to specify a friendship between my charries and yours before I get around to doing the guide requests feel free to!
GUYS!!! Ghost still has to do dorms! I'll be starting on those when I get my posts finished
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Are the dorms being fully re-done?

I'm only asking cause my first post heavily relies on the dorms... :/
See you all when I get back, before I go to sleep lol.
Oh, I thought you meant my popular girl Valerie. XD

Unfortunately, I have a thing planned for all my characters already :(
*Sighs heavily* This is why I hate being busy
Are the dorms being fully re-done?

I'm only asking cause my first post heavily relies on the dorms... :/
Rayne is still in the same room. I kept pretty much everything the same except for where I had to rearrange just a bit
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