Getting to Know You

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If you had to live in a world of never ending Day or never ending Night Which would you choose and why?
Night because I have every sensitive eyes and I have always prefer the night! :3

What do you think is the difference in a cupcake and a muffin and why?
The amount of sugar and the icing, because a cupcake without icing is still sweeter then a muffin

Have you ever had a food related nickname? If yes what was it? If no, do you wish you could and what would it be?
Ummmm actually yes it was Ichigo it means strawberry in Japan. The reason why is because one I have red hair two I LOVE strawberries three everyone says I act like one. . . -_- and four my Japanese friends and family can't say my name so they call me that and it just suck! C;

Weirdest or oddest thing you walked into it could be anything?
A group of dogs humping each other.......IT ACTUALLY HAPPEND D:

NYA or nay :)
My mom trying to explain what gay love is to my little sister it was funny as heck!!!! C: Something we all will never forget!

Ice cream or cookies?

Yaoi or Yuri?

If you could choose to be very good at cooking or very good at household repairs, which would you pick?
I already know how to cook, so I'd say household repairs. I wouldn't waste money on repair peeps.
What do you think of life?
I'll answer both! I love both sooo much but I think yaoi wins by a point. And Kitti cooking food more important! C; To fox I think of life as a game.
Kiss or hug which one do you prefer more and why?
I think life is what you make of it, whether it be good or bad. It's up to you and the people you allow into your life.

What is your biggest fear?
You didn't answer mine. ;-; But mine I don't know being a murder I guess. . . .>_>

If you could have a year supply of anything what would it be and why?
@Angel: It's hard to choose...I'll say both!! Because I like them both equally.
@Zen: My biggest fear is the dark... My imagination runs wild in the dark and my eyes trick me into thinking something is there when it really isn't. Like the time I saw a horrifying creature next to my bed when I woke up. I closed my eyes then opened them and not so much as a shadow was there.

What is your favorite Christmas song?
Baby it's cold outside first one that pop in my head!! :3
Would you rather live in a rubber room or metal room and why?
Rubber! I bet it'd be fun to run into the walls.

Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
Beach. Forever the beach.

What is your favorite underrated movie?
I have a lot howl's moving castle, spirit away, an plenty more.
Die from a stuff animal or a doll and why?
Stuffed animal. They're not as scary, and I feel like they'd be a lot nicer about the whole ordeal.

favorite fruit? least favorite vegetable?
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