Getting By OOC [Always Accepting]

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
*drops a plate full of RPs with questionable origins in front of you*

If anyone asks, you didn't get 'em from me *nods*
MissMaine is being slow, but she claims she'll be posting pretty quick.
Continue! Contribute! Add something to make sure we all go in the wrong direction!

By the way I'll be off after this week until Jan27. Will try to get on earlier but unlikely. Hope this is still around then.
Why the 27th? *head tilt while simultaneously patting Akumas back to make him feel better*
Doesn't term start around January 6th?
Not where I am. Spring semester doesn't kick off until Jan 27. It seems to keep getting later.
Well, I don't do winter. I do spring. Want some break between semesters.
I'm going to leave this RP. Time's become more precious, and I've kind of lost interest in this one. Have fun, you lot.
Well Fine! GO! WE-We never liked you anyway! Just go! *sobs hysterically into hands*

No really, that sucks though. So with one down, what now Silver?
Sorry. If you wish, I'll see if I can make one final post, saying my goodbyes to you or something :p
Name:Chloe Black
Appearance: Is extremely short, only hits about 5'4. Is usually seen wearing a plain T-shirt or tank top with ripped jeans, fingerless gloves and a cap. She owns two caps, A navy blue baseball cap and a engineers cap.Black combat boots are the only shoes ever on her feet.

Modifications Done:None
Weapons:Any explosives she can get her hands on, A Machine Pistol, A single dagger tucked into her boot, a pocket knife as a last resort.[/IMG]
Other: Mainly travels by foot.
Key Items: Rucksack(100 feet of paracord, An engraved pocket knife, One extra pair of cloths, Two bottles of water, A box of 'Meal cubes', A small med kit [One roll of bandages, a small stack of bandaids, antibacterial ointment, Burn ointment,] One half full box of ammo, A torn photograph from the late 1900's, she thinks it was her Great--- Grandparents.
History:---_--- Can I put this in later....My computer erased everything I had written.....

Appearance:Unusually tall, 6'4. Usually wears a black duster unless it is extremely hot.

Modifications Done: Implants in his ears amplify his hearing to three times that of a normal human.
Weapons: A shot gun is usually slung over his back, Shotgun shells run along his belt,duel pistol holsters on his hips, throwing knives are hidden in the sleeves of his duster, His favorite gun is an old AK47-u but it is usually tucked partially in his bag unless needed.
Other: Is blind from an attack on their temporary camp about three years ago. Speaks with a russian accent.
Key Items: A one shouldered backpack (Mostly filled with ammo, one water bottle, a broken hand-held hologram of his mother, A flashlight with only one set of batteries, An almost empty lighter.
History: He remembers little of life before he turned 14. He had an accident and his head was injured. Only a year after his memories began he rescued a little girl and became her friend and guardian. For three years he protected her in their travels until they were attacked and he lost his eye sight. The roles have been somewhat reversed since then, although he still feels the need to protect her.
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I'm so new to this site.. Do I have to be accepted or do I jump in? Also..How do I get to the IC? ^_^ Help would be amazing..
It's polite to wait and be accepted unless otherwise stated somewhere.
I'll pull the link up for you
Don't forget to skim through the pages already up. there won't be a quiz(at least not from me, I make no promises concerning the other players) but it's good to know what's going on.
Welcome to the fun.
Awesome. Thanks, and sorry for the beginner sounding questions but I've only used one site for the last four years.