Gender Wars RP

Luna woke up a bit later than usual, due to her "late arrival" last night. She changed quickly and ran out to assess the status of everyone. She "counted" in her mind, asleep, waking up, awake, asleep, aha! Mitch is all alone in the kitchen... Luna then slunk over slyly and appeared behind Mitch. She hid her smile and asked in a serious tone, "Why did you fall behind last night? You came quite late, you know! And was that... Wet clothing I heard? Explain, my dear friend, explain. Oh, I was getting worried!" Luna wasn't sure what had happened, but her suspicions did arise, there was still no telling what had happened.
Mitch inwardly cringed as Luna spoke, but kept her face expressionless. She grabbed the plates and utensils, starting to set the table as she shrugged. "All I did was go for a swim at the river. It was pretty relaxing." She told her, sitting down to eat. The other girls were still waking up, and Mitch wanted to leave quickly so she could go find Auctor without being interrogated. She started to eat her food quickly, using it as an excuse to dodge Luna's questions. "Hmmm..." She said as she pushed back her plate. "I think I'll go get ready. Aren't you going to go meet your little boyfriend?" She teased as she stood.
(Well played! We shall see who has the last laugh. *MuaMuaMua* See? It was me. BAD JOKE ALERT! BAD JOKE ALERT!)
Luna could tell that Mitch was hiding something, but she would leave it for now. She said then, slightly amused, "Am I? Not sure... We'll have to see! Perhaps I'm not the only one..." Luna said the last part quietly, just in hearing range. The questions inside her continued to multiply, yet now was not the time to ask them. She walked around aimlessly to pass the time and let her thoughts flow.
Mitch was glad her back was turned to Luna, her cheeks flushing bright red as she went upstairs. After a quick shower, she lazily ran her fingers through her hair, deciding to leave it the way it was. At least her curls made it look half-way decent. She grabbed some dark-wash jeans and black boots, and slid on her favorite dark-blue tee. She didn't want to go to the kitchen where Luna was, so instead she snuck out the back door. Once outside, Mitch peered around, and after being sure she wasn't followed- headed into the direction that she hoped would lead her back to the healing pond from yesterday.
(I'll let you go a little further...)
After only 5 minutes, Luna felt immensely bored. She checked to see if Anise was awake, then went for a quick stroll through the woods. Luna stopped by the river and started to admire the beauty if the water. After a small period of time, as she turned to leave, Luna tripped and fell right into the river. This gained her only wet clothes, a scrape on her ankle, and a slight loss of dignity. She sighed as she stepped out, and decided to walk back home, making up an excuse as she went.
Auctor looked around bored, he hoped she would come but he might have scared her away. Maybe he pushed her and she was just trying to act tough, like she wasn't really into him or something. Soon enough he convinced himself that she wasn't coming and that he needed to toughen up and not go all girl crazy. He stood up and began doing curl ups and push ups with a rock on his back. It wasn't worth doing them normally, he trained too much for that to be a challenge.
Mitch quickly started to realize her surroundings as she walked, recognizing the incline and quickly going up, making sure to avoid any testy spots. She stepped around the brush, and saw Auctor already training. Mitch grinned, staying as quiet as she watched him do push ups, her eyebrows raised when she noticed the rock placed on his back. "Wow, your workout must be extremely intense...." she finally said, revealing herself with a small chuckle.
When Auctor heard Mitch he looked up and smiled as he thee the rock off his back. "I guess. Honestly after doing this for years pushups just arnt enough." he stood up and was thinking about hugging her but realized he was sweaty so instead he threw off his shirt and dove into the water. "Want to go for a swim?" he asked with a smile as he floated on his back. It was an excuse for him not to properly greet her with even a hello. Maybe this invitation would make up for it, though she didn't exactly greet him either. He just hoped he didn't seem overly energetic.
Mitch smiled as Auctor dove into the water. "Sure, I wouldn't mind a morning swim." she agreed, stepping out of her boots first, and then sliding off her pants and shirt, this time sporting dark blue undergarments. She dove into the water, popping right in front of Auctor with a giggle. "Hi." she said simply, blushing only slightly from their closeness, the familiar flutters from being around Auctor returning to plague her poor stomach.
He watched as she stripped again and just like last time he had to remind himself that this was no different then a girls swimsuit. She was cute though he thought as she performed a perfect dive. He stopped floating on his back and tread water in attempt to find her before she surfaced but before he could look she popped up before him. 'Hi' She said cheerfully as a small blush came over her face. "Hello." He kissed her nose quickly and smiled before going under water and swimming to the shallow end.
Mitch smiled as he kissed her nose, attempting to kiss him back until she realized he had went under the water, popping back up near the more shallow end of the pond. She swam over towards him, standing up at first- until she realized how much warmer it was in the water than up there. She crossed her arms, giving a little shiver as she submerged herself in deeper water. "The wind is picking up a bit..." she noticed.
"Yeah." Auctor said looking around. "I wonder if a storms coming." he though out loud. Their were few clouds in the sky but still it a storm could be coming. He swam over to her and pulled her under before resurfacing with a laugh. After that he jumped out and laid on the center rock. He would leave the only towel for her. "Let's go, get up here." he shouted as she came up.
Mitch gasped as Auctor pulled her under the water, swearing revenge when she finally surfaced- only to see him on the center rock. She pulled herself up onto the rock, drying off her torso and legs before offering the towel to Auctor. Looking up at the now cloudy sky, she spoke. "Should we head back?" she wondered aloud, although she really didn't want to part so soon. She wished that they had a place that they could still be alone... but that would at least be remotely dry.
"A little rain wouldn't hurt anyone." He said with a skirk as he took the damp towel and partly dried himself off. "Or we could head to the cave. It's not exactly the most comfortable place but you know." He rolled over and looked at her with a smile "Are you part cat instead of wolf?" He asked with a slight smile to let her know he was only teasing.
Mitch stuck her tongue out at him playfully. "It doesn't matter really, the worst it can do is make my hair curl and frizz." she said with a shrug.
"It's up to you, Auctor- do you still want to be in the rain or would you like to show me this 'cave' that you've found?" she asked him, running her finger lightly down his arm.
"I'm not sure." He said with a childish smile "I kind of want to see your frizzed hair." He was only teasing her, though she didn't seem like a girly girl she wouldn't want her hair to frizz and the fact that he liked her hair helped too. After a second he took her hand "Oh, alright." Just as they got to the cave the sky seemed to let lose and down poured.
Mitch chuckled as she followed Auctor to the cave. "I just hate having to do it once it's all finished. Anise and the girls basically force me to do my hair, because if it were up to me, it'd be frizzed and stay frizzed. It's too much work." she complained, thankful once they had gotten to the cave. She grinned, kissing him on the cheek before sitting down in a random spot in the cave.
"Are we sitting all the way over their for a reason." he said with a smile as he quickly changed form and rested his head on her lap. A smile would have spread across his lips though since he was a wolf his tail just flopped.
Mitch absentmindedly ran a hand through Auctor's fur, scratching behind one of his ears like she would a small puppy. The rain continued to pour out, and the sky got darker and darker as thicker clouds rolled over the sky. Just as Mitch started to speak, she heard some people start to talk outside- but who the hell would be standing outside in the rain. "Yeah, there are two in this area. Some of the fiercest I've ever seen. I have no idea why Mal' would want us scoping out this land in the first place." a gruff voice said.
Auctor picked up his head and looked over in the direction of the sound. Soon enough he had sniffed the air and didn't recognize any of them. He switched back to normal and stood before looking at Mitch. He wasn't sure if he should call out or not. "I don't recognize their voices or smell."