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I'm so sorry guys for the absence I went away to Edmonton for a few days only thought it was going to be two but turned out three.
o wo Sooooo.~
I dunno how Mouse-chan is gonna meet anyone.. - w-
But perhaps she sees someone through that window she's staring out from..
I dunno...

maybe she'd meet someone. but it would be more productive if she got out from her hiding place :P
Im still trying to figure out who I will meet lol
You guys could whined up in the church. Bump into Draco scaring/intimidating Arnies. That could be an option and it could turn out that we all work together or turn into conflict somehow. Lol.
Tetsuri doesnt have anyone to meet up with....

Staci doesn't have anyone to meet up with...

*stares blankly at the obviousness of the situation*
​Hmmm, then I guess my character can meet up with stacy's character =D
Tenchi shall meet the goat and try to meet the thers. I just hope nobody freaks out at him. @__@
Lightning might freak out a bit, he's a bit unpredictable around animals
Lightning don't freak out!
You'll make Draco attack..... >:3
Hmmm, Lightning can't really control his panic problems
I'll have to read stacy's post again to see where she is lol.

I'm in a church, so it'll be a while before I remeber where anyone else is XP
Lightning's not hard to find, he's sitting up against a wall on the street, bleeding
he's harmlessly unconscious right now though XD, but that's from bloodloss