INTEREST CHECK Full Metal Alchemist: War torn lands

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
If your leaning towards 2 >.> I will choose it too

Edit: Farore do you want me to edit that pic to be smaller?
Er, if you like Laha. I generally just shove em in spoilers and go with the logic if folk wanna see they'll click, if not they won't. Actually, might be a good idea... ^^;; pwease?
Blast and damnation. The reality crossing bit in the series was one of the bits I loved...also, I have yet to see anything other than the first show/series. Been meaning to see brotherhood after seeing the movie that continues after what I've watched.

I mean I can go back to the drawing board, but it does usually result in lackluster character development.

I'll see what I can do
Thanks, and i'm sorry Ancient. Normally i'd love to try and help you but having a character from the other universe would be pretty hard even if we were operating in that version of FMA. Considering nobody is supposed to know that it existed back during the Ishvalan war. >.< Thank you for trying to work with it though, I really appreciate it.