Freaks Like Us

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Everyone else was already downstairs and gathered around the table. The most awake people were Miss Rose, Tim, and Kurureenu while everyone else drowsily picked at their food while in the process of eating it. Kurureenu sat cross legged on her chair, poking at Jack every once in awhile to annoy him, but only said that she was doing it to keep him awake. She brought her attention away from him finally when Seth walked in and dropped in his chair. She smiled, clearly seeing that he wasn't much of a morning person. She understood the pain, since she wasn't either, but she had been up for awhile already and maintained her first wind for the day.

"How did you sleep last night, Seth?" she asked him, smiling.

Jack perked up, turning toward Kurureenu. "Why don't you ever talk to me nicely, Kuku?" he asked, pouting.

The girl passed a glare toward her roommate and rolled her eyes. "Because you're a Jackass," she told him, quickly getting scolded by Miss Rose for cursing. She quickly apologized, then stuck her tongue out at Jack, scooting her chair away from him.
Seth started to eat, hoping that food would help him wake up. He looked up as Ku spoke to him. He forced a smile. "Yeah, okay." He said, not wanting her to know how he had actually slept. Well, he had slept fine. It had been getting to sleep that had been the hard part. "I'm making myself some coffee. Anyone else want some?" He asked. He glanced at his arms as he stood up to make sure that flames weren't running up them. When he was still this sleepy, he wouldn't be that surprised to see something like that. However, his arms were free of flame, and he rubbed his eyes a little.
Four other hands rose up into the air in reply to his question about coffee. Kurureenu and Miss Rose were the only ones who didn't. Kurureenu scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Coffee is gross..." she muttered. "Stunts your growth."

"You don't drink coffee, but what kept you from getting taller, Kuku?" Jack asked, smirking.

"It's not just taller it would stunt," Scarlet muttered, moving her hair into her face. "Please make the coffee so I can murder Jack."

Kurureenu got up from her seat and went to the fridge, getting the carton of orange juice out. "Scarlet, don't tell me you were looking," she joked, smiling.

The other woman groaned. "And murder Kurureenu."
He laughed a little at the interactions between them as he made the coffee. He carried the cups over in two runs, sitting back at the table and stirring a few spoons of sugar into his coffee. "So, is there anything you guys need or want me to do today? I have nothing whatsoever to do now that I'm kinda out of a job." He smirked as he took a mouthful of his coffee.
"We need someone to babysit Kurureenu while we're gone," Tim muttered, putting cream into his coffee before drinking it.

Kurureenu glared toward Tim. "I'm nineteen, not seven, you arrogant twit," she sneered, turning to make sure she didn't have him in her peripheral anymore. "Anyway, you're not alone in that boat. All of my jobs were in the city, so I'm kinda stuck out sea."

"You wouldn't have that problem if you actually drove something," Tony mumbled, soon having to dodge a fork that flew at him. "Touchy."

The girl sat back, crossing her arms and closing herself off to the conversation to pout. Scarlet watched with some amusement. "Aw... Now she's not going to talk anymore. Say more so she can stay quiet."

Kurureenu's figure flickered as her face flushed from a mix of embarrassment and anger. "Oh hush, the lot of ya," she told them, picking up her plate. "Now you are all just bullying." She left the dish in the sink and walked off, going out the back door.

Miss Rose sighed, getting up and smacking her son upside the head. "You all should be nicer to each other. You've been living together for awhile, after all," she told them, starting to pick up empty dishes but leaving behind coffee mugs for refills. "In the meantime, I'm going to be running some errands. Seth, how about you let Reeny show you around the town? I'm sure you wouldn't want to stay cooped up in here all day."
He listened to the discussion, grinning a little as he gradually woke up. He nodded at Miss Rose's suggestion. "That sounds like an idea, Miss Rose. I'd handle being cooped up alright, but still, it'll be nice to go out." He looked at her roommates and their grins as he stood up. He raised an eyebrow and snapped his fingers, a flame jumping briefly between the two fingers. "Not a word." He warned them, following Ku out.

"So, Miss Rose suggested you show me the town." He said, leaning against the wall and smiling at her. "I wasn't going to turn down the opportunity for the two of us to spend a little time together." He shrugged.
Kurureenu sat on the steps, legs stretched out and picking at a leaf she grabbed from a nearby tree before she found her spot. She heard Seth come out and listened to the idea Miss Rose suggested. She smiled slightly, tossing down the remains of the leaf. "That sounds entertaining," she told him, already having calmed down after the short time of being outside. She didn't enjoy lazing about inside and she tended to finish tasks faster, which left too much of the day open for her. "We can go after I get dressed."

She stood up and went to the door, walking inside and ignoring the bustle of roommates that had finally fully awakened and started preparing themselves for work. The girl head upstairs and back to her bag, once again digging inside it to grab a tank top and capris before disappearing into the bathroom. She emerged and headed downstairs, slipping and falling on her butt on the last few steps before letting out a laugh and getting right up to get her shoes by the door.

The house was already starting to clear out as everyone started to go to work or get started on errands. Kurureenu did also enjoy an empty house, leaving her room to be as loud as she wanted without complaints, but she'd rather show Seth around the town. Who knows... she thought, a smile on her face still. Maybe he'll find a niche here or something. She tugged on her shoes and stood straight, looking back into the house. "Are you ready to go?"
While she was getting dressed, he went and pulled on a pair of battered Converse. Due to working long shifts, he never got to wear them all that much, as he was working, sleeping, or in combat boots because he hadn't got a chance to change out of his uniform yet. However, they still remained one of his favourite pairs of shoes. He waited for her downstairs, smirking a little as she slipped down the last few steps. As she straightened up and asked him if he was ready, he grinned and nodded, holding out his arm. "Absolutely." He'd deliberately taken his coffee black to make sure that he was wide awake. "Let's go!"
The girl laughed at the enthusiasm he showed and led the way out of the home. She pointed out a few houses on the way, telling him who lived there or who used to live there at the time. She kept this up until reaching what folks in the town called their 'downtown', which consisted of a little under two blocks of businesses on one side, which consisted of a drug store, two bar and grills and another bar, a photography business, a thrift store, and a small grocery store. She pointed out the mill across the street that still stood against the weather next to the railroad tracks and the train depot that has been closed and abandoned for as long as Kurureenu could remember.

"We used to putz around over there and try to see if we can find a way into the old mill, but couldn't, so we just stalked the beavers and stuff to see around abouts where they lived," she told him. "And there's another train station ten minutes away in the next town over. I used it once to go to the aquarium awhile ago."

She felt animated and a little excited, forgetting what happened earlier that morning easily to talk to Seth. The girl always enjoyed showing off the town, even if it was small. Despite the size of it, she still held a bit of pride for it while she always heard everyone else complain. She walked with him toward the brick gazebo that sat on the opposite corner of the block as the train depot. She walked around, looking down at the bricks at her feet that blared the names of people in town that donated toward the construction of the gazebo, pointing out a decent amount of bricks with people that she knew. She wondered for a moment if she was talking too much and eventually went to settle on one of the benches, bringing a smile toward Seth.

"So... How do you like the place so far?" she asked him.
He listened as she talked about the town. The idea of knowing everyone who lived somewhere was a strange experience for a city boy like him. That wasn't to say that he didn't enjoy it. It was interesting, and the fact that he was with her made it all the better. He tried to take in as much as he could, but there was so much that he felt like he was only taking two thirds of it in. He grinned as they sat down on a bench. "It's different to the city, I'll say that much. But not in a bad way. It's kinda weird to think that everybody knows everyone. I barely knew my neighbours back in the city!" He said, laughing a little, and glancing at her. He could feel himself relaxing. He didn't feel warm, either, meaning that he was confident that he wasn't going to set anything on fire.
Kurureenu frowned, tilting her head. "You didn't know your neighbors? That's weird... I babysat the Hoover children across the street, played with Duke next door whenever his owners let me and stood outside to talk to Mrs. Colins whenever we caught each other at the same time," she told him. Maybe it was because she was so used to socializing with the people and neighbors around her that made it easier for her to be able to communicate with other people around her. "Maybe it's just a city thing."

She leaned back a bit, looking up at the sky. "It's peaceful out here... I don't mind it, but I ventured every corner and crevice of this town that it started to bore me. I eventually moved to the city."
He nodded. "Yeah. It would always be a case of a smile or whatever in the hall, but not exactly an in depth conversation. And that's one thing about the city. It's never boring or dull. But I do like it here. It's a lot more peaceful. or maybe it just seems that way because I'm not working any more." He looked over at her, staring at the sky. He leaned his head back and watched the clouds. "And I bet you can see the stars here. You couldn't see them in the city."
Kurureenu nodded, smiling. "The stars are beautiful out here. I've had a couple times, though, in the city when one of the transformers blew," she told him, remembering hearing the loud pop down the street before all the power had gone out. She went out to the street to check it out and spent half the night later in the back, watching the stars and drinking a cream soda. "Sometimes, if I don't have work the next day, I would hunt down a dark area and watch a meteor shower or a lunar eclipse. Those are fun, too."

She turned toward Seth, still smiling. "Have you seen either of those before?"
He smiled a little, shaking his head. "I always have to sleep at night. I've always wanted to, but I also have had to sleep. Maybe I'll be lucky and catch one while I'm staying here. I've heard they're amazing." He looked back at her, grinning. "And we wouldn't have to worry about being cold either, now that I'm basically a walking campfire."
The girl released a laugh and shook her head. "Better a campfire than a nightlight. At least I don't have to scramble for my phone every time the lights go out, though. Which is good, I'm afraid of the dark," she told him, still smiling. She stood up and started looking at the bricks again. Eventually she stopped, tapping on the brick with her foot. "This one has my name on it," she pointed out. She stared toward the brick, remembering when her mom got it, getting all of their names on it as a footprint of memory for this town. She smiled softly, loosing herself to thought for a moment or two before snapping back to reality.

"Lets go to a park. I really want to swing," she told him, turning her attention back toward Seth.
He looked at the brick with her name on it, smiling a little. That grin broadened as she suggested the swings. He grabbed her hand. "Come on then!" He laughed, running towards where he remembered her pointing out the park. He never really got to do anything like that back in the city, because he was always busy. And he'd never really had anyone else to go with. He was an overgrown kid at heart, and he wasn't afraid to show it.
Kurureenu actually didn't expect the amount of enthusiasm that Seth would show about going to the park, but was very content with it. She ran along with him with a laugh, eventually taking her hand out of his with a grin. "Race ya there!" she challenged, charging forward. She knew she wasn't going to win against Seth. He was taller than her and was in better shape. She willingly accepted defeat from him.

Once at the park, though, she claimed the closest swing, plopping onto it and backing up in it to start up the process. "Including this park, there are actually four parks in this town," she told him, remembering which ones she favored.
He grinned at her challenge of a race, opening his stride to a sprint. He didn't hold back, despite knowing that he was going to win. He was at the peak of his fitness, and he was used to sprinting. He beat her to the swings easily, grinning at her as she approached. He sat down on one and watched her as she sat down, still grinning. "Should we make it our aim to visit all of them today?" He asked, still grinning broadly.
Kurureenu laughed, pumping her legs to bring her higher. "We can do that if you want. I know the park behind the bank has an awesome merry-go-round, the one at the grade school is easy to climb on top of everything, and the yellow park just sucks. No one loves the yellow park," she told him, bringing herself to the highest point she can get on the swing. "Whatever the case may be, I love the swings the best."

She leaned back, enjoying the rush of hair and the height that she got to. The girl kept up with the swing for several moments, a big smile on her face as she closed her eyes and kept going. After several minutes of just swinging, she let the sing slow down just a bit before jumping off it, landing on her feet. Then she fell on her butt, letting out a laugh.

"My butt is probably going to take a lot more beating today if I keep up with the klutziness," she managed, still laughing.
He laughed as she slipped again, almost falling off his own swing. He stood up, holding out his hand to pull her up. "You know, if you're expecting me to be your prince charming and stop all these things from happening to you, I'm going to need you to tell me now. That way I can get my reflexes ready." He laughed, brushing his hair out of his eyes with his free hand as he pulled her to her feet. "Come on then, before you end up hurting yourself!"
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