Freaks Like Us

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Kurureenu chuckled lightly, rolling her eyes. "We can cook, too. We're just too busy with other things. Most of us work all over the place, Tim is a doctor, and then there's tips and stuff about new mutants which we try to interfere with before OMEN gets involved. For awhile, we were able to just help them out with the process of finding out they're a mutant and keeping them calm so destruction was minimized and no one noticed. Now, with the fact that OMEN is getting stricter with everything, we have to start relocating new mutants, too... Speaking of..." She put down her fork and leaned back in her chair. "Tim! Was Sarah relocated safely?"

There was a thud in another room and footsteps before Tim came into the kitchen. "She was relocated and we gave her the means to contact her parents before you even ask. Anything else you need to ask before disturbing everyone in the house calling for me?"

"Were you always an asshole or did it just... just happen?" she asked, not even smiling. Tim scoffed and walked away before Kurureenu turned back toward Seth. "We all had our beginnings with our abilities. We all panicked and freaked out in some way, so if there is anything any of us can do to help you out, we're here. Most of us won't bite, but I won't tell you who will."
"What can you guys do? I'm just curious. You're a light manipulator, but what about the others?" He asked, leaning back in his chair a little and running his hand through his hair. He wanted to know if anybody else had something as destructive as him. He wondered if their abilities had something to do with them as people. Ku had shown him a different side to the world. Without her, he didn't know what his life would be like.
Kurureenu smiled, happy that he was asking questions. This way, he could get a lot of concerns off his chest instead of balling it up inside and letting it bother him. "Jack can stretch and expand. Kinda like if Mr. Fantastic and Antman decided to have a baby together. Tony can change his molecular make up into any known or unknown element there is. The only hitch is that he can only make himself into something that he has touched before, so we glad he never got a hold of uranium. Let's see... Scarlet can the shape of objects into something else, but it had to be the same molecular buildup. So she can't make wood out of metal of gas out of water. Though the latter would be an awesome way to save money."

She tapped her fork on the table for a few beats, thinking. "Tim is the only person out of all of us roomies that don't have any abilities. He just prefers our cause over OMEN's. If it makes you feel any better, we used to have a roommate that controlled electricity. Fucking zapped the shit out of us a lot and thought it was funny to prank us with doorknobs or fucking around with the lights," she told him, crossing her arms. "So don't start pranking and we'll be best of friends."
He laughed a little at her tale about the pranking. "Yeah, I don't think that's going to happen. Static electricity is relatively harmless, while fire... Not so much." He finished examining his sleeve. "Not a trace of damage. That's a good thing, because it would be incredibly awkward if my clothes burned away and I was left standing naked in the middle of a fight." He grinned at her, remembering her reaction to seeing him shirtless. "Then again, it could be useful if all the females in the area just stopped and stared. And any gay guys."
Kurureenu smirked, rolling her eyes. "Oh, Seth... Are you trying to tell me something here?" she chuckled, picking up her empty plate and taking it to the sink. "Also, electricity isn't completely harmless. When we first stumbled into him on his discovery, he was equivalent to a live wire from a utility pole. So much electricity that the dirt caught on fire and, once we calmed him, turned the dirt into glass as well. It was actually kinda cool." She was leaning against the sink now, looking up at the ceiling. "Anyway... I think you'll be fine, amazing even, if you remember that your abilities consist of control, concentration, and emotion. Who knows, maybe you can control more than just fire."

She shrugged and turned back toward the sink to wash the dishes she had dirtied. "A lot of us had time to figure out the extent of how far our powers can go, even reaching outside of our abilities a bit, too."
He nodded, standing up to help her dry up. "That's one thing that'll be interesting to find out." He said, swiping a tea towel from the back of a chair and starting to dry them. "So, what about us then? Because I still really like you, but I don't want things to be awkward for either of us. So, can we still...?" He trailed off, continuing to dry as he talked.
Kurureenu chuckled slightly, it coming out sounding nervous. "Yeah... I was going to ask if we can still have another date," she told him, smiling. "I don't want it to be awkward between us. I understand why you asked me to leave and all of that. I would rather be blaming OMEN, anyway. I don't like what they did to you and I didn't want you to be hurt again."

She paused, giving herself some time to calm down. She was nervous and she didn't want her powers to kick in again like what he saw when she was arguing. "If anything, I would say there's a likely chance that I might go and help other mutants get out of the city before OMEN can find them."
He grinned as she said they'd like to go out again, but didn't answer until she was finished talking. He stayed quiet for a moment. "I don't think... If all the mutants leave the city, OMEN's just going to widen it's search range. I think... I think we need to target OMEN itself. There is public support out there for anyone who opposes it. I used to see it when I was walking down the street in my uniform. I used to get glares all the time. Like you said, the people need hope." He shook his head. "I know, it's probably ridiculous."
The girl nodded, agreeing with him. "It's true that they will probably just widen their search area, but how fast do you think we can get the people informed without having OMEN catch on?" she asked him, emptying the sink after finishing up with the last of the dishes. "We can inform the people, but we can also still try to save as many mutants as we can. There are still those who are discovering their abilities and are way too young to be a part of this. I don't want them to be involved in any of this just because they feel like they have to."

Kurureenu looked down at her hands, remembering that she learned about her abilities when she was nine. Her mother had supported her and her abilities behind closed doors but she doubted that she would have let her fight against OMEN at such a young age. Actually, she probably would have never let her fight at all, even now.

But she had to. There were too many people to protect to turn away from it.
He frowned, thinking. A smile crossed his face. "There are minimal patrols at night. We go in during the night, put up posters calling mutants to rally together, against OMEN. And you keep doing what you're doing, getting anyone who's too young or can't fight out of the city. I know the city like the back of my hand. And more importantly, I know the OMEN patrols."
Kurureenu nodded, smiling. "I like the idea of that," she told him. She turned her gaze back toward him and leaned against the counter again. "We're going to have to talk to Tim about this, too. He can help get the young ones transported out of the city." The girl chuckled, pushing away from the counter and walking toward the fridge to pull out a pitcher of sweet tea. "With your knowledge of OMEN and all of us working as a team, this seems very possible, Seth."

She grabbed a cup from one of the cabinets, pouring one for herself but leaving the pitcher just in case Seth wanted a cup as well. "So what we're going to have to do next is to convince Tim this is a good idea and to make posters to inform the people."
He grabbed a cup and poured himself a drink as well, grinning at her. "It's my pleasure, fair lady. Thanks for earlier, by the way. Now we're even. I saved your ass, you saved mine, and everything's all good." He took a mouthful of his drink and held it up to her in a toast. "To celebrate our grand plan?" He grinned, raising an eyebrow. He was so glad that nothing was going to be uncomfortable between them. Because he really did like her, and as he looked at her, he couldn't stop thinking about that fact.
She couldn't help but chuckle toward him calling her a 'fair lady' and laugh at the rest of it. "You better get used to it because, until you are well practiced with your fire, I'm probably going to be saving your ass a little bit more," she told him, tapping her glass against his for the toast. "A plan any grander would just be overkill. And showing off."

Kurureenu couldn't help but think that she was actually lucky to be at that pub where he first met her. She also was thankful that her roommates told her to go on a date with him and so on. She didn't plan on letting him go alone in any of this.

"My question is what should we put down on the posters? And when should we go out to do this amazing feat of awesomeness, my noble gentleman?"
He laughed, taking a sip from his drink. "Well, after tonight's ass kicking and adrenaline rush, I'm going to need to sleep it off. So don't be expecting me too early in the morning. But tomorrow night, we launch it. I think we should start simple, just questioning OMEN. Put a few of them up every night for a few days. Then we start suggesting the idea of them banding together to overthrow them. A night or two of them, and then we start into the big stuff, spelling out what's going to happen." He took another mouthful of the tea. "So yeah, tomorrow, it begins. Once I'm up and fully awake, I'd be happy enough to give Tim a hand."
The girl couldn't help but smile, rolling her eyes. "Ah, you'll get used to it," she told him. "And Tim will probably prefer just bossing you around a bit." She finished off the cup of tea in her hand, putting the cup in the sink and returning the pitcher back to the fridge. "Though it has been a pretty active day. I think it's about time to bring it to an end and all that fun stuff."

She stretched her arms upward, holding back the urge to yawn. "The room upstairs is for you to sleep in," she informed him, starting toward the doorway. "I'm going to switch to some PJ's and bunker down." Then she left for upstairs, where she dropped her duffel off and dug through it for her clothes. She eventually emerged from the bathroom, bedtime ready and looked down the hallway. Seems like we might be the last ones up.
He nodded, heading back up to his room and changing into the baggy shirt he liked to sleep in. As he sat down on the bed, he stared at his hands. It was finally starting to hit him what had happened and what was going to happen. Whatever about the others, the fact that he had ran from OMEN made him even more of a target. He was suspected of being a mutant now, and they were right. Was this a strange kind of karma, payback for everything? As he thought about it, his wrist caught fire again, and he sighed, extinguishing it. If he kept worrying, he wasn't going to be able to sleep.
Kurureenu crept down the stairs, making sure not to make the third step up squeak like it always did. She went to one of the downstairs closets, pulling out an extra pillow and blanket before walking over to the couch in the living room. She made herself comfy on it, punching the pillow a couple of times when it wouldn't stay in the right spot before finally settling where she wanted it to be. The girl finally relaxed, an arm draped over her head as she stared up at the ceiling.

Yes, she was tired, but her mind swam with so many thoughts, ideas, emotions.... She wanted it to shut down when she was ready for sleep, but it always chose this exact moment to start being active. The girl kept thinking about the progression of her day, how it started with her waking up, stashing her bag, and just walking until she found the girl. Then the day sped up, going through the motions to calmly explain to the girl and get her to understand her abilities, prepare the girl to run away to get into safety, then finding Seth with the other two mutants targeting him.

She let out a sigh, turning onto her side, stretching her arms out in front of her. She was glad that she stumbled back into Seth, and just in time to help out. She did wonder, though, if his powers would have kicked in then. If so, what could have happened to him and the other mutants? How would Seth had reacted if he didn't discover his abilities later, but earlier and before she could get back to him? With a few kicks to make the blanket go back to covering her feet, she went about changing her thought processes, trying to imagine how they were going to instill hope in mutants and supporters and how it might turn out. No matter what she thought about, it brought her to another hurdle to trying to get to sleep.

For what seemed like the longest time, her busy mind eventually let her drift off into a light sleep
His mind was racing. His skin felt hot again, and he wasn't sure if it was his imagination, a side effect of his power, or if it was something else. Flames kept sparking up between his fingers, and there were burn marks on the duvet from where he hadn't noticed them. He couldn't control it, and he was holding his hands to his chest, scared that the fire would spread somewhere else. He couldn't shake the fear from his head. If he didn't learn to control it, and soon, somebody could get hurt. How could he even think of being with Ku, even just in a hug or holding her hand, when his hands kept catching fire. He didn't think he'd sleep, but soon, his day caught up with him, and he fell asleep, his hands still against his chest.
Morning came around quickly. Kurureenu had reached a point where she could no longer sleep, rising from the couch close to five in the morning. She migrated over to a simple home computer that Tim set up for his mom so they would be able to talk to each other more often so she could see him and know he's alright. The girl sat in the chair, typing at the computer and busying herself, not even noticing the footsteps and the bright 'Good morning' that passed by behind her. Even when she replied with her own 'G'morn' drowsily. She was only broken from her reverie when she smelled the food cooking. She finally pulled away from the computer and walked over toward the kitchen, standing in the door way to watch Miss Rose cook.

"About time you woke up and smelled the bacon," Miss Rose chuckled as she cooked. "Breakfast is almost ready, could you be a dear and see if everyone is ready to get up for breakfast?"

"Sure..." Kurureenu replied, turning around just to receive the added 'nicely!' that Miss Rose called out. She laughed slightly, knowing that Miss Rose knew she would try to annoy her roommates into food if she had to. She went room to room and yelled at Tim to get up, told Scarlet breakfast was ready, kicked Tony's bed when he flipped her the bird, and hit Jack with the pillow with the added threat of suffocation when he refused to even move. She then made her way over toward the room Seth occupied and carefully stepped over to the bed.

"Breakfast is ready if you want to get up and eat," she told him, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder. "But feel free to keep sleeping if you want to."
He rolled over to face the wall, sighing a little. He'd had a dreamless sleep, and he'd woken up three or four times. He didn't move as he felt someone's hand on his shoulder. Ku's voice, however, caused him to stir a little, and he opened his eyes, stretching a little and wincing. "'Kay. Be down in a minute." He murmured. Once she left, he swung himself out of bed, wincing as his feet touched the ground, and changed into a flannel shirt open over a white t-shirt and jeans, heading downstairs. It took him a minute to find his bearings, and even then, it was mostly the smell of food that led him into the kitchen. He almost fell into an empty chair, blinking to try and wake himself up. Seth didn't exactly function that well in the mornings.
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