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Forging New Paths

Evelyn, having been prepared for the puppet madness, was a bit surprised when Anthony dropped the charade for her altogether, despite seeming to have had fun doing it. He was more perceptive than she'd given him credit for, or at least less stubborn. She supposed he would have to be, to have been an informant on his own family so long.

"I'll try just a little bit of everything, I think." She said, almost thoughtfully. wasn't very hungry, but little samples of each treat would be all right, and would show at least some appreciation for the effort he'd gone through in preparing it. When her plate was full, she stopped to rest a hand very lightly against his arm, as if to keep him from moving away too quickly. ". . . Thank you, Anthony." She said very quietly, her voice gentle and expression soft, now that Luca was just far enough away to allow it. "I don't think he's ever smiled this much."

She pulled her hand away to let him go, though she'd never quite held on in the first place, so he could choose not to answer if he didn't have the words. She had only wanted to say it.

Luca wandered over to sit carefully next to Garrett with his food, not wanting to make a mess, and made a thoughtful sort of expression as he considered the question. "They're . . . silly." He didn't dislike them - they were funny, he thought - but it had been surprising and strange to try talking to them. "Puppets are . . . familiar. . . A little." He had seen them as a kid, he thought, but not much since.
"Sure thing," Anthony replied warmly, and he made up Evelyn's plate with small amounts of each of the foods, topping it off with a corn dog.

Then there was a hand on his arm. Anthony blinked, his gaze slowly traveling up to meet Evelyn's gaze. The touch was gentle, and her voice was kind. She was saying thank you. Anthony swallowed hard and gave her a shy smile, nodding. "You're . . . you're welcome," he murmured. Maybe she didn't mind so much that he was a Lombardi any more.

He cleared his throat and made his own plate of food once everyone else was sitting down on the couch. "All right, everybody! Time to see those lights! Ready? One - two . . ." On "three," he flicked the main lights off.

The only lights now were the soft ones in the animal tent, where Watson was playing with the elephant again, the Ferris Wheel night light sitting on a nearby shelf, a spot light on the couch so everyone could see their food - and the glow-in-the-dark star and space decorations Anthony had hidden behind the streamers.

"Say," Garrett murmured, his eyes twinkling. "Look at that. Beautiful, Anthony."

Anthony beamed proudly, his dark locks bouncing over his eyes.
Evelyn only gave a faint smile, and went to sit next to Luca and Garrett with her plate. Luca, sitting idly, had only taken little nibbles of his food so far, as if he needed to wait for everyone else to have something before he really started eating, and she was content with the vague feelings Insight and instinct gave her. Everyone was happy, and for now at peace. Though carnivals and 'silly' games weren't really her thing, she was glad they had chosen to come.

When the lights turned off, Luca's eyes went a little wide, and he looked slowly around at all the lights. The Ferris wheel, the tent lights, the stars. It looked beautiful, even though it made things a little dark, and he wanted to look at them forever.

Evelyn looked at him after making a soft, appreciative sound, and at the small, content smile on his face put a hand over one of his. "What do you think, Luca? Pretty cool?"

He only nodded, too distracted by looking at everything to turn and face her. "It's pretty. . ." He didn't have the words to explain how it made everything feel soft, and warm, and muted, like the whole world had gone very quiet and all that existed was this room where he was safe with people that were his friends. Like staring up at the stars in the sky.
Anthony grinned and joined the group on the couch, settling in next to Garrett. He heaved a deep sigh of content and rested against Garrett's side. The room was quiet, there was plenty of good food, and no one was scared of him any more. It was shaping up to be a great night.

He finished his dinner a short time later. Then he lay against Garrett and yawned widely, closing his eyes a bit. "I'm glad you all came to the carnival. I really appreciate it," he told the group softly.

"We were all glad to join you," Garrett agreed. "Thanks for having us over."

Anthony chuckled. "Thanks for letting me stay in your office. Do you all want a box for bringing the goodie bags and stuffed animals home?"
Evelyn ate quietly, pleased by the atmosphere of the room, and only gently urged Luca to do the same. It was still mostly snacks, but it would do well enough for a meal - or for him, probably half a meal. She would get him something more substantial and a bit healthier later on.

"Thank you for making it," she said softly, and only smiled when there was a quiet, uncertain little 'thank you' from her side when Luca figured out that he should join in, even as distracted as he was by the decorations. "A box would probably be helpful." He was sending them home with a lot of things, after all.

In the company of friends, after having fun, Evelyn almost wondered if she should wait to send Garrett the document she had been writing up for days now. She wanted him to remember the day fondly. She just wasn't sure how much longer she could wait. It was only days before she would be having a video call with Luca's therapist, and not much longer before he would start speaking with her.
But Garrett, for his part, felt more prepared to read the document than before. All his closest friends were finally getting along. He had everyone to lean on if he needed it, and he'd had an entire day of good memories to help get him through the rough night. He nodded himself and texted Evelyn.

Feel free to text me or email me that list tonight. I'll text you once I'm at home with Watson, he promised.

He stood up at long last and stretched, cracking his back a bit. "I should probably head out, too. Watson and I have to clean our apartment. Does anyone want a hug before we go?"

Anthony had gone off to get a box, but at the offer of a hug he came rushing back to pull Garrett into a hug. "Me!" He leaned against him and shut his eyes. "It was so good to see you again. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow?"

Garrett smiled and ran a hand through his hair. ". . . I'd like that."

"Would you mind if I invited Luca and Evelyn?" Anthony added.

The detective chuckled. "If they're up for it, certainly."

Anthony grinned. "You guys want to come over again tomorrow for a relaxing day?"
Evelyn was sitting quietly, leaning her shoulder into Luca's, and almost jumped when her phone buzzed. She took a moment to free it from her pocket, turning a bit to keep her screen hidden, and sighed very quietly as she read the message. There would be no more waiting. She supposed she should learn to stop trying to baby Garrett like she did Luca. He was more resilient than she gave him credit for.

I'll send it once you're home. She sent back, and left it at that. She had to believe he would only look at it when he was ready.

When Garrett was up, she managed a little smile and took Luca's plate to urge him gently to his feet. She knew that he wanted the hug, but was much more timid and hesitant in asking for one, despite it being offered. When he'd gotten up and shuffled over to Garrett's side, she turned her attention to Anthony.

"Is it all right if I let you know in the morning?" She asked, politely enough. "I never know how much sleep we'll get."
Garrett noticed Luca at once, and he offered his arms for a hug. "Would you like one too, Luca?" he asked softly. Once Luca had said yes, he wrapped the boy in a warm hug, running a hand through his hair. "It's always so good to see you. I hope you and Evelyn get plenty of good sleep tonight."

Watson wound around Luca's legs and purred, saying goodbye in his own quiet way.

Anthony nodded to Evelyn and smiled. "Yeah, no worries. Late morning would be great. I usually sleep in after exciting parties like this." He rubbed his eyes before waving. "Well, have a good night, everybody! Thanks for coming. I appreciate it."

"Have a good night, Anthony!" Garrett called out as the young man wandered off to his room to sleep.
Luca was hesitant, still, but nodded when Garrett asked and melted into the embrace just as he had before, holding tight to Garrett and tucking his face into the older man's shoulder. It was strangely overwhelming, to let someone hold him that he had nothing to fear from, and to have his gifts disappear at the same time. Even so, he didn't want to let go.

Evelyn only smiled at them, and gave Anthony a little wave as he left. "Good night, Anthony. Sleep well."

After a moment she got to her feet and walked over to the others to put a hand on Luca's shoulder and draw his attention. "Come on, boys," she said gently. "Let's get Watson ready to go to the car, all right?"

Luca was slow to respond, but did eventually start to loosen his grip, and after a moment leaned his weight away from Garrett to let the man go. "Okay. . . Sorry. . ." He didn't meant to slow anyone down, or to hold on too long. He couldn't help it.
Likewise, the detective was hesitant to let go of Luca. He'd been through so, so much - and he hadn't even read the list yet. "You don't have to apologize," he said softly. "I'm always happy to hug you, for however long you need it." He smiled gently. "Want another hug once I drop you both off at your home?"

Eventually, Watson had been carefully set into his carrier and then in the back seat. Garrett drove Luca and Evelyn home, and once they arrived, he hopped out and offered his arms for a hug as promised. "I had a marvelous time today. Thanks for coming with. Both of you," he added, glancing up to meet Evelyn's eyes with a smile.

He wasn't looking forward to the long drive home, or the night by himself. But at least he'd have Watson there to comfort him once he read over the list.
Luca relaxed a little at the reassurance, and after a moment he managed a little nod to confirm. He wasn't sure how much was okay to ask for, but he didn't think he would say no to having Garrett or Evelyn hold him.

When Watson was ready and they had gathered their gifts and prizes, Evelyn ushered him gently out to the car and let him look through the box as they drove. Evelyn, with Garrett's promise in mind, took the box back once they were home so Luca could have his arms free. It was both touching and painful every time, she thought, to watch Luca sink so readily into the older man's embrace, and she could see the way he took a slow breath and let it out in a sigh, just watching his shoulders rise and fall.

"I'm glad we could make it." Evelyn said, content enough to hold the box and simply wait, letting Luca have a moment and doing her best to judge when she thought she should break them apart once again. "I'll let you know if we can make it tomorrow, all right?"

Luca did finally let go on his own, this time, when he felt like he was keeping Garrett from leaving for too long, wanting the man to have time to get sleep. ". . . Thank you." He said softly, and after a glance at Evelyn added a soft, "goodnight."

She smiled for him and gently set the box in his hands once he was far enough away from Garrett, stepping closer to the older man herself and resting a gentle hand on his arm, her expression a mix of sympathy and gratitude. "Goodnight, Garrett. Don't be afraid to call, if you need to." Even if she managed to sleep, she would wake up if he needed someone to speak with, after reading all the things she'd sent him. The way he and Luca had clung together, she had a feeling he was going to take it very hard.
Garrett's eyes sparkled. "Good night, Luca. Rest well," he replied. And at Evelyn's generous offer, he smiled and glanced over, nodding. "Thank you so much. I might have to take you up on that. I'll try not to call after midnight, though." He tipped his hat to the pair and took a breath. "I'll see you both soon. Get plenty of good sleep, both of you."

Then he got back into his car with Watson, drove back to his apartment, and began to get settled in. He made himself a cup of cocoa and then settled in on the couch. "C'mere, Watson. I'm gonna need some extra cuddles soon," he called softly, patting the couch beside him.

Watson hopped up right into Garrett's lap instead, and the detective smiled and stroked his warm fur. "Good boy." He pulled in another long, shaky breath. Then he lifted his phone and texted Evelyn. All right. I'm ready when you are.
Evelyn wanted to tell him to call no matter what time it was, but didn't really think he would obey. She gave him a tight sort of smile, patted his arm, and just let him go. Following Luca inside, she urged him to get ready for bed, and spent a little while sitting outside with him, looking up and listening to whatever she could get him to tell her about stars and constellations.

They were just going back inside when Garrett messaged her, and spent a few minutes making sure everything was locked up before going to sit in her bedroom. The link she sent to him was to an online document, one that would be shared between them and that either of them could edit, in case he found additional information to add to it or had questions to ask that she could get to later on. It wasn't the most secure method of sharing, but it was password-locked, and she sent that along in the same message.

Take it slowly, if you feel too upset, or too angry. She sent afterwards. It's all right not to read it all at once. There was no point in bullheadedly going through it all at once and hurting himself for it, or doing something foolish because of it like going out looking for trouble. She was aware that Davis wasn't the only person that had ever been in charge of how Luca had been treated for the past decade.
Again, thank you, Garrett texted back. I'm not looking forward to reading it. That's for sure. But I know it'll help me make Luca's life a little easier so he can heal and grow. He paused, and sent another text. I'll read as much as I can.

The online document link came through a few moments later. His breath caught in his throat as he hovered over the link for a few moments. He knew that once he began reading, he might not be able to see Luca or the Lombardis the same way again. But he needed to know.

At last, with a trembling finger, Garrett clicked open the document and began to read.
Evelyn wanted to reassure him that she hadn't liked writing it down any more than he would like reading it, but felt like it would come across as belittling rather than supportive. Remember to call if you need to. She sent instead, breathing slowly and telling herself to stay calm as if it was her reading horrible revelations rather than him. I probably won't sleep much anyway.

Part of her wanted to stay up just for him, but she was sure she should at least try. She made sure to check on Luca and wish him goodnight once he was settled, then went about her nightly routine to get washed up for bed. For a while she would stay awake thinking of more questions to ask when she met with Luca's therapist, but eventually she would try to lie down and close her eyes despite the stress and worry. Hopefully, she thought, after having fun and holding on to Garrett for a while, at least Luca would sleep.
Garrett did, eventually, manage to get through the entire list. But he was crying by the end of it. Especially after learning that Luca had had to kill his own parents with his shadow.

And after a good long sob, he picked up his phone, swallowed hard, and gave Evelyn a call. "Do you think he remembers?" he choked out at last. "The - the first point on your list. Does he remember having to do that? Poor guy. I - I can't even imagine, I mean . . ." He cleared his throat. "Obviously I won't just bring it up with him. But do you think he knows? Also, wh - what are both your plans for tomorrow?"

Watson was purring loudly, rubbing against Garrett's cheek and trying to help him relax.
Evelyn was only just beginning to think of going to sleep when Garrett called, and was quiet as he talked. Hearing the distress in his voice made something clench tight in her chest, a sympathetic pain she wasn't quite used to anymore. It made her sit forward like she couldn't physically relax, shift into a cross-legged sit and curl both her hands around her phone like it would help.

". . . I think he knows." She managed finally even though she wanted nothing more than to tell him Luca didn't remember a thing, that he didn't hold the memories of so many deaths, and so personally, her voice quiet and resigned. "He wasn't in control, but he was always there, watching. . . Whether or not he believes any of it was his fault, I . . . I'm still not sure."

She gave her head a little shake, tried to banish the thought until it could have any sort of resolution, and ran a hand back through her hair. "Anthony wanted us to spend time with him, didn't he?" She offered, as gently as she could manage. "We could go to the park, have a picnic like before. . ." It was the only olive branch she could offer. Nothing they did was going to make any of it hurt less, but Garrett wasn't like her. He wouldn't want to hole up alone to hold his suffering. She wouldn't deny him company if he needed it just because she was going to be tired.
And the detective gave a shuddering sigh. "In some ways, it's good he already knows. We won't have to break the news to him." He swallowed again and ran a hand through his hair. ". . . But you should let me know if it ever comes up with the therapist and we can talk about it. If Luca thinks it's his fault - I don't want him to spend his whole life thinking that."

He sighed and wiped his eyes, smiling tiredly. "But a picnic with Anthony - that sounds great. The kiddo could use some time with us to relax. Want me to bring the dessert? I - I found this recipe online for blueberry muffins the other day. Really big ones."

Watson meowed, as though agreeing, and Garrett chuckled hoarsely. "Watson gives his greetings. He'll be at the picnic, too. What time should we all meet at the park?"
"Of course." Evelyn agreed gently. "I'll let you know when anything serious starts to come up. I'm sure she'll want to work on behaviors and feelings first, before delving into anything too horrible." It was best to establish a good relationship before touching on subjects that could and likely would drive Luca to not want to speak to her.

"Muffins sound great," she managed with a strained sort of chuckle, wanting to find the amusement in it despite feeling a little bit terrible. "Tell Watson hello for me. I'm sure Luca will like having him there. . . Anthony. . ." She sighed softly, resting a hand to her forehead as she turned the problem over and over again and finally just made herself choose. "He needs you, Garrett. . . You should let him take your guest room." She wouldn't fight having the younger man know where it was anymore. It wasn't fair to anyone.
"Yes. Certainly," Garrett murmured. "I don't want to rush anything if we don't have to."

But then Evelyn suggested letting Anthony stay at the apartment. "Wh - what?" he stammered. "Evelyn, I . . . you know I can't do that. The apartment's the only other place we have where we know for sure Luca will be safe. If your house were compromised, for whatever reason - " He bit his lip and shook his head. "It's too risky. Besides, I'm sure Anthony'll be fine until he can find a stable job and get his own apartment. Shouldn't take long. He's probably going to apply to some places soon."

As much as he ached to let Anthony stay him, or even with Luca and Evelyn, after so many reminders and discussions he fully understood the reasons he couldn't. But Anthony was strong, and Garrett was sure he could hold out until he got an apartment. Then they could all visit him there instead.