Forging New Paths

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Luca looked at the string in his hand a moment before letting one end dangle to the floor, and relaxed visibly when Watson seemed to like that instead. String was safe. Hitting the string wouldn't make the Shadow defend, since there were no claws coming his way.

"Sentient?" He repeated softly, as if trying out the word, and couldn't pin down exactly what it meant. ". . . It doesn't like his claws." Claws were small but they could make him bleed, or scratch him. It would never let that happen. So it was better not to take the chance, he thought, happy enough now that Watson was going for the string as he wiggled it around with little flicks of his wrist. Still, it was reassuring to hear someone tell him Watson would be okay.

Evelyn rubbed her eyes a bit as her Insight tried sluggishly to work through the fatigue, the images it gave her vague and blurry but enough to get the idea across: Watson running into a wall that wasn't there a moment ago. "I'm sure he would be all right," she reassured gently. "Cats are more resilient than you might think."
"That makes sense. Cat claws can be rather sharp," Detective Shiver agreed. "And kittens especially are still learning when to use them and when to keep them hidden. Not to worry, though. Watson here is a quick learner. Most of the time."

Watson purred and slunk towards the string. He paused a few inches away, wriggling his haunches as his pupils dilated further. Then he lunged at the string, grabbed it in his teeth, and kicked it with his back legs.

Garrett beamed. "Aww, look how cute. Good boy, Watson! Get that string!" He finally realized he'd finished eating, so he stood up and gathered his dishes. "Would you like me to start doing dishes, Evelyn?" he asked with a smile. It seemed only fair to clean up the dishes, since she'd set out the food and hosted the meal.
The reassurance was more than Luca usually received, and he found himself relaxing quickly while he watched Watson become so enamored with the string. Hunting, he thought, and kept making gentle pulls and flicks with the end of it he still held so Watson would have something to continue playing with.

Evelyn looked up at Garrett with a soft 'Hm?' as if she hadn't heard, then looked at the plates on the table for a moment as if deciding. She was sure she wouldn't win the argument if she refused, and it was only a few dishes. "If you want to," she conceded, handing him her own empty plate but leaving Luca's with its half eaten slice of pizza for now. She never knew when he would be done eating, but he was distracted playing with Watson now. "Thank you. I'll get a container for the leftovers."
Garrett raised an eyebrow, but he smiled and headed for the sink to set to work washing dishes. He wasn't sure if Evelyn had simply been distracted by watching Luca, if she had exhausted herself to the point of barely staying alert, or a combination of those. Either way, he was all the more determined she get some rest when she visited. It clearly wasn't happening much in her own home.

"You're welcome," he said gently. "Now, I believe Watson and I ought to start heading out once I get these dishes done. Wouldn't want to keep you both from watching one of the best Disney films of all time," he added with a chuckle. Besides, the earlier he left, the earlier Evelyn could finish the movie and try to get some sleep. "I have to say, though, I'm already looking forward to you both coming over in a few days' time."

Watson fought the string for a few more minutes before he tired himself out. He huffed and groomed himself with his little black paws. Then he yawned, stretched, and ambled over to Luca to hop into his lap for a nap.
Evelyn gave a little stretch and yawn as Garrett went to the sink, and after a moment got up to finish clearing the table as she'd said she would, chuckling softly at his insistence about The Great Mouse Detective. "I'm sure a project for Watson will be fun," she said aloud, and then quieter once she was nearer to him, with a small, kind smile. "Thank you, for giving him the idea. He might be a little in the way, but he'll like being able to do something with you." She let Luca participate in as many daily activities as she could, but she had a feeling that doing something with Garrett would be different. Luca had attached to her quickly, but the detective held a special place in his view of the world, too.

Luca kept the game going until Watson was clearly done with it, and only moved his hands out of the way when Watson hopped up to his lap. He was content to gently stroke over the cat's dark fur and stay trapped at the dinner table so that his small friend could rest. He would miss Watson and Garrett when they left, but as he'd never had much control over who he saw and when, or how often, he wouldn't fight their leaving.

". . . are you always sleepy?" He murmured softly to Watson, petting him gently. Maybe Watson was tired like he usually was. Maybe it would be easier to sleep if he was a cat.
The detective couldn't help but gently pat Evelyn's shoulder for a brief moment, returning her smile. "I assure you, he won't be in the way. Bold of you to assume I know what I'm doing. That's what I like about Luca - he and I get to learn together, and he has just as much curiosity as I have." He couldn't admit Luca felt almost like a little brother to him already. "And I appreciate your extraordinary patience with the both of us."

Watson made a little "mrrr" noise and rolled over onto his back, purring as if to agree with Luca.

Garrett burst out laughing. "That little fella has two settings, Luca. Completely exhausted, and running around like a mad man. It's delightful. But to answer your question - yes, he's sleepy approximately half the entire day, sometimes more."

The little black cat yawned again and gave Luca's finger a gentle lick before heaving a deep sigh of content.
Evelyn couldn't help a little laugh at the thought that Garrett didn't know what he was doing either. To be quite honest, she wasn't sure if it was fully a joke or not, but she was sure that Luca would enjoy learning things with someone else who didn't know what they were doing. Perhaps it would make him feel less apart from the world, to fumble with someone.

"Perhaps tolerance more than patience," she teased lightly, but looked back over her shoulder and couldn't help a small, happy sigh at the little smile Luca got when he was with Watson. Despite not being the first time, it gave her hope for the future.

Luca let his fingers slide through Watson's fur as he turned, gently petting over the cat's chest and belly in hopes that it would help him sleep. "He's warm." Blankets and sunshine were good, but Luca liked having the warmth of a cat in his lap, or Evelyn hand in his hair. It made it easier to focus on things that were outside, rather than the buzz that was always inside.
"Especially in my case," Garrett said with a chuckle, his eyes twinkling. It was clear he took the light teasing very well and knew Evelyn meant it in the kindest way possible. "But still. It's very much appreciated, and I'm glad to be of help when and where I can."

He glanced over at Luca again when he talked about the cat's warmth, and he nodded slowly. "Yes, he is. Say . . . Luca, how would you feel about having a heated or weighted blanket? Or maybe a few fidgets?" Having outside stimuli seemed to help Luca relax, and he wondered why he'd never thought of the blankets especially until now.

Maybe creating a new routine wasn't enough for him; maybe he also needed additional external stimuli to signal to him it was time to sleep. Something similar - but of course much safer and healthier - than the drugs the Lombardis had used on him. Warm or weighted blankets seemed like a good option.
For someone that had lived and endured on her own for so long, it was odd to find the promise of outside help so reassuring. For Luca, she told herself in way of explanation. He would need more than just her to help him find a place in the world, and to open up his heart to things like friends and family. She couldnt keep him sequestered away alone forever.

"Heated, or weighted?" Luca tilted his head a bit, thoughtfully, and finally raised his eyes up from Watson purring in his lap to find Garrett near the kitchen sink. "What does 'fidgets' mean?" He wasn't sure if he would like a blanket that was warm or heavy, but he had never had them before.

Evelyn made a small, thoughtful sound at the idea, a small frown on her face. "I hadn't thought of that." Luca had a tendency to stay very still when she was idle, so she hadn't thought of fidget toys or anything of the like yet. She knew that Luca liked things that were soft, so a blanket would be nice, but maybe Garrett was right about the toys, too.
Garrett smiled warmly. "They're sort of like toys. But basically, they're smaller versions that are meant to keep your hands busy when there's not much to do. Like keychains, or metal rings, or light switches. Actually I've got a fidget spinner here in my pocket somewhere . . ." He rummaged around for a few minutes, pulled out a holographic fidget spinner, and held it up. "Observe!" He gave the spinner a flick with his thumb and scent it whirling.

Even Watson was intrigued by the soft buzz it made, and he opened his eyes to stare at it.

"Here, why don't you try?" Garrett offered. "There are other types of fidgets too, but I like that one the best. And as for the blankets - why don't I bring a few over for you to try out? If you don't like them, Evelyn or I can keep them as spares."
Luca was curious, despite still being confused. 'Fidgets' were toys? For fidgeting, he supposed, given the name. "Okay," he said softly, uncertainly, when he was offered blankets. He wasn't sure how one could be very different from another, but Garrett wanted him to try them, so he would.

When the older man came over to present the toy, Luca held his hand out obediently and looked it over, managing after a moment to figure out how to hold it so it could still spin freely without falling from his hand. It was odd, he thought as he tested how fast or slow it could go. The way the weight settled mostly in the center, and the faint sound it made as it spun had him staring at it just as much as Watson. He hadn't had toys since he was little.

Evelyn had half a mind to reject the idea of Garrett spending money on blankets Luca might not even use, but she knew he was just trying to help, and to bond, so she didn't have the heart to reject him in the end. "Too many blankets sounds like a good problem to have," she said with a small, almost fond little sigh. "I'm sure I could find some myself, if you don't want to go through the trouble." That was as hard as she would fight the idea, and would acquiesce if Garrett insisted. Luca, at least, would likely enjoy having more blankets to use. Perhaps she would go so far as to leave one draped over the back of the couch for him, if it were a nice enough color.
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"What do you think of it?" Garrett asked, leaning forward eagerly and watching Luca's expression. He smiled when he realized that Watson and Luca were staring at the fidget spinner in much the same way. At the very least, Luca seemed interested in it. And Garrett had plenty of fidgets at home. He was prepared to give the spinner to Luca if the young man enjoyed it.

Watson certainly did. He reached up a paw, attempting to bat at the fidget spinner.

Detective Shiver gave a light chuckle before turning his attention back to Evelyn. "It wouldn't be any trouble. But you probably have a better idea of what blankets Luca would like, so I'll let you do the shopping. I'd love to know which of them he likes better than the others, if he does have a preference." Even better, if Luca did have a type of blanket he liked, Garrett could buy a few extras of it.

And Garrett had a good amount of spending money. Up until he'd met Watson, Luca, and Evelyn - and his informants - there weren't a lot of people in his life he spent much money on. Including himself. While he spoiled himself with the occasional book or treat, his living space felt small, and he didn't often bring new things into it. At least until now.

He was sure it would change with Watson getting absolutely spoiled rotten, and hopefully Evelyn and Luca as well. He'd have to figure out what each of their favorite foods and drinks were.
Luca flinched a little when Watson tried to bat the toy while it was spinning, not wanting the cat's paw to get hurt, and gently stopped it from moving before letting him try to hit it again. It was amusing, the way Watson's little smacks made it spin in tiny bursts. "It feels strange. . ." He mused, though he clearly wasn't displeased, turning it this way and that to feel the weight of it in his hand. It was a weird feeling, the way the mechanism gave off slight vibrations as it spun. He wondered how it was made.

"I'm not sure if a spinner is the right one for him," Evelyn murmured thoughtfully, wandering over to lean against a chair on the opposite side of the table, chin propped on a hand. "I'll have to look around online. I'm sure I can find a few blankets and toys that would be good to try out." Perhaps something smaller he could fiddle with would be better. She wasn't sure that he would like weighted blankets, given previous life experience with feelings of being held down, but that was worth a try as well. Maybe Luca would surprise her.
Garrett nodded slowly. "Quite all right. Everyone has different fidgets they like," he agreed. "The fidget spinner is my favorite. I enjoy the weight, and the vibrations, and the soft hum. Luca, what sorts of textures do you like? Bumpy, maybe? Or soft things? Maybe something crinkly?"

Watson had little sense of danger from the toy, if any at all. He often smacked it when Garrett was in the middle of messing with it and seemed to love foiling Garret's plans in that regard, especially since it often meant he got pet afterwards. He smacked at the fidget spinner a few more times and glanced up at Luca with dilated eyes.

"Ah. He's asking you to pet him," Garrett said with a grin. "I accidentally trained him, I think. He thinks tapping the fidget spinner means it's time to be petted." He blushed and chuckled. ". . . Or maybe he trained me."
"Textures?" Luca's attention drifted off into space as he considered, absentmindedly holding the spinner where Watson could swat at it. What sorts of things did he like to touch? It wasn't something he'd ever spent much time thinking about. "I like . . . soft things," he answered finally, hesitant at the strange question, "and smooth things. . . I don't like things like crinkle."

He didn't like the noises, or the feeling, and he didn't really like the scratchy feeling of Watson's tongue either but he liked the cat himself so he never stopped it. At Garrett's instruction, Luca blinked up at him, then took the direction to give Watson gentle scratches, perfectly happy to do so as long as his furry friend wanted him to.

When the detective remarked on Watson's training, Evelyn gave a surprised little 'ha' of laughter, then pressed a hand to her mouth and quite obviously tried to smother her smile, amusement crinkling the muscles around her eyes. "I'm sorry," she said with a shake of her head, voice shaking with laughter, "but I think he's training you rather well." He was going to have Garrett wrapped around his little finger.
"Good! We're already narrowing down options for you," Garrett said happily. "All right, let's see . . . do you like more lightweight things, or things that are heavier in your hand? Like a feather compared to a stone."

Watson purred loudly when Luca began petting him as expected. He closed his eyes and arched his back up into Luca's hand, walking back and forth to get petted over and over.

The detective's features lit up on hearing Evelyn laugh, even for just a short instant. She didn't seem like a high energy person, so the moments she got excited about something or found things funny were extra delightful to see. "Yes, I suppose he is," he agreed at last. "I'm all right with that, though. He's adorable. I'll allow it."
There was something pleased in Luca's expression at being praised, and a faint smile on his face for having both that and Watson pressing into his hand. He tried to think about the question of weight at the same time as petting Watson, though he found he mostly just needed to make scratching motions and let the cat move back and forth wherever he wanted it.

". . . Heavier," he decided finally. He didn't like when it was hard to feel what was in his hands, and sometimes when things were too light he forgot that he was holding anything and dropped it. As much force as he had always been told to use when breaking things, he always felt strange around things that were delicate, like he wasn't meant to have them.

Evelyn was glad, at least, that Garrett took no offense at her laughter, though her cheeks colored every so faintly at how pleased he seemed, whether it be with her laughing or himself making her laugh. "You should be careful or you'll spoil him," she said, smiling just a little still. "Don't let him train you into making him fat."
Detective Shiver made a few notes in his notebook, happy that they were about something so innocent as fidget toys for once and not about a case or the Lombardis. A few of the pages before, more recent ones even, contained notes that were far less cheerful. He ignored the previous pages for now and focused on this one. "Heavier. I see. Now, for appearances - do you like things that are shiny and sparkly more, or things that aren't shiny?"

He smiled at Evelyn and held a hand to his chest, pretending to be offended. "Me? Spoil him? Nonsense," he said with a chuckle. ". . . But actually I will make sure he doesn't eat too much. He'll be spoiled every other way, though."

Watson had been an immeasurable help to him already. He helped the detective unwind after a long day at work, was an excellent person to bounce ideas off of, and even helped him remember when it was time to eat on the occasions he got too wrapped up in his work to remember.
The questions were getting harder, and there were too many things to focus on - the spinner still in his hand, petting Watson, trying to listen to everyone's voices. Luca was silent as he thought, setting the spinner very gently on the table to avoid dropping it, and let himself focus more on Watson so he wouldn't forget to give the cat the pets he wanted. ". . . I don't know." He said finally, quiet and with his eyes focused on Watson, worried he was doing something wrong by not having an answer. There were too many things, and he couldn't focus on them all enough through the ache in his joints.

Evelyn shook her head a bit fondly at Garrett's spoiling, but did touch a hand briefly to his arm to get him to stop questing for more information. "I think that's enough to go on for now," she said softly, "let's not overwhelm him with too many things at once." They could go slowly, get him one or two little things at a time to see if he liked them. There was no rush.
But thankfully by this time, Garrett could tell on his own accord that Luca was starting to feel overwhelmed. And he didn't want Luca to feel disappointed. "That's a very valid answer, Luca," he said, smiling gently first at Luca, and then at Evelyn's touch on his arm as though to say he appreciated her reminder. "Why, no one knows everything. In fact, half the fun is not knowing things and getting to learn them. If we already knew everything, where would be the excitement of learning?"

He chuckled and shrugged. "Anyway, we've got plenty of information to go off for the moment. And I want to thank you for your patience with me in answering all my questions. Would you like to ask me some?" he offered.

He wasn't sure if Luca would enjoy that or whether it would be more taxing on him. But Luca had great curiosity like Garrett, and a clear fondness for learning. Maybe he would like asking questions, too.