For Country and Peace (Watase Yu x Eternalsinger13

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Evelynne was working on controlling her shyness. However, every so often it slipped through. She was doing her best to keep it contained tonight to prevent any awkwardness. It would be a pity to ruin such a comfortable and relaxed moment between them. It was as if time had stopped with nothing but electricity dancing in the air between them. Even after she pulled away to change, that same electric sensation seemed to pull at her, trying to pull Eve back to Arikizo. As she began to close the distance between them again, a faint blush colored her cheeks as she noticed he had removed his shirt completely. She didn't blame him, it did feel rather hot in the room. Their was the love of her life, sitting there waiting for her in nothing but a pair of trousers. The view made her heart skip a beat. The reactions she got when she first returned to Ari's lap made her blink lightly in surprise, but she grinned all the same. A groan, she heard it, but barely. The fact that she was capable of getting such reactions from him made her grin.

As he spoke up, Eve held his gaze, deciding to not tease him about his stutter. She feared the teasing would make him self conscious and therefore the situation awkward. Which she didn't want. "Well good. Because that w-would have been uncomfortable." She mused, her first slip up of the night. It had taken all of her willpower to keep her voice steady up to that point. As his fingers returned to the bare skin of her shoulders, another pleasant shiver rolled down Evelynne's spine from the heated trail. The free hand on his chest soon returned to their idle movement, a trail of design dancing up and down the middle of his bare chest. She refused to close her eyes, afraid that once she opened them she would be back in the bed in her old room. All of this being an incredible, heated dream.

Unable to take it anymore, Eve molded her body against his as she slid in. Her lips quickly found his, pressing a deeply passionate kiss upon Ari's lips. She held it, the arm his shoulders tightening ever so slightly to her as close and comfortably as possibly. Bliss. Electricity. This was where she belonged. She had never felt anything so right in her entire life. Once she finally broke the kiss, Eve let her forehead rest against his, her lips hoovering tantalizingly close as her eyes opened, though slightly lidded from pleasure as she found his gaze again. "T-tell me this isn't a dream ... " She whispered, her lips dancing to Ari's cheek, trail down his chin, and ending at his neck. "You're intoxicating. Electrifying ..." She whispered in his ear, her breath teasing his earlobe before she moved her head back just enough so she could meet his gaze again, her cheeks flushed as she bit her bottom lip.
The blush that appeared on Evelynne's cheeks as she neared him made Arikizo grin. She didn't seem to mind that he had taken off his shirt, which was good because he didn't exactly plan on putting it back on. The climate was typically very warm, and the castle even more so; he rarely wore a shirt while sleeping because he'd overheat. Besides, he felt that he still would have been overdressed. Those thoughts were quickly stolen from his mind once she was close to him, the playful little grin on her lips only making his uneven pulse jump more. She didn't tease him about his stutter, and as she did the same his smile began to return. Her slight shiver egged him on as he continued to trace along her shoulder. However, his hand began to slow as her fingertips sent flames coursing through his veins. He wanted to close his eyes, just bask in the sensation, but wondered if all of this would remain; or was it just some torturous daydream?

"Evie." He whispered, trying to keep another groan from sneaking free. He blinked a few times, trying to get his heartbeat under control and catch his breath. Even with such a simple, innocent touch, she could make him feel like his blood had been replaced with electricity, every brush of her fingertips sending a new wave of shock through his body. Eve leaned toward him, and he was too distracted to notice until her lips met his. He mirrored her passion, taking note of her growing passion. His arm wrapped back around her waist, holding her tight against him. In all his life, he had never felt such strength and security; he'd never been so happy before Evelynne. 'How did it come to this?' He wondered in awe. 'How did I earn such a blessing?' When the kiss ceased, Evelynne leaning her forehead against his, he looked at her with eyes full of love and desire; any hint of apprehension had evaporated. "I've wondered the same-" He answered softly, cutting himself off as he took in a sharp breath to quiet himself when she kissed his neck.

For a few moments, Ari didn't trust himself to respond to her whispered comment. A shock ran down his spine, her warm breath tickling his ear. She shifted ever so slightly to meet his gaze, her breath still heating his skin. His cheeks were as flushed as hers, and once he got his voice back he dared to respond. "I say the same... about you." He whispered, shifting his hand from her shoulder to her upper back, just above the fabric of her dress, and gently twisted some of her hair between his fingers. She had spoke the exact words he would have used; intoxicating; electrifying. "What cruelty... if this turned out to be a dream."
Seeing Arikizo's grin as she moved closer made Eve smile affectionately. The entire evening since they had returned to the bedroom was completely different from earlier. Earlier had been rushed, uncomfortable, uncertain of what they should do with this new situation. Now, they didn't let fear or over thinking take over. It was as if they let instinct kick in to full gear. Her shiver seemed to only egg him on, his fingertips increasing their teasing motion across his shoulders.

As his fingers slowed, a playful smile tugged at her lips again. She was beginning to wonder if her touch was doing the same thing his did to her bare skin. From the look of it, Eve guessed that it was safe to say yes as Ari whispered her name and a groan escaped his lips. Ari's mirrored passion was a pleasant surprise. Eve was glad she wasn't alone in her feelings within the moment. As she me Ari's gaze, the amount of love and desire in his eyes matched her own, and Eve was grateful to hear that he had the same fear she did. That this was all some torturous dream.

Eve held her breath as she awaited a response. For half a second, she feared she had finally pushed Ari to far. However, her fear was soon squashed by his level comment. She released that held breath as he wrapped his fingers in her hair. "It would be extremely cruel indeed ..." She would whisper as the heated, teasing trail of her fingers on his chest stopped, her hand resting against his bare waist just about the waist line of his trousers. "You feel real. Your lips taste real. The passion feels real. Yet I still fear that I will wake up, alone in my old bed with no way to quench the fire now burning like a bonfire underneath me very skin ..." She whispered, her blush faintly returning to her cheeks as her gaze bore into his. "I have never felt anything so deeply or strongly in my entire life ..."
Based upon their flustered reactions earlier that day, neither of them would have expected things to become so heated. Granted, they didn't exactly have much time to themselves at that moment, and everything that happened just before in the ballroom, their emotions had been frazzled and their nerves were fried. Not now, though, because every move either of them made seemed to radiate the passion between them. Arikizo blushed, wondering how red his face had become at that moment, as Evelynne playfully grinned at his reactions. And the look of desire in her eyes was nothing to overlook either. When he didn't respond right away, he noticed the slightly concerned look that crossed her eyes. Was she afraid that she had been too bold with what she said? From the breath she let out, that he hadn't realized she'd been holding, he knew that was the case.

Ari nodded, noticing the shift of her fingertips on his chest, and her hand froze where it was. He almost complained at the loss, but was distracted by her response. "All true." He murmured. "But I assure you if this was a dream, I wouldn't leave it at that." He was a bit shocked by his own boldness, the implications possible by such a brash statement made him chuckle at himself. He pulled Evelynne closer again, kissing her with the same zeal and passion as before, his eyes falling shut. Letting his actions do the talking. If this was a dream, he wouldn't ever want to wake up. He got a bit daring, letting his lips part just slightly against her own, seeing how she would react. The hand at her waist traced lightly along her side, tracing along the curve of her waist but turning back before his fingertips got to her hip.
The sheer boldness from his statement would have shocked her before. Made her blush a bright crimson. However, a faint hint of a blush danced over her cheeks as she bit her bottom lip. It was officially the moment of truth. Either she could put a stop to it. Or she could follow through with both her and his desires. Arikizo was her husband now. Her husband who stated that there was nothing she could do to frighten him away. And clearly he desired more as badly as she did. She could hear it in his groans. See it in the desire burning in his eyes.

Her fingertips soon danced along his waist, teasing directly above the waist line of his trousers. "Then don't ..." She would whisper in response, curious to see his reaction. Shortly after her comment, Arikizo's lips were on hers. Matching his passion, Eve would let her own eyes flutter closed. Feeling his lips part against her lips, Eve felt her heartbeat begin to race again. Letting instinct take over, her lips part ever so slightly in return, inviting his tongue in if he so chose to do so. If he did, Eve would let her tongue dance with his as she pressed in close.

[[ OOC: Feel free to fade to black and time skip to the morning after if you like. ^.^ ]]
Evelynne looked so sure on her desire, her hesitance was nowhere to be seen. And Ari wouldn't let the bite of nervousness break through the lovely cloud that they had surrounded themselves in. What did he have to fear? They both wanted this, that much was certain. And this may be the only chance they got where their privacy was ensured. If that last fact hadn't been true, he knew he would have fallen back into his flustered, child-like mindset. It still remained even then, though cloaked and hidden away as much as he possibly could. And it would never be a question of whether or not he desired her. How could he not?

He dared to let a soft groan slip past his lips as her fingers traced just above his trousers, and for a moment her words didn't register. But as they kissed, his mind began to process. Don't leave it as a dream... continue through with this to the end... the thoughts didn't freeze him like he thought they might. His tongue slipped past their lips, and at that point he knew there was little chance of turning back. Not with this fog of passion clouding his mind, intoxicating as Eve had described him to be. Why waste what could be their only safe chance?


Arikizo woke to the early morning light glaring in through the window. His arms raised to block the blinding rays of sun, blinking away the sleep that still clouded his mind. It was morning... weren't they supposed to leave by sunrise? Or had Evelynne's relatives decided to let them sleep in? Evelynne... He shifted slightly, looking over to her. She wasn't too far from him, and the sunlight catching in her long brown hair illuminated it with golden flecks. A smile came over his face, a blush coloring his cheeks a bit as he remembered the events of the previous night. How had he found such boldness in the face of such pure beauty? He shifted onto his side, outstretching his hand and gently running his fingertips through her hair, along her cheek. "Evie..." The prince cooed softly, knowing that the morning wouldn't stay so peaceful for long.
Evelynne had no idea what time it was when she and Arikizo finally drifted off to sleep. All she knew was that last night had been completely unexpected and complete bliss. She let her hesitance shrivel away and simply went for what she wanted. Arikizo did the same. And what happened afterwards was completely incredible. She hadn't bothered getting dressed again afterwards, instead choosing to simply snuggle up besides Arikizo and fall asleep like that as they both let sleep over take them.

It was Arikizo gentle stirring that first began to tug Eve from the comfort of her oblivious sleep. Her back was to the windows, so the sun wasn't in her face to wake her. His warm, gentle touch running through her hair tugging her from her slumber a bit more. Then his soft, smooth voice, saying her name affectionately made her eyes finally open reluctantly. A content sigh escaped her lips as she slid next to him, let herself snuggle up to him as he laid on his side, careful to keep herself covered in the thin blanket. "Ari ..." She murmured as she placed a kiss on his shoulder.

Her soft gaze drifted toward the window, though she quickly closed her eyes again. "It seems my parents were kind enough to let us sleep in this morning ..." She murmured softly as she opened her eyes, meeting his gaze. A soft blush was coloring her cheeks as she thought of the events of last night. "That was nice of them ... Though, we may want to get up soon. Not keep them waiting to long ..." Eve mused with a reluctant sigh. "How did you sleep last night? Sharing the bed with me didn't bother you to much I hope ..." Eve would ask with a chuckle as she bit her bottom lip.
Arikizo almost regretted having to wake Evelynne from her peaceful slumber. After all she'd had to put up with because of his family, the least that could be done to reward her patience was allow her sleep. But alas, he knew it was either him or loud knocking on the bedroom door. The door was locked, wasn't it? Had he locked it, or had she? He couldn't even remember, but he vaguely remembered it being locked after they had returned last night from dinner. As Eve slowly began to awaken, a happy smile grew on his lips. He could definitely get used to this; waking up to such a lovely sight, his adoring wife, her sweet innocence as she stumbled out of slumber like a child. He let out a soft sigh as she kissed his shoulder, chuckling at her reaction to the sunlight. "Kind they are. And likely impatiently awaiting us."

"I slept better than ever." Ari answered. "And you could never bother me, Evie. No matter how hard you try." He wrapped one arm around waist, kissing her forehead and nose and cheek reverently. "And surely I didn't bother you either, hmm?" He was soon jolted from the peace of the morning by the jingle of the door handle. Followed by a softer knock than he expected. He gave Evelynne a look before sighing and pulling his arm away from her waist. He began to sit up until the sound of keys made him freeze. The doorknob turned, the door pushed open to reveal a young, mousy looking maid, who instantly blushed dark crimson and turn her gaze away. "I-I'm so sorry, forgive my intrusion your highnesses." She stuttered, looking as if she was trying to hide behind the door. "I thought you were still asleep, because you didn't answer." "No need to apologize. Just give us a few minutes to change and we will be out the way."

As the young woman curtseyed and quickly exited, shutting the door behind her, the prince let out a sigh. "Seems everyone is more impatient than we thought." He murmured. "Come on. Otherwise it might be your brother or your cousin next. Or your parents." But surely, since they were not disturbed earlier, the assumptions surrounding their night had obviously been suspected by their families... so hopefully they would be left to themselves and servants for a little while longer. "I wonder if they would allow us time to bathe." He mused as he shifted out of bed, pulling on his shorts and trousers so that he would not be walking around indecently. Last night had happened, yes, but it had been quite dark and they were in different mindsets now. He moved away from the bed to the dresser, keeping his focus on finding clothes that hadn't already been packed away as Evelynne began to get out of bed as well.
Eve had to admit, Ari's wake up call was the sweetest wake up call she had ever had. She could certainly get use to such things. Seeing his happy smile, Eve would let one of her own dance over her lips. His content sigh made her stomach flutter pleasantly and his chuckle at her expense only made her smile affectionately. Such mornings she could certainly get use too. "My brother and cousin more so than my parents, I suspect." She would say with a giggle and sigh.

Hearing that Arikizo slept well last night made Evelynne relax. She had feared the going from sleeping in a bed alone to sharing it with another person may have kept him awake. "You certainly did not. I honestly can't remember the last time I slept that well ..." She would muse before the jolt of the door knob and the knock at the door snapped her attention away from Ari. Evelynne froze as well, her hands subconsciously grabbing for the thin blanket, holding it in place to keep herself covered. As it proved to be nothing more than an embarrassed maid, Eve relaxed back into the bed as the poor girl hurried out of the room. "Poor thing. Certainly not what she expected ..." Eve mused sympathetically.

Looking back to Ari, Evelynne couldn't help but chuckle at his comment. "Indeed. More likely my brother and cousin than my parents. And out of curiosity as to what state they would fine us in than impatience ..." She mused with an fake scowl. She watched him stand, enjoying the temporary bare view before he pulled on his trousers. A blush returned to her cheeks as she reached for her robe. "I do hope so. After the events of yesterday ... I certainly need one. I probably smell awful ..." She would say with a sigh and chuckle.

Some of her shyness was returning, she could feel it as she closed her robe. He had touched and seen plenty last night, but it was rather dark. As she headed towards the bathroom, Eve would pause behind him, a hand resting against his lower back as she placed a kiss upon his upper arm. "If you don't mind that is, I'll be quick. I promise." She murmured softly before heading towards the bathroom, pausing in the door way to spare a glance at Ar before slipping inside. Though Eve thought she closed the door all the way, it cracked open silently. Ari could easily slip in if he so wished as Eve slid into the warm bath to clean off from the day before.
"I would suspect as much." Arikizo mused, laughing softly. "I'm sure they'll have plenty to say during the trip, unless we end up with your parents. Or do you think we'll all be in one carriage?" As for having Evelynne's company as he slept, he found it very comforting to have her close by. Knowing she was safe, and if she became distressed he could quickly aid her. If she had still been in another room, he would not have such peace of mind. Besides, the bed had seemed too big for one person anyhow. He much preferred her company. Eve's reaction to the maid's arrival, though not that much different from his own, earned a bit of a chuckle. "So shy now, hmm?" He teased once the younger female had scurried away. "I don't think she was warned beforehand."

"Well, I'm sure we have more to worry about from... Rynard and Isaiah, was it?" Ari added, laughing along with her. "Once that maid returns to them, I'm sure they'll be trying their best to sneak up here. We should hope to be in better appearance by their arrival." He glanced over his shoulders as she spoke again, but quickly turned back around as she reached for her robe, which made the blanket shift away from her body. He tried hard to hide his blush, knowing he would seem childish again. "I probably do as well." He murmured, distracting himself with clothes until Evelynne walked by him. Stopping with her hand on his lower back, which caught him off guard, causing him to inhale sharply in surprise. "Go right ahead." He answered, watching her walk off to the bathroom.

As she disappeared to clean up, the prince let out a sigh, lifting a hand and running it through his hair. By he backward glance, he figured she may expect him to follow her; whether she was conscious of that or not, he wasn't entirely sure. However, he found himself lacking the courage to do so, and busied himself with setting out a clean change of clothes while she was washing up. Would she think he was a coward? That last night had all been a lucky break of boldness? He couldn't remember if he'd partaken in any wine at dinner, which could have leant him the inhibition. While she seemed fearful of being so bold, he was truly afraid of boring her with a lack of boldness sometimes. Sure, in teasing and sweet little gestures, he dared to push boundaries. But when he was in his right mind, and not lost in a tempest of passion, he really was quite timid when it came to this sort of thing.

These thoughts ran rampant through his mind while he awaited Evelynne's return. Ari sank down onto the bed, holding his head in his hands and wondering what Eve would do. But that was ridiculous, he soon thought, as he remembered how she'd been yesterday, before the ball. So patient, and accepting of his shyness. However, he didn't want to make her feel like she made him feel insecure, because it was the exact opposite. So why couldn't he act boldly now, like he had last night? He didn't know, and it frustrated him beyond anything. 'What a mess I am.'
"Either way would be a bit awkward, I'm sure. Though. Ryn and 'Saiah more than my parents ..." She would say with a chuckle and a soft nod. "Two, I'm sure. I believe that is how they arrived anyway in case of this exact scenario." She would reassure Ari with a smile. At his teasing about, Evelynne would grin. "Only one person has earned the right to see me so and I'm currently looking at him ..." She would murmur in response with a grin. "Yes, Rynard is my cousin, and Isaiah is my older brother." Eve would confirm with a giggle. She was soon nodding her head in agreement. "You have a rather valid point. I would be surprised if they weren't the next ones to come knocking on our door ..." Eve would say as Ari looked away as she slid into her robe. Still so shy. She was beginning to wonder if her boldness last night had been to much. Though some of her own shyness had returned. And apparently some of her worries.

His sharp breath as she touched his back made her grin, though she carefully hid it as she met his gaze. She didn't want to make him even more uncomfortable. She didn't look back at him consciously. Now that she was alone in the tub with her thoughts, a blush and a frown tugged at her lips. Eve found herself hugging her legs as she soaked in the water for a moment. Had she done something wrong? Or was there something wrong with her? Eve quickly forced such thoughts from her mind. She had a promise to keep.

She exited the bathroom a short time later. She was in her robe again, dried off, and her damp hair was pulled back into a braid like the night before. It was the simplest hairstyle she could do by herself that also made her look put together. "Sorry if I took to long. A fresh bath is ready for you ..." She would murmur before stopping in her tracks. The last thing Eve had expected to find was Ari on the bed with his face in his hands. "Ari ...?" Eve would murmur in a concerned tone as she quickly closed the distance between them. "Ari, what's wrong?" She murmured as she let one of her hands drift through his hair, the other gently taking his hands away so that she could meet his gaze.
"Awkward indeed." Ari agreed. At her response to his teasing, his cheeks darkened a bit more. But he didn't let it fluster him too much as he focused on Evelynne's words as she continued to speak. "I'm glad I can remember some parts of yesterday at least." He joked, knowing that neither of them would forget a moment of the hectic and magical day they'd gone through. And he remembered very well that Ryn liked only to be called as such, and not his full name; but perhaps it may dissuade some of the teasing if he used that to his advantage. "Wouldn't surprise me in the least." Eve's shyness, though slightly noticeable to her husband, was definitely a lot less outward than his own. And he did try to hide it, knowing she would begin to blame herself for his timidness as she had expressed last night.

And it wasn't even that he was uncomfortable. Arikizo savored every touch, every grin, every tease and taunt. Evelynne's company was always a comfort, whether it was a kind hug or a playful kiss on the cheek or a romantic touch. Was there something wrong with him that made him so insecure? What was he so afraid of that made him so shy? He couldn't answer those questions, because he honestly did not know. Maybe, he had a few guesses, but they didn't make much sense in the context of this situation. Ari was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't hear Eve leave the bathroom, her words barely registering in his mind. It wasn't until the feeling of her hand in his hair shocked him from his mind that he realized she had been speaking to him.

The prince jumped a bit at her touch, nearly a flinch, and he quickly regretted such a seemingly adverse reaction. "I'm sorry... you startled me. I guess I'm still tired." He said quickly, hoping he hadn't upset her. The last thing he wanted was for her to revert back to her leashed, cautious self. All he wished for her was to be independent and free, and not feel obligated to check everything she did for his sake... because he felt that no matter how restrained she was, he would still feel shy, and on top of that he'd also feel guilty for stealing her freedom. "I'm fine, Evie. I'm not quite awake yet." Ari managed a small smile, but couldn't keep eye contact for very long before he set to gathering his clothes to head off to the bathroom. 'Damn it! Why can't I just stop being stupid and just relax for once? Why am I always so guarded?' True, he was used to being alone, but that didn't give him reason in his mind to lock Evelynne out like this. 'I swore to her that I wouldn't act like this. And yet, I still am.'

While he mind was racing and chastising, he tried to keep a happy appearance. Tried to hide the turmoil within his thoughts. Act naturally. But he was too rushed, dropping his shirt from the pile of clean clothes as he turned to head off toward the bathroom. With a softly muttered curse, he bent down to retrieve the garment. With another glance toward Eve, and another forced smile, he said "I won't take long.", and would turn to head off into the bathroom.
Eve certainly noticed Arikizo's flinch. It caught her off guard and she had to be careful not to let her shock show. How had she startled him? She hadn't exactly been quiet. What could he be thinking about that would make him so closed off to the room? Eve could feel herself closing off, the more he talked. She had done something wrong. It is the only thing that made sense to her as to why he was acting this way. "I'm not quite awake yet ..." This comment in particular made her blink. He was awake before she was and he seemed quite awake when he had woken her up. He was lying to her.

By this point Eve was standing off to the side, her arms crossed over her chest as she carefully kept herself covered. She had been to bold last night. Made him do something he clearly was regretting this morning, or so she was thinking. From his rushed and guarded state. Lack of eye contact. It was clear to her that she had done something. She had to of for him to act this way towards her. Managing a nod to him, Eve kept her face gently neutral until Arikizo had disappeared into the bathroom. She made no sound, though her eyes watered and her bottom lip began to tremble as she hugged herself. Had giving herself to him truly been so wrong? 'What have I done wrong? Was last night really that big of a mistake for him? Or is it something else? I don't understand.' Eve would think to herself as she took a shaky breath.

Her mind was racing as she drifted towards the wardrobe. She needed to get dressed before Arikizo finished and left the bathroom. The last thing she wanted was to cause even more problems or turmoil. She quickly slipped into her undergarments. Her gaze soon found one of her favorite traveling dresses. A simple, yet elegant sheath number that she could easily slip over her head. Eve kept this particular number tied, making it easy to change in and out of on her own with no need for assistance. Arikizo should like that fact. Once she had slipped into her comfortable flats, Eve sank into one of the chairs, her feet crossing at the ankles as she stared at the floor. She needed to pull herself together before Ari came out of bathroom. Hopefully the servant girl had notified her family that they would be down soon so that they would have the carriages ready and waiting by the time they got downstairs so they could leave straight away for Thiandra.
Even with the fleeting amount of eye contact, Arikizo noticed the shift in Evelynne's expression. The more he tried to comfort her, the more distant she looked. Was he making everything worse by trying to dismiss her worries? The way she folded her arms in front of her definitely proved that she was upset. 'Damn it!' And despite the small (though faded) smile she had on her lips, the vacant look in her eyes hit him like a knife... she was putting on a mask for him. She had never done that to him before, not since they had first met. That cut him deep, and all he wanted to do was forget about leaving, just drop everything and truly comfort her. But he didn't even know how to do that. 'Why am I so damn useless?!' So instead, he made his escape; like the coward he felt he was.

The moment the bathroom door shut behind him, Ari felt like his legs would give out from under him. That his lungs would stop working, his heart would freeze up. He felt sick; he felt so guilty that it imitated sickness. But somehow, he managed to make his way to the bath. The water helped to distract him a bit, and as he washed up he tried so hard to clear his mind. But the suffocating guilt still hung around his neck and heart, choking him. He'd promised to be brief, and he refused to break another promise. 'What kind of dragon breaks their promises?' Not a very good one, that was for sure. How could anyone trust someone if they swore one thing, but did the opposite? How could Evelynne trust him, when he promised he wouldn't shut her out, but did just that?

The prince dressed once he had finished, listening to the drain and dreading having to face Eve again. He walked to the door, out of the other room, glancing about to see where she had gone. And there she sat, looking at him with that mask of neutral happiness. A doll of his beloved wife, and he, a broken puppet in the place of her beloved husband. 'Why is this happening?' He swallowed difficultly, not knowing whether to approach her or stay where he was. To embrace her, or to keep from touching her so that she didn't become even more upset. "Well... are we ready to go?" He asked, forcing a smile. Offering her his arm, but not knowing if she would take it. And truthfully, he wanted, more than anything, to just fall to the ground and sob.

((OOC: I feel so bad for them... can't wait until he can get over this, I do have a plan))
Eve felt horrible for putting on a mask for Arikizo. However, she felt that let her true level of torment through would only make whatever this was worse. Clearly she had done something wrong already because of her level of comfort with him. The last thing she wanted to do was make it worse right before they left with her parents, brother, and cousin. He had promised her that he wouldn't do this, yet here he was. And she didn't understand why. So many questions and no answers to stop them from spinning around in her head.

As she heard the bathroom door open, Eve let her gaze drift to Ari. Thankfully she had pulled herself together before he had finished his bath. She wanted to cry. Scream. She was so confused and surprisingly hurt by how closed off he was out of nowhere. They hadn't been this tense and guard since the moment they had met. And it stung to see them back in this position. Especially after last night. "Yes. Let's not keep my family waiting any longer." She would say, hesitating for half a second before taking his arm. They had appearances to keep, after all.

Eve stayed silent all the way downstairs. At the bottom of the stairs, by the main doors outside, stood both their families conversing while several servants finished the final touches on the carriages. "Thank you again for such a lovely occasion. We look forward to seeing you again." Queen Ana was saying before she noticed Isaiah's and Rynard's expressions light up with curiosity. "Ah! Just in time. The carriages should be ready by now ..." King Roderick would begin before winking playfully. "We figured you two love birds would need to sleep in a bit this morning." Earning a scowl from his wife and a snicker from his son and nephew. Blushing a dark crimson, Eve would shake her head. "From the long day only, thank you. And it was appreciated. We were both exhausted from the long day."

"Leave them alone, Roderick. Come along. You two can choose who you would prefer to ride with, it doesn't matter. We'll be outside when your ready." Queen Ana would say, earning a grateful smile from Evelynne. "We'll ride with Ryn and Isaiah, mother. Give you and father some peace and quiet." Eve would say with a nod as the foursome said their goodbyes to whoever was present from Arikizo's family before heading outside. Her brother and cousin would be a far better distraction on the way to Thiandra. "Thank you again your majesties. We will see you in a couple weeks." Eve would say with a smile and a respectful bow of her head before looking to Ari. "I'll meet you outside ..." Eve would say, slipping her arm free so she could slip outside.

((OOC: I know, I feel so bad for them right now. I figured you had a plan. Can't wait to see what happens. ^.^))
Arikizo nodded, hoping that she would take his arm. His shyness had taken hold of him, yes, but he never for a moment wanted to push Evelynne away. Although, that's exactly what he'd done. Her touch was a comfort, and he so desperately wanted to just collapse into her arms, feeling so guilty and so frustrated with himself. But doing that, he thought, would only make it more confusing for her. Would she think he was being cruel, and toying with her emotions? Or that he was just acting comfortable again because that's what she wanted? He didn't want to place this suffocating guilt on her, nor did he want her to suffer like this because of his inability to understand his own emotions. So all he could do was put on a front, a hope no one noticed.

The silence between them was stifling, but no words would come to his tongue. He had so much to say, most of all to apologize for all of this. But his voice was gone, strangled out of him. So all he could do was look on ahead, glancing over to Evelynne from the corner of his eyes every so often. She never seemed to spare a glance in his direction, and until their families cam into view her expression was sullen; despite her attempts to cloak her sorrow. His parents were the only ones awake, which he was glad for. If he'd been forced to deal with Rovan this morning, he was sure he'd cause quite a fight. In fact, he was kind of disappointed that he didn't have his brother to beat up, because being able to punch someone right about now would be relieving.

King Roderick's teasing comment made Ari's cheeks flush darkly. "It had been quite a long day indeed." He agreed after Evelynne had addressed her father. He gratefully gave the queen a smile and a bow of his head as she sidetracked the king, allowing them an escape from his good natured ribbing for the time being. As Eve spoke of choosing to ride with Ryn and Isaiah, he gave her a surprised look. Sure, neither choice would allow them much escape from teases, but her cousin and brother would be the ones most likely to continue such conversations the entire trip. As she thanked his parents and pulled away from him to leave, he gave her a small smile. His parents were brief in their goodbyes, and what luck he would've had if he'd escaped without a teasing comment from his father. Giving both of his parents a hug, he headed out of the castle and headed toward the carriages. It wasn't terribly difficult to figure out which one was meant for him and the younger members of the family, as the carriage door was left open for him. He climbed in beside Evelynne, saying a curt good morning to her brother and cousin as the door was shut behind him. This was going to be a long trip indeed.
Under most circumstances, Isaiah and Rynard would tease her relentlessly, especially with last night being her wedding night. However, both men had grown up with Evelynne and both men knew when she was wearing a mask because she was upset. Ari thought he could read Eve like a book? He still needed a few lessons and those two would be the two to talk to about it. So as Eve climbed into the carriage, meeting their gazes momentarily as she sank into her seat. "What? Was last night not what you expected? Did it not happen when you secretly want to?" Ryn began, half teasing. "Or worse, incompetent in the bedroom?" Isaiah would ask with a gentle mock horror.

The glare and then the ever so slight tremble of Eve's bottom lip that had slipped through her carefully placed mask told them everything the needed to know. "What happened?" Ryn asked gently as Isaiah took her hand. "That's just it, I don't know ..." Eve said simply. Deciding that this was not the time nor the place to being filling her brother and cousin in on their struggles. "Please, I beg of you. No teasing of any sort about the wedding night. Just ... Keep him talking about other things." She would say as she took a deep, shaky breath. "Please." Eve would whisper. Squeezing her hand, Isaiah would nod. "Of course, little sister." He would say before looking to Ryn who was nodding as well. "Of course, Eve my dear. Anything for you." He would say with a reassuring smile.

By the time Arikizo arrived to the carriage, the tense air had dissipated. Leaving the trio idly talking about home. Where Eve wanted to go first. Who she missed that she wanted to go see. Simple, silly talk of home that Eve had missed dearly, and helped her relax significantly into her seat. Eve gave him a small smile as Ari entered the carriage, grateful that his attention was elsewhere rather than her. "Good morning, Arikizo. Ready for the long journey?" Ryn would say, his fair hair falling into his eyes momentarily. "Long journey, indeed. This is, what, the fourth time I've made this trip in the last month?" Isaiah would ask, getting a chuckle from Evelynne. "My poor, poor big brother. Having to do his big brotherly duties of seeing off his little sister and coming to her wedding. How will you ever survive?" Eve would tease gently, earning a snicker from Ryn and an over exaggerated sigh from Isaiah. "I know, right? I'm not sure if I will be able to make it this time ..." Isaiah would say, a little on the dramatic side before laughing gently. "It isn't all that bad actually. Especially with people to talk to."
The greeting he received from Ryn and Isaiah wasn't what Arikizo expected. They had previously shown a fondness of teasing him and Evelynne when the slightest chance arose. They'd caught on that she was upset, hadn't they? She had grown up in their company after all; if anyone could tell she was upset, it would be them, and probably quicker than even he could. Perhaps she'd said something, so they were holding back their playful comments? The prince shook the thoughts aside as he let himself relax a bit, falling into the conversation and enjoying the escape it allowed him from the suffocating guilt that plagued him. He nodded to Ryn at his comment. "I've been looking forward to escaping from that stuffy castle." He answered. His attention then turned to Isaiah, and he almost laughed. His lips parted to respond, but Evelynne beat him to it. Hearing her playfulness return a bit made him honestly smile. She didn't deserve all of this burden; she deserved to be carefree and happy like this.

"Well put, Evie." Ari murmured, chuckling. "Come now, the trip can't be that bad." How naturally he spoke when he wasn't left to brew on his own shortcomings. He could feel the stress lightening a bit while he was forced to pay attention and hold conversation that wasn't related to his current state of mind. "See, that is how you have to look at it. A trip is only as miserable as you make it out to be." He struggled for a moment to continue the conversation, desperate to fill the silence so that his mind didn't get the chance to shut him down again. "How is the weather in Thiandra? Here it is usually very warm year round." It was a sad excuse for conversation, but anything was better than the alternative. 'If I can get my mind off of earlier for long enough, I can put all of this behind me.' Then perhaps he could try to find a way later to apologize to Evelynne. 'I can't let her think this is her fault.' He couldn't bear to leave her in such agony, and knowing she did indeed think that way because of her comment the previous night. He didn't put any blame on her, nor did he regret a moment they had spent together, ever.
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Rynard and Isaiah both smiled gently at Arikizo's response. "I bet. I hear you and your family never leave the castle grounds here. Is that true?" Rynard would ask, earning a blink from Isaiah. "I couldn't imagine being stuck in the castle and castle grounds only ..." Isaiah would murmur. Evelynne could easily have answered this of course, but she chose to leave it to Ari. It would be good for him and her brother and cousin, to have their own conversation. Another part of it was she didn't want to speak up yet. "You pretty much stick to the castle and castle grounds. You don't go to market that often, but often enough to keep your sanity." Eve would say, Isaiah rolling her eyes gently.

Seeing Ari's genuine smile made her blink gently. She gave him a small, genuine smile, however she was careful not to let it get her hopes up. "No, it really isn't that bad. Isaiah often over exaggerates ..." Evelynne would tease, earning a playful kick to her foot from her brother. "I do not. It wouldn't be very princely of me if I was." Isaiah would scoff. "Then I guess you aren't very princely then ..." Ryn would say with out missing a beat. The pair laughed as Isaiah folded his arms and rolled his eyes. "Oh, don't be like that big brother. It is all in good fun ... As you have so often said." Eve would say as Ryn playfully hugged Isaiah.

There focus was brought quickly back to Arikizo as he asked about how the weather usually was. "Depends on the area you are in." Eve would muse gently as she glanced to her brother. "Mostly, pleasantly warm. Though we do see quite a bit of rain in the winter months from the sea directly to our east. Some rain on and off the rest of the year, but not unbearable. The higher parts of the mountains do see some snow, but none of that reaches us thankfully." Isaiah would explain, Ryn nodding his head gently. "Definitely not as hot as it seems to get here, thankfully. I'm not sure I could bare it on a daily basis." Ryn would say gently with a shake of her head.
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"I wouldn't say never." Arikizo answered thoughtfully. "Rarely is a better word for it. Maybe a few times a year, for festivals and such." He nodded at Isaiah comment. "It's exhausting, I can assure you. And lonely, when I've finished the few lessons I have as to attend." He took this chance to add more, before he could overthink things. "Eve's company has been a welcome change." His cheeks darkened a bit, but he was glad he could manage to speak like that. Would she think he was just putting up a front still, just acting all happy now? But he hoped his comment would help to calm her worries. That it may comfort her, and prove that she wasn't a burden to him, nor did he regret her companionship. As Eve commented on her sibling's lack of travel outside of the castle grounds, followed by a playfully annoyed reaction, he laughed a bit. And returned her smile. And laughed again as the teasing continued, and Rynard jumped in.

Honestly, he wish that he and Rovan had grown up like this, that the teasing between them could be playful and not so antagonistic. Perhaps then he could have had a companion in all those long, lonely years. When they were younger, they were closer like Isaiah and Evelynne... but something changed him all of a sudden, made the older prince bitter and hateful toward his younger sibling. From that point on, he had... no, that was before he stopped befriending the servants. It was until... 'No.' He immediately severing that line of thought. He would not go down that path again. He refused to think about the past; he couldn't change what happened, and thinking of the past would only sullen his mood again.

Arikizo focused only on the conversation again, catching back on as the two males explained about Thiandra's climate. "Well, we dragons do prefer humidity and heat to cold." Ari responded. "Especially since we usually stay in our human forms. It's easier to live like this, rather than have to make houses the size of our natural form." His mind began to wander back to memories of sitting in the hideaway loft of the stable, looking out over the castle walls. It was natural for Evelynne and her family to explore their kingdom, and get to know the people of their country. His family didn't share that view, obviously, and he believed it made them weaker rather than stronger. His gaze traveled to the window, seeing his home fading in the distance. And the further away he was from there, the stronger he felt. Sure, traveling to a new country would entail burdens of its own, but nothing like those that he had under his family's eye. His brother's bullying, his father's expectations despite him being only the spare, his mother's absence most of the time. This trip would be a breath of fresh air for him.
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