For All You Wonderful Kitsune Out There...

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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I do want to state that I should by no means be taken seriously, and I'm just goofing around. I'm in a particularly silly mood this evening (probably because I managed to get the puppy to go to sleep and have more than 5 minutes to myself!), and I am certainly not intending to do anything more than playful ribbing.

That said, I'm taking my bow and leaving you fine people to your pow wow of sorts, I just wanted to let you guys know I certainly was not intending to be vindictive.

Have fun!

Thanks Dervish :)
I do want to state that I should by no means be taken seriously, and I'm just goofing around. I'm in a particularly silly mood this evening (probably because I managed to get the puppy to go to sleep and have more than 5 minutes to myself!), and I am certainly not intending to do anything more than playful ribbing.

That said, I'm taking my bow and leaving you fine people to your pow wow of sorts, I just wanted to let you guys know I certainly was not intending to be vindictive.

Have fun!


That's a bear? Or hedgehog?
@Dervish: Oh no, I'm talking about any real trolls who wander in. The ones trolling for the sake of trolling.
@Razilin: lol I guess take your pick? Could be either?
I'm not a Japanese kitsune but I'm an indie fox, if that counts! :D
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*Does a little foxy dance in the thread*

When I first joined Iwaku, there were lots of cat girls, I was... so alone...

Now, like nine freakin years later, I HAVE BRETHREN!
*Does a little foxy dance in the thread*

When I first joined Iwaku, there were lots of cat girls, I was... so alone...

Now, like nine freakin years later, I HAVE BRETHREN!
We are here for you! I am new for sure <3
Aaaand you all are adorable.
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This thread is adorable, it brightens my day.

Annnd even though I'm really more of a cat person, foxes are pretty alright too~
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Foxes are my favorite animals, honestly, for many different reasons.
Foxes! Hello my brothers and sisters <3 *waves the bushy tail flag*

Nice to see you again, F0X~

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Yessss, the fox gifs please me.
Is there room from a Neko to be loved? Nekos are rather adorable :3
I don't see why an alliance can't be formed. NEKO AND KITSUNES, FIGHTING TOGETHER, WITH THE FORCE OF CUTE!
coolz, he he he . Meow
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