
There can be more than one of a certain race, since there are only 4 playable races, that means two humans are fine. It makes sense too because Humans are the most common race :)
I am already playing a Sahrian.

If we really come down to it, i can allow at most 6-7 people in the rp :D
Well then human it is =D
Well I have another question =P

Can I be a Za but some how was lost when little and raised by a different group? So he acts differently than how they normally would?
I'm not 100% sure. Chances are if the Za see he are soft hearted, they will try and kill him. Though, that in it'self is a interesting plot point. :)

The options are unlimited. Write up what you really want and i will let you know if it fits.
Ok >=]... now to figure out who would raise him in that sort of manner... probably the nature loving ones... I'm to lazy to go figure out who they are right now though so I will just figure it out before I post my app xD
sound great!
I love fantasy worlds, and this looks very interesting. I may be a bit late in posting because life is crazy right now, but I would love to join.

EDIT: I'm sorry, I missed the Invitation Only tag. Still a very cool idea.
I love fantasy worlds, and this looks very interesting. I may be a bit late in posting because life is crazy right now, but I would love to join.

EDIT: I'm sorry, I missed the Invitation Only tag. Still a very cool idea.

I am opening it up to everyone :D I would love to see what you come up with for a character! This thread won't be starting until we have the cast set, so it's fine that you might be slow getting back to us!
Thank you! I'll get to work on my character as soon as I can!
sounds great!

(The man is my character. The woman is NorWayFOO's character ;))

Name: Lucas
Race: Human
Age: 24

Weight: 150 lbs Height: 5'6
Skin color: tan
Eye color: dark brown
Hair: black

Body type: welll formed, but not very muscualr body, his smaller body allows him to do his acrobatics.
Clothing: From the picture. And a dark brown robe that covers his entire body, covering his weapons when he is around civilization.
Weapons: Dagger that he keeps in a scabbard. Knives that he keeps hiden. Herbs and medical plants that he keeps in the small bag.

: Lucas was born in a misery and poverty. His parents had money for nothing, they had no home, they roamed the streets and citys, like they were homeless, which they were actually. Even from a small baby he had nothing, he didnt knew how he survived, when his parents couldnt even take care of themselfs, let alone a baby...
Time passed, and nothing changed, everything was the same. Lucas had grown up, he was still a kid, about five or six years old. There was something that had changed. His parents had taught him how to steel, how to rob, without being caught. And he was damn good. At first of course he wasnt the best, but even when he was seen steeling, he always manages to escape, it appears that its in his genes, but his parents were too old to do this, once they were younger they had a life and had everything they needed, but now they are to old to be thiefs, but that does not stop them to teach their son how to be one...
Years passed. Lucas became older and older, he was a teenager, he got better and better. He was never caught, he was the perfect thief, but things had changed, his mother died from a bad sickness, he just couldnt bare this, he is only with his father right now, and they are not close at all without his mother... He still rememerbs the day she died, he was next to her, holding her hand, while she was laying on the bed. Tears were falling from his eyes as he watched how his mother was dying with Lucas not being able to help her...
After that he stayed a few months with his father, before leaving him. Leaving the old basterd with money that will be enough for the rest of his damn life. He was still a teenager, but a teenager that can take care of himself very easily. And like that his adventure begin, travaling and wanting to know everything about the world.

But he wasnt alone. He had a partner with him, a very close friend.
They met when both of them were little kids. Her name was Luna. And he could see himself in Luna. They look so like each other, but not from the outside, but from the inside. They had a special bond. Both ofd them teached each other something new, to become better in what they were doing.
Luna was a very bad thief, she was good at assassinations, but not atsteeling, she always got caught when Lucas tryed teaching her. But that didnt matter, she was helpful to him, not that Lucas needed her help, but it was nice having someone close that was like him. He felt so good when Luna was around him. They were like brother and sister.
But after his mother's death, he changed, he closed himself. Luna always tried to comfort him, and at some point Lucas thought she had feelings for him, but he only felt her like sister, but he never wanted to hurt her. It was tought to loose the closest person to you. And Luna thought she understaod how Lucas felt, but she didnt. She didnt knew her family, she didnt knew what its like to be next to your mother when she died, it just broke hi heart. But Luna was the closest person he had right now. And he always cared for her, even if he doesnt show it that often. Lucas wont be able to live with himself if he let something bad happen to her.

(The man is my character. Ignor the woman ;))

Name: Lucas
Race: Human
Age: 24

Weight: 150 lbs Height: 5'6
Skin color: tan
Eye color: dark brown
Hair: black

Body type: welll formed, but not very muscualr body, his smaller body allows him to do his acrobatics.
Clothing: From the picture. And a dark brown robe that covers his entire body, covering his weapons when he is around civilization.
Weapons: Dagger that he keeps in a scabbard. Knives that he keeps hiden. Herbs and medical plants that he keeps in the small bag.

: Lucas was born in a misery and poverty. His parents had money for nothing, they had no home, they roamed the streets and citys, like they were homeless, which they were actually. Even from a small baby he had nothing, he didnt knew how he survived, when his parents couldnt even take care of themselfs, let alone a baby...
Time passed, and nothing changed, everything was the same. Lucas had grown up, he was still a kid, about five or six years old. There was something that had changed. His parents had taught him how to steel, how to rob, without being caught. And he was damn good. At first of course he wasnt the best, but even when he was seen steeling, he always manages to escape, it appears that its in his genes, but his parents were too old to do this, once they were younger they had a life and had everything they needed, but now they are to old to be thiefs, but that does not stop them to teach their son how to be one...
Years passed. Lucas became older and older, he was a teenager, he got better and better. He was never caught, he was the perfect thief, but things had changed, his mother died from a bad sickness, he just couldnt bare this, he is only with his father right now, and they are not close at all without his mother... He still rememerbs the day she died, he was next to her, holding her hand, while she was laying on the bed. Tears were falling from his eyes as he watched how his mother was dying with Lucas not being able to help her...
After that he stayed a few months with his father, before leaving him. Leaving the old basterd with money that will be enough for the rest of his damn life. He was still a teenager, but a teenager that can take care of himself very easily. And like that his adventure begin, travaling and wanting to know everything about the world.

This looks great!! Though the picture isn't showing up :(
It shows up on my computer. I can see it. Does it says something why it doesnt show up to you?
It's just a big X
Maybe i will see it on my home computer. T_T
Dont know what is going on. I usually place pictures like this and it always works. Dont know. Maybe it is too big or something, Ill try something else and tell me if you still cant see it.
It's normal for me
I put the picture in a different way now. Maybe Esthalia will be able to see it now
yes! I can! Very nice :D
lol hay Nikk I was just thinking, can I be the woman in the background xD