Fire Emblem: The Exalted March

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a bit ahead of you actually~

I'm planning on creating a group for
this rp sometime tommorow.
Alternatively, just having a link section in the OP works wonders, kind of like what I did at the bottom of mine, or how Falcon has it here. Which isn't to say that creating a group is a bad idea by any means. Just giving alternative suggestions before I pass out.
Was my character accepted? Do I need to alter him any?
Oh! Rufiya, I have a question about Immortal Sin's character.

Didn't we agree that Manakete are long lived? (like how Nowi is 1000 but looks 12?) So if Immortal Sin wanted his character to appear 35, he'd need to be at the veeeery least 300 (technically 3000 or so if we follow how Tiki aged, but I had a feeling we were lowering it more to fit better with the plot/story)

This is nothing against your character Immortal, just a technicality I saw.
I understand, and I didn't see that--I apologize.

I also heard from Verbal that Wanaketes aren't often very powerful unless they transform. However, in my inspection of the Wiki (I thought that would be a good place to go since I don't have the exerience of playing the games. I think I played the third one on Ps1)

It says " Members of the class usually have good stats, most of which are increased further when transformed."

It also states that Manaketes themselves are a class in and of their own. So they are a class AND a race--but I wasn't sure if I should put that as my class so I chose Cavalier.

I'm not meaning to come off as "matter of factly", I'm just using generally whats been posted--and whats on this wikipedia. I will of course change things, but I would also like my character template--if possible--to remain generally the same.
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i am sorry to say but we currently have no internet in my home so i am currently unable to post in the rp, i am using my phone to stalk all of you.
The day's rolled over, Americans are leaving school, and still, nothing happens.
>just got home

>honestly today was kinda crappy and i can't guarantee the ic will be up i'll but ill try hopefully after a cup of coffee will reenergize me haha.
Now that I know the circumstances, my level of understanding has been raised. I empathize and proceed to wait patiently for when you get the chance.
  • Thank You
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Basic Statistics

Name: Barus Arkendal
Age: 27
Actual Age: 142
Race: Bird Laguz
Talents/Skills: Swordsmanship, Jousting, Leading
Class: Cavalier

Physical Characteristics:

Height: 5' 11"
Weight: Built
Eye Color: Light Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Skin color: Pale
Habits: Seclusion, and does not like to be in the public eye.
Hobbies: Reading countless novels by himself
Greatest flaw: Arrogant, and believes he can defeat any foe by himself
Best quality: Loyal, and willing to give his life for those he cares about.

Personality Characteristics

What is your character's general personality?: Silent, although overbearing and watches the actions of people closely/
How does Character see himself/herself?: Although he does not speak much, he believes he is higher than others.
How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others?: Silent, and non-talkative.
How self-confident is the character?: Very. Also can be cocky at times if he is around others
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof?: He is strictly ruled by his own beliefs.

Emotional Characteristics

Strengths/Weaknesses?: He has great physical strength and is fine with leading battles, but is quite headstrong in battle, and worries way too much about impressing others.
What does the character want out of life?: He wants to be the greatest warrior of the Bird Laguz, and to be known by many.
What would the character like to change in his/her life?: The way that he associates with people, because he recognizes that he can sometimes be egotistical.
What motivates this character?: Victory, and one day proving his worth to those around him.
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I hope that is OK. I also chose Cavalier because who doesn't like Cavalier? THAT MOBILITY.
Speed perhaps, but have you ever tried actually steering a horse? Fast turning capacity sucks, Just saying
He sounds like a really nice version of Walhart
UltimaCircuit You forgot to fill out the Strengths/Weaknesses part of the Emotional Characteristics section. Also, I was crafting a bird laguz with green eyes and blonde hair before I saw your character! Small world, small world. (I'm still going to keep those traits, but my character is really thin so they shouldn't be easily confused with each other)
Alright, so my male Laguz is complete. But before you look mine over Rufiya, make sure to check out Immortal Sin's Character ->Here<- and UltimaCircuit's character ->Here<- (since those are their first characters and they should be approved before mine) Also, I posed a question about Immortal Sin's character ->Here<- but that's not as important.

Anywho, on to the character sheet! I made him already married, but if people want him to be romancable, let me know and I'll change his wife to his adopted sister. However, if no one says anything before I post with him in the upcoming IC, then his marriage is permanent. (for he is not a cheater)

Basic Statistics
Appearance of Age: 29
Actual Age:192
Race: Laguz
Talents/Skills: No one can argue that Osiel's voice is radiant. His songs have the power to lift one's spirits or dash them to the ground. He is also well versed in the Ancient Tongue. Being a Heron, Osiel has the ability to read people's thoughts. However, due to the negative energy the war creates, this ability has been severely weakened. As long as the war continues, Osiel will only ever be able to read people's inner emotions at best.
Class: Heron

Physical Characteristics:
General Appearance:

Height: 5'6"
Weight: Lean, bordering on scrawny
Eye Color: Forest Green
Hair Color: Golden Blonde
Skin color: Light Pink
Habits: He has a habit of singing lullabies to anyone younger than him, especially those that look like children.
Hobbies: Creating new Galdr.
Greatest flaw:
Mentally - Osiel will usually go along with other people's ideas , even if he doesn't believe in it. He has an 'I'm merely an observer' mentality.
Physically - Osiel couldn't hurt a fly, at least physically. His body just wasn't made to fight, so don't expect him to hold his own during a battle.
Best quality:
Mentally - Osiel has gained a great amount of wisdom throughout his years and is a good person to go to for advice.
Physically - Osiel's voice is his pride and joy. Though leagues weaker than when he sings his Galdr, Osiel's voice still holds power even when he is merely speaking. When calm, his voice can relax his comrades, when enraged, it can strike fear in even the most courageous of people.

Personality Characteristics
What is your character's general personality?

Osiel is normally a calm, wise man, a common trait amongst his white-winged brethren. However, after living many years with his wife, a crow laguz, Osiel has adopted a few harsher traits. Do to the mistreating of his wife to the hands of a Beorc nobleman, Osiel has a grudge against the Beorc. Though he desires peace, he would be perfectly content if that peace came at the cost of the complete annihilation of the Beorc. That is not to say he despises all Beorc, they simply don't have his full support or trust until they earn it. In general, Osiel is a very fatherly to those younger than him. This stems from his desire to have a child of his own. However, due to the trauma his wife endured, she is reluctant to let any man, even her own husband, bond with her. Osiel understands this and strives to remain cheerful, for his wife's sake.

How does Character see himself/herself?
Osiel sees himself as a normal Laguz. There is nothing truly special about him, and he's glad for that. He likes to imagine himself as a father figure to any who are younger than he.

How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others?
Osiel believes others see him as a regular man who likes to sing a lot.

How self-confident is the character?
Osiel is confident in the power of his voice and his wisdom. There isn't a sliver of confidence when it comes to physical endeavors though.

Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof?
Osiel is governed by his emotions, as well as other people's emotions based on who he's reading and how strong their emotions are.

Emotional Characteristics
-Osiel has experienced many things during his countless years of existance. Little surprises him anymore.

-Osiel can easily be swayed by the emotions of another if the person's emotions are strong enough or if Osiel has a strong bond with the person.

What does the character want out of life?
Osiel wants the world to be at peace for two reasons. One, he wants his wife to be happy and for any child he brings into the world to be safe. The other reason is so that the negative energy the war creates will disappear so he can experience the true power the Heron race possesses.

What would the character like to change in his/her life?
If Osiel had his way, he would have had a child ages ago.

What motivates this character?
To protect his loved ones, and his loved ones to be.
@Xylime I have a picture just like that except with blue or golden eyes XD
Does anyone here hate,watching an anime, getting INTO said anime--only to find out "Oh, hey, this ain't completed and we don't know when it will be." Thats like...the biggest middle finger you can give some one.

Thank you Xylime. Can't believe I missed that.
omg new stuff

IC for shapeshifters will be up tonight! Just gotta get home and finish it *cough @VerbalAbuse cough ;3*

I will look over the csheets and stuff in just a sec~
I understand, and I didn't see that--I apologize.

I also heard from Verbal that Wanaketes aren't often very powerful unless they transform. However, in my inspection of the Wiki (I thought that would be a good place to go since I don't have the exerience of playing the games. I think I played the third one on Ps1)

It says " Members of the class usually have good stats, most of which are increased further when transformed."

It also states that Manaketes themselves are a class in and of their own. So they are a class AND a race--but I wasn't sure if I should put that as my class so I chose Cavalier.

I'm not meaning to come off as "matter of factly", I'm just using generally whats been posted--and whats on this wikipedia. I will of course change things, but I would also like my character template--if possible--to remain generally the same.

yo I just read this and as somebody who's played all their stats are not that good not transformed I dunno why the Wikipedia would say that. And about the class thing - yeah usually a manakete ingame is restricted to transforming but for writing purposes I've negated that a bit.

I think for the most part he's alright if not a teeny bit overpowered.

But yeah all new characters are more or less approved~
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