Fighting Our Reflections

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Need more people to post, or did my twincest scare everyone away?

As planned.​
*giggles* Oh, Kitti. <3

I expect a post from Seiji soon. He promised me. :[ And Celcius is to post soon as well! You people are lucky that patience is an important virtue of mine.

Oh, and Makene, your character's looking lovely so far.
Okay so I wanted to get up a post last Saturday, and every day since, but WOO writer's block. I'm trying to work through it. Next week's spring break so I'll have no excuse whatsoever then.

Also Kitti please stop coming up with pet names for things that are disturbing on at lest two different levels.
<3 You know it's one of my many qualities that you love and admire, Xindy.
I may send this to the graveyard soon. Not getting many posts and I'm losing faith in it. >>; Might be time for me to turn to other roleplay projects...