Original poster
One lonely group of travelers - That's all it took. Few believe in the existence of the Neko-jin race. They are unique creatures said to have been created for the purposes of slavery and other selfish uses. They're misjudged for their unusual appearances. People underestimate their strengths. Together, a group of about one hundred joined together with the goal to start something new. They struggled through the harsh bearings of nature as well as life itself until they came upon a lush area with no life, except for the natural gift of animals. There was a massive river and an abundance of trees; This was where they decided upon their new life.
It took a long time. The birth of their home came to be about three years after they began. They put the surrounding resources to use and what they carried along in their wagons during their travels. A gigantic castle was built within some sturdy walls that protected many houses, shops, taverns and a church. Those still alive to this day entered and celebrated until the black sky ate the sun, a few still awake to stand watch for their new watchmen duties.
It was very late; No one suspected anything dangerous in this area. They were sorely mistaken... The back of the castle was facing the body of water. Bubbles began to float towards the surface. Dark bodies were swimming towards the shore in unsteady patterns. Out reached a hand with dark skin, followed by others. The tips of the ears slowly approached until heads revealed. More Neko-jin appeared to be in this area! They motioned eerily out of the water, shaking dry and staring blankly at the new development. These particular Nekos had their mouths stitched shut and piercing red eyes. Slowly, all of them made way to the castle's entrance. Two of them moved more forward with another standing in between them, a crown sitting crookedly on his head.
"Halt! Who goes there!?"
The two guards at the entrance threatened with their weapons as they eyed the dark beings with curiosity and fright. The pair protecting their king stepped more forward, mimicking the guards without weapons. Both of the watchmen exchanged glances before studying the figures one more time. Their eyes opened in shock as they realized they looked exactly the same.
Before another word could get in edgewise, the two guards felt a stinging chill in their mind. It ached terribly, causing them to drop their weapons and groan in misery. Stitched mouths curled into smiles as they picked up the weapons, using them to kill their doubles. After both bodies collapsed, the group moved onwards, their targets being their identical, pure hearted selves.
Everyone was sleeping during the time. They had a frightening awakening, most unprepared for such a battle. Many fell to their shadow copies, others able to defeat them. People were living in nightmares with their eyes open, others struggling with their weapon against another. Many had fallen to the dark beings who simply stormed out of this kingdom, traveling to a castle that was identical to their own. There, in the water, sat a darker image of their kingdom that appeared almost out of nowhere, almost directly across from them. They had to do something about this cursed lake. They had to do something about these cursed beings...
Immediately, a wall was built to separate the two sides. The Neko-jin were sadly aware that the lake's curse couldn't be escaped. The injured king made a face to face request with his darker self that they do not come near them and in return, he offered his life so his dark self would not have to compete. The deal was immediately accepted and the word was spread to both kingdoms. Their king fell at the feet of the dark king who heartlessly kicked his body into the lake and left to perform his kingly duties.
In King Edwin's place, it was found in his final requests that his son marry a woman he loves and they rule the kingdom together. Edwin didn't want for a solo ruler because he believed in a balance between two rulers for a steady, healthy society. So, eighteen year old Oliver married his beloved Candace who was of sixteen as well. They had to sacrifice their freedom of being able to run free like young lovers.
As time had passed, another kingdom developed a ways away from the two darker ones. Thankfully, they didn't have to suffer the same fate as the Neko-jin, for they were warned of construction too close to the water. Humans live within these parts and choose to not interfere with the lives of the conflicting kingdom of the dark and light Nekos. As more timed moved on, however, Oliver and Candace came to realize that the human kingdom had split itself in half. No one knows the story, but it was clear to Oliver and Candace that they made divisions regarding what side they'd choose if there was to be a battle. They learned that these humans were a lot like themselves. Yet, those who allied with the dark ones were blind... One thing was for sure: Everyone in this area could foresee another war.