Fight School [OOC/Signup]

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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(Great South Park vid, btw. One of my faves. X3)

Oohhhhh... Well... Wish coulda just seen him... And not have gone in... Since the trash was by the arena door... I figured, ya know... XD
The locker room was from the inner Arena, so I doubt she'd be seeing him from there, since nobody's gon' get in there during/after a fight.
Greased Smitening is right. @AmazingDan, Wish couldn't have just somehow seen him barfing due to him being in the locker room. @Asuras. I am ok with Edith barging into the locker room, but GS is correct again in saying that a teacher will quickly escort her out. I'm willing to let her get INTO the locker room and can just say that the teachers were distracted for a moment... but realistically she wouldn't have even gotten in unless they weren't looking.
Probably nobody noticed, but entries for this week's contest have closed. Will be judging and determining the winner and prize tonight or tomorrow.
@Beta yeah... Probably would be best! XD
I'd seen that he had left and gone to the trash can to throw up, but I don't think I noticed it was inside the arena still.
Thoroughly read posts. Yes. Got it. X3

gingerly made his way to the locker room
And I've noticed... *face palm*
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I have judged the pet peeves and determined the winner.

A last minute entry, but still easily the best, Asuras takes home the gold. Nothing sexier than a pissy French maid, after all.

As your reward:

Beta's next GM post is going to be a timeskip of two months, in case you were unaware. When he makes that post, please feel free to upgrade Edith's rank to B-3, no ceremony or test required.

And everyone watch out for Beta's next contest, due out Monday!
Anyone who has not posted their pre-timeskip post has until tonight to do so.

Failure to do so will result in an official warning. If you have already received an official warning, you may face removal from the RP.

My teacher is in there too so instantly seen

I totally spaced on this. Kiro's teacher character is indeed in the locker room. Edith couldn't just saunter in there like that. If you would be so kind as to edit your post, perhaps even collaborate a bit with Kiro, that would be swell.
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If your still accepting I would love to join.
By the way

NewComers we actually have a group chat on skype for the rp. Although not required, feel free to add me on skype and join in.

Skype: KiroAkira
We are indeed accepting. I do have to ask, though Did you find us through the banner ad or just by browsing?
Through the banner^^. And will have char up on Monday, after I read IC posts thanks.
Anyone who has not posted their pre-timeskip post has until tonight to do so.

Failure to do so will result in an official warning. If you have already received an official warning, you may face removal from the RP.
@I.S. Zero
Considering your character was at the fight, you could react to that. If not that, this is a pre-timeskip post... so you can literally post your character going about the rest of their day and then going back to the male dorms.
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