Fazbear's Shopping Mall [FNAF RP] [OPEN]

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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10542875_1471492283119219_5795219203071115773_n.jpg Dan
Age 11 (sneaked in because he did see something very R$CH)
Abilities:Very fast and can see in dark very good
I'll post something once I get home: Think Lunar has had enough time to respond.
I'll have a new post up fairly soon so hopefully you'll post after I do
@Couragedarklord Your app is honestly a mess. You obviously did no read the rules, there are lots of grammar errors in this oddly small application, and it's simply not really following the format.
Character Sheet

name: Ted Sanchez

Gender: Male

Age: 37

Skills: Ted has Impressive Deductive prowess ,he analyzes every piece of information breaking it apart. Ted also knows basic hand to hand combat ,and he's not a bad shot.

Personality: Ted has a history of Manic depression ,and Insomnia. Ted loves children and their antics ,but he can't bring himself to settle down. Ted puts the needs of others before his own needs. He loves his career but battles with his depression the bottle being the remedy.

Background: Ted has been in law enforcement for ten yeas ,after spending eight years in the police academy. Five years in Ted got into a bad car accident ,a large piece of glass gouged his right eye out. Thankfully he survived and the injury didn't stop him from becoming a detective either he showed the board he could still do a good job. Well now his department wants him to investigate the disappearances before any other action is made.

Accepted. I love the idea of another cop in the roleplay :)
We should try and get those who already have joined to post up though, I don't like having to wait too long: plus that is how roleplays tend to die.
Well I dk how to do that really people will only reply when they want to.
Sorry for not posting in a while you guys. I have been away in another state for a while and just got back. I might have a post done by tomorrow. Take care, and have a good holiday!
Well, we could atleast have a check to see how many people are still interested, for example: Everyone who is still alive and kicking, and can post, post something on the thread, or atleast say why you havn't posted in a while?
I'm still alive, I'm just waiting for other ppl to reply :/
Im waiting for who ever is on the other walkie to reply lol.
That'd be Kthulhu, and I just hope that you won't wait for others to post for too long, Ashley. I post whenever I can, and waiting on others have often lead to the RP dying off. If there's no new post at the end of the day, I'll squeeze one out.
I would like to join.

Name: Sticky

Gender: Nobody Knows. He's pretty covered and manages to escape VERY easily. Mostly Male.

Age: (I prefer 18 or older): 15

Appearance: (You can replace this with a picture at the top of the sheet)

Skills: (List at least 2 skills your character has) Bribery and Stealth.

Personality: (Paragraph long please. Must include things such as phobias, mental issues, attitude, sexuality, etc.) He's very...anti-social and will yet, try to befriend anybody, due to his bribery skills. Also, his mental issues can be noted as being kind of a sick and ill child but with some...justice problems. Oh yeah, he's straight.

Background: (Paragraph long, and should include the story of your character's life before he/she snuck into the Fazbear Mall. Also, why did your character sneak in?) All he really did was grow up in a family where crime was right...and he wanted to change that. So, he killed his family because of this reason. As for why he went into the restaurant, still will be revealed.
Are the animatronics available to play?
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