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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Sounds interesting. I'm only 14, and I've been roleplaying for three years now? A quick question, how long should a paragraph be?
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Sounds interesting. I'm only 14, and I've been roleplaying for three years now? A quick question, how long should a paragraph be?
It depends upon the paragraph. A couple of sentences at the least, and upwards to however many sentences it take to describe what is occurring in that paragraph. Each paragraph should contain sentences which correlate to the particular subject matter being described. That was one of my big problems when I was younger, was not knowing when to separate paragraphs. I had a major tendency to jump all over the place.


For that matter, I think I still do have that problem XD

But then again, this is creative writing for fun. Actual writing for books would require thorough planning, consideration of all that's needed and what's not needed, and ultimately heavy revision. Then having others review what has been written and give their own input on what seems arbitrary in anothers writing is useful because they can see from another point of view.

In this particular setting, we're all just trying to have fun, so we really don't have to worry about post lengths and perfection. I just like to show off some time. Better writers would look at my posts and tear the hell out of it.
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Sounds interesting. I'm only 14, and I've been roleplaying for three years now? A quick question, how long should a paragraph be?
Yay, I'm not alone! :D

And typically, at least four sentences(in my opinion. I like making them way longer).

What's kinda sad is I used to RP posts way longer than I do now. I forced myself to shorten my posts, because I felt I was boring everyone with how descriptive I was, but in reality, they just weren't putting as much effort into their posts as I was. Either way, it made me feel self-conscious, so I've slimmed down on my posts, though my length varies by my mood, how into the character I'm feeling, when I'm posting, how long others post, etc.

But oh my gosh... You should read all the books I've written. I can't even tell you how long they are... I'd have to do a lot of digging to find them all, and then I'd have to transfer them to CPU to get a word and page count and... Ah. Work.
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:) I had a friend tell me that a paragraph should be like a woman's skirt. Long enough to cover the essentials, and short enough to make it interesting xD
perfect analogy.

I like that.

But also keep in mind, some people greatly enjoy details. Making it short and sweet appeals to the general masses, whereas others are left with more questions that they want answered. Which, of course, could be done by adding more detail to the posts.
I tend to leave things to others imaginations. If people have questions I'll most likely edit my posts but I often don't have to do that :)
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I wish I could do details like you guys can. I can't think well, so I usually just have to drag out the bare minimum.
I wish I could do details like you guys can. I can't think well, so I usually just have to drag out the bare minimum.
Meh, it takes time. It's something that one develops, an ability to paint a picture in words. Like they say, practice makes perfect. Also helps to have others to push you to do your very best.
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I wish I could do details like you guys can. I can't think well, so I usually just have to drag out the bare minimum.
It's just something that takes self-training and practice. ^^ *Hugs.*
Meh, it takes time. It's something that one develops, an ability to paint a picture in words. Like they say, practice makes perfect. Also helps to have others to push you to do your very best.
Precisely. I couldn't agree more.
I tend to leave things to others imaginations. If people have questions I'll most likely edit my posts but I often don't have to do that :)
And that there is another one of my problem. Generally I have a bad habit of describing /everything/, and so I don't leave some things which would be better suited to the readers imaginations, thus enhancing the feel of the read.
Starting on the 6th page. I think I need to bring this to a close.
Woah. I am gonna have a lot of fun reading this. To be honest, I can probably cut down on a lot of things for you if you want?
Seems the post was too large to make it a single post. It could only take half of it. So I had to make two >.>

Grand Total:

4124 Words, 233 sentences, 22 paragraphs.

Enjoy. :bsmile:
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Woah. I want to be able to write that well one day. I love your post. You really expanded on the whole entire 'death to the prisoners' thing.
  • Thank You
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