Farbe Anti-Terror Magical RP (Sign-Ups/OOC)

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Milady, mind telling me why it is Society? I only have 5 left after this and at the beginning I had 20
Lol, they were only trying to survive. I remember this from years ago. Their lives resolved around communication and survival. The men went to hunt. The women stayed home and protected the homes.
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Yes. I am definitely going to make Kaelus/Gray kiss you're character for this.. I'm gonna message you for the rest, I hope that is ok?
Yes. I am definitely going to make Kaelus/Gray kiss you're character for this.. I'm gonna message you for the rest, I hope that is ok?
Bwahaha! Okay. I can't say that I'll give you the right answers, but I'll try. I remember what it was like in Highschool. I'm assuming Highschool.
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I swear if I see one more post about a character trying to convince Yellow that the world is all peaches, I'm going to inspire a scientist to blow up the facility >.>
Dude, we're no trying to do that. (At least Kaelus/Gray isn't). Kaelus/Gray does not enjoy people raining down on her parade. Besides Yellow will learn soon enough. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
That's why I made White so she can hate Yellows guts. It balances out the love for him.
That's why I made White so she can hate Yellows guts. It balances out the love for him.
Orange doesn't hate Yellow. She just hates how he is coddled.

And it was Orange and Brown that were talking outside. Ironman was still in the cafeteria, wanting to punch Orange.
Orange doesn't hate Yellow. She just hates how he is coddled.

And it was Orange and Brown that were talking outside. Ironman was still in the cafeteria, wanting to punch Orange.
Who's Ironman?
Dang it. Im so not looking forward to the end of the training session. Brown is going to get the ass chewing of a lifetime. His heart is in the right place.
What do you mean? Brownie will be fine! What kind of training session will it be Secret?
What I was planning for the warm-ups will be a surprise so you can appropriately react to it but afterwards it will be the monthly mock battles they have. First one off their feet loses.
What do you mean by off their feet? I'm sorry I just came from a shower and I'm kinda steamed at the moment. Thankfully I lost my headache dough.