Faraway Castle

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At the queens announcement then the dismissal from his princess towards the guard, he slipped away leading himself back to Damila's side. He leaned in a bit close to her to whisper to her lightly. "Thank you princess... I owe you." He took her hand before they stepped into the dining hall he grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips in a thanking manner. Tymel released her hand with a smile and listened to her wish. He couldn't say much to it but he nodded lightly. "I know you do, my lady." He was curious on why back to the dining hall but alas, wasn't his place to question.

Cosette's fist balled. The way this 'Blaise' treated her beloved friend... It was disgusting. Tymel was loyal to those he care most about. She knew this because he cared oh so much for her as a sister. This Princess Damila did catch her eyes. Beautiful and even caring when it came to Ty. She was even shocked the woman called him 'Ty'. Maybe there was more there... Cosette pondered this for a bit then headed through the halls. This top notch royal guard was really irritating her though. He kissed the queens arse much it seemed. Maybe he'd be fun to play with. Her lips curled in wanting to play with these royals but when would be the right time.
Damilia sighed. She started walking to her seat, but then stopped. Cocking her head just slightly for a second and then decided to talk to her mother--which normally didn't happen. She bowed like a man (by the way she is wearing the dress posted in the profile, nothing different), with her left hand behind her back and right on her stomach. After 10 seconds of bowing she returned strait-backed.
"Mother... sorry to disturb, but... if possible could I spend some time possibly talking. If not its alright."
Cadmar's answer was just what the queen expected. "You are much morethan that," she said as she turned back to find him looking out the window."You are a loyal friend, a great swordsman, a wise man, a trusted advisor,a handsome man, and much more. Never have you let me down, and always do you maneuverthough my tricks and tests with ease. And don't act humble, you know thisall." Lady walked up to him and wrapped cold arms around his neck towhisper in you ear, "And yet you claim to be... Unworthy. My friend thereis none more worthy," her breath was chilling in his ear. "Now tellme, if you could have anything in this world, what would it be?" Herscarlet lips brushed against his ear, and her soothing voice snaked into thecanal. Lady had never met a man as he, as there was none. And if she could haveanything from this cursed world before her heart stopped and breath ceased, sheknew what she would claim. 'My beloved and noble guardsmen... Do you know whatpower you hold? My sweet sin, do you know how unworthy I am? Do you know howstupid I am?' Thoughts of him were less than proper; she had to stop this obsession.She had held it in for many years, but why hold back when you have nothing tolive for?

Then small footsteps interrupted her fantasy. She knew the sound of each of herchildren's feet, and these was Damilia's. Lady pulled herself away and turnedto face her daughter. "Talking? I always enjoy a quick chat. Tell me mydear what you wish to say. But before I neglect Cadmar..." She turned backto face him. "What do wish for me to do?" she passed on her power,just for a moment. "Would you like to continue our discussion, or are youdone with me?" She put up her hand before he could reply, "And don'tbe polite. Tell me what you truly want..." In all aspects.

((Norway I hope you're okay with the queen's advances. But even if your not... TO BAD! HAHAHAHA! Sorry hun but when Lady sees something she likes, she gets. ;))
"If you wish to my lord I shall not object. How well trained are you with a sword sir?" Felicitas was secretly excited to use her sword skills.
Cadmar though for a second then turned to her "My only will is to please to queen, other than that I have no wishes. I can only be grateful for all I have." he said with the faded memory of how his past once had been. He was a poor farm boy cursed to work the farms all his life untill he learned how to use his head and his sword. He joined the army, becoming a 'war hero' saving countless lives, leading successful attacks, killing hundreds of men. He did what he was told, sometimes doing more, but never doing less. Now he was in one of the highest positions in the kingdom, still considering himself a peasant, he uses his wits instead of authority. Perhaps that is why he is so against a gift... Because, in his own mind, he will always be a peasant.
Tymel watched the queen and Cadmar from the distance. He wasn't so sure his princess saw the truth of the matter. Ty stepped back realizing something. Someone reminded him very much of Lady. A strange coincidence. Ty shook it from his mind and stood to the side letting Damila and her mother have their time.

Cosette found a room that wasn't that tidy. Hell, she had to pick the lock just to get inside. Dust brushed up and dirtied the air as she made her way in. Piles of letters, old hidden paintings, even items that seem to have been expensive... A grand room full of history and memories that must be hard for the queen. Cosette looked through the old junk looking for anything that seemed interesting. She wasn't looking for things to steal just something to pass the time. Letters... One can always learn things about people through them. The first few had nothing special. The last one she decided to read caused her body to stand quickly then run out of the room. Cosette tried more and more to shake it from her mind. As people came, she instantly hid then trailed off again.
Lady Raven followed him slowly she did not want to fall and hurt herself again. "slow down it not the end of the world, sir" or is it. she stoped and fixed her shoes. my god I hate heals. She followed behind. she knew this was going to be rude but she must know why "sir i know this may sound rude but why must you or why do you ware lady clothing?"
"Well enough to hold my own versus the Oriental samurai..." Roland bowed "want to duel here or in the courtyard?"
"I would prefer the courtyard my lord." She said gruffly, trying hard to constrain her girlish excitement. It would not do for a supposed male guard to act out so.
"Right~o lead the way!" Roland said surprisingly happy, he enjoyed a good sword fight...
A half answer... How good was he at defusing her questions and 'attacks.' Lady gave him a haughty look, "It is very hard to please me you'll find. But you are free to try." Cadmar was being tirelessly stubborn. "I will have my way..." she warned. Lady then turned away from him to look at her daughter. It seemed as if interruptions came at the lest wanted moments. "Cadmar, do as you please. I will see you before the day is done,"Lady dismissed. Not that she didn't enjoy him at her side, it was just reasonable.

Her attention wan now on her daughter, "Now my child, tell me what is it you wish of me?"
Ellis had been walking quickly, since he didn't want to displease his mother at such a vital time. He came to an instant halt when Lady Raven mentioned his lady like attire. At first he had worn dresses because women were treated better around the castle, so he acted like one. But now it had became natural, an addicting habit. He didn't want to admit to something like that without gaining anything though, so he coldly replied, "I shall tell you, if you tell me why you were healed when I gave you the necklace first." The strange event had created intrigue with in him.
"Regrettably I do not know where the courtyard is sir. I just arrived today."
Tymel scooted a bit more down the wall to give the queen and her daughter more room to talk. He wasn't going to stray away from Damila, now knowing Cadmar and his guard were after them. Two thieves. Sure, no one with in the castle would know about who the woman was, well unless they came from the street like they did. Ty still worried for what was to come. For him, for Cosette, for everyone. The man continued to watch everyone and their actions, as people seemed to just longer around.
Raven walked up next to him and said "i may tell you but you must promice not to tell no soul. please." she hold in her breath and said nothing at first then added "but I would like you to tell me first." she said with a smile and stould in frount of him. how would I say it. I'm an angel that need her soul. and my neckleces is my soul so if it leaves it. kills me and the world. that good i think. i don't know? she sighs and frowns.
"Well... I-I guess I was just wondering why you had a special feast... and why you started to give us some sort of speech. What was it about, that's all." Damilia said. She turned her head slightly so she could see Ty, as long as she could see him she wouldn't bother to leave and "chase" him.
"There was nothing specialabout this meal, nothing other than our guest," Lady replied. "Andthe news is nothing too great it is fine for you to know. I, like every year, amgoing to throw a masquerade party and invite all the noble families of thecountry."Lady glanced back at Cardmar, as if seeking approval. 'What am Idoing?' she thought in panic as she snapped her head back to look at herdaughter. "Speaking of which; I must speak to Noah and the other servantsabout preparations. Any special requests my dear?" In this time speakingwith her daughter her voice had gone back to its more professional tone; muchunlike that she used with Cadmar. She was noticing this difference, along withmany others. There wasalways something about Regio that broke her stance and will. Perhaps it steamedfrom knowning him as a child. He had always been at her side. Always...<o:p></o:p>
Lydia looked annoyed. So much was going on around her, and no one seemed to notice her. It was as if she was invisible. That's how it seemed to be for her a lot lately.
"Alright I was just wondering. Well, I guess I should get back to Ty... to answer your question, no. I guess the masquerade will be alright." Damilia said. She turned after bowing low again and then walked to Ty. "Well... what should I do now?" she said to herself.