FANTASY - Heavenfall (A Truly Epic RP)

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Just out of curiosity, was your character cleared with the GM, @punkyears ? If I remember correctly, I think someone far earlier on in the OOC was asked to change their character from the Thane's own clan among the Cenusiu is all? Of course I could be wrong, but I was wondering.

And Egil and his back story are seriously awesome Jorick *big thumbs up*
Ah. I've been in contact with WH about originally creating an Erodate which I was cleared for, but I changed my CS so that we could fill up some more roles. But at this point WH needs to look at THIS CS and tell me which things I can keep, because I did take quite a few liberties and assumed somethings.
Name: Esmae


Age: 17



-Blue eyes (teal-ish color)

-Wide hips

-Smaller than the average female of her kind

-She DOSE NOT typically wear a headdress

-Black hair

image.jpg image.jpg


-Daughter of Vrajitor (TBD NPC)


Necklace; A from Ayred to her. The same type of stones adorn her saddle.

Fighting/ Riding outfit:

image.jpg image.jpg

(includes leather thigh highs, and spandex like under-body suit. Headress is only worn for ceremonial purposes.)

Tallons for her left hand, made of a dying Balaur since they believed in using every part of an animal to show respect twords it.

5 foot, 1 inch sword. Made of the same Balaur's Jaw bone.


-Out spoken when around the people she TRUELY knows. (Meaning NOT her family, typically)

-"Trophy" daughter

-Loving mother

-Strong headed, leader material


History: Esmae was born the first child of one of the many Vrajitor. She was expect and anticipated to be a boy. They were dead wrong. She was born a scrawny, 4 pound baby girl. Size no more than 7 inches long. Not what her parents wanted or expected. Yet they adored her anyways. By adore, I mean they sheltered her more than a normal child, Trained her to the bare minimum like most women, and awaited for their next child to be born. They kept things this was until she was strong enough to stand on her own. They ignored her more and more as she and her family grew, and she took this opportunity to sneak out regularly make kin with Eukeri (You-Kary-I), a dark purple and lavender Balaur. They were both 7 when they met. Then came Ayred. A Cenusui from a small family blood line that was traveling through her training ground on a trading endeavor. They were evolved until she turned 14 and became pregnant with her daughter Leena. It was not unusual for girls of her race to become pregnant at a young age, but not normal to mix with other races by most everyones standards. She confided in her closet and only friend Cailu. He, being the perfect friend of the family, convinced her to tell her mother, and then her father. Both were understanding and willing to let her stay in their home, AND take care of the baby with her. She gave birth to her child-a beautiful baby girl called Leena during the summer after she turned 15. Her parents were fully aware of the fact she was with child, but chose to turn a blind eye to the child's race. She was blessed to be born to a people not as strict about mixed children. As you might have guessed, Ayred did not stick around. He left when she informed him of his soon to be child and never returned. Now at age 17, Leena is 2 and a half, and they all stay in the Esmae's family's compound.

Other: She is not ashamed of her daughter, but she is afraid for her. If she were to leave their homeland she'd either be captured by the Cenusui and made to stay as one of their residence, or killed. She IS ashamed of Ayred, though. As she grows older, she takes on more of a leadership role in her village, teaching young females of the village practical applications such as sword use, story telling, and manners. To her parents, she is THE perfect daughter, but is 'sadly' tainted with a mixed race child. She enjoys learning about history and making herbal medicines, as well as music and poetry.


Name: Eukeri



Saddle is simple, full leather two seater. Bronze and silver carvings and two large saddle bags on either side. Embellished with the same gem as her necklace. They get along like peanut butter and jelly, and are mentally connect after spending 10+ years together.

: Cailu. (He is more or less a PERSONAL handler that assists Esmae with the care of



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@WarriorHeart All better (I hope xD)
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)] Name: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Esmae [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Race: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Erodate[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Age: 17[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Gender: View attachment 55990

Appearance:5'6, Blue eyes (teal-ish color), wide hips. Smaller than the average female of her kind. [/BCOLOR]
View attachment 55987 View attachment 55985

[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Role:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Daughter of Vrajitor (TBD NPC)[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Rider [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Gear:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Necklace , symbolizing the culture and people. Passed down from generation to genoration. The same type of stones adorn her saddle.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)] [/BCOLOR]
View attachment 55989

[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Crown. Symbol of her blood line[/BCOLOR]
View attachment 55984

[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Fighting/ Riding outfit:[/BCOLOR]
View attachment 55988

[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)](includes leather thigh highs, and spandex like under-body suit[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Arsenal:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Tallons for her left hand, made of a magical metal (no known source)making cuts more deadly, and swifter movements. [/BCOLOR]

View attachment 55990

[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]7 foot sword. Made of a magical metal as the tallons (no known source), making cuts more deadly, and swifter sword movements[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)] View attachment 55983 [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Personality:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]-Out spoken when around the people she TRUELY knows. (Meaning NOT her family, typically)[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]-"Trophy" daughter[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]-Loving mother[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]-Strong headed, leader material[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]-Crafty[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]History: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Esmae was born the first child of one of the many Vrajitor. She was expect and anticipated to be a boy. They were dead wrong. She was born a scrawny, 4 pound baby girl. Size no more than 7 inches long. Not what her parents wanted or expected. Yet they adored her anyways. By adore, I mean they sheltered her more than a normal child, Trained her to the bare minimum like most women, and awaited for their next child to be born. They kept things this was until she was strong enough to stand on her own. They ignored her more and more as she and her family grew, and she took this opportunity to sneak out regularly make kin with Eukeri (You-Kary-I), a pure white Balaur. They were both 7 when they met. Then came Ayred. A Cenusui from a small family blood line that was traveling through her training ground on a trading endeavor. They were evolved until she turned 14 and became pregnant with her daughter Leena. It was not unusual for girls of her race to become pregnant at a young age, but not normal to mix with other races by most everyones standards. She confided in her closet and only friend Cailu. He, being the perfect friend of the family, convinced her to tell her mother, and then her father. Both were understanding and willing to let her stay in their home, AND take care of the baby with her. She gave birth to her child-a beautiful baby girl called Leena during the summer after she turned 15. Her parents were fully aware of the fact she was with child, but chose to turn a blind eye to the child's race. She was blessed to be born to a people not as strict about mixed children. As you might have guessed, Ayred did not stick around. He left when she informed him of his soon to be child and never returned. Now at age 17, Leena is 2 and a half, and they all stay in the Esmae's family's compound with [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Other: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]She is not ashamed of her daughter, but she is afraid for her. If she were to leave their homeland she'd either be captured by the Cenusui and made to stay as one of their residence, or killed. She IS ashamed of Ayred, though. As she grows older, she takes on more of a leadership role in her village, teaching young females of the village practical applications such as sword use, story telling, and manners. To her parents, she is THE perfect daughter, but is 'sadly' tainted with a mixed race child. She enjoys learning about history and making herbal medicines, as well as music and poetry. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]--------------------------------------[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Name: Eukeri[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Gender: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Male[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Appearance: [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Relationship: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Mount is simple, full leather two seater. Bronze and silver carvings and two large saddle bags on either side. Embellished with the same gem as her necklace. They get along like peanut butter and jelly, and are mentally connect after spending 10+ years together.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Handler[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]: Cailu. (He is more or less a PERSONAL handler that assists Esmae with the care of Eukeri.)[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Leela:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]View attachment 55981 View attachment 55982[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Caliu:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]View attachment 55992 [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)][/BCOLOR]
THIS, could use some work.
@punkyears I was going to comment on her age since a 17 year old Cenusiu would be the equivalent of a 5 year old human (give or take) but I see with a thin veneer of change you've made her an Erodate. Are you aware that the inspiration for the Erodate are drawn from Native American cultures? She did actually fit better with the Cenusiu. But then as you say, it's all in the hands of @WarriorHeart.
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@punkyears I was going to comment on her age since a 17 year old Cenusiu would be the equivalent of a 5 year old human (give or take) but I see with a thin veneer of change you've made her an Erodate. Are you aware that the inspiration for the Erodate are drawn from Native American cultures? She did actually fit better with the Cenusiu. But then as you say, it's all in the hands of @WarriorHeart.
I actually changed her to an Erodate, Per WH's request. WH will go over it again later. Were sorting out details RN.
just a small detail the balur is white but the pic of one you've used is purple. is it white or purple?
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No problem, just glad you knew what I meant as I was typing on my phone and it's freezing (literally) out there lol.
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Finally done! It only took me several days... Whoops.

  • Name: Sindri Egida
    Race: Cenusiu
    Age: 119
    Gender: Male

    Like the rest of his people, Sindri is pale in skin tone and covered in freckles, he sunburns all too frequently which leaves him redder than he should be. Sindri's hair is red at the roots, flaming catch your eyes from across the room red and as it goes to the tips becoming lighter and lighter until it turns nearly white in shade at the tips. It reaches to his shoulder blades and he sports shaved sides. He's on the lean side of the Cenusiu and is at least a quarter-of-a-head shorter than his Thane.
    Role: Officially the Thane's liaison to the Iertare. Unofficially an annoying bard.
    Official Snoop. Unofficial Gossip.

    Flying Rig
    A set of sturdy brown and black leather armor
    Several instruments:
    Several basic interchangeable outfits for his station
    Healer's kit

    Self-made paints and dyes and some feather brushes (Sindri isn't an 'artist' and the paints are for his very vain bird.)

    Short sword
    Assortment of small 'hunting' knives
    Short bow and his quiver

    Personality: A happy go lucky seeming idiot. Sindri seems to be a party boy, always up for a good time. This loud outer nature protects his loyal inner self. By putting up this front he's able to do his duty to his Thane and in spite of what he seems, Sindri is very dedicated to his Thane and to his home. He likes to smooth things over before they reach the Thane's ears if he can. You wouldn't say he had a silver tongue but that is only because he wouldn't let you think it in the first place by doing something completely and totally stupid.
    There is a saying that if there is something fun and exciting going on you'll find Sindri in the middle of it. Usually making a fool of himself. He's the first person to arrive and the last to leave – Assuming he leaves at all. Many a time Sindri has woken up on the cold hard ground or in a corner of someone's lodge with a massive hangover. Or at least that is how the stories go. A cheerful gossip who always knows what is going on...
    Rumors abound about the young Cenusiu man. He's slept with every woman of marrying age and a few married. He's courted women from every corner! Even the fearsome Otravit women are not beyond his skill! They say he's a drunkard and a useless man. The only good thing about Sindri is his music, they'll tell you oh so swiftly. He got the biggest male Pajura because he was pleasing the Lovitua in the stables! It's hard to make sense of the carefully cultivated lies that surround Sindri.

    What we do know for certain is that his Mother was once one of the most beautiful women in all of the Cenusiu and in fact she is still considered one of the most beautiful. She is boisterous and kindly to everyone she meets and it is clear that Sindri takes after all, she is Freja Egida. Sindri's Father Eadric has the same coloration as Sindri but is a much more solemn man. How he managed to marry Freja is a mystery to everyone but it is very clearly that even after all these years Freja and Eadric are still very much in love.
    A possibly true tale from his youth involves Sindri out hunting with Sweyn before he was made Thane. They were going after a giant boar on foot with a group of warriors and hunters, it was to be a wonderful sport and all the signs had pointed to this. Except the boar was double the size they were expecting and their spears did nothing but enrage the beast! Sindri was the youngest in the group that day and was still learning the craft, he wasn't able to get out of the way of the boar in time and while the others were going to leave him for a certain death. Sweyn darted in and rescued him at the last moment! It was in this way moreso than just having a thin line of blood between them that Sweyn earned Sindri's loyalty.


  • Name: Runi
    Gender: Male

    Relationship: Runi is a vain affectionate bird. He's incredibly close with Sindri, the two of them both enjoying causing trouble. They mutually preen each other and Sindri carefully paints Runi's wings and body feathers with the thin and fast-drying pigments he's developed. Runi and Sindri greet each other boisterously and usually with 'cuddles'. Runi is the brother that Sindri never had.

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Moloth, grey
Name: Moloth Flamegut
Race: Otravit
Clan: Rau'Sange (Blood River)
Age: 155
Gender: Male

Image borrowed from ChunLo on deviantart.

Role: Indraznet Seer, de facto Clan Chieftain
Gear: Leather clothing heavily adorned with bones from both animals and intelligent beings.
Arsenal: Staff, one heavy knife nearly large enough to be called a short sword, one regularly proportioned knife.

Personality: Moloth is cunning and ruthless, though most see him as simply a living embodiment of rage. He is that, but he does not let the anger control him. Instead he carefully tends the forge of his rage, letting it die down to embers when needed, but always ready to pump the bellows and bring the flames roaring back to life. He does not act rashly, but when he does choose to act it is explosive and brazen with no subtlety at all.

History: Moloth was pledged to the Indraznet long before his birth and put into their care mere days after his birth, and it did not take many years for the old seers and soothsayers to praise their good fortune. In Moloth they found a ready and willing pupil, a young man who brought all the fire and ferocity of the battlefield into the arts of the Indraznet. Where the old men would hold their seances and ask for guidance from beyond, Moloth demanded that the spirits answer his call and give him everything he demanded. Where the old men were tentative with their casting of tiny bones and reading of portents, Moloth hurled heaps of bones to the ground with enough force to shatter them and declared his readings with sneering confidence. Where the old men performed careful sacrifices with slit throats and measured chants, Moloth hacked the sacrifices apart like a rabid butcher and roared his praises and pledges to Sfarsitul. Where the old men would quietly bless those warriors who came to them for it, Moloth took to the center of camp and gave maddened speeches to fill the fighters with confidence and excitement. For these things and more Moloth was given the appellation of Flamegut, for it was undeniable that he had fire in his belly and was more than willing to make use of it.

In short, he revolutionized the Indraznet of Clan Rau'Sange and they loved him for it. By the age of 80 he was considered the leader of the clan's Indraznet, despite the many elders still living. Moloth was made into the adviser of the clan's chieftain shortly thereafter, and he heavily influenced the clan's path. They slowly distanced themselves from the rest of the Otravit, particularly the disgustingly slovenly leadership of the Otravit as a whole. Warchief after Warchief proved to be nothing more than drunkards and fools, so Moloth decided that neither he nor his clan had use for them. Clan Rau'Sange did not openly oppose the will of the foolish Warchiefs, but they made no secret of their disdain either. Hostilities grew between their clan and whichever lickspittles and incompetents happened to be loyal to each Warchief, but Moloth's fiery exhortations made his clan confident that they were in the right, that Sfarsitul smiled upon them for being the only clan bold enough to defy the weaklings called Warchiefs.

Three years ago Clan Rau'Sange's chieftain died, leaving a void and a major problem for them to deal with. The chieftain had no male descendants left when he died, and none of the clan's warriors were a clear choice. They'd all been united as a group against outside foes for so long that the warriors of the clan had less of a hierarchy than a brotherhood, but choosing a new chieftain would require fighting and a lot of potential death to decide who was the most worthy. Moloth was not going to let his clan fall apart after spending his life working to make them great, so he appealed to their better natures (delivered a screaming and enraged speech), make them see that there was no need for them to fight each other (explained to them that he would personally rip the guts out of the first fool to start a fight over anything but a matter of respect), and convinced them that there was a better way (told them that they were a pack of idiots who couldn't reliably find their own ass even if they were allowed to use both hands so they'd damn well better leave it up to the Indraznet). In the end both the warriors and Indraznet agreed with him, but they surprised him by going even further: they said that someone had to lead the clan until a new chieftain was selected, that it had to be one of the Indraznet to avoid fighting, and that Moloth was the only choice for the job.

It soon became clear that none of the other Indraznet had any intention of picking someone else to lead the clan instead of Moloth. They held discussions about potential candidates regularly, but they were always quick to point out flaws that made them unsuitable for the position of authority. Moloth found that he couldn't truly disagree with them, but he put on the same show nonetheless. It went wholly against tradition and sense for a man of the Indraznet to also be the clan chieftain, but the status of temporary leader was perfectly acceptable to all as the next best thing. As acting chieftain of Clan Rau'Sange, Moloth maintained his old policy of separation from the Warchief and his ilk, though he was far more open with his spite than the old chieftain had been. As tensions were rising to a boiling point, when Moloth was trying to decide which of his clan's warriors to send off to challenge the Warchief and put an end to the foolishness with new leadership (which the old clan chieftain had been to timid to even consider), someone else took matters into their own hands: Kargul, one of the Warchief's honor guard. The man earned himself a naming wound in the battle, but he triumphed and became the new Warchief.

Moloth took about a week to learn about the circumstances of the challenge, and about Kargul's history, before he decided this was a Warchief he could actually approve of. Kargul honored the true ways of the Otravit, plus he showed proper respect for the Indraznet, and that was far more than could be said of other Warchiefs in living memory. Moloth Flamegut delivered a rousing speech of a new vein to Clan Rau'Sange as soon as he'd made his choice, one in support of the Warchief and saying they must join together with the other clans once more for the benefit of their people as a whole. It took some extra effort on his part to convince the younger warriors, those who had known nothing but the clan's separatist policies for their whole lives, but he managed it nonetheless. This happened to align with Warchief Kargul's own intention, that of pulling the clans together, and that was another mark of approval for the new leader as far as Moloth was concerned. He has largely observed the Kargul's efforts and operations without taking an active part in things (though he sent warriors and workers to aid in building the strongholds and gathering supplies) or giving the Warchief the benefit of his fiery wisdom, but change is on the horizon.

Very recently Moloth cast the bones of an ox onto a large rock and read the message left in the chips and splinters, and the guidance of Sfarsitul formed them into the shapes crossed swords, an unnatural heap of bone shards piled too neatly for it to look natural, and a flame. The message was very clear to him. The crossed swords were an unmistakable sign of battles to come. The strange pile meant that order would be required to win. The flame... that could only mean one thing, of course: Moloth Flamegut would be needed in the conflict to come, and he was never one to defy the will of Sfarsitul.

Sorry, the tabs were just screwing with me this time, so I couldn't format the second CS like the first.
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  • Name: Arn

    Race: Otravit

    Clan: Ur'rahhag [Demon's Breath]

    Age: 61

    Gender: Female

    Appearance: Arn is a lithely-muscled Otravit female standing 73 inches tall. Her pale green skin is tattooed from head to foot with woad ink, symbols and runes that chronicle her path from childhood to the proud Vierme she would become, as had her fathers and mothers before her. Her flame-colored hair is meticulously braided and often tied back from her face, tucked beneath the ceremonial riding helm of her station.


    credit for image to fgergelym at deviant art

    Role: Vierme (grifonul handler)

    Gear: Arn wears expertly crafted riding leathers, meticulously stitched for the clan Vierme from the scaly hides of the mighty swamp arog'at. She also wears the ceremonial horned riding helm her station, festooned with the brightly-colored feathers of the tropical wetlands birds. Small vials of varying strengths of poison are maintained in pouches on her belt.

    Arsenal: Arn is never without the blades she wears sheathed at her waist (daggers) or across her back (short swords). Her long-range weapons consist of throwing knives, and all her blades are well-coated with the grifonul poison she milks regularly.

    Personality: Arn is a female of few words, at least among most Otravit. Those few words she does dispense among the majority of the Ortravit could kindly be called 'terse.' She will shamelessly admit she finds the vast majority of her people ignorant, wantonly brutal and utterly unworthy of the faithful grifonul so many of them ride - with precious few exceptions. Like her beloved grifonul however, Arn is unfailingly loyal to the handful beyond the limits of her small clan who manage to either earn her respect, to garner her friendship, or far more rarely - both.

    History: Vierme among the Ortravit are derived solely from the proud, unbroken line of the Ur'rahhag clan, who claim an ancient descent from the first Otravit to ride the fiery volcanic winds, the very breath of Sfarsitul, astride the grifonul. Whether this legend is true or not, it remains a fact that this tale is drilled into the heads of the Ur'rahhag children with their mother's milk, and only those born to ride the Demon's Breath are destined to become Vierme.

    Though there are many within the clan who work with the grifonul all their lives, helping to tend them, exercise them and arrange the bonding rites for new Cosciug (riders), there is only one acknowledged Vierme. The title is bestowed by the clan elders, the final word being had by the venerable outgoing Vierme. And unlike much of the status-seeking that occurs in Ortravit society, in one manner or another, this honor has nothing to do with physical prowess or a show of strength, male or female. Rather, it is dependent entirely upon innate skill in fearlessly handling the powerful and potentially deadly grifonul, and the Ur'rahhag child who best exemplifies the ancestral traits of the first riders of the Demon's Breath.

    Arn displayed all these traits - fearlessness, ability, intelligence, a spot-on intuition, and an undying and undeniable love and respect for the beasts - from the time she could first walk into the aerie. More importantly, the creatures returned that respect and love as well.

    Because of their exceptional status among the Ortravit, the Ur'rahhag clan has enjoyed a more-or-less protected status among their people, even during the brutal tenure of the last War Chief. None with any sense would dare offend the riders of the Demon's Breath and risk access to the grifonul being lost irrevocably. Elders were neither abused nor disrespected by the outside clans. Ur'rahhag relics and homes were safe from the mad, drunken marauding that afflicted so many others of their people. No females among the Ur'rahhag but those who found a genuinely worthy potential mate, were expected to participate in any mating rituals among the outside clans for fear of rape, and the possibility of a lesser and unworthy child being born into their proud line. The current Vierme was no different, and had no interest in any male beyond the confines of the clan compound.

    It would seem however, that a great many promising changes among the Ortravit people are on the horizon with the installation of the new War Chief Kargul. Though not yet a priority in her life, Arn has finally considered the possibility a truly worthy mate might yet be found. For the moment, she is simply content to see that slowly - painfully slowly true, but surely - the Ortravit who come to their clan now are some degrees worthier of the noble grifonul they wish to ride.

    Other: Years ago, Arn developed an immunity to the grifonul poison by way of repeated and increasing injections of the deadly venom. She also ensures the grifonul are bred not only for increased strength and flight maneuverability, but for increased and more potent venom content.

  • Name: Ragha

    Gender: Female


    credit for image to Anisis at deviantart

    Relationship: Ragha was the runt of a litter, and given to a very young Arn by the previous Vierme as a preliminary test of her nurturing skills. Rejected by her dam and hand-raised by Arn, the female cub became as much a child of Arn's soul as one of her body. The grifonul grew and flourished under Arn's care, into a spectacularly magnificent and powerful specimen of the species, agile and breathtakingly swift. The two are virtually inseparable, their mutual admiration and devotion as intrinsic as breath and heartbeat.
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    Sierra Lacrosse

    Race: Albita

    Age: 117

    Gender: Female

    Role: Rider

    Boots - Light but strong black leather lined with silver
    • Shirt - Tiger skin that's tight around the chest to keep it on
    • Chest plate - Heavy and strong black leather lined with silver
    • Leggings - Light but strong black leather lined with silver
    • Cloak - Shaved black fur with a hood. Goes to her ankles and the hood hides her facial features

    Sword in a black leather sheath that's tied very tightly around her waist
    • Two daggers in each of her boots
    • A curved bow with sharp metal arrows

    Personality: Sierra is a very brave girl that takes risks. She never gives up and has a fierce determination in everything she does. She is a kind girl that likes to play around but knows when to be serious. She is also very quiet, not really talking a lot. But she will snap of you make her angry or annoyed.

    History: When Sierra was two her mom was killed in battle by and Otravit. After that day her father looked after her. When she was six her dad was killed by a horrid and feared sea serpent. After that day she was taken in by one of the female riders. Her name was Nakida. Nakida taught Sierra everything she knows today and Nakida's youngest son, Karulo, taught her many other things.

    Other: Nada

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    Gender: Female

    Relationship: When Sierra was allowed to have a mount she was overjoyed. Twila was a great friend, always there when Sierra needed her. As the years progressed Sierra and Twila's relationship became stronger and nowadays it's like their sisters.
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Lol, thanks. *gives favorite cookie* Hope our friendship lasts for a long time.
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