FANTASY - Heavenfall (A Truly Epic RP)

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Yup. Both are functionally the same. We were just different in terminology. I worked out this character with WarriorHeart, which was fun since i have been itching to play something like this for a while.
Did you talk to WarriorHeart before creating your character?
Gotchya. Must have posted while I was writing my post. heh
I didn't want to make a CS and to have it refused just due to my desire for this concept. So, I PMed WarriorHeart and proposed my idea. We then figured out where, why, and some stuff not noted on the CS, like ways to involve with other characters or be more involved in the story. They seemed to rather like what I was thinking about changing it up a bit and adding to more of the fantasy things of the world.
xD Could just imagine one of the characters strolling through the forest and then suddenly, LIVING TREE!
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Wait, are these guys French?

We had to post mortality rates. They were the only ones to apply.

But, basically, yeah. Walk in and suddenly you have a living tree thing in full platemail wielding a sword and shield telling you to state your intentions. Anyone who knows the crest would probably think they knew who it was.
Survive a week and I might learn your name. Until then, you are just spare blood.

I love Helsing Abridged. One of my favorite abridged series.
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Esmae's going to be on Inger's shit list I see :P
Other than that nice character.
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  • Name: Egil Gulbrand
    Race: Cenusiu
    Age: 122
    Gender: Male

    Image borrowed from RebecaSaray on deviantart.

    Role: Iertare, Guard
    Gear: Chain mail hauberk with a bit of leather around the chest and shoulders, leather leggings, regular clothing underneath, various furs for warmth as needed.
    Arsenal: Axe and plain round wooden shield for melee work, three smaller axes for throwing.

    Personality: Egil is a man of obsessive passions, though few would guess it from his public demeanor. On the surface and in public he is a generally calm and stoic figure, sparing with expressions of all kinds and rarely part of any dramatic happenings unless he is forced to step in to stop them or act as a mediator. Those who see him fight or get to know him personally know that for a facade, like calm waters hiding a deadly strong current underneath. Egil has only a few things that he truly cares about, just a few things that can strip the placid veneer away, and his passion unmasked can be a rather imposing force to those unprepared for its intensity.

    History: Egil is the third son of Karl Gulbrand, the patriarch of House Gulbrand, a family that has been a staunch ally of House Egida for countless generations. His childhood was rather usual for men of the Cenusiu, though he was remarked as being more serious and less prone to nonsense than most other children. He learned the ways of fighting and the ways of praising Sfant, and in those two things Egil found his first passions. Few threw themselves into learning to fight with as much vigor as Egil, though many surpassed him in skill; from early on he found that his main advantage in a fight was unrelenting ferocity, not having a better technique than others, and it served him well enough over the years. Few could match Egil's devotion to pleasing Sfant, though some perhaps found his fanaticism more troubling than worthy of praise.

    Much of Egil's life was spent as a hunter, one of the many Iertare who took up the work in order to have a good reason to go out flying regularly. He bonded quite well with his first Pajura, a pure white bird named Endre, and they made a fearsome pair in a fight. They had enough success in the field that Egil made a name for himself after some years; he was no grand hero to inspire awe among the masses, but it was enough to earn a measure of respect, and that was good enough for him. This enjoyable life came to a sad and abrupt end when Egil and Endre came afoul of a wild Pajura that attacked them out of nowhere shortly after they landed on a forested island to do some hunting. Endre was mortally wounded in the fight, and Egil was lucky to get away with his life. Unfortunately, since he had gone out alone, this left him stuck on the island with little hope of rescue, so he took the only logical course of action: he tamed the Pajura that had nearly killed him. It took him about a year of slow work earn the trust of the beast, which he named Vidar, and tame it well enough to get it to carry him home.

    After that unfortunate adventure, Egil decided to make a life for himself that did not include solitary trips into danger, and so he became one of the guards of the islands, those tasked with keeping the peace and protecting the Thane as needed. Soon enough he found himself married to a woman named Ylva, and in this he discovered something else that could rouse his passions. He had been with his share of women before, of course, but Ylva was something far more than any of them had been. Perhaps it was simply the fact that she was his wife, or it might have been her fierce temper and strong will, but something about her made Egil madly protective and possessive. As it turned out, this happiness was not meant to last either. Ylva was found dead one night, laying in a pool of her own blood, her face and body a mess of broken bones and bruises, though the livid marks of fingers around her neck made clear what had actually killed her. Egil was not found until about a few days later, when he flew back to the islands bearing a fine haul from a hunting trip. He was plainly devastated to hear of his wife's death and claimed to have been gone for a day and a half before she'd been found, but some noted scrapes and bruises on his hands and started dark rumors about how he must have killed Ylva and then fled to build an alibi. Most, however, were convinced by his grief and hunting story, so he was not executed for being a murderer.

    Which indeed he was. Egil had done just as the rumors said: he had murdered Ylva and then flew away in the dead of night to give himself a reasonable cover story. He hadn't meant to hurt her, but she had taunted him for being a coward, for being too afraid to go far from home ever since he'd nearly died alongside his first Pajura; it was a common jibe she threw at him whenever they fought, but that time she took it a step further by saying that she ought to leave him and find a real man who wasn't a cowardly weakling. Egil's intense passion and possessiveness took hold of him then, and once he started punching her he couldn't make himself stop, not until he'd throttled the life out of her completely. After that he found that he feared staying there with her corpse even more than he feared flying off and dying in the middle of nowhere, and thus he was quite ironically cured of the fear that had in a way caused him to murder his wife.

    After getting away with the crime, Egil devoted himself to his sin. He regularly punished himself in private for it, praying to Sfant to either slay him for his evil deed to show him the path to redemption. He remained living in the same home and rather than getting rid of the blood stains on the wood floor, he left them and covered them with a rug, so that he could move it away and see the remnants of his crime while he went through with his harsh acts of penitence. In recent years Egil has decided that the only thing that might redeem him in the eyes of Sfant would be to die a hero in the heat of battle, and it has become his primary motivation in life. Though he remained a guard rather than resuming a hunting career (another act of penitence, upholding the law to make up for breaking it), Egil has faith that if Sfant wishes him to find absolution, the path will open itself before him in time.
  • Name: Vidar
    Gender: Male

    Image borrowed from Nambroth on deviantart.

    Relationship: Where Egil presents a calm demeanor that hides horrible depths beneath, Vidar makes no effort to hide his ferocity. He is an ill-tempered creature that requires firm restraints whenever he is not being ridden, lest he attack handlers or other Pajura out of pure spite. When facing an enemy Vidar is brutal and ruthless, and he sees damn near every living thing as an enemy. One of the very few exceptions is Egil, who he tolerates as a lesser partner in the relationship rather than showing any subservience. There is some level of affection hidden there underneath the cantankerousness, and they work reasonably well together, but Vidar's pride and general animosity mean that this simply decent relationship between Iertare and Pajura will never become the kind of bond most would hope to have with their mount.
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Esmae's been placed in Demir's bone zone. :D

Edit: Just kidding, he wouldn't risk pissing off the Thane for chasing after his daughter xD
Just out of curiosity, was your character cleared with the GM, @punkyears ? If I remember correctly, I think someone far earlier on in the OOC was asked to change their character from the Thane's own clan among the Cenusiu is all? Of course I could be wrong, but I was wondering.

And Egil and his back story are seriously awesome Jorick *big thumbs up*
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@punkyears Just gonna let you know, you might want to change up your CS a bit. None of the races can use magic. Not that they refuse to, they are just entirely unable to whatsoever.
@punkyears Just gonna let you know, you might want to change up your CS a bit. None of the races can use magic. Not that they refuse to, they are just entirely unable to whatsoever.
I'll ask WH about it, but I thought I remeberd that they all had access to magic. If I am wrong (which I've been talking to WH, and WH should let me know if it's okay soon) I'll change it, but not until I know forsure.
He mentions specifically in the first post that magic is off limits.
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