Fanfic Writers of Iwaku

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Hello everyone! I'm Thingtastic and I write Teen Wolf Sterek fics! In the past I have written HP Drarry fics and my most recemt fic is a OUAT Swan Queen fic that I wrote for a friend. I can't link right now, but I write on Ao3 under DarligUlv.
@Ash Mortis

Here you go. It's tagged as "Percico" and technically it is, but not in any way that's good.

When All Else Fails (AO3) (Tumblr)

The SPN fic I mentioned, the Destiel one, got tossed out with the rest when I cleaned out all my old fics for a fresh start. I have it saved in my Google Drive, so I'll try and repost it tonight with some quick edits.
Hi there, thanks for the thread @Astaroth. I'm Vanessa and I write fanfiction related to dragon age , mass effect and I'm just starting to write fallout 4 fanfiction. I usually do character reactions or requests and it's been a lot of fun.
-edit. I found the link my ao3 account.
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Dragon Age? Sounds interesting. I'm a big fan of the series, kupo. ^_^
Can't believe I forgot to label that work as fanfic. -_-
I haven't written fanfics since the hayday of Sailor Moon, but I might have made be got sucked into the Miraculous Ladybug fandom. Send me a PM if you want to know more. *runs*
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I started out by writing Harry Potter fanfics when I was 13.

Now I have an account on, under the name Avian Swallow (yes I have a things for birds)
I have some Harry Potter, Psych, Bleach, Ouran High School Host Club, and One Piece fan fics there.

the One Piece fic is my current project ^_^
Ah...hello. I'm Yanna [or Yan as everyone here knows me by]. I used to write if anybody wants, you can go to my dA account [neonemo13] please forgive the name of it...the account is mine from yeaaaarrrssss my middle school years. But yeah. My Bleach and Naruto fanfics are there plus Death Note. [also pictures of me but ehhhh]

I wanna get back into writing fanfics... >_<
I'd be happy to beta fics that are no longer than 10k, if anyone needs it. I would prefer if it was for something I'm interested in, so I know the characters of the original. Listing all the fandoms I'm familiar with would take forever, so just PM me.

I've tried writing fanfics before. I have a hell of a lot of pretty good ideas for them too, but for some reason I can't really bring myself to write them? It's like this little twinge of embarrassment, even though I respect fanfic authors? I think it's just a kneejerk reaction I'll get over if I just push through it, though.
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YESSSS!! Hello my peeps!

Now that I've gotten that outta my system, I feel like this is a support group!

"Hello I'm Rin Mico, and I'm addicted to fanfiction. Reading, writing, I get it anyway I can have it..."

Haha XD
AS a means to keep up my language skills, I am actually writing a Dark Souls Fanfic as we speak. It's as much a exercise is writing about the surroundings in interesting ways without being to descriptive and bog the narrative down.
I don't know if this applies, but I've thought about writing fanfiction; it's still a moderate temptation. I haven't yet because I'm not sure where to start, and the whole being too embarrassed to admit it, aha.
I don't know if this applies, but I've thought about writing fanfiction; it's still a moderate temptation. I haven't yet because I'm not sure where to start, and the whole being too embarrassed to admit it, aha.
Once you get rid of the notion that Fanfics is something to be embarresed about, it is really liberating. The James Bond book is the biggest case of "I wish I was agent in the war" selfinsert ever, and it became one of the most well known spy-thriller series of all time. If Ian Flemming can get away with it, so can you.
Once you get rid of the notion that Fanfics is something to be embarresed about, it is really liberating. The James Bond book is the biggest case of "I wish I was agent in the war" selfinsert ever, and it became one of the most well known spy-thriller series of all time. If Ian Flemming can get away with it, so can you.
I smiled at this, thank you.
Thanks to this thread, I went back to reread a few of my old favorites. Now I'm totally in the mood to write another Sessho and Kagome love fest....not sure if I should be happy about that or not. o.O
Shit, I didn't even see myself get tagged for this until now! O_O
-ahem- Anyways, yeah, so I'm a FanFiction writer, and you can see all of my works here! Now, some things to note about all of those stories which you'll see:

Naruto: Visual Vengeance - First ever fanfic, wanted to try putting my own spin on the Naruto universe and also indulge in my then-strong NaruSaku ship interest. However, I was young when I wrote that and what resulted from it was basically just a copy-pasted version of the subplot between characters Kakashi and Obito and fairly OOC versions of both Naruto and Sakura; I discontinued it a while after posting one of its chapters when I figured that it wouldn't end up working out, and wanted to devote more time to my fanfictions based on the "Heaven's Lost Property" anime series.

The Night Stalker - Edgy Creepypasta phase from when I was younger. Please, for the love of God: don't read that one.

Heaven's Lost Property: Dark Skies - My most viewed fanfic thus far and one which I am fairly satisfied with. The writing could have been better, but I feel like I told an adequate enough story with the OCs I incorporated into the canon universe of the series and kept its characters' personalities well-enough in check.

Heaven's Lost Property: Last Goodbyes - The really dark sequel to the above story which I left unfinished after becoming disinterested in HLP and moving on to other things. I don't know if I'm doing this right, but I'm going to put a trigger warning for some gore and subsequent deaths throughout the story. Things get considerably gloomy in this one, and is not at all upbeat like its predecessor. [SPOILER ALERT] Basically, it was made to be an HLP finale without that cop-out that was done in the actual manga where everyone who dies in the final act comes back to life. [SPOILER ALERT END]

We're Still Here - The still in-progress Five Nights at Freddy's fanfic that I am writing. Definite trigger warning for mature themes mostly involving childhood trauma, as well as for the graphic violence that will later be shown more; this is a humanized story meant to give the originally animatronic Fazbear cast more depth to their characters, and is also partially spun off from Zajcu37's animation series. On that note, I advise that you don't actually bother watching the series; it can be very difficult to stick through due to the nature of the dialogue (the animator's first language isn't English, therefore making the speaking lines between characters mostly awkward in structure, sometimes repetitive and also painfully cheesy), the rugged animation in many of the episodes and the shipping between the animatronics. That's partly why I made the characters humanized for this story, so that romance could occur between them without it being bizarre and ultimately unnecessary. The reason why I've managed to get through it up to this point is because I'm interested in the semblance of story it has to offer, but trust me... it's extremely difficult to watch, sometimes.
O_O ooh um ok. I started writing fanfiction when I was in my tweens. I first started writing for Naruto since that was a big obsession for me back then. I've branched out to other fandoms, but Naruto will always have a special place in my heart. Also because of real life, I don't write as much fanfiction as before. I still participate in special events such as a X pairing week/month or whatever, but they're usually drabbles. No multi-fic. Haven't written one in a long time, but I want to get back into it though.

You can find my work on my and my writing blog on tumblr. WARNING: Everything pre-2014 is absolute TRASH ;A; I kept those old fics up there because 1) I'm lazy and 2) I thought it would be interesting for me to see how much I've grown in my writing.
Hey! I am Lstorm, and I recently joined the world of fanfiction writers. I wrote two pieces of fanfiction for Elsword so far, both of which can be read in my [SHAMELESS PLUG]showcase[/SHAMELESS PLUG]. Readers beware, as one of them contains incredibly graphic torture and neither of them have been checked for spelling / grammatical errors yet. I am planning on writing more shorts and eventually, a high-quality transcription of the game's story. Goodness knows, the story itself has a lot of potential, but the official writers screw it up with anime antics, bad translation and careless attitude.

Also, when it comes to these stories, I try to write them so anyone not familiar with the fandom can enjoy them and explore the universe.

As for my fandoms, I mainly read Elsword, Nanoha and crossovers, but I am familiar with a lot of animes, games and a decent number of webcomics. Plus, I am a reading addict who can not focus on anything else if they find a good story. Which is bad, because I am ALWAYS looking for a good story.

I have the time to read and comment on a story or two, especially if you do not mind honest criticism.
So this died because I died for a month, oops. I'm bringing this back and going to reply to everyone ASAP!
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