• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

"So it was foretold. Y mab darogan," the five circling him echoed in unison, pounding their spears off the ground.

"Your coming was foretold as well, though it is twofold. If be ye true, and it is your names we commemorate to the Revered Abacus tonight, then in the purity of flame it shall be known. If ye be children of Neverchange, here to defame and defile, then this shall be known as well. There is only one way to determine."

Two more spears hit the ground in front of them, these ones lacking the rags doused in propane that were enabling the others to serve as torches.

"Ye must fight."

Pal instantly recoiled as another spear was thrown down, shrieking and all.


But this stick wasn't set alight.


Pal somewhat calmed down and tried to listen to what the faraway human was yellling. Not much of it made any sense to the plant.

Aside from the word fight.

They wanted it to fight the Female?

Walking over and grabbing the spear and hoisting it up, Pal looked it over. It didn't doubt that it could easily overpower the Female. But she was likely quicker on the draw with her Gun. Guns did lots of damage. Pal knew as it had one itself. Taken off a powder ganger that Pal ripped the head off. Before it was told that killing humans was looked down upon. Wasn't much of a shot though, unsteady aim and all that. If one were to look under Pal's shirt, aside from the massive bruises across it's back from where dried blood had been pooling up, there was duct tape/metal frames/bandaging holding the corpse's chest together from stab wounds/gunshots/claw strikes etc.

"Female....have idea...."

Pal kept it's eyes forward, trying it's best to control it's instinctual urge to freak out around fire.

"You....stab me.....lots. ...Can endure it....Just not in head." It was true to a degree. As 1960/Seymour had been taking root in Alec's body, it lacked the need for a good number of Alec's organs and just as well had grown roots around/through them like the wet sacks of meat that they were. It really only needed Alec's brain to peel through his memories as needed. The rest was expendable. "....Make them....think you....won."
"Your coming was foretold as well, though it is twofold. If be ye true, and it is your names we commemorate to the Revered Abacus tonight, then in the purity of flame it shall be known. If ye be children of Neverchange, here to defame and defile, then this shall be known as well. There is only one way to determine."

Two more spears hit the ground in front of them, these ones lacking the rags doused in propane that were enabling the others to serve as torches.

"Ye must fight."

"Female....have idea...."

Pal kept it's eyes forward, trying it's best to control it's instinctual urge to freak out around fire.

"You....stab me.....lots. ...Can endure it....Just not in head." It was true to a degree. As 1960/Seymour had been taking root in Alec's body, it lacked the need for a good number of Alec's organs and just as well had grown roots around/through them like the wet sacks of meat that they were. It really only needed Alec's brain to peel through his memories as needed. The rest was expendable. "....Make them....think you....won
Sally watched Pal walk over to the spear and pull it out with the same sort of caution a cornered wolf would a hunter, never actually lowering the gun towards him but her eyes anything but relaxed. Then he made his offer. She tapped her foot a few times, spun the revolver into its holster, and with a grunt heaved the other spear out of the dirt with some effort. She took a few steps back and set the spear into a ready position across from pal, trying to get a read on his glassy eyes. Plan made some sense. If he was really gonna be fine then hey, who cared? Just had to stab some poor guy who she still wasn't quite clear on whether she was alive and his leafy passenger who'd done her no harm as yet. She snarled.


"You know," she said as she leaned against the spear where she'd jammed it back into the ground and looked back up at their audience "Mojave didn't take too kindly to the last group a' folk who had people scrap in an arena by force. Now those people down there" she said with a gesture back the way they'd come "-theyre a bit spooked by y'all. You came outta legion lands, maybe you as bad as them, or so the thoughts go. Didn't wanna buy into it myself, but this-" she nodded at the impromptu cage "ain't exactly painting a nice picture. I don't think I wanna stab this nice man here. He ain't done me no wrong. So if you're keen on one of us gettin a few new holes, you can come down here and try and hand em out yourself. Emphasis on try"

She let that sink in as she shifted to rest her hand on her pistol, only to stumble as the spear came loose from the motion due to her tiny arms being what put it in the dirt. She caught herself and cleared her throat with her hands planted on her hips and her back straight.

[PARTIAL SUCCESS] The leader bristled at Sally's words, visibly affronted. "Ye would deem us a pack of savage degenerates, like the scarlet apostates? Nay, like thy godless blood barons of the West?! We are in the midst of our most sacred rites! We would not see the soil run crimson on this night!"

The men and women around him erupted into a score of combative, ape-like chanting at the declaration, spears reaching a fever pitch in their frenzied drumming against the canyon. His fist raised, and they fell silent.

"The hallowed pair need not battle to the end; only first blood. That we may witness, and see for our own selves if we are to be rewarded for our faith—and the suffering of generations before us. As it is written."

"As it was foretold. Y mab darogan." The monotonous chant echoed once more.

"Take the stage or do not, recreants; to I and my kin, it matters little. Yet the prophecy layeth plain, and they who come in the wake of Proselyte Ted must be the diptych. 'Tis but a matter of common sense." His tone was faintly pitying. "Be ye not they, ye must return with those who are, and settle thine other matters thereafter. Thus spake Sweet-Wort, of the Branch Davidians!"

"..." Sally let out a long huff and reached up to toss her hat to the side "doesn't want the ground crimson but first blood like that ain't contradictory as- Fine, fine." She called out. She slipped her rifle off her back as well to make it easier to shrug out of her jacket, and made a show of pulling both her revolver and pistol out from their holsters and holding them up in the air before she tossed them on top of the jacket as well. "Not the first time gotta put on a show to save this dumb kid. Hey, friend, I know you said that I can get stabby with you and you'll be fine, but it don't really sit right with me if I'm bein honest; I still don't know whats goin on with your uh... vehicle. So lets just do this for real, yea?" She said as she unlatched the strap that kept her sawed off hanging on her back and caught it deftly without a glance to toss to the side with the rest of her little arsenal.

"Though uh, just to be sure, you understand the term first blood?" she asked, a lil leery as she bent down to pick the spear up. Boone often said that she was as dangerous without a gun as a toddler with delusions grandeur, but there was no way she was gonna have to worry that much bout some plant man that could barely walk "how to not kill someone-"
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Sally watched Pal walk over to the spear and pull it out with the same sort of caution a cornered wolf would a hunter, never actually lowering the gun towards him but her eyes anything but relaxed. Then he made his offer. She tapped her foot a few times, spun the revolver into its holster, and with a grunt heaved the other spear out of the dirt with some effort. She took a few steps back and set the spear into a ready position across from pal, trying to get a read on his glassy eyes. Plan made some sense. If he was really gonna be fine then hey, who cared? Just had to stab some poor guy who she still wasn't quite clear on whether she was alive and his leafy passenger who'd done her no harm as yet. She snarled.

Pal didn't make...any moves at all.

Unless the Female did exactly what Pal had asked her not to do, it wasn't put off by the idea of being stabbed.

Alec's body was it's now and of course it'd taken some measures to preserve that. If this body went, so did it. Such was the tightness of their bond.

But a stab in the heart or stomach? Or even the liver? It didn't matter.

Not anymore.


"You know," she said as she leaned against the spear where she'd jammed it back into the ground and looked back up at their audience "Mojave didn't take too kindly to the last group a' folk who had people scrap in an arena by force. Now those people down there" she said with a gesture back the way they'd come "-theyre a bit spooked by y'all. You came outta legion lands, maybe you as bad as them, or so the thoughts go. Didn't wanna buy into it myself, but this-" she nodded at the impromptu cage "ain't exactly painting a nice picture. I don't think I wanna stab this nice man here. He ain't done me no wrong. So if you're keen on one of us gettin a few new holes, you can come down here and try and hand em out yourself. Emphasis on try"

She let that sink in as she shifted to rest her hand on her pistol, only to stumble as the spear came loose from the motion due to her tiny arms being what put it in the dirt. She caught herself and cleared her throat with her hands planted on her hips and her back straight.

Pal smiled.

She'd called it 'nice.'

[PARTIAL SUCCESS] The leader bristled at Sally's words, visibly affronted. "Ye would deem us a pack of savage degenerates, like the scarlet apostates? Nay, like thy godless blood barons of the West?! We are in the midst of our most sacred rites! We would not see the soil run crimson on this night!"

The men and women around him erupted into a score of combative, ape-like chanting at the declaration, spears reaching a fever pitch in their frenzied drumming against the canyon. His fist raised, and they fell silent.

"The hallowed pair need not battle to the end; only first blood. That we may witness, and see for our own selves if we are to be rewarded for our faith—and the suffering of generations before us. As it is written."

"As it was foretold. Y mab darogan." The monotonous chant echoed once more.

"Take the stage or do not, recreants; to I and my kin, it matters little. Yet the prophecy layeth plain, and they who come in the wake of Proselyte Ted must be the diptych. 'Tis but a matter of common sense." His tone was faintly pitying. "Be ye not they, ye must return with those who are, and settle thine other matters thereafter. Thus spake Sweet-Wort, of the Branch Davidians!"

This human was so loud.

Why didn't he come closer and speak at a more acceptable level?

Why didn't he talk so the plant could understand??

It didn't have a full grasp of what was going on beyond the basics.

Female promised to help Hatted Human.

These loud stick throwing humans were getting in the way of that.

Pal would show how nice it was.

"..." Sally let out a long huff and reached up to toss her hat to the side "doesn't want the ground crimson but first blood like that ain't contradictory as- Fine, fine." She called out. She slipped her rifle off her back as well to make it easier to shrug out of her jacket, and made a show of pulling both her revolver and pistol out from their holsters and holding them up in the air before she tossed them on top of the jacket. "Not the first time gotta put on a show to save this dumb kid- Hey, friend, I know you said that I can get stabby with you and you'll be fine, but it don't really sit right with me if I'm bein honest; I still don't know whats goin on with your uh... vehicle. So lets just do this for real, yea?" She said as she unlatched the strap that kept her sawed off hanging on her back and caught it deftly without a glance to toss to the side with the rest of her little arsenal.


Pal noticed the Female had removed her Gun.

It clumsily did the same, tossing it's 9mm handgun off to the side.

It grasped the spear and-

"Though uh, just to be sure, you understand the term first blood?" she asked, a lil leery as she bent down to pick the spear up. "how to not kill someone-"


The spear's shaft broke right in two.

Right over Sally's head. Knocking her facefirst into the sand.

Sally watched Pal walk over to the spear and pull it out with the same sort of caution a cornered wolf would a hunter, never actually lowering the gun towards him but her eyes anything but relaxed. Then he made his offer. She tapped her foot a few times, spun the revolver into its holster, and with a grunt heaved the other spear out of the dirt with some effort. She took a few steps back and set the spear into a ready position across from pal, trying to get a read on his glassy eyes. Plan made some sense. If he was really gonna be fine then hey, who cared? Just had to stab some poor guy who she still wasn't quite clear on whether she was alive and his leafy passenger who'd done her no harm as yet. She snarled.

Pal didn't make...any moves at all.

Unless the Female did exactly what Pal had asked her not to do, it wasn't put off by the idea of being stabbed.

Alec's body was it's now and of course it'd taken some measures to preserve that. If this body went, so did it. Such was the tightness of their bond.

But a stab in the heart or stomach? Or even the liver? It didn't matter.

Not anymore.


"You know," she said as she leaned against the spear where she'd jammed it back into the ground and looked back up at their audience "Mojave didn't take too kindly to the last group a' folk who had people scrap in an arena by force. Now those people down there" she said with a gesture back the way they'd come "-theyre a bit spooked by y'all. You came outta legion lands, maybe you as bad as them, or so the thoughts go. Didn't wanna buy into it myself, but this-" she nodded at the impromptu cage "ain't exactly painting a nice picture. I don't think I wanna stab this nice man here. He ain't done me no wrong. So if you're keen on one of us gettin a few new holes, you can come down here and try and hand em out yourself. Emphasis on try"

She let that sink in as she shifted to rest her hand on her pistol, only to stumble as the spear came loose from the motion due to her tiny arms being what put it in the dirt. She caught herself and cleared her throat with her hands planted on her hips and her back straight.

Pal smiled.

She'd called it 'nice.'

[PARTIAL SUCCESS] The leader bristled at Sally's words, visibly affronted. "Ye would deem us a pack of savage degenerates, like the scarlet apostates? Nay, like thy godless blood barons of the West?! We are in the midst of our most sacred rites! We would not see the soil run crimson on this night!"

The men and women around him erupted into a score of combative, ape-like chanting at the declaration, spears reaching a fever pitch in their frenzied drumming against the canyon. His fist raised, and they fell silent.

"The hallowed pair need not battle to the end; only first blood. That we may witness, and see for our own selves if we are to be rewarded for our faith—and the suffering of generations before us. As it is written."

"As it was foretold. Y mab darogan." The monotonous chant echoed once more.

"Take the stage or do not, recreants; to I and my kin, it matters little. Yet the prophecy layeth plain, and they who come in the wake of Proselyte Ted must be the diptych. 'Tis but a matter of common sense." His tone was faintly pitying. "Be ye not they, ye must return with those who are, and settle thine other matters thereafter. Thus spake Sweet-Wort, of the Branch Davidians!"

This human was so loud.

Why didn't he come closer and speak at a more acceptable level?

Why didn't he talk so the plant could understand??

It didn't have a full grasp of what was going on beyond the basics.

Female promised to help Hatted Human.

These loud stick throwing humans were getting in the way of that.

Pal would show how nice it was.

"..." Sally let out a long huff and reached up to toss her hat to the side "doesn't want the ground crimson but first blood like that ain't contradictory as- Fine, fine." She called out. She slipped her rifle off her back as well to make it easier to shrug out of her jacket, and made a show of pulling both her revolver and pistol out from their holsters and holding them up in the air before she tossed them on top of the jacket. "Not the first time gotta put on a show to save this dumb kid- Hey, friend, I know you said that I can get stabby with you and you'll be fine, but it don't really sit right with me if I'm bein honest; I still don't know whats goin on with your uh... vehicle. So lets just do this for real, yea?" She said as she unlatched the strap that kept her sawed off hanging on her back and caught it deftly without a glance to toss to the side with the rest of her little arsenal.


Pal noticed the Female had removed her Gun.

It clumsily did the same, tossing it's 9mm handgun off to the side.

It grasped the spear and-

"Though uh, just to be sure, you understand the term first blood?" she asked, a lil leery as she bent down to pick the spear up. "how to not kill someone-"


The spear's shaft broke right in two.

Right over Sally's head. Knocking her facefirst into the sand.





The bone crunching wasn't that calamitous , but Sally immediately starfished onto the ground in a heap, her sense of sense smashed straight through to the center of the earth along with any hint of consciousness
Gotz watched as Mia walked off.

Took a minute or two.

Looked over at all the craziness with Job and....

Promptly moved to walk past that to try and meet up with those Reily's Rescuers or Rangers?

Whatever they'd been called. He didn't come here to get sidetracked to help some rogue machine.

....Though he had wished he'd acted sooner and cut that louder floating machine in half.

"All the shots you don't take..." He murmured.
The bone crunching wasn't that calamitous , but Sally immediately starfished onto the ground in a heap, her sense of sense smashed straight through to the center of the earth along with any hint of consciousness

Pal looked down at Sally and tossed aside the remains of the spear.

It'd learned and tried to hold back to not kill humans.

They were weak fragile beings. Pal had been like that once. Back in it's original body. It couldn't see, hear, or talk. Only taste and even then, it could only eat whatever researchers like Alec who'd come to the vault would give it. ...Willingly or otherwise.

Sometimes this method of trying to hold back got Pal's body damaged. Duct tape always seemed to fix it. Along with staples. Couldn't get enough staples.

Kneeling down, it reached out and grabbed a handful of Sally's hair to pull her head up and press it's ice-cold fingers against her neck.


There was a pulse. Humans used that to signify that they were alive.

Good enough for the plant. It reached down and through some awkward jostling/it hefted Sally over it's right shoulder-Oh.

It also put the Female's hat back on her head. Once that was done, Pal turned towards the Loud Human.


The spear's shaft broke right in two.

Right over Sally's head. Knocking her facefirst into the sand.

Sally watched Pal walk over to the spear and pull it out with the same sort of caution a cornered wolf would a hunter, never actually lowering the gun towards him but her eyes anything but relaxed. Then he made his offer. She tapped her foot a few times, spun the revolver into its holster, and with a grunt heaved the other spear out of the dirt with some effort. She took a few steps back and set the spear into a ready position across from pal, trying to get a read on his glassy eyes. Plan made some sense. If he was really gonna be fine then hey, who cared? Just had to stab some poor guy who she still wasn't quite clear on whether she was alive and his leafy passenger who'd done her no harm as yet. She snarled.​

Pal didn't make...any moves at all.

Unless the Female did exactly what Pal had asked her not to do, it wasn't put off by the idea of being stabbed.

Alec's body was it's now and of course it'd taken some measures to preserve that. If this body went, so did it. Such was the tightness of their bond.

But a stab in the heart or stomach? Or even the liver? It didn't matter.

Not anymore.


"You know," she said as she leaned against the spear where she'd jammed it back into the ground and looked back up at their audience "Mojave didn't take too kindly to the last group a' folk who had people scrap in an arena by force. Now those people down there" she said with a gesture back the way they'd come "-theyre a bit spooked by y'all. You came outta legion lands, maybe you as bad as them, or so the thoughts go. Didn't wanna buy into it myself, but this-" she nodded at the impromptu cage "ain't exactly painting a nice picture. I don't think I wanna stab this nice man here. He ain't done me no wrong. So if you're keen on one of us gettin a few new holes, you can come down here and try and hand em out yourself. Emphasis on try"

She let that sink in as she shifted to rest her hand on her pistol, only to stumble as the spear came loose from the motion due to her tiny arms being what put it in the dirt. She caught herself and cleared her throat with her hands planted on her hips and her back straight.​

Pal smiled.

She'd called it 'nice.'

[PARTIAL SUCCESS] The leader bristled at Sally's words, visibly affronted. "Ye would deem us a pack of savage degenerates, like the scarlet apostates? Nay, like thy godless blood barons of the West?! We are in the midst of our most sacred rites! We would not see the soil run crimson on this night!"

The men and women around him erupted into a score of combative, ape-like chanting at the declaration, spears reaching a fever pitch in their frenzied drumming against the canyon. His fist raised, and they fell silent.

"The hallowed pair need not battle to the end; only first blood. That we may witness, and see for our own selves if we are to be rewarded for our faith—and the suffering of generations before us. As it is written."

"As it was foretold. Y mab darogan." The monotonous chant echoed once more.

"Take the stage or do not, recreants; to I and my kin, it matters little. Yet the prophecy layeth plain, and they who come in the wake of Proselyte Ted must be the diptych. 'Tis but a matter of common sense." His tone was faintly pitying. "Be ye not they, ye must return with those who are, and settle thine other matters thereafter. Thus spake Sweet-Wort, of the Branch Davidians!"

This human was so loud.

Why didn't he come closer and speak at a more acceptable level?

Why didn't he talk so the plant could understand??

It didn't have a full grasp of what was going on beyond the basics.

Female promised to help Hatted Human.

These loud stick throwing humans were getting in the way of that.

Pal would show how nice it was.

"..." Sally let out a long huff and reached up to toss her hat to the side "doesn't want the ground crimson but first blood like that ain't contradictory as- Fine, fine." She called out. She slipped her rifle off her back as well to make it easier to shrug out of her jacket, and made a show of pulling both her revolver and pistol out from their holsters and holding them up in the air before she tossed them on top of the jacket. "Not the first time gotta put on a show to save this dumb kid- Hey, friend, I know you said that I can get stabby with you and you'll be fine, but it don't really sit right with me if I'm bein honest; I still don't know whats goin on with your uh... vehicle. So lets just do this for real, yea?" She said as she unlatched the strap that kept her sawed off hanging on her back and caught it deftly without a glance to toss to the side with the rest of her little arsenal.​


Pal noticed the Female had removed her Gun.

It clumsily did the same, tossing it's 9mm handgun off to the side.

It grasped the spear and-

"Though uh, just to be sure, you understand the term first blood?" she asked, a lil leery as she bent down to pick the spear up. "how to not kill someone-"


The spear's shaft broke right in two.

Right over Sally's head. Knocking her facefirst into the sand.





The bone crunching wasn't that calamitous , but Sally immediately starfished onto the ground in a heap, her sense of sense smashed straight through to the center of the earth along with any hint of consciousness

"Zounds!" Sweet-Wort cried, unprepared for the sheer thuggery brought to bear. They all watched Sally slump headfirst into the dunes in what was presumably revered silence, though could easily have been confused with disappointment.

"Great fight, guys."

"Yeah, way to respect what we do."

"Nay, brethren! 'Tis precisely as the smoke-shapes divined, and our lady Sibyl confirmed." Sweet-Wort barked, resolute, a fervent hand motion spurring his disciples to start shuffling their way down the canyon face. "That as his first rite of passage, the Child of Eden shall take up the spear and smite down the wicked Whore of the West, purifying her of sin and exorcising our voyage of her iniquity! As it was written!"

"As it was foretold!"
It reached down and through some awkward jostling/it hefted Sally over it's right shoulder-Oh.

It also put the Female's hat back on her head. Once that was done, Pal turned towards the Loud Human.


"The diptych primus is humble, my chief! Doth he not knoweth the way?" One of the spear-wielders wondered as they drew near, those in the back detaching from the main body to gather up Sally and Pal's weapons where they'd been discarded.

"Hark, fair brothers, for the Sibyl's augurs warned it would be so! That the Child of Eden is foremost a child, and must be guided on his walk to destiny as he shall guide us to salvation in turn."

The six tribals entered the sphere of light cast by the torches, immediately grasping them to wrench them free of the sand in the same motion they took a knee; the entity inside Pal forced to reckon for the first time with how it felt about humans bowing before it.

"Wilt thou walk with us, messiah? There is much to learn, and much to do."
"Zounds!" Sweet-Wort cried, unprepared for the sheer thuggery brought to bear. They all watched Sally slump headfirst into the dunes in what was presumably revered silence, though could easily have been confused with disappointment.

"Great fight, guys."

"Yeah, way to respect what we do."

"Nay, brethren! 'Tis precisely as the smoke-shapes divined, and our lady Sibyl confirmed." Sweet-Wort barked, resolute, a fervent hand motion spurring his disciples to start shuffling their way down the canyon face. "That as his first rite of passage, the Child of Eden shall take up the spear and smite down the wicked Whore of the West, purifying her of sin and exorcising our voyage of her iniquity! As it was written!"

"As it was foretold!"

Pal laughed.


The plant didn't really understand the significance of any of those words. But just the slight remnant of Alec found Sally's moniker absolutely hilarious.

"The diptych primus is humble, my chief! Doth he not knoweth the way?" One of the spear-wielders wondered as they drew near, those in the back detaching from the main body to gather up Sally and Pal's weapons where they'd been discarded.

"Hark, fair brothers, for the Sibyl's augurs warned it would be so! That the Child of Eden is foremost a child, and must be guided on his walk to destiny as he shall guide us to salvation in turn."

The six tribals entered the sphere of light cast by the torches, immediately grasping them to wrench them free of the sand in the same motion they took a knee; the entity inside Pal forced to reckon for the first time with how it felt about humans bowing before it.

Pal quirked it's head to the side.


It wasn't sure what to make of the display.

The closest equivalent it could find while prying through the recesses of Alec's mind were as such: the researcher, at the apex of his obessesion with the Vault's plants, lining them up(Pal's plant included) on a table and speaking to them as though he were their caretaker.

Perhaps such a role was what these humans expected out of it. To care for them.

....It really sounded like too much work. All it wanted to do was help The Whore find whoever she had to so Hatted Human would be happy. Then maybe, she could ask him to give some food and water to Pal.

"Wilt thou walk with us, messiah? There is much to learn, and much to do."


Pal staggered after the tribals.

If the Whore were conscious, she'd be so proud of what the plant had accomplished. Pal was certain of it.
"Rob folk."


She stared at him in silence for a few seconds, just gaugin' whether to even comment on that, before she just decided on why the hell not?

"If I wanted to rob people, I coulda just stood by, let fuckin' Joe Cobb and his stupid lil gang of powder puffs go on and massacre the folks up in Goodsprings. Hell, I coulda joined in myself, loot the corpses and the whole damn town after. General store ripe for the pickin' and nobody to stop me. Prime target for a raider. Ya could live off the stuff from there for a good while. But surprise, surprise, I didn't do that. Shocker, I guess. Instead, I put those assholes six feet in the fuckin' ground. So yeah, maybe I look the part, but I'm not one. I'm not a goddamn raider."

Not anymore, anyway. She finished in her head.

"So all of ya can rest easy, alright? I'm not here to rob any of ya."

"Well well, don't reckon you see one of them fellas out here much. No sir." Loulou commented aloud on Job as she snapped a picture or two of the independent Securitron and started to follow after it and Mia. "Hold on a sec, don't roll too quick!!" Loulou didn't have the full details or really much of any sorta clue of what was going on beyond

Oh fuckkkkk noooooo. She internally groaned, slightly wincing at the flash of the camera. The friggin' light didn't play well with her hangover. Neither did the chick yellin' out.​

Loulou was oblivious and pet her precious lil fella while smiling over at Mia.

"Mia huh? Hey, so.." Loulou looked from side to side. "What IS goin on and where y'all goin?"

She stifled a sigh. Yeah, this was happenin' now. Fine, whatever. Worse things have happened. "Ya couldn't have come by a few minutes earlier? Get the whole shitty picture--ugh, scratch that. Not the whole picture but at least as much of the picture as I know 'bout right now. Meh. To put it bluntly, Wheelie over here-" She gestured over to the bot "-turns out is pretty valuable to some jackass. "Nuff so that somebody or somethin' is comin' in wantin' to nab the robot. And me, fuckin' genius that I apparently am-" She took a sarcastic-filled shot at herself. "-well, i'm too damn curious to miss out on however this crap plays out. So I'm doing this instead of takin' it easy and nursin' this hangover like somebody smart would be doin' in my place." Mia shook her head slightly.

"Guess ya sufferin' the same curiosity bug as I am, to come rushin' in like that?"
My my my! This just kept getting more and more peculiar! ~

"Well well, don't reckon you see one of them fellas out here much. No sir." Loulou commented aloud on Job as she snapped a picture or two of the independent Securitron and started to follow after it and Mia. "Hold on a sec, don't roll too quick!!" Loulou didn't have the full details or really much of any sorta clue of what was going on beyond

-Securitron rolled up
-lots of yelling
-a shootin
-an explodin

And people were moving this way and that. She generally tried to stay out of the way of danger when it loomed. Call it cowardly, what ever, she called it bein smart and not wanting to risk her hide over somethin dumb. But she couldn't help but be a bit curious as to what all the hullabaloo was about! As for any potential issues with needing to identify herself, Loulou addressed them before they'd even become an issue, absentmindedly waving a hand towards Maeve, while continuing to look Job over. "Don't mind little ol me, just uhm, doin my job as part of the PRESS and such. Ain't that right, Mojo honey? ...Mojo?"

The pig rat had wandered over to the destroyed billboard and was eyeing up the brainy remains. Whatever was left of em anyhow. "Mojo, no!" Loulou exclaimed scooping him up in her arms before he could dig in. "You don't know where that ol boy has been! Brain stuck inside technology, probably got bits and pieces your little stomach can't digest!"

There was a skreeek in reply. So dry you might have gotten the hint that the creature was annoyed by it's owner's coddling of it.

Loulou was oblivious and pet her precious lil fella while smiling over at Mia.

"Mia huh? Hey, so.." Loulou looked from side to side. "What IS goin on and where y'all goin?"

"Miss Arceneaux" Maeve cut in, not bothering to look back in favor of tracking Mags and the rest of her squad jogging out of the camp towards them. "My squad's operations aren't ones that falls under your contract. If you're tagging along it won't be as 'press'. Camera stays."

Their last word was cut with a small glance in her direction, a bit of ice from the blue in their eyes cutting into their words

"Yessum, on occasion. Helps when the target's a nice, plum, corpulent goose like one New California Republic, all bloated on its own excess. Things you see out here on the frontier, you line 'em up all one after another, pull the hammer back at this range? Shit, I can't miss." The stranger had returned to stacking hay bales by then, pausing intermittently to tamp the whole structure down with a pitchfork and make for the most efficient use of space.

"Trouble is, there's a man's payin' me 20 caps on the hour to do this here. Now, I don't particularly like this man, but I don't like you much none either. And seein' as it took me a long time to negotiate this raise, I'm gon' have to start you up around... 25."

Truth was, the frankly surreal body of events that unfolded over the last five or so minutes had simply hooked him in a way nothing had in a while, but like hell was he about to put in free work for the NCR.

Nor the kind of work he was liable to put a price tag on.

The Heckler got a thin smile out of Maeve. "Swell. Consider it a deal. Hopefully whatever our friend's tail is proves more enriching to you than a goose hunt. You need equipment? Gonna need a bit of hustle if you need to go get it."

he stared at him in silence for a few seconds, just gaugin' whether to even comment on that, before she just decided on why the hell not?

"If I wanted to rob people, I coulda just stood by, let fuckin' Joe Cobb and his stupid lil gang of powder puffs go on and massacre the folks up in Goodsprings. Hell, I coulda joined in myself, loot the corpses and the whole damn town after. General store ripe for the pickin' and nobody to stop me. Prime target for a raider. Ya could live off the stuff from there for a good while. But surprise, surprise, I didn't do that. Shocker, I guess. Instead, I put those assholes six feet in the fuckin' ground. So yeah, maybe I look the part, but I'm not one. I'm not a goddamn raider."

Not anymore, anyway. She finished in her head.

"So all of ya can rest easy, alright? I'm not here to rob any of ya."
Maeve rolled their eyes

"Congratulations. Glad we got that bit of history from you, really important. Hurry up."

Mags and the rest of her squad came to a halt in front of Maeve, the blonde giving the ranger a smart salute as she handed them a half assembled monster of rifle and a bag that had a helmet hanging on its side. The rest of the squad didn't seem to follow any sort of pattern; one was literally Gavin a large, built young man with a kind and anxious gleam in his eyes. Another had a full mohawk and no helmet, his(?) face covered by a bandana and a set of goggles loose around his neck. The last had short, black curly hair and glasses that were as thick as a car window. They all, at least, seemed comfortable with the rifles hanging at their side, along with a few more personal pieces of equipment.

"Squad, we've got a little bit of a surprise test run. Instead of hunting down some old world tech out east, we've got some coming to us."

"Why?" Asked the one in glasses with a suspicious squint as Maeve unhooked the helmet from the bag before slinging it across their shoulders

"Because a piece of it, a modified securitron, has decided it wants to come east with us, seemingly of its own accord. and something else doesn't want it to go and is tracking it down. Don't know what it is. We've sent the bot a few clicks west to the old Poseidon station, and we're gonna follow it, see what's coming after it."

They slid the helmet on, the dull red lights of its eyepieces flickering to life as Maeve's voice came through the modulation of its breathing apparatus.

"And if we can, we're going to kill it."
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She stifled a sigh. Yeah, this was happenin' now. Fine, whatever. Worse things have happened. "Ya couldn't have come by a few minutes earlier? Get the whole shitty picture--ugh, scratch that. Not the whole picture but at least as much of the picture as I know 'bout right now. Meh. To put it bluntly, Wheelie over here-" She gestured over to the bot "-turns out is pretty valuable to some jackass. "Nuff so that somebody or somethin' is comin' in wantin' to nab the robot. And me, fuckin' genius that I apparently am-" She took a sarcastic-filled shot at herself. "-well, i'm too damn curious to miss out on however this crap plays out. So I'm doing this instead of takin' it easy and nursin' this hangover like somebody smart would be doin' in my place." Mia shook her head slightly.

"Guess ya sufferin' the same curiosity bug as I am, to come rushin' in like that?"

"That IS mighty interestin, honey..."

Loulou didn't know much about 'bots. Aside from the occasional Protectron that she'd have to juke/destroy while out wandering the wastes. She'd seen Mr Handys/Gutsys here and there. Looked like they might have made decent company if she knew anything about working on machinery.

Mojo was (usually) the only company she needed.

"Yup! Can't pass up an interestin oppertunity, no way no how."

"If I wanted to rob people, I coulda just stood by, let fuckin' Joe Cobb and his stupid lil gang of powder puffs go on and massacre the folks up in Goodsprings. Hell, I coulda joined in myself, loot the corpses and the whole damn town after. General store ripe for the pickin' and nobody to stop me. Prime target for a raider. Ya could live off the stuff from there for a good while. But surprise, surprise, I didn't do that. Shocker, I guess. Instead, I put those assholes six feet in the fuckin' ground. So yeah, maybe I look the part, but I'm not one. I'm not a goddamn raider."

Not anymore, anyway. She finished in her head.

"So all of ya can rest easy, alright? I'm not here to rob any of ya."

Loulou clapped.

"Well-said there, honey. I'm Loulou by the by! Pleasure!~"

Everything seemed to be going good right up until-

"Miss Arceneaux" Maeve cut in, not bothering to look back in favor of tracking Mags and the rest of her squad jogging out of the camp towards them. "My squad's operations aren't ones that falls under your contract. If you're tagging along it won't be as 'press'. Camera stays."

Their last word was cut with a small glance in her direction, a bit of ice from the blue in their eyes cutting into their words

Loulou's eyes grew wide like she'd just taken a hit of Jet (she hadn't. Promise)


She folded her arms and muttered out a few indecent words in French.

"...Alright, I'll keep to it then. After all y'all have been gracious enough to bless me with this oppertunity. Last thing I wanna do is spit in yer eye. Figuratively of course I mean. Excuse me for a mo."

She walked a fair bit away with Mojo and set him down, whispering to the pig rat.

"...Okay, Mojo darlin. This is gonna be a long shot but we didn't come this far by letting 'rules' and 'agreements' and 'it says so on the fine print' stop us now have we?"

Mojo scratched behind it's left ear.

"No of course not so here's what I'm thinking.." She unstrapped her camera from around her neck and held it out towards Mojo. "There's a timer on this here contraption. Gives a slight delay, fancy doohickey and what have ya. You take this, burrow and follow us, and when I whistle-" Loulou whistled to demonstrate. "-You pop up and the camera will do all the workin. It'll be like noone but me will know you're even there, honey! Now, doesn't that sound like a grand idea?"


What Loulou thinks she sounded like: Intelligent and 100% optimistic that Mojo understood every word of what she said.

The reality: "Blah blah blah blah blah blah Mojo blah blah blah *whistle* blah blah blah blah?"

"Well? Did you get all that, Mojo?"

Mojo stared

Then fell over onto it's side.

"Deal. I'll take a minute to debrief my guys then follow. You start rolling that way. You." They said with a glance up at Mia. "If you want in, go with unicycle here, make sure it gets to the site in one piece, then fall back to the hill our friend-" they glanced sideways at the hecker "-here suggested, at least one of us'll meet up with you there. Give me your name before you go. And how about you, friend?" They said as they finally addressed the man direct. "You busy? Shoot off anything besides your mouth?"

"That's not my name..." Job groused before craning to regard Mia for a moment, recalling her from behind and indicated her with its left manipulator as it looked back to Maeve.

"I don't need a babysitter! Does she even have experience in rearing young Securitrons?"

An exasperated whine came from its speakers as it turned on a dime and began to motor off--

"Aight. Ya got it." She got her invite to this party, no big fuss. "Name's Mia. Mia Alvarez. Just, uh, when this whatever the hell is goin' on is done, I'm gonna need an answer to my question earlier, yeah?" She didn't bother waitin' for a reply, just turnin' towards the bot. "Okay, Wheelie, ya heard the ranger. Let's go, and try not to talk so damn much. Some of us are still nursin' a headache here."
"Rob folk."

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She stared at him in silence for a few seconds, just gaugin' whether to even comment on that, before she just decided on why the hell not?

"If I wanted to rob people, I coulda just stood by, let fuckin' Joe Cobb and his stupid lil gang of powder puffs go on and massacre the folks up in Goodsprings. Hell, I coulda joined in myself, loot the corpses and the whole damn town after. General store ripe for the pickin' and nobody to stop me. Prime target for a raider. Ya could live off the stuff from there for a good while. But surprise, surprise, I didn't do that. Shocker, I guess. Instead, I put those assholes six feet in the fuckin' ground. So yeah, maybe I look the part, but I'm not one. I'm not a goddamn raider."

Not anymore, anyway. She finished in her head.

"So all of ya can rest easy, alright? I'm not here to rob any of ya."

"Beside a distillery, apparently!"

Job wasn't talking too much in this instance, though, right?

"...Huh." Big Empty was a phrase that was tickling the back of Maeve's ears; vaguely touching on old world books and manuals they'd read, but they couldn't quite connect whatever dot was waiting there. They pulled their knife and walked up to the exploded remains of the billboard, leveraging one of the bigger pieces up off the ground without touching it directly to peer into what was left of its internals. If they were squeamish about the obvious brain matter, it didn't show past the look of fascination. "Of all the..."


There was a flash and then a loud giggle followed.

"Sorry to go on and intrude on...whatever be all happenin here but all the hootin' an a hollerin piqued my ear."

It wasn't critters, least she went and hoped it wasn't. But maybe it'd appeal to some of those grimmy schlubs who liked all those nasty comics. Grognak or whatever?
"Deal. I'll take a minute to debrief my guys then follow. You start rolling that way. You." They said with a glance up at Mia. "If you want in, go with unicycle here, make sure it gets to the site in one piece, then fall back to the hill our friend-" they glanced sideways at the hecker "-here suggested, at least one of us'll meet up with you there. Give me your name before you go. And how about you, friend?" They said as they finally addressed the man direct. "You busy? Shoot off anything besides your mouth?"

My my my! This just kept getting more and more peculiar! ~

"Well well, don't reckon you see one of them fellas out here much. No sir." Loulou commented aloud on Job as she snapped a picture or two of the independent Securitron and started to follow after it and Mia. "Hold on a sec, don't roll too quick!!" Loulou didn't have the full details or really much of any sorta clue of what was going on beyond

-Securitron rolled up
-lots of yelling
-a shootin
-an explodin

And people were moving this way and that. She generally tried to stay out of the way of danger when it loomed. Call it cowardly, what ever, she called it bein smart and not wanting to risk her hide over somethin dumb. But she couldn't help but be a bit curious as to what all the hullabaloo was about! As for any potential issues with needing to identify herself, Loulou addressed them before they'd even become an issue, absentmindedly waving a hand towards Maeve, while continuing to look Job over. "Don't mind little ol me, just uhm, doin my job as part of the PRESS and such. Ain't that right, Mojo honey? ...Mojo?"

The pig rat had wandered over to the destroyed billboard and was eyeing up the brainy remains. Whatever was left of em anyhow. "Mojo, no!" Loulou exclaimed scooping him up in her arms before he could dig in. "You don't know where that ol boy has been! Brain stuck inside technology, probably got bits and pieces your little stomach can't digest!"

There was a skreeek in reply. So dry you might have gotten the hint that the creature was annoyed by it's owner's coddling of it.

Loulou was oblivious and pet her precious lil fella while smiling over at Mia.

"Mia huh? Hey, so.." Loulou looked from side to side. "What IS goin on and where y'all goin?"

The securitron gave a pause before slowly twisting around and seeing the photojournalist slowly ambling on over. A yelp from the robot ensued, "We aren't in dire need of any more hanger ons, let's bust a move or three and move faster, Drunk Babysitter!--"

"Miss Arceneaux" Maeve cut in, not bothering to look back in favor of tracking Mags and the rest of her squad jogging out of the camp towards them. "My squad's operations aren't ones that falls under your contract. If you're tagging along it won't be as 'press'. Camera stays."

Their last word was cut with a small glance in her direction, a bit of ice from the blue in their eyes cutting into their words

"Yeah... ok, chief. You're the one with the last word. The tiny girl with a freaking mole rat and a camera can help us fend off the supremely armed specialist coming for me."

The absolute exasperation dripped off every word of the robot before it resumed its momentum for the Poseidon station, picking upward to a speed that was absolutely intended to irritate Mia into having to walk at something of a canter for a human being.
"Yup! Can't pass up an interestin oppertunity, no way no how."

"Figured as much."

"Well-said there, honey. I'm Loulou by the by! Pleasure!~"

"Yeah, sure, just keep up Lulu--"

"Beside a distillery, apparently!"

"-Hey, fuck off. So I drank the night before, shit's not a crime."

The securitron gave a pause before slowly twisting around and seeing the photojournalist slowly ambling on over. A yelp from the robot ensued, "We aren't in dire need of any more hanger ons, let's bust a move or three and move faster, Drunk Babysitter!--"

"That ain't my......." She hesitated, thinkin' bout it. That...kinda was what she was doin', huh. Damn.​

"Yeah... ok, chief. You're the one with the last word. The tiny girl with a freaking mole rat and a camera can help us fend off the supremely armed specialist coming for me."

The absolute exasperation dripped off every word of the robot before it resumed its momentum for the Poseidon station, picking upward to a speed that was absolutely intended to irritate Mia into having to walk at something of a canter for a human being.

It worked as planned. Mia did grow annoyed as she got forced into pickin' up the pace. Well, at least there wasn't a risk of throwin' up again. Can't vomit if there was nothin' to vomit up. Whether Lulu kept up or not with whatever was happenin' with her little pet, well that was her business. "So, when ya say supremely armed, like how? What kinda toys is this guy bringin' to the party?"
It worked as planned. Mia did grow annoyed as she got forced into pickin' up the pace. Well, at least there wasn't a risk of throwin' up again. Can't vomit if there was nothin' to vomit up. Whether Lulu kept up or not with whatever was happenin' with her little pet, well that was her business. "So, when ya say supremely armed, like how? What kinda toys is this guy bringin' to the party?"

"Fat Man. Little Boy. Heavily Armored. Probably could wear me as its jockstrap. That level of menacing."​
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She stared at him in silence for a few seconds, just gaugin' whether to even comment on that, before she just decided on why the hell not?

"If I wanted to rob people, I coulda just stood by, let fuckin' Joe Cobb and his stupid lil gang of powder puffs go on and massacre the folks up in Goodsprings. Hell, I coulda joined in myself, loot the corpses and the whole damn town after. General store ripe for the pickin' and nobody to stop me. Prime target for a raider. Ya could live off the stuff from there for a good while. But surprise, surprise, I didn't do that. Shocker, I guess. Instead, I put those assholes six feet in the fuckin' ground. So yeah, maybe I look the part, but I'm not one. I'm not a goddamn raider."

Not anymore, anyway. She finished in her head.

"So all of ya can rest easy, alright? I'm not here to rob any of ya."

The man turned and leaned back against the cart partway through Mia's retort, using the rag in his waistband to wipe off his greasy palms again, listening to her with a half-cocked smirk on his face and a gleam in his eye of indeterminate nature. As she started to wrap up the incline to his head became more and more pronounced, eventually finding it tilt back to ding his crown against the metal of the wagon, eyes shut in what doubtless must've been somber reflection on her tale.


Between sandstorms and radiation life in the Mojave could lead one to all kinds of respiratory troubles, which surely accounted for the snoring.

Maeve rolled their eyes

"Congratulations. Glad we got that bit of history from you, really important. Hurry up."

One such croak hitched midway through his larynx, and he resumed his previous glassy-eyed bumpkin disposition with such seamless elegance there wasn't a hope in hell of distinguishing whether he'd just jolted awake from a genuine little pit stop of a nap or not. He offered Mia a tepid shrug.

"Well, I's just curious, anyhow."

He took in the rest of Maeve's impromptu briefing, unable or unbothered to conceal a genuinely irritated eye roll at the salute and all that guff; though he did offer a pitched, appreciative whistle at the site of the rifle in all its dismantled glory.

"That the gun they shot Liberty Prime's balls off with? Too much kick for my blood."

And his trick shoulder, but he left that part out. Still; much as he hated the very principle on which the concept was founded, it was reassuring to know at least a little piece of that taxpayer dollar was being put to work. He met Maeve's probing with a terse nod and a sniff, finally thrusting the pitchfork deep into the haystack and leaving it there, then circled around to unhitch the wagon from whatever had been set up to tow it.

"Ain't an issue. Hustle, you said?" He flashed a crooked smile as the rusty iron pin slid through the hoop, detaching the wagon and enabling him to start moving it to one side with a grunt of exertion.

"Might be I know a thing or two 'bout that."


The Old World, beautiful monstrosity that it became by the final curtain, had certainly left behind its share of messes for folk today to contend with. Bombs. Robots. Mutants, the FEV kind and the radiation kind. Hell, his feeling at present was that somehow this little escapade mercifully keeping him from shovelling shit for the rest of the evening had its roots in the Before-Times too.

Made it a shame that so much of what they left also happened to be so goddamn cool as shit.

Running vehicles were a usual enough sight if one spent any length of time back in the heartlands, where the roads between Shady, Vault City, Dayglow and the Hub at least were pretty well-paved and traveled by now. A handful of trucks had even been requisitioned by the brass for transporting food, animals and camp supplies, though settlers were responsible for their own goods on an individual level.

Out here though, on the frontier? Cars were more trouble than they were worth. Most ran on fusion or energy cells better spent as ammunition, the roads were cracked and littered with debris; Vegas was House's project, and while the likes of Freeside and Westside had started to show signs of gentrification little of that had made its way out to the desert at large. To say nothing of upkeep, maintenance, and the amount of refurbishment required to even get such a thing terrain ready to begin with—Chryslus products made for surprisingly hardy off-road vehicles, but they hadn't exactly been intended to run on sand. To have a car in the Mojave practically demanded one be an engineer unto oneself.

All those aches and pains, all the breakdowns and changed tyres and scavenging for fuel and parts, all of that was worth it for moments like this.

A blur shot by Mia, then Job, tyres half-burying the latter in an avalanche of dirt and sand even as the heckler stuck his head out the window to holler back their way.

"Raiders walk!"

He did actually stop to let Mia in if she wanted, just not RoboAddict.

The pigrat was a hard line too.

He adjusted the gearstick and tore off with a chesty cackle, circling back around to take them onto the stretch of the 93 that was clear and drivable. The Chryslus Highwayman, structurally and mechanically, always had been a peach; It was huge for a vehicle of its kind, somewhere between a muscle car and a lowrider, yet still hit zero to a hundred in a shave under six seconds and turned corners like a dream. This one had seen extensive modifying, the tyres replaced with something more fit to purpose for an ATV, bodywork supplemented with welded scraps of metal that looked like they originally came from old suits of power armour. The original seats and lining had been stripped out, enabling access to the prodigious trunk space and making better use of the sheer size of the car, and it could now fit six at a squeeze, plus one in the trunk. All of which was to say, it was a two hundred-year old piece of crap that had absolutely no business running.

Just another one of those things with a bit of destiny to them.

The man also appeared to be living here, judging from the minifridge in one corner, fairy lights strewn about the interior, and the various personal articles and sundries visible in the trunk. The most noteworthy among them was a raggedy duffel bag, rarely touched if the layer of dust coating it spoke true; containing an assortment of guns, knives, books, and a tiny glimpse of an old, faded helmet just about visible under the brown leather jacket draped over it, antennae and one small corner of a visor the only distinguishing features to be discerned.

"Y'all settled back there?"

The answer was no. It was a handy fit, but not necessarily a comfortable one, and the retrofitted seatbelts of his own making, while functional, felt about as secure as the cord during a bungee jump. At the end of the day they were wastelanders, and if something was functional then it was enough; but whoever had the foresight to call shotgun felt a distinct inclination to thank their lucky stars.

"500 meters wasn't a lot five minutes ago. S'less now. It's your outfit, scoutmaster; wanna do a quick pass, try get some early eyes on this thang, or we makin' straight for Poseidon?"
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"Yeah... ok, chief. You're the one with the last word. The tiny girl with a freaking mole rat and a camera can help us fend off the supremely armed specialist coming for me."

The absolute exasperation dripped off every word of the robot before it resumed its momentum for the Poseidon station, picking upward to a speed that was absolutely intended to irritate Mia into having to walk at something of a canter for a human being.

"Hmph! Don't you listen to him...her...It. Whatever it may be, God willin, it ain't right about that."

Loulou punctuated her feelings on the notion by rubbing Mojo's belly.

"We're not hanger-ons and you ain't a MOLErat, are ya, darlin?"



"Fat Man. Little Boy. Heavily Armored. Probably could wear me as its jockstrap. That level of menacing."

Loulou paused and briefly considered the danger Mojo and her were potentially waltzing into.

"Hnngh....It's painin me something fierce to potentially miss out on all these deluxe pictures..."

But if the camera were destroyed then that's money out of Loulou's own pocket to repair/replace it! Which also means lost revenue depending on how long it takes her to fix it!

"...Alright, alright." Loulou took the camera off and stuffed it inside her backpack. It boiled her piss like no other but she'd just have to suck it up.

It getting wrecked by some monster just wasn't in the cards.

All those aches and pains, all the breakdowns and changed tyres and scavenging for fuel and parts, all of that was worth it for moments like this.

A blur shot by Mia, then Job, tyres half-burying the latter in an avalanche of dirt and sand even as the heckler stuck his head out the window to holler back their way.

"Raiders walk!"

Loulou gasped like somebody had slapped her across the face.

"Mojo!! Look!! Oh lordy, it's a caer!" Loulou exclaimed with a bit of heavy twang on it.

It looked like just those she'd seen in the books the tribal elders would read to the other children in NuOrleans/that Loulou in turn would read to baby!Mojo. "Mojo, remind me to take a picture of it when we get off!! Heeeee!!~" Loulou cradled her little hairless bundle of joy in her arms and sprinted like her life depended on it towards the heckler's caer. 'Politely' hip-bumping Mia if she had to try and get that passenger seat.

Her first time riding in a caer!! How exciting!!~

"Y'all settled back there?"

The answer was no. It was a handy fit, but not necessarily a comfortable one, and the retrofitted seatbelts of his own making, while functional, felt about as secure as the cord during a bungee jump. At the end of the day they were wastelanders, and if something was functional then it was enough; but whoever had the foresight to call shotgun felt a distinct inclination to thank their lucky stars.

"500 meters wasn't a lot five minutes ago. S'less now. It's your outfit, scoutmaster; wanna do a quick pass, try get some early eyes on this thang, or we makin' straight for Poseidon?"

Loulou couldn't have hidden her excitement even if she'd wanted to.

The wind in her hair, the way Mojo's face scrunched up, oh it was almost intoxicating! Even if she'd been forced in the back rather than the passenger seat she would have preferred…..

"Say, mon cher, this 'thing' you fellas are gonna square up with....We gots any kinda idea on what it look like? Or is that just somethin we have gonna have to take that 'big and scary' is enough?" Loulou asked her driver who she totally wasn't looking up and down. What a handsome fella!
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Between sandstorms and radiation life in the Mojave could lead one to all kinds of respiratory troubles, which surely accounted for the snoring.

She had glared at him, a mostly pointless gesture considerin' his eyes were shut the whole time, but by some miracle or another she managed to rein herself in then. Didn't bother sayin' a word, just mentally remindin' herself there was a job that needed to get done. Better than dwellin' on the fuckin asshole who asked her a question and then either fell asleep or pretended to when she answered.

Yeah, curious, like hell ya were actually curious.

A blur shot by Mia, then Job, tyres half-burying the latter in an avalanche of dirt and sand even as the heckler stuck his head out the window to holler back their way.

"Raiders walk!"

"Ha. Ha. Ha." The most fake laughter on this side of the Mojave came outta her mouth right then and there, doin' her best to convey how not funny she found that...and to distract from the fact that she had absolutely gotten startled by the sudden jump scare of a blur shooting past her. After hearin' that succinct description from the bot about the walkin' tank comin' after them, well her mind had been so focused on picturin' the threat and ideas on how best to deal with it, that she failed to pick up on the obvious signs of a car approachin' from behind.

Regardless, despite the hecklin' that didn't cease, she got in, a sense of why the hell not and a little nostalgia for times gone by winnin' her over.​

"Y'all settled back there?"

The answer was no. It was a handy fit, but not necessarily a comfortable one, and the retrofitted seatbelts of his own making, while functional, felt about as secure as the cord during a bungee jump. At the end of the day they were wastelanders, and if something was functional then it was enough; but whoever had the foresight to call shotgun felt a distinct inclination to thank their lucky stars.


Settled was the wrong word, and the way he had fixed up this car left a lot to be desired, but she was a lot more at ease than most likely woulda been. Like Loulou, she enjoyed the feelin' of the wind shootin' through her hair as they went. Unlike Loulou, though, it wasn't because it was her first time experiencin' such a feelin' but a reminder of how sweet it felt on the occasions she'd gotten to drive before. Motorcycle, shootin' down the freeways near Sac-Town, the purrin' roar of the engine music to her ears. This cobbled together ride wasn't anywhere near as comfortable...yet it was weirdly comfortin' for her.

If there was one thing she wished she coulda kept from her time with the 80s, it woulda been one of those choppers.
"500 meters wasn't a lot five minutes ago. S'less now. It's your outfit, scoutmaster; wanna do a quick pass, try get some early eyes on this thang, or we makin' straight for Poseidon?"

She shot a quick glance over to where said scoutmaster was sittin', but said nothin'. It was their show anyways, however they wanted to run it was up to them. Mia kept her ears perked up for any answer but in the meantime, she took a sec to look through the minifridge to see what he had in there. Call it idle curiosity.
"Say, mon cher, this 'thing' you fellas are gonna square up with....We gots any kinda idea on what it look like? Or is that just somethin we have gonna have to take that 'big and scary' is enough?" Loulou asked her driver who she totally wasn't looking up and down. What a handsome fella!

"Somethin' tells me we'll know it when we see it, hanger-on."
"That the gun they shot Liberty Prime's balls off with? Too much kick for my blood."
"On the off chance we need to perform the same surgery" Maeve replied with a grim smile as they underarmed the rifle for the moment. "didn't seem like we had the time to shake down the unicycle for specifics."

They gave their squad the rest of the specifics they had while the heckler was getting himself situated, only to pause as they heard the roar of an engine kicking in. Their eyes got a bit of light in them for the first time as they looked up.

"...Shotgu-" Started the larger soldier

"-In the back, private"


Just another one of those things with a bit of destiny to them.

The man also appeared to be living here, judging from the minifridge in one corner, fairy lights strewn about the interior, and the various personal articles and sundries visible in the trunk. The most noteworthy among them was a raggedy duffel bag, rarely touched if the layer of dust coating it spoke true; containing an assortment of guns, knives, books, and a tiny glimpse of an old, faded helmet just about visible under the brown leather jacket draped over it, antennae and one small corner of a visor the only distinguishing features to be discerned.

"Y'all settled back there?"

The answer was no. It was a handy fit, but not necessarily a comfortable one, and the retrofitted seatbelts of his own making, while functional, felt about as secure as the cord during a bungee jump. At the end of the day they were wastelanders, and if something was functional then it was enough; but whoever had the foresight to call shotgun felt a distinct inclination to thank their lucky stars.

unsettled was correct. It had been a tight squeeze without the addition of Mia, Mags and her compatriots already jammed in their tight with poor Loulou squashed against one of the doors. They practically popped out like a biscuit roll getting peeled when Mia opened the door to get in, and there were a few snaps and jabs and elbows to get themselves situated in their current seating arrangement; Mia, Loulou, Mags, and the one in glasses in the back, with the other two soldiers in the bed in the back. The larger one was making himself as low as possible, his face just a little terrified as he jolted with every bump. The other had pulled the goggles he had over his eyes and was standing up, letting out the occasional whoop as they drove and at least once almost getting ejected by heavy bump they hit.

Maeve was in the front; their eyes had scanned the car pretty intently for the first minute or so of the drive, at least one thing catching their eye; but any personal curiosity was replaced by focus at this point as they went through the process of assembling the anti-material rifle before they got to where they were, its barrel poking out the passenger window.
"500 meters wasn't a lot five minutes ago. S'less now. It's your outfit, scoutmaster; wanna do a quick pass, try get some early eyes on this thang, or we makin' straight for Poseidon?"

"Its Ranger, civ-"

"We'll split the difference." Cut in Maeve. "I have some setup I want the boys to run before contact, now that we'll have the extra time; But I wouldn't mind having at least some idea of what we're getting into. Take Mags and these two with you. Mags, give me a radio once you have eyes on it. What looks like, what sort of armanents it has. If our friends so far are any indication, it may have both organic and inorganic components, probably complex. Don't stick around long enough to give it a hard study, especially if you get made; Just focus on what you understand."

The second-in-command glowered at the man in the driver's seat for a few moments before she settled back in her seat (as much as she could squeeze in, anyways.

"Yes, sir."
"We'll split the difference." Cut in Maeve. "I have some setup I want the boys to run before contact, now that we'll have the extra time; But I wouldn't mind having at least some idea of what we're getting into. Take Mags and these two with you. Mags, give me a radio once you have eyes on it. What looks like, what sort of armanents it has. If our friends so far are any indication, it may have both organic and inorganic components, probably complex. Don't stick around long enough to give it a hard study, especially if you get made; Just focus on what you understand."

"Or ya could just ask meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..." She commented, still pokin' through the fridge. "It's yer lucky day, ranger, I already squeezed some info out for ya, from the bot. Maybe not the whole picture, but that some idea of the shitstorm we're walkin into that you're lookin' for." She started, the smile on her face not fadin' a single bit. "Fat Man, heavy armor platin' up and down, across the board, and in the bot's own words, it's just the kinda thing that could wear it like a jockstrap. They want Wheelie pretty bad. Sparin' no expense."