Falling For the Bad Boy

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Justin sighs and rolls his eyes before walking to his truck and getting in the drivers side.
Kate calls over to Justin's other brother to come over. Well still holding Connor she takes the other brothers hand
Justin unlocks the doors and let's them in the truck
"NO GO ASS HOLE" Connor says to juatin
Justin turns around and looks at him shocked,"What?!"
Connor looks down "nothing ass hole" Connor said quietly
"Connor! Don't say that!"Justin said. He turned back a round slowly and sighed, running a hand through his shaggy hair. He was stressed out. A lot. He had to get his brothers back to their foster parents or else he wouldn't be able to see him tomorrow, and seeing them was the only thing that actually kept him half-way sane. He started his truck and took a deep breath. He didn't know why Connor was acting like this, Connor usually never let go of Justin's leg. Although he would never admit it, it was killing him to see Connor not even want to look a him.
"No ass hole. Let me out I'm not going back to that hell of a place!!!" Connor told justin
Justin pulled Connor out of the truck and carried him over to a tree a flew feet away, and say him down, but made sure he didn't run away."Listen Connor. Please just listen to me an let me talk to you for a minute."
"Listen! If you don't want to go back there you have to listen to me! Because I don't want you to go back there either! Okay?"he asked. Connor got quiet and looked at justin.
"Okay, but I don't have to listen" connor said. "But I don't have to listen to you there dick face"
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