Experiment 52 [CLOSED]

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Thanks for explanation:D
Nickie Johnson
Sexual Orientation:
Romantic Orientation:

Nickie is an adaptable person, who is prepared to stand strong no matter what life throws at her. She is a patient and courageous person, who will face any challenge with determination. While she is open minded, and ready to listen to new ideas, she won't let her stance be swayed unless she truly believes she was wrong in the past. People often think Nickie is a social person because of how open she is and because of her compassion for others, but she actually prefers to spend time alone, only having a few friends. Nickie is confident and honest, never hiding parts of herself in shame. Yet she is often too serious, talking about heavy subjects all the time, unable to just chill out and have fun.
Growing up as a black transgender atheist in America isn't easy. Especially when your family and neighborhood are full of conservative Christians. Verbally abusive parents, ostracizing bullies, violent policemen, Nickie has dealt with them all. With hatred coming from every side and nobody else to stand up for her, Nickie has learnt how to look after herself, the constant torment only making her stronger. Now she has crazy good mental strength, and is using it to aid her as social activist. She has become rather famous, often featured on TV fighting for people's rights.
Moral issues, snuggly blankets, apple-flavoured products, and collecting sea shells.
Going out with friends, swimming, horoscopes, and the smell of milk.
Very confident, is good at handling other people, strong-willed, and a good leader.
Is bad at science and maths, quite physically weak, allergic to dairy, and can be too serious.
Skill Set:
Mental Strength
Other Information:
Nickie started physically transitioning from male to female when she was 16.
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Hi there. I just noticed this banner of yours and thought this role-play sounded pretty nice.
So is there a spot left for me? :)
I'll finish mine tomorrow :D
Raileigh Hunter.





- Bold: She is full of life and energy. There is no greater joy for her than pushing boundaries and discovering and using new things and ideas.
- Original: Combining her boldness and practicality, she loves to experiment with new ideas and solutions. She puts things together in ways no one else would think to.
- Direct: She prefers to communicate clearly, with direct and factual questions and answers. Things are what they are.
- Insensitive: Feelings and emotions come second to facts and "reality" for her. Emotionally charges situations are awkward, uncomfortable affairs, and her blunt honesty doesn't help here. She often has a lot of trouble expressing her own feeling as well.
- Defiant: She won't be boxed in. Repetition, hardline rules, sitting quietly while she is lectured at – this isn't how she lives her life. She is action-oriented and hands-on. Environments like school and much entry-level work can be so tedious that they're intolerable, requiring extraordinary effort from her to stay focused long enough to get to freer positions.

Raileigh as seen from her personality she is not someone that can be tamed too easily.
Even in her school the teachers had problems with her and it was not unusual for her to end up with the principal.
For her it was the most difficult time as she had to constantly concentrate on studying, making homework and sitting still for those long, long hours.
That was the reason why she was so excited to eventually graduate.
A whole weight that fell of her shoulders as she now could do whatever she wanted.
Of course having to go to work to earn some money to live but she purposely searched for a job where she could be herself.
It did not pay much but it was enough for her to make a living: a painter.
That way she could express herself in many ways and either person had their own opinion about it.
She also liked to travel whenever she could as she absolutely adored getting to know new cultures and so widening her horizon as so to say.
Indeed, these are only the happy and bright scenes of her life.
Her darker sides are yet to be known to the people as she tends to hide those really well despite wanting to know everything about someone else.

- Paintings.
- Art.
- Adventure.
- Dancing.
- Watching movies.

- Lectures.
- Math.
- Not being able to do anything when she is bored.

Enduring both mentally and physically yet there is always a breaking point like everybody else, parkour.

Studying, solving problems with logic, being locked up.

Skill Set:

Other Information: The following song relates to her with the way she dealt with her family, friends and life.
@JaeGyu Your character looks great! Accepted!
Not quite yet. I want to give everyone a chance to finish up their characters or post new ones.
Fera Wyllt





Fera does not often speak, preferring instead to remain silent unless she has something valuable to say. As a result, her sharp and sarcastic humor is not known to many. She's rather pessimistic, but is still an optimist at heart. She cares greatly, but doesn't like to show it to others for fear of being taken advantage of. She has a sharp mind, and is rather intelligent, although she can be very stubborn at times and almost dense sometimes.

Fera did not have a normal childhood. Her mother was a functioning alcoholic, which meant that the woman rarely gave much thought to her daughter, while her father was a very busy businessman, which meant that his work kept him away from the house for long and often random hours. As a result, Fera grew up to be very independent and self serving. She couldn't trust other children for fear that they would make fun of her, so her main companions as a child were animals and books. She became very intelligent from reading often but since she couldn't cook very well, she didn't eat very well either (her mother was too drunk to cook) and so she never really grew very much. She is slightly smaller than the average female at her age, but she chooses to see this as an advantage and not a setback.

Fera loves animals, as they never judge or hurt her. She also loves nature for it's beauty, and prefers the night sky over the daylight sun. She also loves music since it gave her an outlet for her emotions.

Fera hates bullies, along with alcohol in general. She also dislikes people who don't like animals.

Fera is smaller than average for her age group and gender, meaning that she can fit into small spaces as well as avoid blows during fights. Due to her rough upbringing, she knows basic self defense since she had to protect herself from bullies.

Fera is very weak emotionally, and it doesn't take much to hurt her if you know what to say. It's also easy to drive her to anger, and when she gets angry, she doesn't make smart decisions and will ignore good advice.

Skill Set:

Other Information:
Fera knows how to play the violin and piano, and sings rather well, although she won't do it in front of people she doesn't trust.

Is this good?
@Ananfal She looks great! Will she be your only character, or will you be adding another one (or two...or three...you can have up to four)? xD
I'm not sure yet... I'll probably add a boy later on. But I'm going to limit myself to two. (Unless they die in which case I will make more lol)
If there are still spots, I am still debating on this one >.< I have not completely decided yet.
I have added all the accepted characters to the main post. If your character is not on that list, it is unfinished/I have asked you to add information. Thank you all for joining!
There are still five spots available! Would you like me to reserve you one in case you decide to join?
@kimsim12 Yes, please(: I will likely let you know before the night is over. It all just depends on how much I have on my plate >.< But it would be greatly appreciated! ^^
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