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Eudicia OOC Chat

A warm thank you for whoever rectified the sizing oopsie on my sheet

That was me, and it's no oopsie! The sizing is just super hard to calculate, so instead of trying to figure it out, I just alter it when it needs it *LOL* BBcode, man. Love it... hate that it don't love me!
I will have a map of Estwynd ready for you guys this week!
It looks like interest is dying down. So unless I get a strange influx of new CSs, we might get this party started sooner than anticipated! Right now I'm looking at the first weekend in March to launch. Gives everyone time to finish their CSs for review and gives me time to finish up maps and add more lore.
I'll put something up as soon as I can, which may not be very soon since I'm still sick and a little overwhelmed, but it will be before March unless some life-changing event happens.
I'll put something up as soon as I can, which may not be very soon since I'm still sick and a little overwhelmed, but it will be before March unless some life-changing event happens.
Real life comes first! Hope you feel better soon. And certainly don't overwhelm yourself further on my account!
Finally had time to browse around briefly and grab some inspiration and an idea today, now I just need to figure out the history...I'll come up with something either later today or over the weekend ^.^
There's still time :) Effie's away for the weekend, though - so if you have any questions, feel free to tag Red or myself!
Long form is in progress, about half done or so.... XD
There's still time :) Effie's away for the weekend, though - so if you have any questions, feel free to tag Red or myself!
Aye. We're here to help you utterly destroy your character emotionally and psychologically before they ever step foot in the Ascender Chronicles answer any questions you may have.
Currently awaiting full CSs from the following players: @rissa @CloudyBlueDay @Starlighter

Waiting on preliminary CSs from: @PersonaWolf @Joan

Projected plot will begin split into two groups defined by me. This list defines only those characters who are approved.

Group 1: @Elle Joyner @Effervescent @Doctor Jax

Group 2: @BearEnthusiast @Red Thunder @Shizuochan @Effervescent (second PC)

Group 1 will start in Redden, Thol where Aegis Vallane and Squire Marnia will be sent out to retrieve the murderer known as the Wolf of the Valley currently held in Ecksoh. Arabella will receive the insignia and run into the two before they head out on their mission. More to come pending CS approval.

Group 2 will start in Ecksoh. Maes is due to be at the Market in Redden, but due to the halt in air traffic (to be explained further in the lore section) he will have to embark via cart with his produce from Neunyor to Thol, which will mean a stop in Ecksoh. While in town, a soldier (my other PC) will be releasing Geirolf from his cell to be escorted through the Winded Woods. Abrecan will find himself with a rather strange encounter that leaves him with an insignia of the Eudicia. More to come pending CS approvals, but this group will be designed to travel together as my second PC will promise safety.

This isn't approval to start the story, and I would advise against writing up your post until you are able to read my intro. Your characters will have specific things to interact and react to. Reminder: projected start is March 4th.
I should be able to finish my CS sometime on Thursday. I keep getting sidetracked making sure I don't destroy the code, though. XD