Equip Saga OOC and Signups

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Mythy the Dragon-Wolf

Hopeless Romantic
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male

OOC Rules
1 - Follow Iwaku Rules
2 - Respect one another and my word as GM
3 - Have fun!
4 - Please refrain from 'hot topic' issues such as religion or politics (IRL, not nececerally in game) that can cause arguments in OOC.

The Region the players will begin in, and thus those that the PCs know the best is a Region called Zephet. It is dominated by central plains where a kingdom filled with chivalry and knights thrives in the fertile land. This plain is a steppe below the great hills and mountains of the dwarves to the north.

To the west is the world's central, elven forest with the world tree in the center. Also in the forest is a human clan more in tune with the natural side of the world, living as nomads at greater peace with the elves

If you head east you will reach the edge of the dwarven mountains, and if you go past those you will eventually come to a small coastal area, and then the wide open sea.

To the south is a large desert, the humans there living in a large city built around a grand, fertile oasis that leads into a roaring river. Following the river south you come to another coast which ends in the sea.

There is a second region to the west, beyond the forest, but most don't know much about that area.
Any class is able to form new weapons from materials, using a process called 'crafting'. It sounds mundane, but it involves magical energies that infuse into the materials and bind them into a new weapon or piece of armor. Usually the materials must be prepared, but an equipmancer can use materials such as a belt instead of special string for a bowstring, or something of the sort. However, the better the materials the better the possible happenings in any case. Unless a recipe for something specific has been specially made and followed, crafting creates random goods.

Fusing is more simple, but is also random. Taking two items of a similar kind and casting a ritual over them can fuse the items together and create someone more powerful, either by mixing the abilities or even creating something new, and unique.

There is also imbuing crystals, which each contain an element. Using one on a more mundane item has the power to add that element and a special ability into the item, where imbuing an already magical item can warp and change the element and ability into something else entirely.
Warrior - Encompassing all fighters that use one-handers, dual wield and two-handers in any combination to fight enemies head on. Includes fighters, berserkers/barbarians, and skirmishers among others.

Example Equip: Giant's Saw - A large two-handed sword with a serrated blade. Equally good as a sword or a saw, dealing double damage to wooden structures or enemies. Non-Magical.

Ranger - Includes fighters that use single weapons or dual weapons, as well as long-ranged gear such as bows and crossbows to deal damage from afar or the flank. Generally better at surviving in the wilds than other archetypes.

Example Equip: Bow of Many - A magical bow which enchants the arrows fired from it to split into 5 arrows, flying close together as if shot as one, though each is its own separate entity.

Knight - A specialized warrior who uses a single weapon and shield in order to protect allies and distract enemies to fight them instead.

Example Equip: Shield of Projection - A tower shield which, when impaled into the ground, projects a wall of force two feet to either side, blocking anything that hits it or the shield. However the wearer cannot move or release the shield for as long as the projection is up.

Rogue - Encompasses all kinds of sneaky people. Thieves, assassins, conmen with a nasty side. They use small weapons, such as daggers and hand crossbows, as well as poisons and traps to gain the upper hand and take out their opponent.

Example Equip: Weighted Dagger - Helpful for those who don't always kill, the pommel is weighted in a way that san be used as a blunt instrument, able to knock living enemies out. It makes the blade better for slashing than stabbing, and when learned [how to use] can cause grievous wounds. Non-magical.

Summoner - Magic-Users that summon creatures, spirits, etc from other planes and worlds in order to have a temporary ally. Most usually study and summon one type of creature, gaining a stronger bond to some than those that summon just anything.

Example Equip: Bonded Ring - gifted from one of the creatures this summoner is has used the most, it is able to summon said creature at any time, at will and for however long is needed. However, the longer the creature is away from its own world, the weaker it gets.

Spellcaster - Encompasses most magic users, those that use staves and wands and focusi in order to channel the destructive energies that cause magical effects to emerge. Wizards, Sorcerers, some Druids, and others all fall into this category.

Example Equip: Wand of Fireball - A classic, simple wand that allows any magic user holding it to cast the spell of fireball unlimited times a day. There are greater spells out there and more impressive equips, but sometimes you simply can't beat a classic.

Cleric - Magic-Users that fight using a single weapon in one hand, while holding a special totem in their other hand in order to cast spells that heal and support. Classic clerics, some druids, and shamans are part of those included here.

Example Equip: Mace of Dual Purpose - A simple-looking ball mace with an odd yin-yang look to the metal. The Cleric is able to summon their energies into the mace, and from there it can be released in two ways. Either a smack to someone that can hurt or, if used on someone the cleric considers an ally, heal them; otherwise it can fire a bolt of that energy to do the same [hurt or heal].

Equipmancer - The greatest in equipcrafting, they are able to make anything out of something, to the point a twig and a belt (along with a few crystals) can fuse and become a magical bow. Where anyone with the right tools can craft new weapons or fuse them together, Equipmancers are the best and the only ones able to use crystals to imbue.

Example Equip: Forge Glove - The mainstay of an Equipmancer, it acts as a metal gauntlet for punching people, but as every equipmancer makes their own at the end of apprenticeship, it has a few special abilities. Mainly the ability to focus the magical energies required for crafting, fusing and imbuing.

Battlemage - Those able to learn the ways of two classes are able to master neither. Simply put, a battlemage has the skills and equips of both a martial and a magic class, but are unable to utilize anything to the fullest potential of power.
Player Name:
Character Name:
Race: (Human, Elf, Etc)

Personal Trait/Ability/Equip: (Confer with GM to work one out)
Starting Weapon/Summon/Spell: (Simple, no special abilities [Equipmancers start with Forge Gauntlet])
Starting Armor: (Simple, No special abilities)
Other Gear:


Zoranak Balbadar ~~~~~ Half-Orc Warrior ~~~~~ @TyranntX

Mako Ziph ~~~~~ Elf Equipmancer ~~~~~ @Quiet One

Lazereth Barometz ~~~~~ Half-Elf Warrior/Summoner Battlemage ~~~~~ @chaosheart13

Sqyd ~~~~~ Krakanian Warrior ~~~~~ @Jack Robinson

Zeria ~~~~~Tiefling Ranger ~~~~~ @Kraveing_Volkf

Claire Exkarya ~~~~~ Half-Seraphim Cleric/Warrior Battlemage ~~~~~ @ProJect_Love

Milo Skyruss ~~~~~ Human Cleric ~~~~~ @TuskaDaemonkilla


Weapon (2h): Greataxe
- A simple Greataxe with no special abilities

Armor: Hide Armor
- Simple Hide Armor with no special abilities

Weapon (1h): Forge Gauntlet
- Mako's Personal Forge Gauntlet, built to his own specifications for crafting.

Armor: Leather Armor
- Simple leather armor with no special abilities

Weapon (1h): Short Sword
- A simple short sword with no special abilities
Weapon (1h): Short Sword
- A simple short sword with no special abilities

Armor: Mage Robe
- A simple mage's robe without special abilities

Weapon (1h): Spiked Gauntlet
- A simple, spiked-knuckled gauntlet without special abilities

Armor: Leather/Chainmail Armor
- A simple hybrid of leather and chainmail that has no special abilities.

Weapon (2h): Short Bladebow
- A simple, short bow with bladed arms without special effects

Armor: Leather Armor
- Simple leather armor with no special abilities

Weapon: Longsword
- A simple longsword without special abilities

Armor: Bottom Leather Armor
- An incomplete set of leather armor without any special abilities

Weapon (1h): Fish Gaff
-An old fish gaff without any special abilities
Focus (1h): Old Bell
-An old ships bell used to call miracles without any other special abilities

Armor: Bone Armor
-A makeshift style of armor without any special abilities.
Other Loot



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Um...anyone else? I know there were, like, four more people who expressed interest in the search.
Player Name: @Jack Robinson
Character Name: His name doesn't really translate. Most people call him Sqyd.
Race: Krakanian, a half squid half man combination.
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Class: Warrior
Appearance: Sqyd is short, around five foot three. His skin is white with black spots on the top of his dome like head. His eyes are yellow and full of mischief. His head is essentially that of a squid, with tentacles and all that.

Personal Trait/Ability/Equip: Minor regeneration (i.e. lost limbs and such. He's a tough cookie.)
Starting Weapon/Summon/Spell: He wears a giant iron gauntlet with spikes on the knuckles that he uses for smashing faces in.
Starting Armor:
leather over chainmail.

Personality: Sqyd is a friendly person. He likes trying new things and has always had a passion for adventure. He left his home despite the hardships he knew he'd endure simply out of boredom. He can be a bit peculiar due to his race and their strange tendencies, but he's a good, loyal friend to have. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he's eager to go out into the world.
History: Sqyd was born in a far away realm an unknown number of years ago. He was a Krakanian, a member of a proud race of underwater squid people that believed in chivalry and bravery above all else. He was raised on these notions, and trained to be a mighty warrior. The only problem was, he hated swords. He disliked the idea of having to stab someone. He considered that barbaric and cruel. And so he trained in the art of the fist. He wields a mighty gauntlet and is quite capable of taking on his foes using his martial art skills. Sqyd left his home about ten years ago and wound up in the realm, where he's been adventuring ever since.
Other Gear: Sqyd always carries around two canteens of water. He has to drink both of them every day or else he'll become severely dehydrated. Consequence of being an underwater creature. Sqyd also has a small steel hammer that he keeps strapped to his waist just in case his fists can't deal with the problem ahead.
Player Name: Kraveing_Volkf
Character Name: Zeria
Race: Tiefling
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Appearance: Zeria is a six foot five inch tall woman with dark red skin and blood red eyes. She has long orange hair through which tree horns surrounding her head can be seen. Each of her horns grow in a different shape, one curling upward like a bulls, one curling around her head and following her jawline ending just before reaching her chin, and the last one broken at the her forehead.
Zeria has a lithe flexible figure, she often wears a cloak to hide her race.

Class: Ranger (Assassin)
Personal Trait/Ability: Camouflage - Zeria's skin can act in a similar way to a chameleon taking on the color of her surroundings allowing her to blend in and almost disappear. This is only really useful when shes standing still or walking along a flat colored wall.
Starting Weapon: Bladed short bow
Starting Armor: Leather, painted black.
Other Gear: Climbing gear (rope & metal claw), poisons, small knife for making more arrows.

Personality: Zeria is quiet, dedicated, willing to spend days stalking her prey before killing them. When shes not, when it is her 'free time' she switches personality becoming like a giant child. She will laugh, play, even try and make friends. Her primary goals seems to always be to make people forget she is a 'demon child'. This playful personality even carries over into fights, assuming that she isn't out to kill her target. If she is fighting for fun she will laugh, toy with her foe, enjoy herself and be impulsive...right up until she gets mad where she will start to take it seriously and slip into her patient, calculating, quiet self.
History: Zeria has never known her parents, she was abandoned in a monastery not long after she was born. She was raised in this place by the monks, though they were not quite a peaceful group. Zeria was taught how to fight, taught how to kill. She had killed a man by the age of eight, and by the age of sixteen had been trained up as one of the monasteries assassins. Her role was to kill, to be sent out after a target, kill said target, and return back for a new one.
It is probably thanks to this that Zeria developed her alternate personality, desiring to have some fun instead of always having such a strict life.

Here recently, mainly out of boredom of the same routine, Zeria decided not to return. She decided she would do some exploring. She constantly hears about 'adventurers', and they sound amazing. She wants to do something like that, surely the master wont mind if she gets distracted for a month...or two...or six.
@Quiet One @TyranntX @Kraveing_Volkf @chaosheart13

So, an update for everyone. I haven't heard from @RiddL and should soon have a character from @OnI6470

Once I have his sheet, I would be glad to begin. However I would like your input; should we begin already on a quest all together, or the old standard of being adventurers in a tavern being recruited for a quest?

From what I can see, we'll begin doing more 'episodic' quests and side dungeons than getting straight into some huge arc. However, I hope to have fun with making equips and quests, and generally fun with you all :D

And please feel free to chat, ask things or even make suggestions. I'm always open to ideas.
Sorry, I was making a character but irl hit hard, I'm going to have to withdraw. Apologies.

@Mythy the Dragon-Wolf
Sorry to hear that, RiddL.

And yeah, down for the tavern idea. That way we can all meet each other and bond.
I say start with something episodic, then later we can evolve it into a proper storyline
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Would this be better if I did some more classical Character progression as well?
Not sure what that means. Kind of thinking we would develop our characters during the RP. Maybe talk with each other OOC how our team's relationships develop.
Not sure what that means. Kind of thinking we would develop our characters during the RP. Maybe talk with each other OOC how our team's relationships develop.
Well that's... Not what I mean. I mean giving things like more class-based abilities and skills and whatnot, in addition to the whole equipment thing.
Going to make a skill tree for each of us? That could be something we all discuss as we go. Unless I'm still not getting it. Totally likely.
Anyone have any preferences on having a Discord for this RP? Was thinking it could help, especially with inventory and the various items
Player Name: ProJect_Love
Character Name: Claire Exkarya
Race: Half-Human, Half-Seraphim
Age: 24 / ???
Gender: Female

Class: Warrior/Cleric Battlemage
Personal Trait/Ability/Equip: Seraphim blood, adds boost to healing ability.
Starting Weapon/Summon/Spell: Iron Longsword
Starting Armor: White, sleeveless shirt that holds together to the breast then disperses away from each other, leather breeches, leather boots.
Other Gear: Waist cape along with dual belts that holds a sword to the back of her hip. Small naval piercing that dangles with the earring of her deceased mother.

Personality: A bit of a wild card, her personality can waver from being calm and collected, to wild and fuming. But one thing remains the same, the airy sense of mystery that hangs about her.

History: Claire doesn't know much about her past herself, other than that she was found and raised by Zephet farmers, who kept her as though they were her own daughter. All that was left with her abandoned form at the base of a grotto, was a single earring and a sweet-scented perfume. She was raised in two life-sets, one of toil and hard work, and the other--grace and dignity. When the girl was twelve-years-old, she'd managed to discover her ability to heal after splitting her knee while running through the fields, and kept this to herself. Shocked at her quick recovery, she dappled in magic when druid-folk would pass through, picking up bits here and there regarding healing as to discover what sort of magic gave her such power.

And yet, living on a farm with aging parents left her as the sole defender against whatever sort of creatures would come, so she trained with longweapons, eventually requisitioning herself a rustylongsword from an ancient battleground nearby. When she came of the age eighteen, she left the farm behind and set out to travel towards the capital, where she became formally educated, after befriending a knight, in the way of the sword.

The rest, the ancient memories of her true parentsor of her past seemed to lay beyond a veil, but one day, she knew she would stumble across the truth as to who she was, who her parents were.
Player Name: TuskaDaemonkilla
Character Name: Milo Skyruss
Race: Human
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Appearance: A gruff man with long shaggy and tangled brown hair and beard with piercing blue eyes. He stands at 6.4ft tall with a muscular and rugged build of a man who has been out at sea most of his life. Due to his apprehension to batheing he also clearly smells like he has too. His body is covered in numerous strange tattoos that resemble sea life and text in a cryptic language. He normally wears a plain brown robe to cover himself while traveling but underneath this is his armor. A jumbled assortment of bones and rope he was able to construct from things discarded at fishing villages. It covers his body well enough but his heavily calloused hands remain open.
Class: Cleric
Personal Trait/Ability/Equip: Intimidating Presence, outwardly Milo appears to be a very unpleasant man and he is quite aware of this and able to use it to his advantage in social situations.
Starting Weapon/Summon/Spell: A small ship's bell with an attached chain which he uses to cast miracles of the deep in his left hand, A worn fishing graff using his right hand
Starting Armor: Makeshift armor crafted from the bones of fish and other sea creatures supplemented by thick rope Other Gear: Holy Tome of the Deep, Shark Tooth Necklace, fishing hooks and line, simple knife, and a large brown cloak

Personality: Rough around the edges is a good description of Milo, he's not a particularly social man and his lack of hygiene does not assist him. But he is still a man of faith, granted most people have never heard of his faith but he does maintain his beliefs at all times. He will always stand up for what he views as right and holy. However he's not much of a preacher and he mostly keeps to himself, never being the one to start a conversation.

History: Milo was born at sea, his mother a stowaway aboard a fishing vessel during a night of rough tides and thrashing waves. As the ocean showed its rage against all things he slept soundly, the sounds being engraved into his mind as waves roared and wind howled. As he grew he need to be dragged from the beach or whatever ship he had managed to get on as he longed to hear those sounds once more. When he grew into a young man he joined onto a ship's crew as quickly as he could to finally sail the never ending waves. Only this first voyage did not go well, there was a terrible storm and Milo, so entranced by these sounds refused to head into the lower decks for safety and instead stayed where he could best experience what he had been longing for. In his arrogance he was knocked into the sea as the ship lurched with a massive wave, disappearing into the water. When next he woke he found himself in some kind of strange temple that echoed with the sounds of rolling tides and smelled of salty winds. In front of him stood an alter with a book and a bell. What followed is but a blur to his mind now as he discovered his current faith, that of the Ocean and it's depths. Why they should be rightfully feared and respected by all who tread upon it. Armed with this knowledge he would eventually find a way out of this temple and end up on the surface with a new purpose in life.
Soooo hey I've known Mythy for a while in another community but I'm totally new here. Nice to meet all of you
Hi. Been here a long while and it's pretty nice. Although I will be refusing heals until you shower. ;)
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