EquinoxSol x RangerKay

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Niko pointed to his blood-stained pants, at an area in the middle of his thigh. He didn't like the idea of having to take off his pants in front of her, and was hoping that she would find a way to cut his pant leg off, but he wasn't sure. "And...and my back has some cuts, too."
Annabel looked at the spot on his pants. "Let's get that one done, then I'll take care of your back." She took a knife from her backpack, thankful that the Mother Crow had stashed it in there. Going over to Niko, she then tore away the pant leg. Taking the water, she dabbed at it carefully...making sure to clean it thoroughly. Wrapping it in poultice and bandages she nodded, impressed at the swiftness of that one. Then, she moved back up to his chest. "I'll help you roll over..." She warmed her hands with her breathe before putting them under him, gently helping him to roll over.
As Annabel worked on the wound on his leg, Niko looked over his now-ruined uniform. God, he thought, it's like my whole life was in that uniform...and now it's ruined. The spot where his communications band had been felt empty, lighter, and foreign, and he flexed his wrist, trying to make the feeling normal. Pushing himself around so that he was facedown, showing her many cuts, some of which had stopped bleeding, many of which were still bleeding, he inhaled deeply. The bed smelled nice, like what he assumed Annabel smelled like. Closing his eyes briefly, he waited patiently for her to finish, wishing he had painkillers or something to make the medicine not sting as much and his wounds not hurt as much..
Annabel dipped the rag back into the cold water. She placed it on his back, gently cleaning each cut. "Do you need some numbweed?" She asked, knowing she could pop down to the river to find the plant. If she ground it into some hot tea, his aches and pains would go away. Or, she supposed she could apply it on the wounds directly. She warmed her hands back up with her breathe, realizing they had become cold from the water. Putting the rag aside, she put her hands on his muscles, carefully massaging to find any injuries in the musculature.
"Please," he answered, not opening his eyes. A tiredness had settled into his bones and muscles, probably from the trauma from earlier, and he felt like he could just fall asleep right there. "You're...good at this," he added, meaning the massaging she was giving him.
"I'll go get it." She said, after inspecting his back and finding no musculature problems. "I'd hope so...when I wasn't stealing or singing at the bars at night, I was helping heal." Annabel mentioned, not understanding that he meant the massage. She stood, grabbing the blanket at the end of the bed and covering him with them gingerly. "I'll be back." She said, shimmying down the tree to go grab some numbweed.
As soon as Niko was sure she had left, he let himself relax entirely. He was asleep within seconds, exhaustion catching up with him as the low that came from the adrenaline leaving his body left.
Annabel arrived back, a fistful of the numbweed in her hands. It was leeching into her skin, making her own fingers grow numb. She walked over to the side of the bed, smiling when she saw that Niko was asleep. She cut off the tip of the numbweed, pulling the covers off of him as she did. Then, taking that little section of the plant, she gently dabbed it on the cuts on his back. She would have to wait until he woke to get the rest of his wounds covered in the plant.
It didn't take long for Niko to wake up, from the light touching Annabel was giving him. Parting his eyelids, he looked up to see her, and smiled slightly. Seeing the plants in her hands, he infers that she had already treated his back, and pushed himself over so he was facing her. Bringing a hand up to rub at his eyes, he sighed softly, his hand moving to run through his hair.
Annabel started when he rolled over. "How you feel?" She asked, dabbing the numbweed on his chest. She moved down to the wound on his leg, allowing the weed to saturate through the bandage.
"Not much better," he answered, chuckling softly before wincing as the laugh irritated his ribs. For an idle moment, he wondered exactly how long they would be up there. There was absolutely no way he could make it back into the city without being arrested: the face-recognizing cameras on all the streets and in buildings would pick up his image immediately and run it through the database, alerting authorities once they realized he was wanted. However...he probably wouldn't be put into the criminal database until tomorrow, at the earliest, given the commotion the bomb undoubtedly caused. Feeling like he would go crazy if he didn't get an answer, he asked, "Where are we going...after...after I'm healed enough?"
Annabel finished applying the numbweed on him. "Don't worry about it...just sleep." She pulled the covers up over him and walked towards the railing, sitting down by it. She pulled her shirt up slightly, dabbing at her own back and stomach with the rag before applying numbweed.
He nodded, letting sleep take over again. Lying back against the pillows, he yawns before closing his eyes. Like last time, he fell asleep quickly, his body as well as his mind exhausted from the events of that day.
Annabel lifted up her pant leg, seeing that she had scraped herself against something sharp on the way to the treehouse. She winced at the smear of blood that covered her calf. She took the rag and began to clean it, wincing all the while.
Niko slept peacefully for the most part, his aches and pains mostly gone. However, his dreams were mostly filled with fire and shrapnel falling around him, and a desperate sense that he had lost something.
Annabel finished with her own wounds. Standing carefully, she took care of the rag, bowl, and water before finding a spare blanket in a back room. Taking the blanket she wandered back to lay down on the floor beside the bed Niko was on. She brought the blanket around her shoulders and curled up under it, falling asleep quickly, her dreams as black and dark as a moon-covered night.
He woke up in the middle of the night, shouting. Not recognizing his surroundings, he swiftly latched out at the nearest thing to him, per training, striking Annabel in her stomach. The movement reopened the wound in his abdomen, and he winced, before saying a quick, "Sorry," when lucidity returned to him.
Annabel grunted and woke fully as a hand hit her in the stomach. She jumped up, her leg threatening to collapse under her when it felt numb. She looked around, fists in a defense position in front of her. As she realized where she was, she looked down on the cot to see Niko. "You okay?" She asked, putting her hands down and sitting on the edge of the cot.
He closed his eyes for a long time, sighing. "Yeah," he eventually said. "Had a bad dream, couldn't remember where I was...I sort of freaked out..." In the dark, he smiled and shrugged sheepishly, though he wasn't sure she could see. "Sorry..."
Annabel nodded with a sigh. "Eh, not a big deal." She stretched out her legs, intending to wait until he fell back asleep before she did.