Entertain my jealousy

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"It's just to wait and see." Eidor shrugged. It could turn out either way, he didn't know the kid well enough to say. "My son did run after women quite a lot before finding his current wife. She started out as a one time flirt just like everybody else he met, but somehow it turned into more." He then said. It had been way different from Eidor's own experience. He had met his wife when they were ten, been friends for years and then fallen in love during their teenage years. By the time they were eighteen they had pretty much decided to get married. It was the perfect love story if one would skip the ending, and the environment they lived in.

"So Kevin, do you dare entertain me with a duel once we find the boy? I am quite curious if you're as good with a sword as you are at hiding unnoticed." The old man then asked. Sword skill was always something he would be curious about. And Kevin had said that his sons was quite good at it, thus he guessed Kevin had trained them himself, or at the very least knew some of what his sons knew.
"Indeed." Kevin could only hope, or not as the case may be. He would like both of his sons to be happy, despite the curse he had laid upon them. "Ah, I should have expected that one." He said with a grin at the second question. He had yet to meet a man with some skill at the sword that could resist testing that skill against another who was assumed to be fairly good as well. "If we are successful in this mission," Or if he felt particularly bored at some point. "Then how could I refuse such an offer? It should be interesting." He spoke with the supreme confidence that he was going to win that duel. "The only person I've dueled in ages that was any good has been my son."
His son, not sons. Was only one of them exceptionally good with the sword? Might be so. Most people didn't forget when both their sons were good at something, but if one was better they usually slipped at times, even though they wanted it to appear like both were equals. "I do hope I can exceed the ability of a teenager, or else it's probably time to lay down the sword." Eidor commented with a laughter, sounding just as confident as Kevin was. He did not believe that he could loose. He had survived a lot up until now, and it had been years since he had lost a fight. Though if Kevin lived in a small town, then maybe he simply didn't get many people to fight against and thus he didn't meet worthy opponents that often. Either way, he wasn't going to loose that easily.
Kevin pressed his lips together but couldn't quite keep in a little giggle. "Perhaps." He said blandly, fairly sure Tal would have a chance against Eidor as well, he just might need to cheat a little more. Tal had the problem that Eidor was thinking of. He hadn't fought many people other than his father and tended to go way too easy on them until he got himself in trouble. "Either way, shall we pick up the pace so we may find out the answer all the sooner?" Oh the answers that were going to be had once they found Tal.

"Even with my magic that is just a little disconcerting." Adrian mumbled as he leaned tiredly into his lover. He was properly worn out now and not particularly interested in getting up and getting the book he was after just yet. Just the thought of putting his clothes on was too much. Though perhaps not cleaning up, he did hate to be sticky. "That woman walked all of a foot away from us."
"Let's see if you can keep up." Eidor replied with a grin and said some words in his home country's language to the horse. She then hurried her steps as her master had told her, with the promise of food that waited for her once they arrived.

Archer kissed Adrian for a good ten seconds before parting their lips. "You worry too much." He murmured while reaching for their clothes. "Even if we're noticed, what's the worst that can happen? We'll be banned from the library and then have to pay someone else to get us the material we need." He continued, as if there was no shame in being seen naked in public with your lover, having sex. Most people would be incredibly embarrassed to even show their face after those things, Archer would have just grinned and continued his days as always. People forgot eventually either way.
Kevin raised an eyebrow, curious as to what he said to his horse before grinning and patting Cerus's nose. "You're not going to let some old mare beat you are you?" Cerus had been waiting for this moment and burst into a gallop, though Kevin reigned in his pace just a little so he didn't burn himself out quickly.

Adrian sighed lightly at Archer's movements, giving his own clothes a dirty look as if they should just put themselves on him. "You may just be the most mad person I've ever known." He replied conversationally as he decided the mess definitely needed to be cleaned up and magicked the sweat and other nastiness away, though he took his clothes and put them on the old fashioned way. "I'm also fairly sure you are actually a twin and the two of you somehow trade out in the middle because that's the only explanation for how you have so much energy after what we just did."
Archer laughed loudly at the comment before he started putting on his clothes. "If I had a twin, I would prefer it if he joined from the beginning so we could have fun together with our prey." He said with a wolfish grin. But then his tactic changed completely. "You're just too old for these sorts of things, it will happen to us all eventually." He then continued with a pitiful tone in his voice.

"Well, now when our bodies are filled, or in your case drained, it's time to fill our, or your brain. Let's find those books." He then said with confidence. He had no plans of helping though. He could carry the books if he had tired Adrian out too much, but he would most likely not help search them up for or with him.
Adrian had a brief vision of that threesome and blinked out of it with a shudder. "I don't think I could survive two of you..." He muttered under his breath before giving Archer dirty look. All sorts of interesting spells came to him but he decided against it for the moment and let the invisibility fade before stalking off towards the catalog, once again making a point to try and leave his often irritating companion behind.

His confidence at his ability to find his way around a library was lived up at least. He quickly found the number he was looking for and disappeared into the stacks, perfectly remembering the map he had glanced at before his 'quest' began. It took all of about 5 minutes before he finished thumbing through one shelf and pulled out his translation dictionary on Daliche. After looking around for a few more minutes he grabbed several more books as well before heading back out to find Archer.
For once, Archer decided to take the hint and leave the guy alone for a little while. He sat down at a nearby table and waited for his companion to finish his search. He even got the chance to take a small nap before he heard some familiar footsteps and forced himself awake.

As he turned his head he saw Adrian coming with quite a few books. "Found what you were looking for?" He asked as he stretched his upper body to gain some energy after his power nap. "Or did you just find their secret porn section?" He snickered. "In that case I'm very interested in checking it out."
Adrian paused in his approach and for a second he looked about to be embarrassed before the expression shifted into a smirk "Well, to some these would be considered such but I don't think you fall into that category." He said primly before dumping the books on the table and crossing his arms. "Since you are the reason I am so worn out I expect you to carry these all the way back." No magic help for him either.
Archer looked at the text on the side of the books. Nope, definitely not his type of porn. Damn it. "Isn't it time for you to get some muscles little princess?" He asked teasingly as he stood up and took up the books. He would certainly not get away with only half the loud after that comment, so it was just to start working. If he held the books then maybe he wouldn't get a magical zap, Adrian probably didn't want to make him drop the books and possibly damage them. That would be horrible for a book geek.
"As soon as you learn to shut your mouth on occasion." Adrian said without missing a beat, though he would hardly say that he had no muscles. Sure he wasn't Archer who did things of questionable origin and thus needed to be in some pretty exceptional shape to do, but he did get out of his tower on occasion and collect things in the forest and such. That was how he had ended up here after all.

He even considered making the books just a bit heavier as they headed for the door, but just as Archer had suspected, Adrian did not want to do anything that might put his precious books at risk so he was safe for the moment.
Archer did the smart thing and kept quiet for the trip back to the inn. Of course he had to let Adrian open the door once they got there as he had a bit too much in his hands. He was certain that he would meet up with something rather unpleasant once the door was opened. His master might just be waiting in there after having broken into their room. Again.

But he wasn't, oh thank whatever being that had something to do with it for that. He put the books down and massaged his shoulder for some seconds. "I'll be right back. I'll just have to check so master hasn't drunk himself to death." He told Adrian. It was easier to confront the old bastard without Adrian there to hear weird stuff. Entering his masters rooms, he found no one. Maybe he was out searching for him after all. But then he saw a note.

A minute later Archer had rushed into Adrian's and his room and without caring what the older teen was doing, he took him up and swung him around happily. "He's gone! We're alone again." He laughed before putting Adrian down. "Master left for some kind of unexpected mission, and now we're probably alone for at least another four days, hopefully more. Please be more."

Archer did like to practice with his master, but not when he had other things in mind. Like the last few weeks with Adrian before he left. After Adrian was gone, Archer would go back to training and having sex with anyone that passed by. But at the moment he wanted to be only one persons. That wouldn't have been the case if Adrian had actually lived there and weren't going anywhere, but since the time was limited he were going to take care of every last minute he got with his current favorite.
Adrian was somewhat impressed at Archer's silence and was absently thinking he should think of something to reward that behavior as he let Archer back into their room. He nodded absently to whatever Archer had said and walked over to the books. He had one open and was flipping through it without actually reading anything when Archer burst back into the room. He eyes widened with shock as he was abruptly picked up and he clutched at the other teen in surprise.

"Wait, what?" Adrian carefully leaned against the table, a little disconcerted after being picked up like that. "Didn't he just get here?" He didn't sound annoyed, just rather confused.
Archer shrugged his shoulders. It was certainly weird that he had left half a day after he arrived, but he must have his reasons. "Yeah, some guy apparently wanted his help with something. He didn't explain it in his letter, just that he would be gone for a few more days, maybe longer." Archer told him, his excitement going down a few notches. "It was probably something important." Unknown to Archer it wasn't that important, it was just an old man who wanted to go back to his old glory days when he had worked as other things than an assassin or an assassin trainer. And maybe he also wanted to give the kid some space when he had so much fun with his girly friend. Since Eidor still hadn't seen Adrian when he was sober, he had a much more feminine version of the boy in his mind.

"You know what this means. No one will interrupt us in bed for at least the next few days." And his excitement was back again.
Adrian wasted all of a few seconds pondering what it could be. He was curious but he was also very very glad that he would not have to deal with the creepy old man for a few more days. It did however make him wonder about the actual occupations of Archer and his master but he had gotten pretty good at ignoring the question. If he had really wanted to know it would not have been a challenge to figure it out. "Do you ever think of anything else?" Adrian gave the other teen a wiry grin and chuckled softly. He moved to sit down in the chair where he did all of his research, though he honestly wasn't expecting to get much farther than that with Archer in this sort of mood.
Archer stopped his happy dance and jump routine for a moment and looked towards Adrian. "Of course I think about other things." He said defensively before lowering his voice. "But it's hard to get back thinking about those things when you're occupying my thoughts 24/7." He said teasingly. He hadn't been so obsessed with getting sex every day before Adrian came, even though he was fairly active even without him. It probably was because of the time limit that he were like that at the moment.

"Hurry up and do your re-search, I won't wait forever." He then said and jumped onto one of the beds. It was very unusual for him to wait, but he was in such an incredibly good mood, so he was going to let Adrian do his work for a bit. When his mood started to drop though, he would definitely attack to get it up again.
Adrian rolled his eyes at the attempt at a compliment. He was pretty sure Archer had used that 3 times today already and as pleasing as it was you did need to use such things in moderation. He didn't say anything though as he was in a fairly good mood as well, boosted with the surprise that he was actually going to get some research done before they went crazy. "Right then, enjoy your nap."

He chuckled and immediately went to work, pulling papers over and opening the books. He was immersed within seconds, though he was so intent he was muttering almost constantly, though it was half in another language so it was not entirely understandable.
Archer did take his nap. Some hours later he woke up and found that Adrian was still working intensively. He just didn't know how to relax once he ha begun, did he? Archer sneaked up on him, trying not to be noticed and whispered into the prince's ear. "Done yet?" He definitely hoped that he would be able to scare the kid. Since he were so into his work, he might not notice Archer and in that case it was highly likely that finding out that someone were behind him would make him jump. Maybe he would even get a lightning bolt in his head for it, but it would be totally worth it.
Adrian did not have the greatest situational awareness at the best of times. Deep in his translation he didn't notice Archer at all until he spoke. He jumped and while Archer did not get electrocuted a glowing purple shield around him that pushed Archer away with such force that he hit the wall with a not inconsiderable amount of force.

He realized almost immediately after who it was after that and muttered a curse as he jumped up to make sure Archer was alright. "You are an idiot." He scowled at his lover and banished the shield as he checked him over."I didn't heal you up just got you to try and get disintegrated!"