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Warning: There are dark themes and triggers ahead. If death, gore, and the like disturb you, you might want to leave.

An odd new club has been formed at Roosevelt High School in upstate New York: the Paganry Club. To most students, it's a bunch of weirdos who like to dress in all black and draw strange things. To the teachers, it's some oddballs with an interest in ancient religions.

They're both wrong.

Magic is real, and it is dark. The club is actually a recruiting effort for a new coven founded by Hazel Harris. Now, on Halloween night, you stand in a circle with her, ready to join yourself to the demon Nagariel in an initiation ritual. You're a little nervous, but really, damnation seems a fair price to pay for cosmic power...

So, in this roleplay, you will be highschoolers joining Hazel's new coven. In this universe, sin and corruption are a major source of magical power, and as such "good" magic is basically nonexistent. For instance, straight-up healing is impossible; to use healing magic, you must drain the life force from a healthy organism and put it in who or what you wish to heal. We'll have fun and good times, but beware, there are people who know about dark magic, and wish to eradicate it...

In theory, any person can use magic, but only a special few can use high-grade magic without ritual tools or magic circles. That said, every witch and warlock has one or two small powers they can use at will, related to their magical specialty.

Most magic requires the use of drawn or carved circles and symbols. Larger drawings can hold more power, while more detailed drawings can direct the power more precisely. Circles also need to be properly charged by the witch or warlock, a process that can take anywhere from seconds to months, depending on the spell. Charging a spell can be sped up by having multiple people charge it at once, or by casting a spell linked with your specialty. Other requirements might be reagents, sacrifices (up to and including human), or even sexual rites (If this comes up, please go to pms and only with appropriate aged users. We don't need anyone getting the banhammer.).

Wind and weather- the air and weather are yours to wield. Simple, really. Inherent Power- Weather Manipulation. Need a little more sunshine to brighten your mood, some rain for your flowers, or a small lightning bolt to smite somebody? It's just seconds away! Thunderstorms might take a while, though, and you'll need a circle for full-blown hurricanes and the like.

Earth and metal- Stone and steel are your preferred medium of magic. Useful for making large circles... or leveling large buildings. Inherent Power- Metal manipulation. You can psychically manipulate metal objects up to a chair in size. Gonna need to be quick on the draw to stop that bullet, though.

Fire and energy- Heat, light, flame; all are your domain. Inherent Power- Super Vision. Infrared? X-ray? Invisible stuff? No problem! You can see it all!

Water and blood- Not the flashiest of powers, but very versatile. Oh, and notice how it's crossed out? That's because it's been claimed by yours truly. Inherent power- Blood drinker. Can drink blood to restore health and youth.

Shadows and darkness- The night is your friend and ally. Solidifying shadows, melding with them, even teleporting through them. Inherent power- Invisibility. Just like it sounds, though if someone gets within about ten feet or so, they can start making out a blurry outline of your form. Still very useful.

Mind- Telepathy, illusions, even full-blown mind control. It's all fair game. Inherent Power- Mood Swings. Those around you will experience large emotional changes. Going to be tough to control at first, but with practice, you can make them feel any way you want.

Wild- You are more in tune with nature than other witches. As such, you can speak to and command plants and animals. With a little practice, you might even be able to shapeshift! Inherent Power- Beast Traits. You can take on the attributes of nearby animals. For instance, you can borrow the sense of smell of a nearby bloodhound. You can even mix and match, though this takes intense concentration.

Life and Death- The world is a cycle between the living and the dead, and you are the one who turns the wheel. Blasphemous healing and necromancy are your stock in trade. Inherent Power-Animation. No, not cartoons, but transferring life force into inanimate objects to bring them to life. Larger objects, like houses, may be subject to the same requirements as other spells.

Time- Most people, even witches, are swept along helplessly by the river of time, but you can sail its waters like an expert. Speed it up, slow it down, rewind or freeze it-even traveling through it could be within your grasp. Inherent Power- Future sight. You can see the future of any person, place or object, with a few caveats. You must be looking at what you want to see the future of, and you can't see further than a week ahead. Still, how cool is it to know what problems are on your next math test ahead of time... or know of that devastating accident before it happens.

Inferno- A dangerous power, you are one with the forces of Hell itself. As such, summoning demons comes as second nature to you. Inherent Power- Efficient Sacrifices. You instinctively know how to get the most out of the black arts. Your sacrifices carry more power than those of other witches and warlocks.

These are just what I could come up with off the top of my head. If you've got other ideas, feel free to share them!





Physical description or picture



Magical Specialty[/spoilerbb]
She's accepted.

And here's our potential home sweet home!

Built about a hundred years ago, the Harris mansion is three stories of luxury living, recently redone under Hazel's watchful eyes.

The top floor is mostly empty these days, but it does have a large outdoor deck for parties in the summer.

The second floor is devoted to bedrooms. The plan is for everyone to have their own room, but Hazel knows what can happen when you combine teenage hormones with an environment that outright encourages sin.

The first floor is the main living space. A rec room with a big-screen tv and video game systems galore, a large and well-stocked kitchen, and a sizable home gym with indoor pool included.

But it's the basement where things really happen. A storeroom for Hazel's small but growing collection of magical reagents and items, a library where Hazel keeps notes on arcane knowledge, enough chalk to satisfy an artist for a lifetime, and a big open space for those moments when massive circles are called for. In short, a little slice of heaven for any witch.
I want to live there so badly!
"But, what about my mom" Scott 2016
Uh, Stav? This is the out-of-character; the in-character hasn't started yet. I'll get right on that, though.
I'm sorry Dai, if you want me to rewrite the last lines that he drinks the blood I will, but I thought I'd make it more fun than just everyone drinking the blood.

Scott's guard and skepticism is up. He'll smooth out a bit better throughout the RP, but remember he came into this as a skeptic and I felt it better suited his character
@Mahou-Shoujo Once you post, we can move along. We can either do some mingling, or time-skip to an after-school meeting where Hazel is going to discuss her plans for the coven. This will also kick-start the main plot, although the characters will not be aware of the significance right away.
Sorry! I wasn't getting notifications for some reason!
I'm sorry guys but I'm going to have to drop out. I really pushed trying to get into it with my intro post but I really can't seem too and I don't want to give you guys subpar posts. :(
@Stavroula Giannari
Whoopsie kinda missed that, but there are at least three other users who havent replied yet. Also on this rp website we dont mix ooc chat with ic chat. So you might wanna transfer your complaint to this thread. ^_^
Ok so if anyone makes an another comment about their being skeptic my character's hands were on fire for a few minutes.I just thought because fire is unpredictable as an element her powers should be too.
Ok so if anyone makes an another comment about their being skeptic my character's hands were on fire for a few minutes.I just thought because fire is unpredictable as an element her powers should be too.

Scott will find a way to rationalize it
I'm sure he will. I just mentioned it cause people seemed to miss that part

I didn't miss it.

Just in Scotts nature to be like, trick matches or something like that.

Scott kind of fighting between his two selves right now. One side wants to believe. But the side that spent his whole life thinking his mom was a demented old woman makes him not want to believe it. He's also kind of temperamental I realized.
I didn't miss it.

Just in Scotts nature to be like, trick matches or something like that.

Scott kind of fighting between his two selves right now. One side wants to believe. But the side that spent his whole life thinking his mom was a demented old woman makes him not want to believe it. He's also kind of temperamental I realized.
I wasn't talking about you but someone mentioned missing it.
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