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Warning: There are dark themes and triggers ahead. If death, gore, and the like disturb you, you might want to leave.

An odd new club has been formed at Roosevelt High School in upstate New York: the Paganry Club. To most students, it's a bunch of weirdos who like to dress in all black and draw strange things. To the teachers, it's some oddballs with an interest in ancient religions.

They're both wrong.

Magic is real, and it is dark. The club is actually a recruiting effort for a new coven founded by Hazel Harris. Now, on Halloween night, you stand in a circle with her, ready to join yourself to the demon Nagariel in an initiation ritual. You're a little nervous, but really, damnation seems a fair price to pay for cosmic power...

So, in this roleplay, you will be highschoolers joining Hazel's new coven. In this universe, sin and corruption are a major source of magical power, and as such "good" magic is basically nonexistent. For instance, straight-up healing is impossible; to use healing magic, you must drain the life force from a healthy organism and put it in who or what you wish to heal. We'll have fun and good times, but beware, there are people who know about dark magic, and wish to eradicate it...

In theory, any person can use magic, but only a special few can use high-grade magic without ritual tools or magic circles. That said, every witch and warlock has one or two small powers they can use at will, related to their magical specialty.

Most magic requires the use of drawn or carved circles and symbols. Larger drawings can hold more power, while more detailed drawings can direct the power more precisely. Circles also need to be properly charged by the witch or warlock, a process that can take anywhere from seconds to months, depending on the spell. Charging a spell can be sped up by having multiple people charge it at once, or by casting a spell linked with your specialty. Other requirements might be reagents, sacrifices (up to and including human), or even sexual rites (If this comes up, please go to pms and only with appropriate aged users. We don't need anyone getting the banhammer.).

Wind and weather- the air and weather are yours to wield. Simple, really. Inherent Power- Weather Manipulation. Need a little more sunshine to brighten your mood, some rain for your flowers, or a small lightning bolt to smite somebody? It's just seconds away! Thunderstorms might take a while, though, and you'll need a circle for full-blown hurricanes and the like.

Earth and metal- Stone and steel are your preferred medium of magic. Useful for making large circles... or leveling large buildings. Inherent Power- Metal manipulation. You can psychically manipulate metal objects up to a chair in size. Gonna need to be quick on the draw to stop that bullet, though.

Fire and energy- Heat, light, flame; all are your domain. Inherent Power- Super Vision. Infrared? X-ray? Invisible stuff? No problem! You can see it all!

Water and blood- Not the flashiest of powers, but very versatile. Oh, and notice how it's crossed out? That's because it's been claimed by yours truly. Inherent power- Blood drinker. Can drink blood to restore health and youth.

Shadows and darkness- The night is your friend and ally. Solidifying shadows, melding with them, even teleporting through them. Inherent power- Invisibility. Just like it sounds, though if someone gets within about ten feet or so, they can start making out a blurry outline of your form. Still very useful.

Mind- Telepathy, illusions, even full-blown mind control. It's all fair game. Inherent Power- Mood Swings. Those around you will experience large emotional changes. Going to be tough to control at first, but with practice, you can make them feel any way you want.

Wild- You are more in tune with nature than other witches. As such, you can speak to and command plants and animals. With a little practice, you might even be able to shapeshift! Inherent Power- Beast Traits. You can take on the attributes of nearby animals. For instance, you can borrow the sense of smell of a nearby bloodhound. You can even mix and match, though this takes intense concentration.

Life and Death- The world is a cycle between the living and the dead, and you are the one who turns the wheel. Blasphemous healing and necromancy are your stock in trade. Inherent Power-Animation. No, not cartoons, but transferring life force into inanimate objects to bring them to life. Larger objects, like houses, may be subject to the same requirements as other spells.

Time- Most people, even witches, are swept along helplessly by the river of time, but you can sail its waters like an expert. Speed it up, slow it down, rewind or freeze it-even traveling through it could be within your grasp. Inherent Power- Future sight. You can see the future of any person, place or object, with a few caveats. You must be looking at what you want to see the future of, and you can't see further than a week ahead. Still, how cool is it to know what problems are on your next math test ahead of time... or know of that devastating accident before it happens.

Inferno- A dangerous power, you are one with the forces of Hell itself. As such, summoning demons comes as second nature to you. Inherent Power- Efficient Sacrifices. You instinctively know how to get the most out of the black arts. Your sacrifices carry more power than those of other witches and warlocks.

These are just what I could come up with off the top of my head. If you've got other ideas, feel free to share them!





Physical description or picture



Magical Specialty[/spoilerbb]
Alright. Timeskip post goes up at 8:00 p.m. Eastern tomorrow. If anyone has any interactions they still want to do, now is the time.
This seems like quite the interesting roleplay. I hope I can still join in and if so, I hope we can all roleplay nicely together!

Sure thing! I look forward to seeing what sort of character you come up with.

As for the rest of you, we have skipped ahead to the after-school club meeting.
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Alrighty I shall try and create my character as soon as I can
Lilith von Stahm




Physical description or picture



Lilith has three personalities inside of her. She has her calm and kind one that is out most of the time. Then you have the cute and clingy personality which is out when she feels really happy and cozy. Lastly you have her insane personality. This personality is filled with pure hatred and bloodlust. She will be like this during battles or when she feels excited.

Lilith's life wasn't particularly a great one. Her parents were both alcoholics and drug addicts before Lilith was born. When she was born already something was off about her. She didn't cry at all when she was born, the just smiled and stared. Both her parents and the doctors found it creepy. Another thing that was off was her left eye which was a gold color and her right eye was a bloody red.
They didn't think much else of it and sent the couple home with their child named Lilith. When she was 6, she was sent to school for the first time where things escalated. The first day she was there a big fire broke out. Of course it was written off as an accident but everyone had found Lilith creepy. She was being seen as the main suspect and so her parents moved. But each time they'd come to a new town, shit went down. Everywhere Lilith went, there was misfortune to everyone. People losing wallets, driving their cars into streetlights or just random fires breaking out. This was not the end though. Each time when Lilith was spoken to when around such an event she would begin laughing hysterically. She was the product of a mentally unstable couple. But what was the reasoning behind the things happening around her? Well demonic forces of course. A demon had cursed her mother and Lilith was the product of that same curse. This is where she adapted her powers from. When the demon came to her, it ordered her to kill her parents. Of course Lilith nicely obeyed the demon and slaughtered her parents before fleeing the town to never be seen again.

Magical Specialty
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Okay, got 1 question. Why would a 27-year-old join up with a coven full of high schoolers? That's the major problem I have with it.
Okay, got 1 question. Why would a 27-year-old join up with a coven full of high schoolers? That's the major problem I have with it.
We can have a new teacher that is a witch and she doesn't have to be in the coven just know about it.We could use characters outside the coven that help the members or are against the coven
Oh I think I read that wrong then, my bad. I will change the age
Alrighty. Also, I might be a able to post tonight but I am on my phone so I think I'll wait till tomorrow
I didn't see a character limit when I was reading through the information, but that doesn't mean there isn't one that I managed to skip over. Just like...punch me, if I did miss it.

Lupa Silas Blackthrone


Pan, prone to polyamory


Physical description or picture
Standing at 5'00" and weighing a waifish 95 lbs, Lupa and her twin brother are tiny and fae-like. Their androgynous features aren't everybody's cup of tea, but they don't seem to mind--rather, the two really seem to be under the impression that they're fairly attractive, or at least striking. Short cropped black hair and pale, pale skin marks the two as hardly being made for the heat and sun, or at the very least being 'hermits'.
Lupa is distinguishable from her only at a close distance, due to the fact that her eyes are a shade or two darker (resembling black rather than blue), and her tattoos. One of which is her last name in swirling letters around her left wrist, and the other is an image of geometric trees running down her right flank, starting from just under her bust line and then capping the (subtle) curve of her hip.
Stylistically, she's more 'punk' than her brother, although not by much. Both are prone to silver jewelry (crosses, which is a reoccurring theme in both her elder and younger siblings wardrobes as well), and an excess of striking color combinations. For Lupa's part, she prefers black skinny jeans tucked into knee-high boots with dainty silver buckles, and a hoodie of some sort of top. If the heat doesn't permit such oppressive clothing, it's typical to also find her in a long sleeve t-shirt.

Too proud, hyper, obnoxious, and stubborn. Lupa is full of vibrant energy and life, it pours out of her like a rush of water every time she opens her mouth. She loves mythology and books, and especially loves anything combining the two. She's just as likely to make a bad joke as she is to punch someone that hurts someone close to her, though, and this makes her dangerously hard to read sometimes.
Generally, however, she's more content to scream about dragons and flirt with cute people.

Mother and Father are out of the picture, although mother was a clever witch. Bennett Blackthrone took the mantel as the head of the Blackthrone family, and with it, the care and raising of the four little siblings his mother had given him. Lupa, Lupus, Leon, and Henry.
Any of the younger four will assure you that despite their lack of mothering, their brother (elder by 11 years) makes a perfect mother, and that their mother's acting career allowed them a decent enough budget to live comfortably. They want not, and even if they did, you'd never know.
Pride runs in Blackthrone blood, as well as magic. One would find that Bennett is far too charming for any normal, haggard 28 year old trying to balance a job and four kids, as well as a healthy relationship. The two younger twins, for their part, seemed to have skipped the magic, thus far.

Magical Specialty
Life and Death. Despite her cheery demeanor, Lupa seems to have a fairly good grasp on the way the world works. Survival of the fittest is her motto, to some extent, and it shows in her magical abilities.

Lupus Silvius Blackthrone


Bisexual, with a leaning toward boys


Physical description or picture
Standing at 5'00" and weighing a waifish 95 lbs, Lupus and his twin sister are tiny and fae-like. Their androgynous features aren't everybody's cup of tea, but they don't seem to mind--rather, the two really seem to be under the impression that they're fairly attractive, or at least striking. Short cropped black hair and pale, pale skin marks the two as hardly being made for the heat and sun, or at the very least being 'hermits'.
Lupus's distinguishing marks are, again, only visible at a close proximity. His eyes resemble something closer to Prussian Blue, and the tattoo on his wrist finds it's mark on the opposite of his sisters, although the same style and wording. Aside from that, the tattoo along his flank reads something relatively long-winded in Latin, which he shrugs off when people ask about. Generally speaking, they're mirrors of each other.
Stylistically, he is more prone to 'modern' than she is. That's not to say he doesn't fall into the punk trap, or that he isn't prone to the occasional day of just jeans and a t-shirt, but on a typical day Lupus is a little more fashionable than his sister. The silver jewelry stays, matching cross necklaces. But where she has crosses dangling from her ears, his right ear has an iron cuff around the shell with an engraved cross. Heavy boots, although falling less high than his sisters, are generally paired with dark skinny jeans and a brightly colored t-shirt.
He has a special affinity for one that has quotes from the Sherlock Holmes books on it.

Lupus is the softer, sweeter twin, that much is obvious. Though they have identical faces, his expression is frequently more open and understanding than his sister's condescending amusement. He's an author, and a romance author at that, prone to extensive amounts of daydreaming and cooing over old movies and aesthetics. Generally, it's safe to assume that if he gets bored enough, he'll produce some novel or another and start reading--or, a notebook and pen and start working on his next fiction piece.

Mother and Father are out of the picture, although mother was a clever witch. Bennett Blackthrone took the mantel as the head of the Blackthrone family, and with it, the care and raising of the four little siblings his mother had given him. Lupa, Lupus, Leon, and Henry.
Any of the younger four will assure you that despite their lack of mothering, their brother (elder by 11 years) makes a perfect mother, and that their mother's acting career allowed them a decent enough budget to live comfortably. They want not, and even if they did, you'd never know.
Pride runs in Blackthrone blood, as well as magic. One would find that Bennett is far too charming for any normal, haggard 28 year old trying to balance a job and four kids, as well as a healthy relationship. The two younger twins, for their part, seemed to have skipped the magic, thus far.

Magical Specialty
Time. Lupus is among the 'old souls' who are generally more content to let things happen as they will, and pick up the pieces afterwards. This is especially true with his more brash twin, whom he never strays far from. He believes she will never learn if she is coddled, and therefore allows her to do things (not that he could stop her), and then helps her fix it afterward. Though rarely without a pointed 'I did tell you this was a bad idea'.
I wasn't getting notifications.
I wasn't getting anything either.

@Lupa059 They are both accepted. I am removing the "One person per specialty" limit, simply to make it easier on myself. Perhaps Bennet could visit later?
Gonna be joining this! Thinking about Inferno and Metal/Earth for my two.
Yay! Thank you for the acceptance and I don't mind dragging Benny in for an appearance or two.
Hey if you want me to I'll write an exiting post.

But I am going to also drop this RP too.

The premise was interesting. But I am also struggling to find inspiration to actual write anything. I mean no offense when I say the quality isn't exactly what I expected of this RP.
I'm gonna have to go with Salty on this one. Sorry, but I've gotta drop.
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