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Warning: There are dark themes and triggers ahead. If death, gore, and the like disturb you, you might want to leave.

An odd new club has been formed at Roosevelt High School in upstate New York: the Paganry Club. To most students, it's a bunch of weirdos who like to dress in all black and draw strange things. To the teachers, it's some oddballs with an interest in ancient religions.

They're both wrong.

Magic is real, and it is dark. The club is actually a recruiting effort for a new coven founded by Hazel Harris. Now, on Halloween night, you stand in a circle with her, ready to join yourself to the demon Nagariel in an initiation ritual. You're a little nervous, but really, damnation seems a fair price to pay for cosmic power...

So, in this roleplay, you will be highschoolers joining Hazel's new coven. In this universe, sin and corruption are a major source of magical power, and as such "good" magic is basically nonexistent. For instance, straight-up healing is impossible; to use healing magic, you must drain the life force from a healthy organism and put it in who or what you wish to heal. We'll have fun and good times, but beware, there are people who know about dark magic, and wish to eradicate it...

In theory, any person can use magic, but only a special few can use high-grade magic without ritual tools or magic circles. That said, every witch and warlock has one or two small powers they can use at will, related to their magical specialty.

Most magic requires the use of drawn or carved circles and symbols. Larger drawings can hold more power, while more detailed drawings can direct the power more precisely. Circles also need to be properly charged by the witch or warlock, a process that can take anywhere from seconds to months, depending on the spell. Charging a spell can be sped up by having multiple people charge it at once, or by casting a spell linked with your specialty. Other requirements might be reagents, sacrifices (up to and including human), or even sexual rites (If this comes up, please go to pms and only with appropriate aged users. We don't need anyone getting the banhammer.).

Wind and weather- the air and weather are yours to wield. Simple, really. Inherent Power- Weather Manipulation. Need a little more sunshine to brighten your mood, some rain for your flowers, or a small lightning bolt to smite somebody? It's just seconds away! Thunderstorms might take a while, though, and you'll need a circle for full-blown hurricanes and the like.

Earth and metal- Stone and steel are your preferred medium of magic. Useful for making large circles... or leveling large buildings. Inherent Power- Metal manipulation. You can psychically manipulate metal objects up to a chair in size. Gonna need to be quick on the draw to stop that bullet, though.

Fire and energy- Heat, light, flame; all are your domain. Inherent Power- Super Vision. Infrared? X-ray? Invisible stuff? No problem! You can see it all!

Water and blood- Not the flashiest of powers, but very versatile. Oh, and notice how it's crossed out? That's because it's been claimed by yours truly. Inherent power- Blood drinker. Can drink blood to restore health and youth.

Shadows and darkness- The night is your friend and ally. Solidifying shadows, melding with them, even teleporting through them. Inherent power- Invisibility. Just like it sounds, though if someone gets within about ten feet or so, they can start making out a blurry outline of your form. Still very useful.

Mind- Telepathy, illusions, even full-blown mind control. It's all fair game. Inherent Power- Mood Swings. Those around you will experience large emotional changes. Going to be tough to control at first, but with practice, you can make them feel any way you want.

Wild- You are more in tune with nature than other witches. As such, you can speak to and command plants and animals. With a little practice, you might even be able to shapeshift! Inherent Power- Beast Traits. You can take on the attributes of nearby animals. For instance, you can borrow the sense of smell of a nearby bloodhound. You can even mix and match, though this takes intense concentration.

Life and Death- The world is a cycle between the living and the dead, and you are the one who turns the wheel. Blasphemous healing and necromancy are your stock in trade. Inherent Power-Animation. No, not cartoons, but transferring life force into inanimate objects to bring them to life. Larger objects, like houses, may be subject to the same requirements as other spells.

Time- Most people, even witches, are swept along helplessly by the river of time, but you can sail its waters like an expert. Speed it up, slow it down, rewind or freeze it-even traveling through it could be within your grasp. Inherent Power- Future sight. You can see the future of any person, place or object, with a few caveats. You must be looking at what you want to see the future of, and you can't see further than a week ahead. Still, how cool is it to know what problems are on your next math test ahead of time... or know of that devastating accident before it happens.

Inferno- A dangerous power, you are one with the forces of Hell itself. As such, summoning demons comes as second nature to you. Inherent Power- Efficient Sacrifices. You instinctively know how to get the most out of the black arts. Your sacrifices carry more power than those of other witches and warlocks.

These are just what I could come up with off the top of my head. If you've got other ideas, feel free to share them!





Physical description or picture



Magical Specialty[/spoilerbb]
Went with an old FC I used awhile back. Lemme know if I need to tweak anything else. :)
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[BCOLOR=transparent]Scott Phillip Warner[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]It's just a birthmark, but people act like it's the mark of the devil or something like that. It's all anyone in school talked about or pointed out, was the birthmark on his face. Which earned him a few nicknames throughout the years, Scarface is his favorite, but then there's Inkblot. Or the all too favorite of his when he's eating and someone says "there's something on your face, better wipe it off...oh wait is that actually your face". They think they're being so clever, doesn't really bother him. He stands at 5'6", stocky, compact, and slightly built he's not a jock. Often dresses in that uncomfortably new 2016 alternative fashion with fedoras, a retro jean jacket, some cargo pants, with military boots he got a thrift store, and often a dull colored shirts underneath, polos, but black or burgundy, sometimes midnight blue. With green gray irises depending on the light. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Gender: Male[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Sexuality: Panromantic - Heterosexual [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]If a guy is cool and we get along, I may date him. But I am not sexually attracted to him and I don't want sex with him. I am sexually attracted to girls, and will date them if they are interesting. But I won't necessarily have sex with them either.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Age: 17[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Personality Strengths:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Scotts gets a giggle here and there, it's not that he's particularly funny or tries to be particularly funny, but the kids at the school don't quite get him. He's an aloof oddball, who kind of comes off as more mature than other kids around him. Which is then mistaken as condescending self righteousness. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Due to his influences at home, he comes off wholeheartedly more mature than most of the students because he's had to be the adult in his house ever since his dad left and his mom went off her rocker. Well she's always been off her rocker the older and older he got, but she's been more so than lately. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The doctors say she's schizophrenic, but other people tell him she had a real power back in the day too bad she lost it. Whatever that means. He's not mean spirited, but he doesn't take much of anything very seriously often coming off sarcastic, and dismissive to the things people have to say. Though it's generally not meant to be done in a way that intends to harm others. He's heard it all, and most of what he's heard has to do with his face, so he often takes comments with a jaded eye roll.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He has a quick, dark sense of humor, which makes him come off as rude and uncaring. It's not that he doesn't care, it's merely the way he copes with his current situation. He'll often make fun of himself as well, and doesn't seem to take much of anything seriously. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Though that's not entirely true, as kids at school know he has good grades, and he takes his studies well. It's just he doesn't hang out with the other kids and spends half his time between homework and taking care of babbles, his mother. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Personality Flaws:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Scott not one without his flaws, he's not some good kid who takes care of his mom and has never gotten in trouble before. The biggest flaw for Scott is his temper, while he had this icy shield of cool and let's most things slide. He's the typical person with a long fuse, the long fuse is taken for granted, until all of his patients has been cut and he blows up. But you really have to be trying hard to light that fuse and get him going. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]And those who have been able to do so, found themselves getting pummeled into the ground, or thrown onto the concrete. A few broken fist, a few broken teeth. Scott has had his off days. And kids at school barely know him.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Barely know the fatigue and frustration there is at home. Dealing with his mom leaves him drained socially and exhausted, so he doesn't want to put up with people or deal with their shit. Trying to be his own person and come in on his own, being shackled down with a responsibility he was given because someone chucked it on him.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]While he doesn't intend to be mean spirited, if someone's testing his patients he can be vindictive and will choose very cutting words to use to belittle them. Which then gives him a bad rap when he's teasing in a good way versus when he's teasing to be mean. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]That and in general it's probably his introverted nature that keeps him from forming big bonds with kids at school. It isn't that he's not willing to try, he's just really hasn't found an interest with them as of yet.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Mom's a witch, or at least that's what she says she is. But the family thinks she's kind of nuts, claiming that some people are after her and they'll put their lives in danger. She was always kind of this way, nowhere near as bad as she is now, straggly hair, keeps the house dark, with the curtains drawn. He was born February 5th, and mom's always been a little off. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Dad has always said it's Scott's birth that drove her insane, whatever that means. He just sees it as a way for his father to dodge responsibility. His mother Lilith Warner and his father Jake Warner apparently met in some kind of high school coven they were a part of. Sounds kind of like a bunch of bogus words to Scott, well it would be if he hadn't inherited powers he's tried to ignore.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]No one wants to go through life causing the chaos and confusion he creates. Those around him behave drastically different based on his own moods. It's like one giant psycho feeding chain. The more anger he manages to make them feel the more anger he's managed to make himself feel. It's how he was in so many fights when he was in middle school.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]But the schooling system told him if he didn't quit this charade, he'd be suspended from the distract. So he's tried to better himself. Like some high school version of Ghandi. Which gets a laugh out of most of the kids as he goes about his day, tempered, cool as ice. Which impresses faculty members that a troubled kid could suddenly climb out of a grave and say, "I'm a good kid, I am cured now". But that's horseshit. It's getting harder for him to control.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]And mom's gotten weirder. Trying to sit him down. Teach him about circles. Teach him about how to control all of this. And that he needs to know this stuff or they'll come after him too. Sounds like a bunch of bullshit, but he doesn't know maybe there's some legitimacy to this. Only began thinking about it when Hazel came up with her stupid idea. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He's just here to see if it's true or not. It's hard to believe when your whole life you grew up thinking your mom some nutso everyone was enabling a delusional break. Whatever, Scott will try it out. If it turns out to be bogus then he can leave. No big deal. If it's real, well shit. What if it is real?[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Magic Powers:[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Mind - ever since he was young, what was his wasn't really his. Kids around him stopped hanging out around him because he made the kids around him feel what he was feeling. It didn't help that he could hear their thoughts either. Well that just makes him sound as crazy as his mom. He learned to ignore these side of things. Pretended it wasn't real. Pretended he couldn't hear. And didn't think about it. It's worked so far. Now though it seems like it's just getting worse. Especially around some other kids he doesn't ordinarily hang out with. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Inherent Power - Empathetic Mood Transfer - Those around him feel a greater emotional charge. Without control he just transfers his own mood onto others, but with greater control he could start to influence the emotions of others and how they feel.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Theme Song:[/BCOLOR]
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He's accepted

And it's time to meet our Priestess!

Name: Hazel Harris

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Age: 18


She's also very short, standing only about 4'8

Personality: Hazel's personality has shifted over the summer. For her first three years of high school, she was a shy little wallflower who tried desperately to blend in with the masses in order to prevent her life from becoming more miserable. But now, as her senior year begins, she's a strong, confident woman. The other students whisper that she had something to do with her parents' mysterious demise, but that couldn't possibly be true... right?

Bio: Unathletic, shy, nerdy, and not that good-looking, Hazel managed the impressive feat of the unpopularity Grand Slam. Whenever there was lunch money to be stolen or a geek to be tossed in a locker, Hazel was the victim. The teachers didn't care; she was just a rich girl whose parents probably spoiled her. She needed toughening up. Her parents didn't care; she was just something to be trotted out when their fellow 1% came to town.

Hazel was utterly alone.

She spent years look for some way, any way to get herself some respect. Eventually, a little web ad linked her to a site of black rituals. Figuring she had nothing to lose, she pricked her finger late one night, called a blasphemous name in the darkness... and got an answer.

Nagariel offered her a loan of power, but at a high price: her parents' lives, to be paid in twenty-four hours. If she kept up her end of the bargain, the power would be permanent. If not, Nagariel would claim her soul instead.

With trembling fingers, she burned a piece of paper inscribed with a curse circle over her family's water pitcher, and at dinner that night, she sipped a glass of lemonade as she watched her parents drown in their own blood. Strangely, she didn't feel regret, revulsion, or anything of the sort. Magic was a rush, and she wanted more. Nagariel agreed to become the patron of her new coven, and now, she's going to see how well her recruitment efforts pay off.

Magical Specialty: Water and Blood

Special Power: Blood drinker- can drink blood to restore health and youth.

Other: After her parents' deaths, Hazel inherited the family mansion, as well as about 3 million in cash. She intends to use the mansion as her coven's home base.
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He's accepted

And it's time to meet our Priestess!

Name: Hazel Harris

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Age: 18


She's also very short, standing only about 4'8

Personality: Hazel's personality has shifted over the summer. For her first three years of high school, she was a shy little wallflower who tried desperately to blend in with the masses in order to prevent her life from becoming more miserable. But now, as her senior year begins, she's a strong, confident woman. The other students whisper that she had something to do with her parents' mysterious demise, but that couldn't possibly be true... right?

Bio: Unathletic, shy, nerdy, and not that good-looking, Hazel managed the impressive feat of the unpopularity Grand Slam. Whenever there was lunch money to be stolen or a geek to be tossed in a locker, Hazel was the victim. The teachers didn't care; she was just a rich girl whose parents probably spoiled her. She needed toughening up. Her parents didn't care; she was just something to be trotted out when their fellow 1% came to town.

Hazel was utterly alone.

She spent years look for some way, any way to get herself some respect. Eventually, a little web ad linked her to a site of black rituals. Figuring she had nothing to lose, she pricked her finger late one night, called a blasphemous name in the darkness... and got an answer.

Nagariel offered her a loan of power, but at a high price: her parents' lives, to be paid in twenty-four hours. If she kept up her end of the bargain, the power would be permanent. If not, Nagariel would claim her soul instead.

With trembling fingers, she burned a piece of paper inscribed with a curse circle over her family's water pitcher, and at dinner that night, she sipped a glass of lemonade as she watched her parents drown in their own blood. Strangely, she didn't feel regret, revulsion, or anything of the sort. Magic was a rush, and she wanted more. Nagariel agreed to become the patron of her new coven, and now, she's going to see how well her recruitment efforts pay off.

Magical Specialty: Water and Blood

Special Power: Blood drinker- can drink blood to restore health and youth.

Other: After her parents' deaths, Hazel inherited the family mansion, as well as about 3 million in cash. She intends to use the mansion as her coven's home base.

Shit son! She's terrifying.

Awesome, glad Scott accepted.

Scott reaction to this is, "Well....shit now I can't leave. She killed her own parents." lol
So quick question, will there ever be a time when you plan on the coven to all move in? 'else that giant mansion might just be a tad lonely with only one living in it XD
So quick question, will there ever be a time when you plan on the coven to all move in? 'else that giant mansion might just be a tad lonely with only one living in it XD

Problem with that Scott be like

"Yeah I can't leave my mom alone by herself, and unless you want to deal with her....I am going to pass. Unless you're going to kill me....if you're going to kill me I am entirely enthused to join your mansion"
I feel like Azerael would probably try to just tug you along via invisible hands............
I feel like Azerael would probably try to just tug you along via invisible hands............
Haaahaha. But Scott's mom can't take care of herself is his problem.

"Oh.....invisible hands. I am sure that's the excuse every father must have used when they dodged their responsibility. No I didn't leave you for another woman, someone used magical hands to drag me to a creepy mansion, with freaky nerd girl went revenge psycho"
lmao, just amazing how you can just shape the world around ya. I can barely make logical posts XD
lmao, just amazing how you can just shape the world around ya. I can barely make logical posts XD

What do you mean?

I just know who Scott is, and sorry Daird, I entirely think Hazel scares the shit out of Scott before she was a "bold confident woman". Like she's a freak, be a freak, nothing wrong with being a freak, and then she comes back all I am a bold confident woman. He'd be like, "drugs. could be drugs"
Sad how true that statement is lmao

I just think its always good to throw in a person who doesn't have the same views of everyone else. Creates a dynamic story.
It really does, it also gives a sense of life to them aswell
It really does, it also gives a sense of life to them aswell

Yes I do. Scott like, oh why have I put myself into this situation. This is crazy. This is just nuts. I don't believe in all of this stuff, but I have no explanation for my gifts. Shut up Scott you talkin crazy talk. Scott you might be a schizo like your mom.

Just listen to Hazel Scott, no its like the realistic thing is she's like on drugs or something.....no Scott she might be right.

^lol this is Scott and his normal brain
Is this still open? :D
Sure is!

And yes, I do plan for everyone to move in to the mansion, or at least be offered the opportunity. I'm working on a verbal floor plan as we speak.
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☼ Name ☂
Nikita Kahananui

☼ Gender ☂

☼ Sexuality ☂
Nikita has no preference in gender
and instead looks for specific traits in a mate;
Honesty, Empathy and Stability.

☼ Age ☂

☼ Physical Description ☂
Nikita is an athletic girl standing at 5'8" (usually 5'10" with heels) and weighing 156 lbs. She has long wavy dark brown hair and sharp dark eyebrows. She has a great fashion sense and leans towards wearing black and gold. Her footwear of choice is usually sneaker heels if she isn't doing something active.

☼ Personality ☂
An headstrong young lady, Nikita stands up for who and what she believes in. She has a huge respect for her Hawaiian and Dominican culture and doesn't appreciate comments from ignorant people. She's a fighter and will come to blows if she's insulted or if she sees a friend being bullied. She can have a fierce temper which will get her in trouble most days, but if she reflects later and feels that she has wronged someone, she will apologize. Nikita also has a broad sense of humor and likes to cheer up her friends and family when they are feeling down. She has the tendency to be boisterous and flamboyant and finds it hard to be quiet for too long.

☼ Bio ☂
Magic is not a foreign thing to Nikita's family. Her mother's great grandmother supposedly killed her husband when he cheated on her by summoning a huge wave to capsize his boat. And Nikita's father's sister lives in the woods and sacrifices rabbits to some horned deity. No, Magic isn't a foreign concept, but that doesn't mean it's accepted. Nikita's mother and father both come from families with a history of magic, but they themselves are terrified of the ability. Her maternal ancestors were vicious pirates with the gift of controlling the sea. And her father's ancestors were instigators that wielded powers that could control nature. Fortunately for them, they did not inherit these terrifying gifts, unfortunately for them, Nikita did. She inherited both powers and the forced melded with each other to form a super power; Control of the Wind and Weather.

Despite this, Nikita never revealed her powers to her parents and instead sought secret assistance from her grandmother, who had the power to control the sea. Her grandmother encouraged the girl to show her powers and bend the world to her will, but Nikita feared that her parents would reject her if they found out and she loved them, so she did the only thing, someone in her position could do. She used the powers at school to twist the environment in her favor. When Nikita was about ten years old she was very fat, and her classmates loved to tease and bully her. She didn't have many friends and at the time had no special skills, so she was at the bottom of the social rung. Well, with her grandmother's help she used her powers to...'Correct' her bullies and also with her grandmother's help, she began to exercise, eat better and adopt beauty tips.

By the age of thirteen, Nikita was a fit teenager, the anchor of her track team and near the top of the high school social scene. She had quite a few friends, who didn't know why they liked her so much, just that it was always warm around her and they never had bad hair days.

☼ Magical Specialty ☂
Wind and Weather
The air and weather are yours to wield. Simple, really.
Inherent Power- Weather Manipulation
Need a little more sunshine to brighten your mood, some rain for your flowers, or a small lightning bolt to smite somebody? It's just seconds away! Thunderstorms might take a while, though, and you'll need a circle for full-blown hurricanes and the like.
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She's accepted.

And here's our potential home sweet home!

Built about a hundred years ago, the Harris mansion is three stories of luxury living, recently redone under Hazel's watchful eyes.

The top floor is mostly empty these days, but it does have a large outdoor deck for parties in the summer.

The second floor is devoted to bedrooms. The plan is for everyone to have their own room, but Hazel knows what can happen when you combine teenage hormones with an environment that outright encourages sin.

The first floor is the main living space. A rec room with a big-screen tv and video game systems galore, a large and well-stocked kitchen, and a sizable home gym with indoor pool included.

But it's the basement where things really happen. A storeroom for Hazel's small but growing collection of magical reagents and items, a library where Hazel keeps notes on arcane knowledge, enough chalk to satisfy an artist for a lifetime, and a big open space for those moments when massive circles are called for. In short, a little slice of heaven for any witch.
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