Embers Of A Shinobi Burn Brightly

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Liceus watched the petles fall to the ground harmlessly, they were far enough away that liceus didn't have to dodge. Wilst awaiting Sosuke to make hi's next move, he jotted down a seal on the ground beneath him. Camouflaging it with brown ink against the dirt. Liceus smiled as he moved furter away hopeing to draw soskuke into the trap he'd just laid, however he owuldnt let on what he'd just placed in the dirt.

"So your a fire user like me, a battle of the flame? Well i ant take you seriously so long as youve got that glazed expression." Liceus now began to wonder what those petals would do, he'd know quite a few techniques but this want one he wasn't familiar with. Being a little wary he thought about what he could do. If he wasn't careful his eyes would start glowing again, then his jutsu's might start changeing colour.

Ki points =95
Dodge points: 100
Emiko would only blush as hr conversation ith Sosuke was cut short. She was suddenly placed on Liceus shoulders. She couldn't help but let out another soft squeal. She covered her cherry red cheeks for the rest of the walk. They made it to Bayonetta's homemade feild shortly before Liceus had set her down gently. She watched ptiently and eagerly as the boys began their sparring match. Liceus had informed her a little about what he could do. So she thought that she could pretty much tell when he was being serious or not. Emiko was slightly worried about Sosuke. How would he fair against Liceus' seals without even being able to see them? Sosuke stated that he would be able to see just fine without his eyes though. Emiko wondered if Liceus would use his favored Hikariton technique in this match up. The girl watched quite impatiently as she hummed a soft melody.
Sosuke had expected as much. Lucky for him, he would not need to touch the ground. He had literally just watched Liceus place a seal on the ground. Now that was extremely suspicious seeing as it kind of blended in with the dirt. The flaming petals started blowing about in the wind and started catching fire to things, like the tree Sosuke was in for one and the wind was blowing all types of flames in Liceus' direction much like Sosuke had planned. Though the tree Sosuke was in was burning, it did not fall over or appear to be affected by the fire at all thanks to Bayonetta's amazing design with the overall planning of her training grounds. She was glad that it seemed to be sustaining the damage. Sosuke was too or he'd be falling out of the tree and on to the trap just below him.
So the boy had brain after all. but that jutsu want a trap meant for souske but his jutsu. Twisting his foot on the ground he sprung it. Futon: Rushing gale. A tehnique used purely to redirect small jutsu away from the user, such as a fire ball or what ever these small embers were. His embers might set fire to the wind but then the blaze would be pointer at sosuke himself.

"If you want to plan the guessing game i can too, and to be honest with an analytical mind such as yours you'll probably be over suspicious of my tricks and traps." Liceus smiled with this small victory, he wasnt aiming to show up sosuke but help him improve, and show him that Liceus could hold his own. "When your ready to fight me let me know and i'll stop playing." He spoke in a rather sarcastic and aggogant yet friendly manned to show it was all in good fun.
Sosuke watched as the flaming embers rushed past him. They were his own jutsu and it wasn't like he himself would be harmed by it. Though Liceus' arrogant attitude was really annoying. Sosuke jumped down from the tree no longer caring if there was a trap down there or not. Sosuke was not in the least bit over suspicious and Liceus thought that he could win everything which was certainly not the case. If anything Liceus was creating a lot of shadows, but there would need to be more if he was going to pull of his own jutsu. Sosuke threw a flurry of shuriken and kunai and Liceus all of them were going in several directing some of the kunai were suspended in the air by a parachute. Sosuke charged at Liceus full on though not with out caution of course. Sosuke did not see Liceus as superior in the least and was hoping that Liceus would stop acting as such. He wasn't really looking at Liceus while he was charging but rather at something else that couldn't be identified.

[SPOILI]Ki Points 70
Dodge Points 100[/SPOILI]
Watching sosuke was interesting, this was something that he'd taken to enjoying watching sosuke did he thing he held the upper hand? Well it would be interesting to see exactly what he thought.

"Well kunai and, shurikens will only get you so far."
Reaching around to his back, he pulled out a single kunai defelecting the other swith ease before wrapping a explosive tag around the base of it, low power high smoke variant. Throwing it into the ground infront of him the smoke screen would maske liceus movements whilst he place down another, seal this one easily visible in bright white ink, however this one 's content would be as dubious as the hidden one. taking a half step acak he waited for sosuke to step on the seal if he did he'd show him why it was a white seal.

Dodge: 100
The seal contains. Hikariton: Ray prison. A simple jutsu used to capture other ninja, no other ill effects are caused when caught but the cage is resistant to most jutsu.
Cypher remembered the reward money he got for 'helping' in the mission. He still had the pouch. He checked how much he had. More money than he had ever seen in his life was in the bag even though it wasn't that much at all and he knew. If he had seen good money he wouldn't have been living in such a slum of an apartment.
He took in the underlying smell from the perfume Miho was wearing. It was a sweet aroma presumably some flower or nice plant extract. Roses or lilies maybe. He didn't really know but he didn't care. She made him incredibly happy and he was nearly certain he madder her happy too.

Cyph decided that there was more than enough money for a few bowls of ramen or something. It wasn't fancy food.. But he couldn't afford tasty sushi and wasabi and finer soy. Cyph basically had to live off of ramen and he didn't really like it.
He let Miho rest. As tired as he was Cyph knew that Miho was just as tired.
Hotaru had been lost in her mind after she had announced her want for joining the Chuunin exams, feeling through the crevices of her mind to places she hadn't explored in quite some time. She would have had a blank stare on her face if anyone were to look at her, her eyes dull with a grieving hate.

Her thoughts were brought back to reality when one of her new teammates spoke up, appearing by her side. She looked over to Hikaru who had a determined look on her face. She blinked at her, wondering why exactly she had suddenly felt the need to be by her side when she hadn't even met her before astounded Hotaru. She blinked in confusion at her, and looked down to her hand as she made a reach for hers. She wanted to pull away, nervous about the sudden contact. Hotaru's dark eyes moved to the other girl, Nayuki, who had moved beside Hikaru with the same determined face as Hikaru.

As she was being pulled away from her standing position, Hotaru caught a glance of surprise on Nayuki's face as she looked down at their hands. Hotaru followed Hikaru, mostly unwillingly and wanted to take her hand back to herself, but nonetheless she followed Hikaru as she followed their sensei. She felt bad for him, it was different having an all girl team with a female sensei, but for a male sensei...that was going to be difficult for him...

Once they stopped in the training grounds, Hotaru looked around, trees surrounded the area giving a good opportunity for practicing Konoha's jutsus...but she needed somewhere she could practice Kiri's jutsus....a lake or somewhere she could be around a lot of water. She looked to Genken as he spoke, saying that the best thing they should do is train for a bit then get some rest. Hotaru had decided what she would do, she would practice with her teammates and then when they left to rest, she would find a lake to practice her Mist jutsu.

Mizari had slowly made his way to the gravesite, thinking of things to say to his young student. He hated when others had to lose someone they cared about, especially at such a young age. He rounded a corner and the gravesite appeared before him. He could see Hana's body in a lump in front of Kiro's grave and began to walk towards her. When he reached her, he stood beside her, offering a few moments of respect and to allow Hana to get used to him.

"Hana..." he began, kneeling down so he was closer to her, "My name is Mizari Tousen, I will be your new sensei from now on. I understand how it feels to lose someone you care about, I have lost many friends to many different reasons, but all have one thing in common; the hurt of their loss." he said quietly, carefully placing a hand of comfort on her back, "Please talk to me when you feel like it. As a sensei it is not only my duty to train you to become powerful ninja, but also to help you get through the challenges of life. I'm here for when you need me." he said, staying there for a few moments before standing up again to leave her in peace.

"Please get some rest, tomorrow we are to report to the Hokage's office for our new missions." he said, bowing to her before he turned to leave.
Sosuke does not blindly step forward, but he does however step on the seal and intentionally so. He does not do much not really expecting what is to come out of it. He was tip toeing around and he was still staring and an unidentifiable object. Sosuke still had not said anything about it and Liceus had spread the kunai and shuriken around as planned. Soon Liceus would find himself in an odd spot. Though Sosuke would wait until everything was in place. He still had a few more things that needed to be set up amongst the battle grounds. He yawned still tired, but that was Sosuke as usual. However, one must not mistake the yawn to be one of boredom. Sosuke takes the trap full on. It's risky, but he doubted that it would be anything that could harm him just yet, though even if it was going to harm him it wouldn't matter. He says nothing and watched the seal carefully.

Bayonetta scribbles down several notes and watches the match intently. There was a lot going on and Sosuke was taking almost every attack full on. It was strange, but it was almost like Sosuke was planning something big, but not even Bayonetta was sure what it was. She then saw the thing Sosuke was staring at and smiled. It was clever of him and she was sure that it would be quite a surprise when everything was set up. However Sosuke had to hope that this seal wasn't harmful. There was no telling would that could and he was taking a huge risk by willingly stepping on it. Then again he really wasn't. Liceus had yet to show a jutsu that truly harmed anything and that was making things a little difficult.

Miho wakes up next to Cypher and blushes. She is slightly embarassed that she truly fell asleep next to Cypher. She wonders if he was tired himself. She smiles at him and blushes even more when she sees his arm around her and she hugs him by the waist, cuddling him.

Hana looks up at her new sensei. She nodded at his words and followed him. She couldn't mourn over Kiro forever, but she was still hurt by the loss. She wondered if Kiro was looking at her down from above. There was a possibility that wherever Kiro was, she was looking upon Hana and egging her on to get stronger. At the thought Hana smiled and suddenly turned around abrubtly to go home. She was tired and decided that Mizari sensei was right and that she should get some rest. The sun was setting which meant it would get dark soon. She wondered what everyone else was doing at this time.

Genken sensei looked at Hotaru.
"Well since you are the only one here at the moment. How about we work on a new jutsu? You can come at me with whatever you like and I'll tell you what need to be improved and how you can fix so it will be at absolute perfection during Chuunin exams. How does that sound?"
Genken asked his student smiling through the mask that always covered his entire face.
(OOC: fuck yeah! Papercraft)
"Miho!" cypher grinned. "sooo...uhhh... I decided I wanna get you dinner but... Uhh I dunno if I can afford it. I know I have the reward and stuffs but uhhh... I need that to not starve... I errrrmm guess...I'm really super sorry."
Cypher played with his hair a bit while waiting for Miho to stop fantasising and blushing.
"and uhh you fell asleep..."
Liceus smiled almost with a wolfish grin.

"You've sprung my trap"
within seconds the light cage snapped closed around sosuke holding him in place, the bars of light would prevent any attempt to break free. Smiling liceus looked around him at all the kunai and shuriken. So sosuke was planning a trap of his own, how foolishly he'd stepped into liceus' own. Jumping out of the core of the kunai and shuriken liceus now crouched up in a tree. "Y'know i dont use light jutsu on just anyone. And i use my eals with different coloured inks to confuse my opponents. for example the first one you dodge was earth colour but housed a wind jutsu, the one you just stepped on was white and used a Light jutsu, however that might have been a wind jutsu for all you knew. " Smiling at his handiwork of having captured the teams strategist so easily. Light jutsu was hard to escape due to it's resistance to all elements. Right now liceus had more or less won unless sosuke could break free of the cage.
Sosuke was smiling at his own victory. Seeing as the jutsu had been merely a cage and not harmful in the least. Sosuke had been staring at his clone the entire time or rather his clone had been staring at him. The clone inside the cage merely turned to ash and Sosuke was waiting for the opprotunity strike and it was partly now, though his own trap had not been completed yet, but it was almost done.

"Shadow imitation jutsu!"

Sosuke now knew how the seals worked and on top of that, the kunai and shuriken that had been flung around gave Sosuke great distance on his own shadow and now Liceus was sitting in the shade of a tree. No matter how many times Liceus jumped back he would create a shadow. He'd have to dodge it for not even shadow clones would be a match when there were so many shadows laid out on the ground.

[SPOILI]How this all worked:
I mentioned in one of my previous posts that Sosuke had been staring at an unidentifiable object. I did this so that it would be hard to guess what even I was thinking. Seeing as Sosuke knew that Liceus' were often times placed on the ground I had Sosuke create a clone to step on the trap while he watched among the sidelines seeing what would happen. Sosuke was never on the ground, but on a flat surface that wasn't on the ground. Given the fact that Liceus is currently in a tree he is in a shadow. Also I deducted 5 in one of my previous points. This was when I first mentioned the unidentifiable object and Liceus went to block all of the shuriken and kunai, spreading them out giving Sosuke's shadow more distance and the same with air distance because there is also a kunai that I mentioned hanging from a parachute. Thus Sosuke only spent 5 ki points and was able to avoid capture. Shadow Imitation Jutsu costs 15 to dodge otherwise Liceus is pretty much captured because there is no where to run. Seeing as there are multiple shadows being casted not even shadow clones would work.
Ki Points: 65
Dodge Points 100[/SPOILI]
Liceus smiled. Shadow techniques how quaint.

"Sosuke, shadows cannot exist where light lingers." Sosuke was right in the middle of the failing of his own folly, the light cage was just that, and it was emitting a powerful light, making the shadows of the kunai and shuriken much smaller, whilst pushing the trees shadow into non existance. "Hikariton: Solar flash." Liceus used antoehr technique he'd used once before in the training field to make the techniqu of sosukes utterly useless for a few moments. the blinding flash not only eliminated his, and the trees shadow fora few seconds. But it also allowed Liceus to make a quick escaps heading to sit atop the cage of light he'd mad, annihilating any shadow he cast on the ground.

How this works, the ligh jutsu is able to well act as a light souce obliterating any shadow cast as the light emits around the user. Solar flash is a technique which requires no hand seals or a seal on the ground for it to work it's flash lasts for tenseconds ample timing tto get from the tree to the top of a light prioduceing cage.

Ki= 75
A wave of soft radiant joy overcame Hikaru, as gentle as the sun rays smiling upon the dew blanketed grass that reached out to meet it. Although he could see the nervousness in his team mate's eye as he took her hand, Hikaru was far too happy to care. In triumph, he held a brilliant smile across his face that showed his optimism. Finally, he'd get to meet new people, make new bonds and have a new comrade but not only that, Nayuki was with him.
As he approached the training grounds, with a wide grin upon his cute face he let go of Hotaru's hand, then to avert his vision to lay eyes on Nayuki who gave him a quick nod with a smile on her face. Sensei then began to speak to only Hotaru, forgetting to acknowledge that either Nayuki or Hikaru were there. Hikaru couldn't help but wonder if the man chose to ignore them, heh oh well.
Shrugging it off, Hikaru observed the surrounding scenery. The area was surrounded by a forest of lush green trees with lurking shadows that fled from the sun's bright gaze.

"Sensei, favouritism is frowned upon and were not here for fun and games. Before even thinking of a mission or jutsu wouldn't it be wise to get to know each other? We are working as a team from now on. It's good to know each other's strength and weakness. The chunin exams are important but no less knowing how to work with team mates when the time is needed and how to play off of them. This will allow you to analyse how to train us properly as well as allow us to build relationships as well as combine our skills for tactical advantage. As much as I'd appreciate to learn a jutsu. First thing is first." Hikaru protested.

It'd be no use training if the sensei doesn't know how to train them…fighting style is always important, knowing what limitations a person has.


Sharing Hikaru's enthusiasm, Nayuki followed along quietly behind her boyfriend and the strange new girl whom she couldn't help but wonder what she was like. As the approached the field, Nayuki looked at the surrounding area with great joy as a soft breeze touched her face and the leaves of the luscious green trees swayed softly in the wind.

However, having been completely distracted, quite foolishly – Nayuki tripped. Moaning in protest as she got up again, to be completely oblivious of what happened and turned her attention back to the nature. The sight would have been much similar to a child that tripped over and started crying that had then been given a lollipop and forgotten that they had even hurt.

Completely ignoring Hikaru's speech Nayuki starred off blissfully into the distance.

Sosuke did not hesistate to run towards the water. There was no such thing as waterproof ink. He felt stupid for not thinking about it earlier. However, this meant that Sosuke could not use his Shadow Imitation Jutsu. and would have to rely strictly on his taijutsu. Perhaps he would be able to pull out some taijutsu that Liceus had not yet seen before. Sosuke felt this fight was dragging on way too long. Soon he would need to replenish his chakra and he'd be open to an attack. He hoped that he would not need to do any such things.

Bayonetta watched the spar with her interest fading. There was something wrong about this match. It seemed unbalanced and and Sosuke seemed to have a disadvantage everywhere. On top of that it seemed as though Liceus' jutsus have no weakness. And even if they were to fight on water Bayonetta was sure Liceus had some cheap trick or explanation about how his seals could sustain themselves on water. If that was the case, she would simply step down and decide a winner based on Chuunin Exam standards.

Miho just smiled at Cypher.
"It doesn't matter. We can do something else. Come on, I want to show you something." Miho said getting up.
She was going to take him to the lake and show him the stars that reflected on it. To her, there was no view more beautiful than that and it reminded her of Yuuso. It reminded her of the times when they were inseperable. In the Sound Village, they were all each other had, but somewhere in a twisted type of reality their relationship had shattered right before her eyes. Now she hated him and he hated her. All for something that Miho had no control over.

Genken looked over at Hikaru.
"I do not have a favorite student Hikaru. And as I recall I asked her to develop her own jutsu. Would that also show me what she is capable of. I can not teach any of you new jutsu only improve what skills and talents you each have. However, I find it insulting that you should call me out on such a thing when you have a girlfriend on this team. But if you prefer it, I can arrange a friendly sparring match of the sorts."
"Finally" Liceus was quite happy to see that sosuke had figured out a surface that Lice could not draw on. Still in taijutsu Lice had his own skills too, that and lice also had more skills in his scrolls should he need an instant burst. Leaping over and dispelling the cage of light it's purpose served, lice leapt onto the water opposite sosuke. Lice folded his arms and with a smile. "It's good to see your now thinking. Perhaps your finally ready to take me seriously?" Liceus smiled. Switching his positioning into a fighting stance. "A genius, may as wll be a moron if he doesn't work at it." Once again liceus let sosuke make the first move.
"Ok but-but I'm errmmmmm... really-really tired.. I didn't even sleep last night...cuz ummmm I had really bad nightmares again... Like two nights before" Cypher sighed and yawned and delicately grabbed Miho's hand. He let her lead him to the place. He felt bad he couldn't buy her anything, he wondered whether she had parents or not but he didn't wanna ask.
Emiko sat watching quietly. She studied both fighting styles in her head. She had wanted to see Sosuke in action for a while now (though she wouldn't admit it) but not this way. The way this fight was going on Sosuke wouldn't be able to show what he could truly do. Emiko was positive that Sosuke had more up his arsenal than this and was slightly saddened at the fact that she might have to wait until the chunnin exams until she was able to see what he could really do. Liceus's performance on the other hand was expected even from the little info she was told at the ramen shop. She sat in the grass with her legs crossed as she watched the two move onto the water. It would be a fist fight from here on out. Hopefully the victor would be decided soon because it seemed as though Bayonetta was getting bored too. Emiko pondered her brain, wondering what the new girls limits were. But alas, Emiko was much to afraid to say anything to her.
Hotaru had stood quietly, watching the others as their discussion furthered. She felt a bit awkward, being the subject of debate, but stayed quiet until Genken had finished. She hoped this wouldn't be a common topic, she didn't like being subject of topic. She turned to look at Hikaru and Nayuki when Genken had said they were girlfriends, her cheeks blushing slightly as she looked to the dirt. Now she felt even more awkward.

Not that she had anything against gay or lesbian couples, but first with being an all girl team, and now two of the girls were in a relationship together?! What more could happen? She sighed, looking towards the forest and spotting a lake deep within it. That would be where she would practice later tonight by herself.

She turned back to the others, feeling a sudden bubble of bravery. "I could spar." she said, her voice quiet compared to her sensei's. She hadn't yet shown anyone her potential, and was still a bit nervous to as it would give away her origins and from what she knew, only the Hokage knew where she was from before and she wanted to keep it that way. At least until the Chuunin exams.

Mizari walked down the path leading to where he had told his students to meet up for the afternoon, he didn't expect Hana to show up, she needed more rest than the other two after all. He leaned against a tree, sighing and looking up to see speckles of light blue sky and sun shining through the branches of the many trees that surrounded Konoha. He closed his eyes and allowed the sun's heat to warm his face as he waited for Matashi and Shuisuzen.

As the sensei replied to Hikaru's protest, a wave of disbelief came over Hikaru. Couldn't this sensei hear himself? he was reflecting quite clearly the they in fact did need to get to know each other before working together as a team. In terms of Nayuki, it was true that Hikaru was glad to have her on the team but sneered when he mentioned her within this context. "You know what sensei? by saying that you have just proved my point." turning toward Hotaru and politely Hikaru bowed toward her "I apologize, you will have to fight with Nayuki today. I have had enough of adults thinking they know it all."

As he walked away from the training ground he turned to look toward Nayuki for a moment. For the first time in a long time, he felt the heavy burden of anger as he could feel his heart cry out to whatever living being might hear him.

Having woken up from her dream state, Nayuki had hear what sensei replied to Hikaru with a heavy heart as she watched her boyfriend leave. Looking up at her sensei with a worried look then back toward her boyfriend. Nayuki didn't like conflict...but in order for this to be resolved she'd probably have to step in. Holding her hands to her chest, Nayuki watched Hikaru vanish into the distance.

"I don't mean to be rude Sensei...but that was mean. Hikaru has nothing." averting her sad eyes back to her sensei she looked up to him "His father and family were killed as the protected this village and his mother is slowly dying.... slowly forgetting her little boy more and more every day as he strives to keep her alive, give her food, water... but this also means he can't make any friends because he's always so busy caring for his mother. Hikaru thought by being a shinobi he could gain something, a family other than me. I don't like to admit it, Sensei.... But... he i'm the only person he has." she spoke softly for the first time. It really did go to show that they might want to get to know each other a little first...

Hikaru, I'm here. Please don't cry...
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