Elemental Knights

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Ingavar shot his head to the side trying to escape the blinding light, he blinked a couple of times trying to get his sight back. He shook his head alittle as well before he could see clearly, "Please be more careful next time." He said to the light dragon before he too began flapping his wings, it only took him two strokkes of his wings before he was airborne. He took his place beteween Inurian and Tes. He still couldn't believe that they were finally setting off, it felt almost like a dream.
Littin Bocom had been listening and watching to all that had gone on, there was no reason for him to say anything. Being reserved as he was it was only common place he would act this way. When Anadi had come into view Littin wasn't too surprised by her human form, as most of the people in his town stayed that way. The thing that surprised him the most was the light she gave off, it was something he never even imagined. He would like to ask her one day soon why she glowed so, but it would have to wait.

Thesarian and Inurian's little conflict was the begining of a very big problem, working as a team. Since there fight was physical and not just verbal he was able to read how each was feeling. It was not good that they thought so narrowly and not widen their perspectives of each other. Even though they were brought here to become the guardians of Anadi, it didn't solve the problem that they knew almost nothing about each other. Maybe as they traveled they would be able to learn much more about each other.

When some of the dragons left to get supplies he had sat down to meditate and make sure he was mentally prepared for this journey. Since he only wore his shorts and necklace there was nothing for him to get. He knew not to get attached to Anadi but he had to keep her happy in any way. She might like the sculptures he could create using ice, but otherwise he did not know what he would do.

Once everyone was ready he got up and watched with excitement. Seeing everyone's dragon form was a very big surprise. Even though his elder had told him that was how everyone would travel at some point, he couldn't wait to see it for himself. However he was not going to turn into his dragon form, he grew up with needing to conserve space and learn to survive without the dragon form. Plus his dragon form was much more complicated than simply growing much larger and putting on scales. Littin finally used his magic to lift the water that surrounded his body and bring him to the height of the other dragons in the air.

"I wonder if anyone will be upset that I didn't show my true self?" he murmered to no one, voicing his thoughts like he normally did.

(You guys needed a new water dragon from what Lawkheart said, so here I am. :) I also posted my character template on the other thread if you would like to read it.)
She'd been summoned earlier, arriving in time to hear the parting speech. She'd arrived later than the rest and thus hung around the back, remaining quiet. It came as no surprise to her that even now, as they were shifting forms and preparing to leave, she'd gone unnoticed. Sky colored eyes continously slid from one form to the next, drinking in the conflict and other interactions as well as the transforming bodies.
The light faded with the setting of the sun - and the quash of Inu's flames, but it didn't bother her much. She didn't see in the dark, per se, but each form was visible to her - a movement of air around the object. She had a keen sense of living and non living. Tension still rippled in the air between the fire dragon and the dark dragon - a tangible thing, it seemed, to her.
As Inu beat his large wings to gain altitude, she closed her eyes and sighed faintly. Concentrating, she silently shifted the air about her....sending it to aid the large fire dragon in his endeavor. Perhaps it felt like a quiet stirring of wind to him, considering how much he was kicking up. She tried to control how much he kicked up as well, funnelling it close to him so that it wouldn't disturb the others. When he finally made it airborne, she relaxed her concentration some.
As each dragon transformed and took to the air, she assisted with a gentle gust of wind. As such, she was the last to change - waiting until they were properly bouyed by the air and she could relax her concentration some. She waited until she was no longer blinded by the flare of light from Naku, using that time to recover a bit of her energy.
Transformation always took more concentration than she liked - it meant that she could not concentrate on other things. It was less flashy than most transformations - certainly much less so than the fire dragon's. A shimmer of her body, a soft gust of wind and there she was. Her blue scales would have glimmered if there'd been light. She was smaller than most of the dragons - small even for her own kind. Sleek and sinewy, low to the ground. Tufts of white dappled her body behind the ears, the tail and on her legs near the paws. Like Naku, she had no wings. She had no need of them, her ability to draw the wind around her to support her rending the growth of them useless. She looked much like a serpent or a ferret. Claws scrabbled against the ground as she moved, the hiss of her scales against the stone letting everyone know she was there. But, she took to the air much easier than most as well - no fanfare there, either. A simple lift of her body, a thrust of hind legs that were stronger than they looked and there she was, suspended and ready.
Ingavar took liberty being first on point his body was sleek enough to cut through the wind with ease while reducing the resistance for the others behind him, "We can take turns on point, after awhile one of you will switch with me and I'll drop to the back of the group just remember to stay in front of Naku at all times. We'll stop at dawn for rest then resume again that afternoon." He already knew one of them was going object to this, probably Inurian or Tes. Naku he didn't know about she seemed a bit prideful to him like she would perfer being the one out in front, but since she was the one who Aandi was going to be riding she really couldn't object.
Littin wondered how he would take point when it came to his turn. He also hoped that no one would try to talk to him until they were walking, or at least in a less noisy environment. It's not that he didn't want to turn into his dragon form but it was much easier for him to just control the water around him like this. He stayed more in the back to give himself a little more time to think of a way to do it. It shouldn't be too hard, he could just use ice or something to cut through the wind. This group seemed a little odd, yet having so many elements could be a good thing. Hopefully he could be one of the calm ones that kept this team together if anything went wrong.
Tes took the right side of Naku, waiting for the group to get moving. Once they were finally on their way on the journey, he allowed himself to think. Being around so many different elements brought many questions to mind, and now he knew he could have research to do. Once big thing he wondered was how they could feel for the human. He didn't feel anything thinking about her. He didn't feel sadness knowing she would die, nor happiness with her purity. It was perplexing. He looked at Anadi for about thirty seconds before facing forward once more.
Since there seemed to be no real plan as to who went where, she remained near the back. The position made it easier for her to 'carry' everyone, calling the air to bouy them even in flight. It would exhaust her some, but she could live with that, especially knowing it would help. Though she couldn't really see, she did note the difference in Litin's shape. She wasn't entirely sure how to assist with his movement, or if she really needed to since he called water to his aide. She reached out with her mind - her voice in his ear, as if the wind itself spoke to him.

"Do you need help?"

She cared little for what form he cared to keep himself in. Or anyone else, for that matter. Drifting closer to him, she tilted her head a bit to slant an eye in his direction.
Anadi got comfortable on Naku, holding her bag close and leaning down, so the wind would not knock off her hood. She listened to everyone and felt a sadness settle in her heart. She knew most of them did not like her. They maybe tolerated her but thats about it. She sighed and rested her head on Naku's neck. She held onto Naku so she wouldn't fall and began to think about what she was taught. She began to murmer in an ancient language and the clouds became thick underneath them to hide them even more. Her eyes glowed as she did this and they looked blank. She had to focus complete to do this. A protective warmth covered them all and she closed her eyes.
Littin looked to the wind dragon and nodded no. "Thank you anyway! I am able to move with this water just as fast, I just wonder how I'll fare when in the front." he somewhat yelled not knowing how much she could actually hear. When the clouds became thick underneath them Littin wondered why he had not thought of that before. He knew Anadi had done this because he could sense who was controlling water besides himself, that was really only useful around other water dragons though. He wondered how long it would be until Ingavar would fall back and the next dragon would go to the front.
His answer was easily accepted. After all, it wasn't necessary for her to help everyone if it wasn't wanted or needed. She angled her body a little, drifting away from him - more accurately, gliding away. Her serpentine body sliced through the air in a side wind, similar to a water snake. Once again, she focused her attention on those before her - particularly the large fire dragon and Naku, who held the human girl.

At this point, she had little feelings for her companions. Empathy was readily available, but she wasn't close to any of them. She felt for the human girl and the choices that lay ahead of her - ahead of them all, really. She hoped the fire dragon wouldn't be a problem when the time came. It was a terrible thing to sacrifice a life, but if that life could save many more...

But, it was a debate best saved for later. Her opinion on the matter might change with time and getting to know the others. However, she had no intentions of standing in the girl's way, regardless of the choices made. It was her job to protect the fragile human and that's just what she'd do - even if it meant her own life. It would all be for the greater good, that much had been assured and drilled into her. She was prepared as much as she could be...physically, mentally and emotionally. She had not intentions of getting close to any of her companions emotionally.
Tes eventually switched out, taking the lead and leading the group easily. He had the best eye-sight in their dark surrounding, so it wasn't hard to lead them. He searched around the ground to make sure that no one was watching them. A large group of dragons would obviously be protecting something, and they didn't need anyone following them into the first town.

Once dawn broke on the horizon, Tes had circled around to the back. The others were blocking him from the light so he could still see fairly well. Soon the first town came into sight.
"We should land in the trees so we can change into our human forms and avoid suspicion.
Inurian blew a plume of smoke from his nose.

Easy for him to say. He's so tiny...

"I will do my best to find you all after I transform. I don't want to be catching the forest on fire." he rumbled before he turned away.

The group was instantly harder to spot with his enormous mass out of the way. Inurian cast a glance back at the girl, making sure she was still ok before diving down into a valley. He realized that there were some nice cattle out in the field, unmanned. His stomach got the best of him as he gathered a spot of fire in his chest. It was time to eat.

Tes flew down with the rest of the group, going into the shade immediately. He face away from the group as he fastened his cloak completely shut and pulled his hood up to cover most of his face. Once his hood was up he looked at the others.
"If it's all the same to you, I would prefer to stay in the trees. The town will be too bright. You should all go in and get a couple rooms at an inn while we have the chance, I can stay out here and make sure no one suspicious gets too close," he said, looking in the direction Inurian landed. Out of a dark shadow and shadow bird emerged, flying over and perching on his arm. It looked like a pitch black crow, and if the others hadn't have known any better, they might mistake it for a real bird.

Soon the bird flew off, going to the valley where Inurian was. It squawked loudly at him, getting his attention.
Anadi watched everyone disperse and then when they landed and sighed as she climbed off. She had begun to lighten in her features, her hair a light brown. and her eyes a hazel gold. She sighed and pulled the hood over her head more. She watched the crow fly away and then looked as the others transformed into their human forms. She hid her bag well and also hid her neck and eyes. Her eyes would give them away, no one had gold eyes only those with magic within and most were dead or at the tree imprisoned for sacrifice.
Nakuinna's standard flash of light was quick as usual when she returned to her human form, amber and gold eyes squinted against the bright morning sunlight. No one ever said light elementals enjoyed the light. She stepped away from the group and examined the map, her posture stiff and face serious as she located their current position.

((... Actually, Naku has quite gold eyes, and she wasn't sacrificed to the tree :D))
(Yeah, but Naku has also been at the compound with the rest of them.)

The bird came back after alerting Inurian to their whereabouts. It disintegrated into the shadow it came from. Tes sat down under a tree that would provide enough shade throughout the day. He sat with his legs crossed and pulled a book out of his bag, reading up on all the different elements.
Littin followed everyone back to the ground and watched them turn back to human form, he was glad he already was in his human form. That would be another perk to not transforming, it would take less time to do anything when he got to the ground. He listened to the conversation about the inn and wondered if he should or shouldn't get a room. He wasn't too tired but it couldn't help, maybe he would just find a source of water to do some swimming.
As always, she lingered behind...shifting the wind around everyone to ease their landings. Everyone except Inurian, but that's only because he'd parted from the group. She slithered gracefully to the ground, landing with only a light 'poof' of dust from the ground. Her tail swished from side to side briefly, casting up more dust which was quickly dispersed without much thought. Huffing slightly, she sidled away from the crowd to transform. As before, it was done with little fanfare or show...and probably not even noticed.
Sky blue eyes peered at Anandi, taking stock of the girl once more as they milled about making a decision. Pushing wisps of hair from her face, she looked at each of them in turn.
"I am not tired, I can help keep watch or gather information." She volunteered. Her voice was quiet, velvet...like a whisper of wind against one's ear, much like Littin had heard in his head when she spoke before, only this time, she'd actually been vocal rather than thought-speaking. "But, I think, perhaps a room for Anandi might be a good idea. Travel can be difficult for humans, if I remember correctly."
Granted, her knowledge of humans was...well, limited.
Inurian licked his claws clean. The innards of the cattle he'd just devoured still dripping from the tips. This was how he'd become so large. His appetite was unquenchable. Once cleaned, he shifted back into his human form, his horns heavy on his head. Easily, he slipped his cloak over those atrocities and began walking back. He did not realize until he looked down at himself how messy he'd been with his meal. He huffed, but continued his gait towards the rest, following the messenger bird to the center of the camp.

Inurian returned in time to overhear the little squabble they had over to buy a room or not. He stood back and listened. To his own embarrassment, he did not know if humans needed a place to stay or not. He had not even considered the idea, if the shame of unknowing wasn't enough. But why cry over spilled milk? Inurian slunk his way to Anadi and pulled her to him, making sure she kept warm while they clucked, while still cautious of the blood stains on his front. He looked down at her, trying to seem as harmless as possible.

"Between you and I, what would you want?" Inurian asked, low enough to ensure that she was one of the only ones who heard him.
Anadi listened to everyone and opened her mouth to say something but she closed it when they continued talking. She sighed and hugged herself shivering lightly. She was surprised when she felt someone hug her and warm her up. She looked up at Inurian and thought a moment about what he asked. "I wouldn't mind staying out of town, but I want to see town," she said softly looking at the ground. She sighed though feeling warm with Inurian's arm around her.