
Alyssa folded her arms and sighed. "You're right, she replied, and fell into step next to him. "I'll go with you. It's high time we found out if there's anything else out there.....anything worth living for anymore. Besides, there's still some strength in numbers, don't you think?" She almost smiled, it felt good to have a plan, no matter how dangerous it may be it was better than sitting around doing nothing and merely waiting for death. Her mind began to formulate what supplies they might manage to bring and who might be strong enough to go with them. She dared not think of what they might find, as he said it was best not to hope. "My name's Alyssa by the way." She said, holding out her hand in the old way of greeting.
Alex awoke from his restless sleep and poked his head out of his door, almost hoping to see some change in the outside, but to his dismay, the depression remained. He scanned his eyes to the broken porch across the way and noticed the girl standing there with the note in her hands. She was looking at it rather strangely, as if she didn't understand what it meant. He hesitated, then started over to where she stood. The grey light once again illuminating the beauty from her skin, the little bit he could see on her face. It was porcelain smooth, not a blemish in sight,she was so utterly "...Perfect..." he thought to himself.
Andrea was startled by the sound of someone coming up to her, twisting on her heels to lash her arms out with a yalp of uncertainty.
"Who's there?!" she called, blinking back her fear as she noticed Alex. "Guy.... from before..." She looked at the note, then back at him.

"you left this?"
"I don't shake hands girl you can see I'm unarmed and in this world being polite dont count for much. If your coming with I can't take care of you you gotta get your own stuff gather -"

A shot rang out and the old lady who served me my meals well her head exploded I hear the footsteps, heavy and fast approaching. Probably three guys. I dive for cover behind a tree and crouch. No time to take in how the others are reacting I have to get my things and move on. This place was going to hell anyways. Me two, the two kids don't know their ages, there all kids and this woman looks about 30ish I can't tell anymore. No three armed men that's a lost fight.

They tell something in a language I don't know and I can hear them spreading out people darting back and forth. Most don't make it. I will .
Before Alex can answer her with the friendly smile and warm touch he was planning, a shot rang out followed by several screams. He looked around and saw the three men advancing towards him and the girl, none had spotted the pair yet. Before she could object Alex scooped her up in his arms, (he was strong and she was light), and dashed back to his tent. He began rustling around for the pack under his bed in which he had stored supplies for a time like this. He looked at the girl with pleading eyes.
"Look I know I don't know you and you don't trust me..." He stopped and glanced at the tent door, he heard the three men move closer, "But come with me. I can help you find a better, safer place to be...then I'll be out of your life forever..." He gave her a frantic pleading look, "I can't leave you here like this...Not with them..."
They had been near the cooking tent when the raid began, and Alyssa ducked into it hoping not to be spotted. The old man's rudeness was quickly forgotten as she grabbed her largest knife, not terribly sharp but it would get the job done if anyone came close enough. her living tent was behind this one, and there she kept her ancient pistol, never used. It had belonged to her father and she couldn't bring herself to throw it away . It wasn't much use to her here though. She cursed quietly, watching her trembling hands.
Andrea kicked and flailed as she was suddenly picked up by the man and dragged to his tent. She had seen this before; a woman getting taken away for all the wrong reasons. Terrifying howls of pain and torture echoing through her mind as she recalled the couple times she had witnessed it.

"No!" She shouted as he started looking through his belongings, confused as to why he had not stripped her down and slit her throat already. "no..." Her green eyes had become more curious than scared, tilting her head to view his hands as they rustled through things. The men outiside were worse than him, they had guns, this man did not.

"run? hide in a safe place?" Her head turned to peek out the front of the tent, recoiling when she heard a bullet recochet of a nearbye metal sign. "Yes!"
Alex smiled to himself and reached out a hand towards her, willing her to take it. When she did, (nervously), he pulled her behind him and out the back door of the tent. There was a steep hill behind his tent that lead out into the grey nothingness beyond. With one last look at the mayhem that was slowly overtaking the home they had both known so long, they took off into their future.
I gathered a few things from my tent and placed them in a pack tossing it over my shoulder. I don't know where the girl went but the hill behind will at least provide some cover. A place to regroup and figure out what's going on.

I see Alex and some girl run off in that direction. A few more gun shots and I head off in their direction.
With frantic steps, Andrea was pulled behind her new aquaintance, stumbling and tripping over her feet whenever he moved too quickly for her to keep up.

"My things!" She called out, turning her head to look back at the dangers they had left behind. As she moved, her hood fell down to her shoulders, revealing her messy head of brown hair and small rounded ears. "I need my things!"

With one surprisingly strong pull of her arm, she was free of Alex's hold, turning back around and desperately trying to make her way back to the broken porch and her home underneath. She knocks into man that was following behind. He was the man from earlier, the man who had been sitting by her home before.

Andrea scrambled to her feet and tried to pass him.
" ah shit kid, if your going back you'll need help. Now kneel down and be quiet. Tell your boyfriend to stay behind too many people too much attention. " I kneel down try to see if anyone's starting to make routine paces. It's a two man cycle.

" I haven't met you, I'm Nathan. This was home for awhile now it's gone like everything else. Where's your tent?"
Alex loses his grip on the girl's arm and frantically tries to get her back, knowing he could never forgive himself if he lost her. He started to run after her as she tried to get to her things, but was halted by Nathan, the man he had met before. Nathan motioned for Alex to stay back and Alex did as he was told. All he could do was sit and watch as Nathan and the girl ran back into the madness below. He sat in the ash on the ground and tried to keep himself busy as he waited for her return.
"Tent? No!" In her own broken way, Andrea would communicate where they needed to go; grabbing Nathan by the forearm and pointing towards the broken down home. "now!" She chirped, shrill and heavy on the ears as she started running forward. It seemed that she had done this before, sneaking around in pure day, no matter how grey it was in comparison to true daylight.

"Home.." she whimpered, rolling across the ground and crawling toward the hole in the fence.
Not so new to this after all I thought. " it's not home anymore. Better hurry before they see us." I wonder what was so important that shed risk coming back? Kinda interesting a home under a home, clever.
Andrea ignored Nathan completely, sliding into the hole on her belly and scooping as much of her supplies into a burlap sack that she had close by the entrance. "Here!" She yelled at Nathan, hoping that he had followed her in and kept his head low.

"Wait here till baddies go?" Andrea's body was huddled into the corner, clinging to a small wrapped bundle that occasionally wiggled and cooed.

"Found it here almost dead. Can't leave it to dead again"
" not a chance. If we wait they could set up a base and make it harder for us to escape, right now things aren't set up easier to head back to your friend." I took the sack and held it close wondering what was in it. The other one had some kind of animal, no time to think on it. " is there another way out, or do we double back?"
"oh" Andrea seemed to run over the possibilities in her head, wondering if what this new man said was true. "Okay. Running now?" Again, her speech wasn't the best, but she managed.

She Followed Nathan out and held the bundle close to her heavily clothed bosom. It squeeked and cried as she ran, but she ignored it. The thing always cried. Now was not a time for coddling and song, it was time for surviving and running.

Andrea was lucky to run towards the hill as the bad men had their backs turned, though while she turned to watch Nathan run, they seemed to have turned his way and shouted.
Alex sighed in utter relief as he watched her run back to him. He smiled, well attempted to, before grabbing the sack that wasn't squealing at him. He threw it over his shoulder, it was heavier than he expected. He held out his hand once more to her and looked into her shimmering eyes.
"It's all going to be fine....I promise." He squeezed her hand reassuringly and tugged tightly on her arm, begging her to walk away from the place with him. The men with the guns were now rummaging through and around tents, it they waited around any longer the men were sure to find them standing on the hillside.
Alyssa crawled over to her tent, ducking in under the heavy cloth. She saw a few figures a was off, one of them the old man. They were heading towards a hill, and she figured that was probably the way to go. All she really need was the gun, and she found it and tucking in into the back of her pants she grabed a nearby pack, hoping it was useful. Staying low behind the various tents and huts she dodged her way towards the hill, trying to contain her panic long enough to get there. She had seen the ruin that panic could bring, and the cold steel at her lower back helped keep her focused long enough to join the small band of survivors.
Alex looked away from the girl by his side and saw another girl running up the hill toward him and her.(Alyssa)
"Are you coming with us?" He looked her over and decided she could keep up with him and his girl.
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