E.S.N.A (Eradicators of SuperNatural Affairs)

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The Old One waited for Manson to cross the room. All the while reading over surface thoughts, and feelings. Focusing in he dug deeper, at the same time allowing the agent to read his thoughts to a point. Darker thoughts spanning over ages of past events, and as to the reasons Cohan had to be punished. 'You have select information on what is about to occur in this city. Don't you.' Aiming it more towards the fact Manson's deeper thoughts were shielded he with drew completely from the man's mind. Leaving a hint as to his current state, revealing that he himself would not be able to fight a powerful foe for some time. "The task I have for you is outside Agent. I believe them to be worse off then they would let on. They will look after you." The Old One began to move past Manson, and towards the crowd that still stood stunned at the passing of the vampire. He had much work to do as far as returning the organization to what it was meant for. To purge the world of those who would do it harm.


Looking upon the team guilt crept over him. Had he given better orders, none of this would have happened. "Where is Faith?" Asura did not bother to hide the under tone to his voice, as he moved towards the door. He walked backwards eyes locked on Lan. 'What was she even doing out there?' In the past he had always been by her side, and even owed most of his scared body to her. The fact Brendan, Ayaka, and the young girl were still in one piece meant that she had not turned. As their more cowardly, and inept comrade was far more dangerous then what her file showed.
He did his best not to let on that the rib which had made it's way through his right lung was doing the best it could to cripple him. Asura moved closer to the door, which lead to the team's salvation. Once they made it home, and after needed rest they could start once more on the case.

"Don't worry, Nash. I'll be okay." Aya smiled tiredly at him, not really caring what form he chose to be in. She moved closer to Lan before she spoke again, "Lan, I'll take Ruby from you. You did good, just a few scratches on her." Aya said encouragingly as she slid Ruby onto her back, piggy back style. The extra weight was a little more than she expected, but she ignored the groans and protests from her body. She knew that she was in better shape than most of them. Brendan and Lan looked like hell and Asura looked uncomfortable which probably meant that he was hiding away a bad injury.

"I'm sure Faith is nearly here." She said through gritted teeth as more blood escaped her wound. She made her way to Asura, locking eyes with him as she spoke, "There is nothing for you to feel guilty about, okay? No one could have foreseen. . . That happening." She couldn't bring herself to talk about Victoria leaving them. "You did your best and that's what counts. Besides, we are still alive."
Brant's cursory observation gleaned more information than he would have expected, and completed puzzles he had only some of the pieces to, but didn't stick around for long lest he become lost. He nodded his understanding to the Old One I will do what I can. For the moment he didn't seem like he was going to obliterate him, he was pretty sure he still could even in his current state. Brant would trust him for now. He'd go see who it was outside he had to help before trying to track down Victoria's unit and see if anything had happened to them. With a final nod to The Old One, Agent Mason waited for him to go before making his way to the door while pulling out his phone, leaving the murmuring crowd behind.

He didn't pay much attention to it. Soon after he was beyond the magical door Brant picked up the spikes of pain and the draining feeling of wounds and the suction of weariness. Just a few feet away was what appeared to be Victoria's unit, minus Victoria and a couple others. They were in bad shape as he had detected. With them they appeared to have what looked like a civilian. "
Damn!" he swore to himself, he knew something had happened. He moved forward to make himself known. "Agent Asura? Agent Mason. Here let me. I'll get Medical. Damnit!" Brant introduced himself while making his way to the unconscious girl, taking her from the weary arms of the jiangshi and running her into the secret door.

"Wounded units outside, need Medical NOW! Four agents and one civilian, get them in here!" There was only the slightest of shocked pauses before calls were being made and people were springing up and rushing out to bring the others inside to the vehicles coming to drive them to the hospital inside the hidden city, where both magical and mundane means of healing awaited their weary bodies. Mason could wait until they had been treated. He would wait nearby until Asura was well enough to answer some questions.
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Faith was going a little slow, given that she didn't have shoes. She was trying to remember what happened while she was a wolf and why her mouth was filled with blood. The taste of the blood was disturbingly sweet, which told her it was vampire at the least. She tightened the cloak her teammates have her, so that she wasn't flashing everyone when a good gust of win rolled through.
The werewolf life really blowed- she would miss being normal, however she doesn't remember being normal in the first place.
As soon as Nash sensed Brant's presence, he kicked up his human disguise, thinking it might be an intruder of some kind. He'd never met the man before, but by the sound of it, this Agent Mason was an ally, and a devoted one at that. Nash's true name was public knowledge within ESNA, so he could only assume that this newcomer knew it as well. Though his injuries were now invisible to the naked eye, they still stung something fierce. He was lucky that his exaggerated attempts to keep his hands safe meant that he would definitely make it through this ordeal.

Medical officers poured into the parking garage and carted everyone off to ESNA's designated hospital. Nash cooperated fully, sharing his true name with anyone who seemed under the influence of his aura. He spoke in low tones, only acting that way because of protocol and not his personal wishes. If it were up to him, he'd be doing everything he could to unnerve the nurses caring for him to get his strength back up as soon as possible.
The sun poked it's way through the window far across the room. Hitting her head as it laid peacefully on a pillow. As she opened her eyes Victoria was over taken with thoughts of her her life before ESNA. All caused by the sight of what use to be her room growing up. Sitting up in the bed she was sure there was something important that she had forgotten. 'How did I get here?' She ran a hand through her short hair, while looking to the window. Bathed in sun light there were drapes pulled tight that moved in a slight breeze from the ceiling fan above. From time to time light would make its way through the gaps that were made, and across the Oak hardwood floor that covered the room. As they fluttered the walls took on the color of Red, with Gold patterns crossing the walls. 'I'm home? I'm home.....' Victoria let her hand drop as the events of last night came flooding back into her mind. She had been lead away from her team by her sister. Her team that was left to die, and it was on her.

There was a small knock on the door as a single tear began its journey along her face. "Victoria? I do hope that you have begun your day. As there is much to do." The knob began to turn, and as it did Victoria felt her heart sink. The voice itself made her feel sick. This woman who shared her blood talked in such a sweet tone, while the deaths of seven of people close to Victoria were on her hands. "Don't..... Please stay far from me Sepelio." There was a quiet moment before the door was pushed open, and the younger sister walked in. Victoria avoided Sepi's gaze as her eyes began to sting with building tears.

"Tell me why. Why did it have to be you?" She grabbed tightly to the bedding around her as she knew looking at her sister would only result in her enslavement once more.

With movements more likened to dance Sepi moved across the room, and placed herself beside Victoria on the bed.
"What ever could you mean?" She leaned into her sister lovingly while facing away from her.

Letting the silent tears fall, and gritting her teeth as to keep from sobbing aloud.
"How many.... have you killed?"

"Hmmmm... In just the past few months, or altogether?

She said it so as a matter of fact, and with such a gentle tone that it shocked Victoria to the core. The last memory she had of her sister before leaving with ESNA was of such a sweet, and happy child. "..... There.. are more?"

"I would say closer to a few hundred now. Mother, and myself had much work to do after father's death." She shifted her head as to see her sister's reaction.

'A mass murderer. That is what you have become.' She stiffened with the thought, and gripped the sheets tighter. 'I have to do something... I.. After Father's death? Kill her. I knew he was getting older, but do I even want to know how it happened? This may be the only chance you have to make their deaths worth something.' Victoria hung her head. "What do you mean after Father died?" 'Take her now, and use your magic. Make it quick. You are dead ether way.'
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