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That answer seemed to defuse Mike, his tears didn't dry up, he was still worried after all, and sad that Mason was hurt, but at least he didn't seem to blame himself for it! That could have easily led to another breakdown.
"I... Sort of get that... Oh! Okay...".
Mike suddenly decided to give in to his urges and gave Mason a quick hug, lasting at most two seconds before the very red boy pulled back, a smile on his face even as he avoided looking.
"Kay... See you tomorrow Mason! Thanks for bringing my bag and checking on me..."
With that said Mason was free to leave, and when he slept would be Lycan...

The Princess had done something rare indeed, she and Rheya had slipped into town town with far less guards than usual, just Rheya in fact, and were now waiting at a somewhat unpopular inn, the food wasn't bad or anything... It was just out of the way, she had sent a letter to Agni with the location of the meeting though.
The first thing anyone would notice was the bags under her eyes...
The Inn was quiet a bit into town from her home, but it wasn't a terrible place to be for such a meeting. Agni moved through town like any other with a darker figure behind her. The figure seemed unhappy and uncomfortable in the confines of the cities walls. Still he followed without a complaint until they reached the Inn.
Abhi carried a few of her potion books in a satchel while the figurw behind had nothing. Stepping into the dimmer building and moved right for Rheya and the princess, they looked as exhausted as they should. With the amount of work they had to do it wasnt a surprise.
Staying back a bit was Lycan. Keeping a fur cloak close to his body and eyes at the ground. He didnt want to he here but Agni was very persuasive in knowing his home was important. So it wasnt him who greeted them it was Agni, "Sorry for being late, got turned around a bit in the city,"
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"No need to be sorry... We only just arrived... I had... Difficulties last night night, but they have passed and I am more than capable of pulling my weight".
Iliya declared, before turning slightly and smiling at Lycan.
"Thank you for coming... I know now after research that my offer was an insult and I apologise, but I do plan to reward you for any assistance..."
She declared, serious tone blunted somewhat by her usual cheery voice and smile, which was for once a genuine reaction.
"Now... We are just waiting on one more..."
Almost in sync with her words a cloaked figure approached them, all but their eyes hidden from view.
"Oh must you hide like that Zephyr?"
Iliya asked.
"My princess... You know what would happen if my involvement with your plan became public knowledge... Some of us are more trapped than others".
They replied with what sounded like a practiced response.

It was then that Rheya spoke up.
"Now that we are all here... Princess Iliya has asked me to give a briefing of sorts..."
She took a breath And unrolled a map of the lower city.
"The first target was to be a slaver... But that information was not accurate, Zephyr managed to uncover the truth... The one taking the children is a lower gore beast disguised as a slaver in a human form..."
Gore beasts were a scary threat, eight foot tall vaguely humanoid balls of claws, fur and teeth, they fed exclusively on meat... With a love of human children as a treat... Normally it would take a full squad to bring one down... But a lesser beast living in a city would be weak... And as a monster that preyed on humans, it would be weakened further by use of the royal seal.
"It has made a home in these empty buildings..."
She pointed out a place on the map.
"This will limit it's movement greatly".
The empty buildings. Lycan knew those structures well from his time in exile and before he moved to the forest to live. The only shelter there was for a homeless creature. Though the shifter said nothing, and sorta stared at this Zephyr person. Was he really that important that he had to hide? As if a large masked figured was less suspicious than being a normal citizen. The shifters eletric eyes glowed naturally before shifting to Iliya, "I know thise buildings, many homeless live there from creatures to beasts. Theyre open and unfinished in most places from being unfinished," he responded as Agni sat down to listen to the plan of this gore beast.
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Zephyr was unreadable, his face and even body structure hidden by the large, loose cloak, there was the indent of what looked like a spear though, so at least they were armed.
"Not anymore..."
They spoke up.
"The beast has killed or driven away anyone within the vicinity... And... I believe it has caught at least three children..."
There was no point holding back information, this beast was terrible and the needed to know.
"Thank you Zephyr... Now, fighting a gore beast is not easy... They fight wildly, and are stronger than the usual human... They also heal faster than a single blade can cut... My Royal seal should be able to stop it's healing, but using it for that will put me out of the fight completely".
"That is fine as I have a plethera of potions and spells waiting that even Rhrya can use if she wanted. Its simple and explosive that can hinder any creature for a few moments," Agni responded and had taken out her book. A spelling was cloaking how much she had actually been carrying including many jars for breaking.

Lycan didnt say anything as that place was a home to him and he hoped his old friends where safe. Though he kept staring at Zephyr as this distrust boiled in his chest. Mystery was never helpful in battle nor information about himself hidden. Though he didnt havemt mucb of a reason to counteract it, so distrustful staring will have to do.
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"Good... That will be a huge help, even weakened and without it's regeneration a gore beast is not going to go down easily..."
Iliya seemed quite relieved that Agni was so prepared, she herself had been unable to sleep due to an unexpected illness... It was brief at least though, and she didn't need to be well rested to help.

"I will be at the front keeping the creature busy, my armour should be enough to endure a few blows at least... Zephyr will be on the offensive, using quick movement and their weapon's range to deal damage, Agni I suggest you keep well out of range, as for you Lycan... I ask that you please keep the princess safe, the beast may attempt to attack her, and without the royal magic we can't stop it..."
She knew Iliya would object if Rheya said that she was too important to lose.
"Now... Unless anyone has something to say... I think it's best we move before anyone else dies".
Of course, leave the useless member to gaurd the precious princess. Lycan gave a growl and at the word of leaving, he turned and simply left. Why had he decided to do this? Why did he let Agni convince him to help worthless people who couldn't be bothered to look past their ego. He was a useless fighter as he never trained or harnessed his own powers. The joys of just standing by while everyone else got glory and fought. Never something Lycan will ever hold. Though he didnt know where he was going, he just wanted out. The urge to shift itching at his body but he would be too quick for the others to catch up. So he settled on waiting outside the Inn, snarling to himself. Should just back out fucking now. Not like anyone would notice a nobody disappear.

Agni knew to stay out of range ad she was a ranged fighter, not close combat. Her spells also never worked too close to the target, but for throwing she would have to get close as she had poor aim. She barely acknowledged Lycan leaving as he didnt wanna be here in the first place. What brought him here was the promise of a warm bed and food for a few days. So she was impressed he stayed this long.
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As the others finished preparations someone came out to speak to Lycan... It was Princess Iliya.
"You seem upset... Not that I blame you... Rheya didn't want you guarding me either, she intended to do so herself, but she needs to keep the beast's attention... That's why I had planned for you to guard me".
Despite Rheya being the one to explain it, the whole thing was Iliya's plan.
"If you wish to leave after being given such a dangerous spot I wouldn't object... After all, the moment I use my seal the beast will want nothing more than my death... I won't force you to get in it's way".
Lycan rolled his eyes at her and snorted, "Right cause instead of the strong knight or whatever the fuck Zephyr is, you chose the mutt who can only chase his tail. I doubt its that terrible of a spot and if it is, I hope I do fucking die," He glared at her before pushing away from the wall, "Lets get this fucking over with already, fine by you princess?" Lycan felt inferior to everyone else. They had training from previous crafters, means to defend or even fuck with if need be. Yet Lycan left home at 15 and never even learned to hunt until much later. Through trial and error and almost starving to death. Also the events of the morning wafted into his dreaming mind, and that self hatred blew through like a waterfall. Making Lycan flinch and rub his temple at the headache.
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Iliya was stunned into silence, and felt more than a little inadequate, here she was trying to make a friend and all she had managed was... Whatever this was... Going purely off what she had learned from court life, she assumed he now hated her and would want to be as far as possible from her.
"Very well, then if you still wish to aid us... Do not guard me, act as your instincts tell you, I will be fine".
She mustered up all her confidence to give the order.

Quickly after the others finished and left the inn, and they all walked to the abandoned buildings that the beast was hiding in... As soon as they got close the scent of death hit them like a wave... The beast had been busy... Then, before they could even speak a wall exploded and the gore beast burst out, charging in a mad rage... Though was quickly intercepted by Rheya, a glow covering her armor and blade as she stopped it in it's tracks.
The walk to those empty shells of a home was very deja vu for Lycan. These had housed him four a good few years before he left for the forest. That death scent was like a gut punch of what was once whole families operating like a city. With workers, babysitters and so forth. Yet of course they didnt have long before that beast charged through a wall at even their slightest step onto linoleum floors.
Rheya was first to react in grappling with the beast, and that gave Connie a chance to throw her first potion bottle. Something to blow the beast back as it was too close for comfort.
As everyone else seemed to jump right into the battle, the shifter hadnt made a move. Having never fought really anything in his life, Lycan had no idea what to do. It didnr occur to him until then that this mightve been a bad idea and he might be the cause of his colleagues demise. The black haired man stepped back and couldn't even gather up the time to shift into his wolf. Like a scared chils, Lycan seemed to freeze. So much for being a protector or whatever the fuck.
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"Nice throw Agni!"
Rheya shouted, glad for the brief window to recover and reinforce her defenses, that thing hit HARD! Moving forwards she continued to push, each strike chipping a hunk of flesh from the beast, though each wound healed as fast it was dealt, and the glow surrounding her sword and armour faded with each hit she took, armour cracking slowly.
Zephyr meanwhile was darting in and out, striking the beast and causing it to stumble whenever it was about to land a real hit.
Finally though it seemed to tire of fighting Rheya... And charged at Lycan, killing intent clear in it's bloody face as it moved faster than any human could, sure a single slice from those massive, sword like claws would be death on the unarmored wolf... So Iliya stepped forwards.
"Royal seal!"
The words filled with royal authority stopped the gore beast in it's tracks, sending it flying back as several glowing chains seemed to wrap around it... And it's wounds stopped healing.
"Hahh... F... Finish it!"
Iliya shouted, blood dripping from where a claw had raked her body.
It took just a second to register in Lycans mind that the beast came for him. Yet he didnt run or shift or anything remotely fucking useful. Just this flash in eyes and he simply put up his arms in an attempt to protect himself at least. Sinking down to the ground and balling up with no real way to help. Lycan lacked his instinct to protect and fight as he didnt have a pack. Without a pack or even person to care for and keep safe, those instincts where not even present in daily conversation. And he hated it.

With Lycan reduced to a ball, Agni took the final blow with an acid potion. Simple enough to dissolve flesh and the body without leaving a trace behind. That did go over better than expected however.
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It took a little while longer for the acid and repeated attacks to bring the fortunately malnourished beast down... Though it did seem almost too easy, as if it wasn't quite able to give its all, still, the monster was dead and the area was safe, they'd actually done it!
"Victory! The beast has fallen! This is a great victory for the new initiative!"
Rheya declared, running over to Agni excitedly and nearly hugging her.
"Those potions were incredible! Is that your magic?!"
She asked.

Iliya seemed to ignore her own wounds as she approached Lycan, despite the blood ruining her clothing and a slightly pained expression intruding on her smiling face.
"Are alright Lycan? You're not hurt are you? I am sorry for dragging you into this fight... But thank you".
She seemed genuine.
Agni laughed at Rheyas' excitement and of course hugged her friend excitedly, "Well the potions part, my spells need working on before theyre battle ready," she replied and turned to share joy with Ilieya when she saw the blood. Those green eyes went wide, and saw she was speaking to Lycan. He was suppose to protect her! What was he doing this whole time! Anger pulsed through Agni, she had entrusted him to fight and protect Ilieua and set he was cowarded on the floor!
The shifter looked up at the princess and her stupid smile. Was he okay? She was hurt! And it was his fucking fault, and he was about to snap something when there was a flash of light. Kicking up dust and debris, and when it cleared Agni was standing there and clearly enraged.
"Yoy stupud mutt! Look what you fucking did, was one command too fucking hard?" snapped the red head and Lycan backed up with every step she took towards him. Away from Ilieya and the group, "I brought you here cause I though youd be helpful and try for once in your pathetic life! But no youre no more a fighter than a damn rabbit"'
Lycan was taken aback at Agnis rage as she not got angry often anymore, but his defensive nature shot up and he growled, "I told you I didnt want to do it! At that stupid tea party nonsense! I said I couldnt fight and cant even handle the bears in the damn woods! What made you think this would be any better," They went back and forth in arguing and name calling, until Agni waved her wand for a spell. Lycan then finally shifted and jumped out of the way, barking loudky that cause a sonic like wave to knock the witch over. Lycans wolf form was nearly 7ft all with long black fur and a muscular build.Yet Agni didnt give up and blasted him with a large, fireball. Throwing him into the concrete wall, indenting it, and Lycan didnt look at anyone in the group. Tried to walk, limping with his now singed skin, and then bolted for the nearest window. Then out into the forest shortly after landing
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The exchange was short and violent, too quick for anyone to intervene, so all they could do was watch and feel the heat wash over them.
A few seconds afterwards the princess ran off after Lycan, Zephyr following behind in the shadows as Rheya turned on Agni.
"What the hells?! Are you mad?!"
Her joy and excitement were gone, instead replaced with an expression of horror... And fear, she was right then clearly afraid of the witch.
"Telling him off made sense but trying to destroy him with magic you didn't even use against the Gore Beast? Are you mad?!"
She demanded before continuing with a different point.
"The princess knew he wouldn't fight... Her Royal Seal only works when protecting others! If he hadn't cowered like that we most likely would have lost... And what if you'd hit the princess... Oh gods, where did she go?!"
Now Rheya was panicked.

Iliya chased after the wounded wolf as best she could, she felt implicitly responsible for his state, and ignored the burning pain in her chest, it hurt ever so much, but it wouldn't kill her just yet... Still though, she was weak after the use of her magic, and soon after reaching the woods lost conscious...
Agni was breathing heavily and seemed surprised at herself before horror crossed briefly. She has never been able to do that and it didnt even require words! When Rheya snapped at her about the fight and sorta just stared at her, process what she could before realizing Ilieya and Zephyr where gone. Where to she had no idea, but with her wounds the princess wasnt going to survive. "Shes going to die," the red head spoke calmly and headed for the window, "Find her, quickly," She wasnt going to join. Never shouldve in the first place with this unrelenting magic. Though she knew one thing for certain, she wouldve never hit the princess. Either consciously or accidentally. Never.
Zephyr fortunately retrieved the princess and after meeting up with Rheya managed to get her to a discrete healer... Bringing a blood soaked barely alive princess to the castle would probably create some panic...
No one went looking for Agni or Lycan, and the joy of the victory was completely gone.

The next day Mike was at school as early as usual... And wanted to hide in the bathroom all day, of course the boy's bathroom was guaranteed pain...
He could hear the whispering, some of the people at school yesterday had seem how close he was to Mason, as well as how he locked up and had one of his episodes...
He had done his best to get back under the radar though, his hair was unstyled and bereft of his usual barrettes and clips, rather than his usual long stretchy shirts and colorful shorts he had on a black button up and a pair of simple slacks... All in all he was miserable, and it showed enough that bullies let him alone that morning as he hid in the library.

Emma had no such luck, she was shoved over by some girls who quickly gave her insincere apologies, pulling her hair as they patted her down and put her back in her chair... Only to knock her over again and wander off giggling, as a result she was thoroughly bruised and had to apply a couple of band aids to her knees and hands.
Mason almost didnt show up to school. Showing up almost an hour late, his blue eyes vacant and darker and his paler skin has fresh marks. Claw like and seemed self inflicted. After the battle and him running into the forest it quickly switched to a horrific nightmare. Mason suffered from sleep paralysis when having nightmares and even waking up the visions remained until he actually moved. He didnt have his hoodie for once as it was at Mikes, his arm was bandaged still from glass but now the other one matched. Black skinny jeans and this royal purple shirt. He had his backpack and glowered at anyone who dared whisper or stare at him. Today was not the fucking day to mess with him and Mason hadnt even bothered to go to the lunch room or whever was normal. Just going straight up to the bell tower to hide away and just absorb his fantasy books words.

The red head was already sitting in her classroom, showing up earlier than normal since she walked, and had on hand on her phone then other held her chin. Red was on the ground beside her, panting from the long walk, and then Connie threw the braille book in the trash. The written words of many other witchcraft or witch related books. Just another hobby to abandon.
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