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Now that I've officially punched you in the feels. I'm Sans, Sans the Skeleton. I'm currently looking for roleplay partners. Originally I was going to go on the hunt myself, but I pretty much love doing nothing so I decided to throw a bone and see who would bite. I'm a poor college student with a lot of time on their hands and a job that hardly gives them any hours. I've recently gotten back into roleplay after being gone for God knows how long. Unfortunately for you all, I've come back with an obsession with Sans, the Skeleton... so I'll be taking on his persona for a while, probably eternity.

I love writing so if you have something you like, but no character or plot ideas, don't hesitate to shoot me a PM. I also love to roleplay as multiple characters. It's how I keep things interesting. Life is all about choices and I'm a firm believer of that. So if you like having options or if you're indecisive, worry not, I am your solution. Besides, what is life without choices? So if you can tolerate my need to play as multiple characters, then I definitely want to be roleplaying with you.


FANTASY - I'm really big into a good ol' fashion fantasy RP. I'm talking dragon slaying, quests, elven princesses, wizards, bards, and valiant knights, etc. I'm warning you now, my posts in these settings can be kind of lengthy sinceI really get into the story telling. This will be one of those times where I am comfortable playing a female and someone else is playing the male. I'm also okay with the following: MxM, FxF, and MxF. I will update this section with characters when I make some, but I'm currently in a lot of RPs so expect these updates to be sporadic and updated irregularly.

SUPERNATURAL - Surprisingly enough I'm really into demons. In particular, I'm into MxM demon harems. So it's more like 3 demons competing against each other to be the mate of the almighty Demon Lord, but I'm also into demons that appear on the surface to mess with the occasional human and cause chaos here and there. I'm comfortable playing the human as well. Pairings I don't do in this category are FxF. For some reason I can't get into it if it's that way. This section will also be update with characters also. It is not just limited to demons. Other supernatural beings I play include, demons, vampires, fae, fallen angels, skeleton kings, shapeshifters, and werewolves.

CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT - I love it when characters develop over time which will happen naturally over the course of time. I've been roleplaying for too many years and this is always something I try to do because if you're invested in the characters, you'll be invested in the RP. I promise. So let's shoot for some nice solid 3-D characters that you can't resist.

COMEDY - I love comedic undertones. I'll add characters here with comedic undertones and plots as well.


I'm going to keep this short and sweet.

If you give me a one liner...

You're gonna have a bad time...


Pure Desires and Cruel Intentions with @Wooseog Ryu
There's No Room For Ugliness in This World with @~Dark Disney~
Circus of Sins and Self Indulgence with @~Dark Disney~
No Love Like Yours with @berry-bub
An Adventure Worth Moving For with @Calum_LunaNatura
Triple Trouble with @Daz
A Demon's Love is to Die For with @Solstice Equinox
Love and Unjust Persecution with @Wolfiethehybrid123
Bonetrousle with @Solstice Equinox
Puns, Skeletons, and Shortcuts with @Serpent Queen
A New Face in the UNDERGROUND with @Little Miss Nova
Reincarnation Wars GM@Takashi
And there's more to come: But now I'm going to be a bit more selective with my partners/pairings since I'm swamped. (totally my fault but each roleplay is like a new relationship and I want to be invested.)



YC x Killer or Detective or Vigilante

YC x Sorcerer or Time Traveler or Human


King/Queen x Subject [ PLEASE!! ]

Princess/Prince x Subject [ PLOX!!?? ]

King/Queen x King/Queen from another Kingdom

Time Traveler x Time Traveler

Shapeshifter x Shapeshifter

Shapeshifter x Human

Note: I do not do PM RPs. Forums only because my PMs are always flooded with MISC topics and everything gets hard to keep track of.

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Hi! This is odd because I've actually been terrified of skeletons my whole life, but I'm interested ;P.

Might be interested in a harem sort of plot if you could hit me up with more details?
I'm interested in a harem plot too, I'd like to see what kind of ideas you have. I'll shoot you a PM soon!
Demon x human

I'm a pretty open book cx @Sans
Kasuga Ryou



[ AGE ] 22



[ SMART & SOCIALLY INEXPERIENCED ] Ryou is incredibly smart and spent his years throughout high school intently focusing on his studies. He didn't go out with his friends much, often preferring books to actual people. He scored the highest on exams throughout all three years of high school and he passed the entrance exam into Tokyo University, but decided not to go. Ultimately, he went to a different college, but now he has trouble interacting with other students. It was easy to reject girls in high school, but now things are getting a little more complicated. On top of that, he's finding himself with more free time than he used to.

[ PERFECTIONIST ] Ryou is a well known perfectionist both in school and at home much to the annoyance of his brothers. Ever since the three of them began living together, he's been the one scolding them about keeping their rooms clean. He seems to have a nose like a cat when it comes to trash and will go to great lengths to avoid bad smells. He almost burned the house down trying to light a match after his brother Haru got done using the bathroom. It's experience both of them would rather not talk about. There was also a time where the teacher took off a point on a test and he immediately requested extra credit so he could make up for the lost point. To help him cope with his insane need to be perfect, Ryou picked up the piano and has since not been so anal about things.

[ JUDGEMENTAL & INSENSITIVE ] Ryou highly values appearance which is a trait most speculate that he gets from his mother. He often avoids hanging out with his brothers in school because he is afraid they will rub off on him. He also doesn't hang around people who scored lower than the top one hundred, believing that those at the top are the only ones worth talking to. However, his intentions are usually good. There was a time where he tutored a girl who was ranked number 320 in the school. After their study sessions she rose to rank 99. He likes to help others, but has a really bad way of approaching the subject, making him come off as insensitive rather than helpful.l


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Hey there! I'd be interested in doing a Harry Potter roleplay! We could do Harry with an OC or a canon, I'd be fine with either but I may have some ideas for a back story for my OC :3 Hit me up with a PM if you're interested!

And can I have a cookie while you're at it? :)
ELF X HUMAN/ELF! (maybe your humanxelf plot ;DDDDDDD)

I was actually hesitating to click but I had to because of your profile image lol and turns out to be an amaze decision. pls reply. /craves

and i did read it all. so i would like a cookie. yes please.





Koyama Ryuu was born in Kanto, Japan to a simple farmer and his wife. He was a happy child by Edo period standards. His father, Masashi had a problem with gambling and one day he was so indebted to a group of gangsters, they kidnapped Ryuu's mom and forced her to work in a brothel until his debt was repaid. After that, Masashi continued to gamble and drank himself into madness. Ryuu was left to grow up on the streets, robbing from whoever he could so that he could eat.

One day, he was caught thieving by a mysterious cloaked figure who took pity on him. This figure was one of the emperor's royal assassins. From that moment on, the assassin took the boy to train him in becoming an assassin. Ryuu often had trouble swallowing his pride, challenging the leader of the assassins to a duel when he was just eight. The leader was amused and impressed even though he hadn't managed to hit him once. His training began immediately and he became a great assassin over a span of ten years. However, he had unfinished business and he left them to find his parents.

During Ryuu's travels, he discovered that his mother had passed away during her time at the brothel. Infuriated, he vowed to find his father and make him talk. When he finally found his father, he was ashamed at what he had become, a mad drunk with no sense of self-control. Ryuu tried to talk some sense into him, but it was to no avail. Understanding that his father could not be saved, Ryuu abandoned his family name and became known as the Shadow.

He killed many, his heart and soul empty. He began to lose the capacity to love, to empathize with others. He had completely given up on humanity. When killing no longer held meaning for him, he climbed to the top of Mount Fuji, where he became lost in an avalanche and frozen in time.

Hundreds of years went by before his body was discovered by tourists trekking up Mount Fuji. Scientists tried for many years to revive him and they succeeded. After being imprisoned in ice for so long, his body had grown weak. The scientists of the new time gave him a new, mechanical body. He awoke to the world confused. He had become a living weapon, but with a price. He longed to be human again. Ryuu's revival had cost him and he was beginning to think life had it in for him. Now he works alongside the national police working as an undercover agent.
You may use the template for my character sheets so long as you change the background and photos. Make sure you give me credit if you decide to use this template in the future. Thank you. Please do not steal any of my characters. Or I will be very upset with you :(




NICKNAMES: ANNABEE (father), TIGER-BUTT (father), SHARKBAIT (coworker) Kiddo (superiors)
AGE: 23

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[ BUBBLY & ADORABLE ] Anna naturally has a bubbly personality. She's very outgoing and energetic. It's hard not to be excited around her because her enthusiasm is contagious. She always tries her best and she works really hard to please those around her. She is often seen as adorable by her coworkers and her appearance makes her look younger than she really is. She often gets mistaken for a high school student. Most people still think she's in college and they are surprised to learn that she is already in her career.

[ TRUSTING & NAIVE ] Anna likes to believe that everyone has good in them even if it's buried deep in under evil intentions. She is very trusting which can make her susceptible to con artists and those who might take advantage of her. Anna also sees the world as inherently good. She isn't quick to believe the negative things about a person before meeting them even if someone tells her about them. She has been hurt before as a result of her naivety, but she retains the quality. This might also be due to the fact that she grew up in a small time and does not have much experience with city life.

[ SMALL-MINDED & PRIDEFUL ] Anna writes about crime and politics. Unfortunately, she knows little about either having been raised in a small town. Her mother was very secretive about her job and her father did everything in his power to keep Anna sheltered. She isn't one to bow down very easily and she's never been known to beg. She doesn't know a lot about people and she only knows what her father tells her. She has some ignorant beliefs that need to be corrected. It won't be easy seeing as she can be stubborn and has a hard time admitting when she's wrong.
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Anna was born to Jared and Elisa Frugaletti. Anna's father is a police officer and her mother was a CIA agent. Her mother died in action when she was very little and her father raised her in a small town. Anna always dreamed of going to the city because she felt like the small town was very suffocating. She found her passion in journalism after meeting her best friend Sylva Cunning, an aspiring photojournalist, in high school. The two of them often got into trouble together trying to cover stories no one dared to write about.

Anna and Sylva often spend their free time indoors watching Korean dramas and animes. They are inseparable and share a love of vintage fashion. Neither of them have ever fallen in love, but they have had boyfriends before. They are convinced that love will be impossible.

Anna applied to the same newspaper as Sylva. Both of them were hired and they work as newbies on various projects together. Anna was scouted by a photographer of a magazine one day when she was on the field. She is now a part time model for a vintage fashion magazine. She is determined to make Sylva a model too despite her friend's numerous concerns.

Together, they spice each other's lives looking for the next scoop that will make them famous.

I've got a few fantasy and supernatural plots with quite a few characters if your still searching for partner's.
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Can you start the pm ill send the plots during my next break
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