Distant Echoes [Reaper Six-Lexie]

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Michael smiled, wrapping his arms around her as he returned the passionate kiss.
Anastasia blushed and giggled softly as she pulled away. She laid her head on his shoulder. "I love you," she whispered truthfully.
He smiled, holding her softly. "I love you too." he whispered back.
"Forever?" Anastasia asked him quietly, nervousness evident in her voice.
"Forever," he whispered to her, touching her nose with his.
Anastasia smiled widely and kissed him gently, blushing bright pink as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
He returned her kiss, hands sliding around her body and holding her closer to him.
Anastasia blushed more as she deepened the kiss slightly, tightening her arms around him and pulling him closer.
He happily accepted this, moving to deepen the kiss further, holding and kissing Ana with every trace of passion he could gather.
Anastasia blushed and reluctantly pulled away for breath. She breathed heavily as she kissed his nose gently and held him to her as tightly as she could as if there was no tomorrow.
Michael pulled away, holding her as if she was the last girl on the planet. He slowly nuzzled her neck, breathing lightly.
Ana smiled widely as he nuzzled her. She reluctantly got up and walked to the door, opening it. "Wanna go play?" She asked with a smile.
"Why not?" he responded, walking with her. They would have to be careful, though. Be mindful of the threat posed to them.
Anastasia smiled widely as she shifted and ran into the snow. She pounced around before tripping over her paws and falling face first into the cold whiteness.
He laughed, watching her. Then Michael shifted and helped to pull her out of the snow.
Anastasia stumbled back and pounced on him with a grin. She nuzzled his neck before getting off and running a few feet away.
He let out a laugh before chasing after her, nipping at her tail.
Ana let out a playful yelp as she ran through the woods and suddenly stopped as she heard something rustling. She looked around, spotting a squirrel and began chasing it.
He stopped next to her and faced the sound faster, every nerve firing and scanning for threats to them. Michael followed her, a little further back as he listened for anything nearby.
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