~Disney Life- Behind The Magic| Sign Ups and OOC~

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Naria is finally finished, her sister, Anna (Grizzly River Run or Space Mountain(Probably the latter)) will be coming soon
Ahhh! I've missed 5 pages?! This darn alerts system! Gee..... I'm super sorry If I held anything up or something! I'll have my characters done as soon as I can!
Same. I haven't gotten any notifications from this thread all day.

Annabell Crente
✮Nicname(s)✮ Anna, Bell
✮Age and Birthday✮ 20
✮Year Of College✮ 4
✮Major✮ Videogame Design
✮College✮ Brayton
✮Gender✮ Female
✮Sexuality✮ Bisexual
✮Position✮ Space Mountain
✮Nationalities✮ American
✮Eye Color✮ Light blue grey
✮Hair Description✮ Cut short, dyed red, longer in the front, usually styled
✮Height✮ 5'6"
✮Weight✮ 115 pounds
✮Piercings✮ Snake bites, a small ear spacer, and a bellybutton piercing.
✮Marks✮ A faint scar just behind her ear from a molding incident, and a tattoo of a lotus flower on her right side
She has a scar down her back, one behind her ear, and one on her shoulder.

✮Health Ailments✮ Minor Insomnia, Wears glasses
Unlike her sister, Anna is all about sass. She doesn't take anything from nobody, and stand very independent from everyone else.
She gives off a lone wolf sort of vibe, maybe that's the way she has always been, but if you can get past it, she is a rather
enjoyable person. She is very much a tomboy, and likes to hang out with more guys than girls. She has a
knack for playing videogames and longboarding, which kind of separates her away from
the gossip. She also really likes to party, and can be a little crazy when
she gets drunk. But if you get to close, she can tend to
try and push them away before they find
out about what she really felt like.

As children, Naria and Anna where very close. They spent a lot of time together, having fun and being kids. But Anna was the one who saw the
fighting first. She tried to shield her little sister from it before she could see it, but it got to bad. Sometimes, Anna and Naria would go
hide in their room as they listened to the crashing of bottles and the shouting below them. The divorce came as no shock
to Anna, though they where both hit by it. Getting though the fighting, and moving was tough, and where
Naria turned to her art, Anna turned to her games, spending more and more time
riding instead of at home, gradually putting a small rift between
the siblings. They became more and more
distant, and until their grandmother
was in charge, they didn't
talk at all.

Spicy food, longboarding, videogames, some drawings, piercings, tattoo's, college, parties, boys, girls
overall cute people, living with others, getting along with her sister, hot chocolate, s'mores, stories, books, snow,
programing, listening to Imagine dragons, concerts, laptops, lying in bed, extra sleep, helmets,
riding downhill, doing tricks, going fast, coming out uninjured, energy drinks, all
nighters, Japanese food, alternitave music.

Longboarding accidents, crashes, going way to slow, missing a trick, waking up early, the aftermath of an all nighter, to many energy drinks, feeling way to full, eating too many spicy things at once with no drink, mango, papaya, melon,
rosemary bread, feeling the burn of dying, feeling sleepy, being woken up, injuries, failing a level,
feeling incompetent, her insomnia, feeling unwanted, fighting.

✮Hobbies✮ Playing Videogames, Longboarding, a bit of painting, playing the cello.
✮Talents✮ Videogames, Longboarding/Skateboarding, Cello is less than the others, still working on it.
✮Fears✮ Loosing her Grandmother, Loosing her Sister, feeling alone, watching them both die slowly.
She self harms sometimes
She said she was out riding when really she was going to a major party
She once beat a level in I Am Bread faster than anyone in the world
She bribed her way out of a grade with pictures of her mother
She was once raped by her science teacher
She has a long scar on her back down her spine from a longboarding accident, where one of her friends died
She watched a friend of hers die in her arms, who also happened to be one of her crushesShe has never actually had a successful relationship
She once was going to get up, and her stomach hit the desk and she barfed into a kids hoodie

Jamie Crente|52|Mother|Alive
Jack Witherspoon|58|Father|Alive
Naria Crente|19|Sister|Alive
Patt Crente|87|Grandmother|Alive

✮Dorm #✮ 11
✮Dorm Appearance✮

✮Other✮ Anything Else I Forgot​
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Just a head's up I changed Romeo's pic, I didn't really like the first one, more of a place holder, but I found a better face claim pic^^.

Can everyone do me and the other gms two big favors one it to check out the front page to make sure everything is correct for your characters. Also the other thing we well I need is for everyone to please post a comment on here letting me know your characters names, positions, colleges, and dorms please it would help ever so much so I know that I have not missed anything at all thank you and your cooperation is appreciated ^^

and Rose​
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Prima Cartwright: Big Thunder Mountain Railroad | Jasher | Dorm # 1
Nina Cartwright: Alice | Brayton | Dorm # 1
Thalia Robertson: Princess Tiana | Brayton | Dorm # 6
Conner Chambers: Prince Charming | Jasher | Dorm # 1
Gavin St. James: Cozy Cone | Jasher | Dorm # 8
Romeo Carter: Space Mountain | Brayton | Dorm # 10

All on page one.
Ok I'll update later
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Ashley Karenton | Jasmine | Brayton | Dorm #6
Jordan Hood | Flynn Rider | Jasher | Dorm #3
Olivia Parsons | Cinderella | Jasher | Dorm #9
Samuel Robinson | Splash Mountain guy | Jasher | Dorm #5
Justin Maxwell | Pineapple Ice Cream guy | Harborson | Dorm #4

All page 1!
Mistelle May Leven//Anna//Brayton//Dorm #5//Page 8

Mika Nakoma Arillano//Pocahontas//Brayton//Dorm #10//Page 11

Noah Evander Winston
Just Noah
✮Age and Birthday✮ 21, July 18th
✮Year Of College✮ 4th
✮Major✮ Business
✮College✮ Harborson
✮Gender✮ Male
✮Sexuality✮ Heterosexual
✮Position✮ Characters - Prince Eric
✮Nationalities✮ English, Welsh (dad), German, Welsh (mom)
✮Eye Color✮ dark green brown
✮Hair Description✮ medium brown with natural dirty blonde highlights and medium length
✮Height✮ 6'2"
✮Weight✮ 163lbs
✮Piercings✮ None
✮Marks✮ just the occasional <seemingly permanent> stubble
✮Health Ailments✮ ADHD
✮Personality✮ Noah is a pretty relaxed guy. He doesn't really get upset about things and lives his life to the fullest. Unlike a lot of guys, Noah is pretty neat, not a neat freak or anything, but he likes things to be organized and look presentable, you never know when you might have company. Although he looks a bit punky, he really isn't. Usually that is left to his brother. Noah is a nice guy who is quite friendly and outgoing. He practically always wears a smile. Noah isn't necessarily wise beyond his years or anything, but he is a good listener and learner... even if it does seem like he can't seem to sit still or pay attention, he is paying attention... most people just can't tell. Noah has always been interested in basically all forms of art, he seemed to take particular interest in acting and sketching though. Of course, Noah really doesn't mind doing anything if he can be moving around and acting and all.
✮History✮ Born on July 18th, about 2.2 minutes after his brother, Noah Evander was brought home with the two happiest parents and a fraternal twin brother two days later, on July 20th. Even though the boys grew up doing everything together, they still had their differences. While both boys had taken interests in sports his brother had the knack for it. Eventually Noah found himself in an artists world. He had a knack for acting and performing, though singing never seemed to be his strongest point he could carry a tune if he really needed too. About 5 months after the boys turned three the family welcomed the youngest and final addition to the family before every had their world turned up-side down. For a while everything went on as it had before, except now Noah and his brother had a sister to play with or pick on, depending on the day and the twin. About seven and a half years after val was born things started going downhill. There were more doctors visits and hospital trips, not a whole lot of fun. Finally in December of that year his sister went into surgery and began treatments for her cancer. While that was sad and all Noah at least still had his parents, sure, he would only really see one at a time since the other was always at the hospital, but that was okay. About a year later the Winston children lost their mother. She had just left the house about a half hour before, heading to the hospital when the father saw EMTs rushing his wife into a different wing of the hospital while he went to get a drink. Instead of making a full recovery like they had hoped, the three Winston men were left with only a sick little girl who had a half metal calf bone and no mother. After his mothers death Noah, like his brother and maybe even a bit like his father, was mad at his sister, blaming her for their mothers death, but eventually he remembered what his mom had always told Val while she was fighting for her life "always keep smiling" so, just like his sister, Noah always has at least a half smile plastered on his face.
✮Likes✮ Family, acting, sketching, sports, water polo, riding, animals, having fun, carrots, lettuce, chicken, pork, fish, shellfish, berries, sweets, italian food, english food, american food, bbq, mystery genres, comedy genres, romance genres <he would never admit it>, ancient history, performing, youtube, crowds, cooking, heights
✮Dislikes✮ sickness, death, hospitals, being lonely, when people are sad, reading, sitting still, being bored, school, getting hurt, seeing others hurt, being deep underground and deep underwater
✮Hobbies✮ performing, acting, sketching, cooking
✮Talents✮ acting, sketching, performing
✮Fears✮ hospitals, death, vehicle accidents, being deep underground or deep underwater
✮Secrets✮ He hates being a business major, He is over-protective of Valeria even if he wouldn't admit it, He gets internally nervous when performing... he just doesn't show it, His cheeks ache a lot from smiling so much... It hurts when he frowns.
✮Family✮ Mother | Nicolette Abrielle Winston <Nee Joyce>, 40 <Would be 50>, deceased
Father | Hugo Alistair Winston, 50, alive
Brother | Hyder Parker Winston, 21, alive
Sister | Valeria Madeline Winston, 18, alive
I'll not worry about the pets for this rp...
✮Relationships✮ OPEN
✮Dorm #✮ 12, with Jacob
✮Dorm Appearance✮

✮Other✮ Disneyland is the Most magical place on Ear... oh wait, that's Walt Disney World... my bad.


Valeria Madeline Winston
Val, Ria, Eria, Leri, Smiley, Smiles
✮Age and Birthday✮ 18, December 21st
✮Year Of College✮ 1st
✮Major✮ Fine Arts & Teaching
✮College✮ Brayton
✮Gender✮ Female
✮Sexuality✮ Heterosexual
✮Position✮ Rides - Teacups
✮Nationalities✮ English, Welsh (dad), German, Welsh (mom)
✮Eye Color✮ dark chocolate brown
✮Hair Description✮ curly, shoulder-blade length auburn hair that appears more brown than red usually
✮Height✮ 5'1"
✮Weight✮ 111lbs
✮Piercings✮ Ears once each, belly button once
✮Marks✮ lightly freckled nose and cheeks, a "shark bite" on her right calf from surgery when she was younger, half her tibia (big calf bone) is metal.
✮Health Ailments✮ burns easily in the sun, allergic to chocolate, Osteosarcoma survivor (remission for almost two years now)
✮Personality✮ Valeria is a fighter, not in the sense that she is mean, but she is determined and doesn't let things stop her. She is bubbly and open-minded about anything and everything. Even when she got diagnosed with cancer just before her birthday the girl never lost her spirit. Val is extremely cheerful and optomistic, sometimes annoyingly so. She will make it her job to ensure everyone, even those who dislike her, are happy. From a young age Leri has been exposed to many different things. She grew up half on a farm and half in a hospital room in the center of the city. She has an undying love for animals, but also greatly enjoys having fun singing, dancing, performing, and most of all drawing and painting! Ria has an eye for detail, it seems to be something she was born with. However, she is a perfectionist about everything and she is 100x harder on her own work than anyone elses. Val can take nit-picking to the next level with her precision.
✮History✮ On December 21st Valeria was born, the last addition to her family. Her first name was a complete compromise. Her mother wanted either Victory or Valory and her father wanted Alexia, Evia or Zelia... so they combined the Val-r and the e-ia parts. Madeline was agreed upon as the perfect middle name before the couple had even conceived. Anyways, for a while everything was perfect, Valeria was just a normal girl, taking ballet and gymnastics, riding lessons, voice lessons, and art classes, she was busy an loving it... until she ended up breaking her leg. At first everyone thought she might have just landed on it funny during one of her activities... until they did an x-ray and found a grapefruit sized tumor on her tibia that was the cause of the more than normal swelling. After a few weeks of procedures, on December 20th, the day before se turned eight, Eria was diagnosed with Stage II Osteosarcoma and was admitted for her long, painstakingly long stay in the hospital. A five hour surgery quickly turned into a thirteen hour one as the doctors and her parents debated wether to amputate her leg which they were quickly finding out would not be able to have the tumor completely removed, or to try a new, experimental surgery where they would just remove the infected portion of bone and replace it with a metal rod. They decided on the latter and it worked wonderfully. Valeria still had to go through 4 rounds of chemo and 2 rounds of radiation along with two rod replacement surgeries for her leg before she was considered cured, but by the time she was nine she was healthy. Going backwards for a moment, during the treatments, one day Val found out her mother had gotten into an accident and perished. For a while she felt terrible, thinking it was her fault since her mom had left the hospital, her brother Noah eventually realized it couldn't have been her fault and the two of them have tried to live up to their mom's saying about always smiling. She relapsed twice since the initial time, once on her right ring finger when she was eleven and once on her right humerus (upper arm) when she was fifteen. She finished her last bout of treatments just after she turned sixteen. Neither her finger nor arm had to be replaced with metal, but she does always wear a ring on her finger to hide the scar on her hand. Unless she raises her arms up you can't see the scar on her upper arm as it was done on the underside, closer to her body. Unfortunately, the doctors have told her there is a good chance she will relapse again.
✮Likes✮ animals, riding, hunter jumping, dressage, olives, daisys, people, friends, family, lillies, amusement parks, drawing, painting, art, singing, gymnastics, ballet, lyrical, dancing, performing, peanuts, pecans, peas, pasta, junk food, sweets, yellow, the sun, summer, autumn, spring, winter, being happy, reading, learning, smiling, photography, vlogging, making youtube videos
✮Dislikes✮ spicy food, medicine, being sick, death, arguing, being sad, hospitals, being bored, being cooped up, the dark
✮Hobbies✮ riding, art, singing, vlogging, making youtube videos, gymnastics, ballet, photography
✮Talents✮ drawing, painting, ballet, being cheerful & peppy
✮Fears✮ relapsing, ending up in the hospital, dying, not being cheerful, disappointing her family
✮Secrets✮ She doesn't think her brother, Hyder, or dad have ever truly forgiven her. She hides her emotions behind her smile, that is her mask.
✮Family✮ Mother | Nicolette Abrielle Winston <Nee Joyce>, 40 <would be 50>, deceased
Father | Hugo Alistair Winston, 50, alive
Brother | Hyder Parker Winston, 21, alive
Brother | Noah Evander Winston, 21, alive
I'll not worry about the pets for this rp...
✮Relationships✮ OPEN
✮Dorm #✮ 12, Geo
✮Dorm Appearance✮

✮Other✮ I've always wanted to go to Disneyland!​
Jocelyn Pilgrim|Rapunzel|Harborson|Dorm #4
Julian Webster|Aladdin|Jasher|Dorm #2
Eloise Webster|Boudin Bakery Girl|Brayton|Dorm #7
Felix Potts|Tower of Terror Guy|Jasher|Dorm #4

My new three characters are finished and they are:
Lucky Barrett|Mickey Mouse|Brayton|Dorm 3
Emmett Markus|Tomorrowland Concessions Guy|Harborson|Dorm 7
Aiden Reed|Radiator Springs Racers Guy|Brayton|Dorm 9

They are all on PAGE 3
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Oh snap that is an attractive Eric! Man Emma is going to have a hard time lol, all these attractive guys lol
Thank you @Poisoned Rose , hopefully I will finish them in the next few days XD
Alright just let me know so we can get them approved and sorted and the such ^^
@Felilla Dorm 10 for guys is already full.
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Brett Reeves || River Run || Jasher || Dorm #5
Grant Young || Thunder Mountain || Brayton || Dorm #6
Jared Cowan || Popcorn @ Pirates of the Carabean || Harborson || Dorm #7
Trevor Sparks || California Screamin' || Brayton || Dorm #8

All on page 7

@Poisoned Rose
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*chuckles* love how everyone is tagging Poisoned and Icey *chuckles and then realises* Oh! Did I need to do something like that? My charries are already there!
I kinda need everyones Muse to make sure I have everything and its so you can see the dorms more easily
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