Digimon: Legacy [SIGN UP 5 spot left / OOC]

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Now I just gotta get accepted and lol I like your idea I'll play on it. If we are high school students wanna say that our Characters are Long time friends or have always kinda had a thing but a silent thing?
Now I just gotta get accepted and lol I like your idea I'll play on it. If we are high school students wanna say that our Characters are Long time friends or have always kinda had a thing but a silent thing?
I'm good with that ^^ How about Sequoya thought he left because she hadn't seen him around in a while, so she thought she lost one of her friends? (Fits into the whole "only friend is her digimon" thing I put in the CS and First Post.)
Okay, not in the CS lol but it is in the first post I did on the IC
So where is the ic I wanna read up so I can fuel my imagination tanks when I get fully accepted. And I'm glad you like my cs and my idea's.
So where is the ic I wanna read up so I can fuel my imagination tanks when I get fully accepted. And I'm glad you like my cs and my idea's.
It's somewhere after my CS. I think page 9, but I don't know. I always find myself searching for it lol
Accepted!!!! Gosb sorry guys I'm sick so I can't on in here very much
thanks guys~
I decided I want to share an OC Digimon I'm using for a 2x2 ^^ I love it XD Tell me what you guys think

Victorymon Evolution Line.jpeg
And yes I drew them all. I only cheated a little bit. I cheated by using a cute base for Ochibimon, Changing a Zudomon pic to make Kikumon (but the outline is purely mine, I just used a Zudomon pic as a guideline), and by drawing Shojimon on paper and tracing over it on the computer. Shojimon doesn't look the same because he was huge and I shrank him down, making him all pixalized.
People, please post something within a week... I understand life happens, life is hitting me hard right now myself. But I'm at least trying to post (and a few others are posting as well) However, the majority of you guys aren't posting at all! If you can't, at least let @Greedy Donuts, @Nico, or me know! Please? We're not asking much, just to help this RP get going ....
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