Digimon: Legacy [SIGN UP 5 spot left / OOC]

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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F***CK The Tag never worked I never got this F****CK!!!!!!
I'm sure that's okay.... Greedy has final say, but I understand the whole alert thing because half the time I don't get any alerts.
thanks >.>
I'm sure if you post now and explain to Greedy about what happened, you'd be just fine ^^ The strike system was put into place because many people have not told @Nico, @AnastiaCrest01, @Greedy Donuts about why they haven't posted, and with people waiting and loosing interest, something had to be done, ya know? If given a good reason in Greedy's eyes, the strike is removed (as is the warning). The strikes are for people purposely doing something or not informing us of what's going on (for example, they go on a two week vacation without telling us. We aren't psychic, we wouldn't know. We'd just assume you lost interest and left.)
I just now got an alert what is my last chance for? Or have I already missed it if so. S***t
I just now got an alert what is my last chance for?
The last chance for people to post. Greedy posted that about a week into the IC because it went dead when it started and no one was posting. If you posted, you're fine.
Yeah to tell you the truth I found the IC yesterday and it was really late. I also didn't get any alerts.
Yeah to tell you the truth I found the IC yesterday and it was really late. I also didn't get any alerts.
Not getting alerts is very common and understandable. Just to be cautious, check back here maybe every other day if possible, just in case there is a warning post. As for just finding the IC, there should be no strike against you. You stopped getting alerts and didn't realize it was up, as well as the warning post. As stated above, the warning and strike system is for people who do something purposely or disappears for a while with no warning or indication.
I was wondering the same thing. I just don't know how much I might have missed though.
I was wondering the same thing. I just don't know how much I might have missed though.
Not much. We've just entered the digiworld. You can post a long post of how you got there, or just start with waking in the Digiworld and meeting some of the others.
Um I'm not sure how good I wold be at that.... I could look and try to think of something.
Um I'm not sure how good I wold be at that.... I could look and try to think of something.
Not good at which one? The long post or the post of starting where everyone else is?
The long post usually but sometimes the short post especially when I'm not sure of an exact location. But I have an idea for Luna is suppose to be shy so I could come up with something small as long as it's okay that I still join.
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@Roxshi, @Raven, @Cry

I don't really know how to help you guys anymore.... I've explained what I could based on what I know, but there's a lot of things I wouldn't know. Greedy isn't on at the moment due to time differences, but they'll be on soon I'm sure. When they are, they could answer you're questions better. Sorry about not being able to help much. .....
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