Destruction: The Begginning (Part 1)

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
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Jae nodded. "Seyn's a girl." She noticed a glint of metal from one of the windows and turned away a little so it wasn't visible to Jessie.
"Ok... I don't see anyone." She said still looking around a little. She didn't see the glint of metal or question why they had turned slightly. She wasn't really well tuned with driving. She figured it was just another thing she would never understand. "So where is she supposed to be? Around here I guess... did she say anything? Like what she was trying to do? Maybe the batteries in the communicators ran out."
"All she said was she was going to help the transfer. Our comms our short distance, so she might be out of range." Jae was scanning the school, looking for any other signs of movement, but none came.
"Oh..." She said sighing a little as she continued to look around. "Maybe they are inside?" She said "Oh! You should try contacting them here. It is the last place you heard from them right? So they might still be close by."
Jae nodded and slowed the car to a stop. She turned on her mic. "Hey, Seyn, this is Jae. Do you copy? I repeat, do you copy me?"
Jessie looked down at the ground outside the window and just waited for a reply. Again she repeated, a little quieter "Maybe the communicator is out of batteries..." She was still hoping that was what had happened...
Jae shrugged, but discontinued the driving. "I don't know. She might have moved out of range..she had the other jeep."
"The other jeep... what happened to your jeep?" she asked curiously trying to figure it out herself. "Did you crash it? But you seemed like such a good driver, did someone else crash it?"
"The battery went dead." She said simply. "That, and by now it'll be bits of rust and rubble." She added, remembering the one Perfect Companion left in the base, the one that had escaped, but she hadn't met yet. She stepped on the gas and the car inched forward, picking up speed again.
"Oh..." She said looking outside the window again. She could put two and two together, a perfect companion must be wrecking their base... it must be pretty large too if they weren't going to kill it. She didn't say anything else because she felt like she was heading into a touchy area and not making anything better. Instead she just looked around hoping to spot Jae's friend.
A bright light flashed in front of the car and Jae pulled a hard right, gritting her teeth and going away from the school. "No worries..just a broken telephone line sparking." In the exact spot they had been was a small smoking hole, and if they'd been there, the car would have exploded. She pulled out of view and blinked a few times. That was close..I knew it saw us the first time. "Any other questions on your mind?" she asked Jessie politely so she could change the subject. She didn't want to worry them over another Perfect Companion. She knew her rifle was beside her, but she might not be able to keep all of them safe while she fired.
Erin was in the process of hacking into the government database to uncover classified information about the PCs that most civs didn't have access to. She'd already uncovered certain pieces of information - like common armament, and a class system. Foots, Jumbos, Uppers, etc, and typical armaments and abilities. She had to compile a code to bypass the firewall, which would be relatively easy. The government's code geeks were somewhat daft in comparison to her, which explained why they couldn't deactivate the PCs.

Ooh, look at this tidbit...
Jessie shook her head but stopped half way threw and looked at Jae, "That wasn't just a power line was it..." Her voice was quiet. "You don't have to protect me you know. I won't freak out if you told me a Perfect Companion is after us..."
Jae paused. "Uhh, well, you're right. It was a Perfect. It saw us in the schoo-" She stopped, taking another sharp turn as another light hit the driver's side. " either of you know how to shoot this?" She asked hurriedly, elbowing the rifle.
"I can't but I have..." She looked around then frowned, "Oh, my bow... is missing." She sighed, "I can try but I don't know how good I would be with it." She looked back at John who seemed uninterested in the matter. He never seemed to care, even when his life was in danger... "John, can you?" John simply shook his head. "I guess neither of us can shoot a gun... I could try driving if we can just keep going straight..." John sat up and sighed, "I can drive. Speed up the car, get out of the driver seat and into the back and I will switch with you. We don't need to stop."
Jae nodded and started to speed up, taking another sharp left. They were heading towards the school again, but the Perfect Companion was still following, its red eyes fixed on the car. "One, two.. Three!" She slid out of the driver's seat at the straight away, jumping into the back seat and pulling the rifle with her. Not seeing whether John held true or not, she slid into the right side seat and busted the back windshield. The Perfect shot again, but Jae reflected the small missile with a bullet and it exploded mid-flight.
John had gotten into the front seat a split second before Jae had fully left it by sliding under her and he hit the gas to speed back up after the split second of her foot off the peddle. Just as she broke the back window and took her first shot he turn almost one 180, while drifting and shot past the perfect companion so she could get a better shot in the confusion. Of course it may disorient her too but even if that happened he wouldn't be and was fully capable of dodging just about anything it could throw at them.
Jae slid into the door as he turned, but she sat back up almost immediately. She aimed her gun carefully, timing her shot. -Crash- One of its eyes shattered and it stopped dead. She aimed again, but this time she hit its forehead. "Damn.." She muttered, aiming again. This time she hit the control panel on its throat. Sparks flew and the Perfect buckled, collapsing. "There." Jae said, turning to face the other teo and leaning forwar to see the road better. "That's what I do. That's my job." She said to Jessie.
Jessie nodded and looked down at her feet, she no longer wanted to see out the window. Instead she looked down at her feet as they rested on the ground. "You should get buckled... you too John." Her voice was light, quiet... like something was on her mind but she wasn't going to speak it, instead she just smiled again and tried to act like it was never their. "So where to now?"

What she really wanted to say was something like, 'Everyone has been trying to do that. Its either fight or die.' She wanted Jae to know that she too had been fighting like that for a while now but didn't have the courage to, at least not without her bow.
Jae pulled the middle seatbelt up and buckled herself safely in, but still stayed leaned up. "I actually have no destination in mind other than looking for Seyn." She said truthfully, watching Jessie's small change. "Anything you want to say or ask?"
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