Destruction: The Begginning (Part 1)

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
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Immediately, Draconians swarm over the sniper, screams not lasting for even a second as the sounds of dismemberment come. Other soldiers scan everywhere else, finding nothing else living.

Stryker smiles thinly at the human commander. "My friends have psionic abilities, commander. Surely you don't want us to cause unimaginable pain just to get it out. Or we can tear apart your mind, and take all knowledge you know. Surely, you'd want to live longer."
He whimpered. "But..but but.....n-no.." he refused to tell.

Jae sat down a little away from the door. She crossed her legs and put Angel in her lap, holding her close. Angel was still crying softly.

He looked up at Stryker. "Why..why do about..what she...what she wants..?"
"Hmm." I turn towards Jae. "He has a point, doesn't he? Why should I be helping you, Jae?"
Jae shrugged. "It's your choice..." she said calmly, petting Angel's head. "I just don't understand why he wanted to kill his own daughter..." she was shaking again as she bit into her lip.
I remain ummoved. "He killed his own daughter?"
Jae nodded slightly. "She had to have part of her arm replaced with metal wirings.." she held up her own arm that he had bandaged, but let it fall gently back down. "So he shot her...she bled to death. I couldn't help her.." her voice trailed off at the end and she held Angel close, shaking.

The commander crawled backwards, forcing himself against the wall. "I...I had no choice...I had to..."

Angel sensed Jae's upsetness and hugged her. "It not your fault.." she said.

Jae stood, holding Angel. She looked at the commander. "No choice?" her voice was small, cracked, she looked stricken. "The child was two..what was she going to do? Bump into you while she was crawling?"

"I don' biods and I...never will.." he glared at her.
"And is that... what? Supposed to spark my morals? I have shot many weak Draconians. If one cannot get through basic training, then they are of no use. They are shot. Basic training is before implants, before advanced healing procedures, and the training of psionic or technological knowledge." I turn towards the human commander, saying, "And you. Not trusting someone or a group just because of how different they are is quite stupid, and unethical. I think you both kinda stupid."
Jae found herself laughing at Stryker's response. "I'm surprised you haven't shot me already." She said. She was about to say something else when Angel was taken from her. The invisible kidnapper backed away, taking Angel with him. Jae looked around and her eyes narrowed. "Pazlia let GO!"

The commander reached in his pocket shakily, having serious trouble retrieving whatever it was he was trying to get.

Jae was losing her cool again. She reached up, grabbing an invisible hand and yanking it down. Pazlia appeared, its face engraved in the ground, Angel in Jae's arms again. Jae set Angel down, turning to Stryker. "I don't honestly care what you do. At the moment my only objective is to protect these people, and if you want to do whatever, go ahead, but hurt an innocent person and you'll see my bad side." She stomped on Pazlia's back and there was a sickening crack in the air. Jae winced.

Pazlia's back cracked, but it was silent. It grunted before sitting up, then it's eyes widened.

The commander sighed, victorious. He had a small red laser in his hands.

Angel stepped forwards, putting her hand on Jae's stomach. There was an electric spark and blood seeped through her hand, dripping all over the suit.

Jae's eyes narrowed painfully and she shifted her hand. The pistol in her hand went off and the commander slumped dead on the wall. She fell to her knees.
I walk to stand over Jae, Krye standing over the human commander. Stryker stares at her curiously as she begins to bleed out, saying, "I don't think your bad side could do shit to me." Then he motions for Brigs to come over and begin first-aid.
Jae made no noise, she said nothing. She watched the ground silently. She had no reaction to what Stryker said. Whether this was good or bad, was yet to be known, but her mind was completely blank. No thought, no nothing.

Pazlia sighed and stood. "Stryker...Jae is not completely weak as she seems." it said. "Why do you think she had been able to do things no one else has? She speaks over 4,000,000 different languages, she is calm under almost any situation, and she has been shot over 200 times in the past three years and has not died yet." It raised it's arm. There was only one sign of any previous injury, and that was a scar across it's wrist. "She did this. With her teeth." It sighed. "Angel, shut up."

Angel was kneeling beside Jae, crying loudly.

Pazlia glared. "SHUT UP."

Angel immediately was silenced.

Pazlia looked at Stryker. "Is Jae still important to you as part of that whatever you were going to use her for? Don't worry, she's unaware of what is going on at the moment."
"I don't know," I admit, calm. "But I can say this: she might be equal to a regular Draconian trooper."
Pazlia nodded and looked at her.

Jae was still on her knees, silent, and still. She was breathing, thankfully, and strangely her vitals were normal other than her heart rate was a little high. The bleeding from the laser shot in her stomach had slowed, but the wires were missing chunks, singed, unlike the ones in her arm, which had only been cut.
Brigs began patching her up, showing himself as a medic, due to the fact that he is doing it faster and more efficiently.
When Brigs finished, Jae's hand twitched. Her eyes closed and she went limp, falling to her side.

Pazlia was surprised by this, and it stepped away. " she dead?" it asked uncertaintly.
"Well with all your power, aren't you able to tell?" Stryker replies, a bit sneer-y.
Pazlia shook his head. "I cannot, at the moment." it sighed. "There is too much blood." Blood. Why would blood matter?

Jae made no movements. Nothing.
Brigs leans down, and checks Jae's pulse. "Sir..."
((So is she dead or no?))
((almost. she has a very faint pulse, but she is not breathing or anything else.))

Pazlia looks at Brigs. "What's wrong?" It asked, despite not being the one addressed.

Angel looked hopefully at Brigs, pleading that Jae was alive.
"I can't do anything else for her. Weak pulse, but still alive. I could fix her up if we had one of our ships, but... they were all destroyed. A full-scale invasion should come within 5 years." Brigs stands, nods at Stryker, and walks out. Krye and the other draconians follow him out, leaving Stryker alone with the aliens.
Angel sighed happily. "Yay.."

Pazlia nodded. "That's good news..she's alive.." he knelt beside her. "I wonder what she's thinking..." he reached towards her face, his fingers menacingly sharp.
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