Destruction: The Begginning (Part 1)

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Name: Josslyn Holmes
Age: 31
Species: Fox-Human

Personality: Josslyn is brainy, bookish, and extremely calculating. She enjoys romantic evenings on the beach, blah blah blah, that's not really her thing, though she doesn't shy too far away from romance. She actually likes creating conflict. In High School, she was the leader of the Drama Club, and always enjoyed Shakespeare. Despite being five years older, Josslyn is only nearly as smart as her younger sister, especially since she never really intended to work in the tech industry.

A likable person on the outside with much more sinister motives, Joss tends to be a pain in the ass for anyone she doesn't particularly like. She's a sociable enough sort, though, kind to the workers and constantly giving positive criticisms, until you screw up one too many times, anyway. Very confident, with few insecurities.

To be clear, she is, in fact, a friend of the everyman, but also quite greedy. The ground floor of the factories are made into shopping centers to cut out the middle man, and she doesn't care who gets killed when she has her mind set on something. Normally, her goals don't involve murder, but lately, she doesn't leave HQ. She loses sleep over the slightest flaw in her plan, and she's becoming entangled in the PC war. Nobody can tell if she's encouraging it, or if it's hurting business, but things seem to be going south on this personal mission.

Joss is very insecure about her nearsightedness, but feels that her glasses make up for it because they give her a more attractive look. Along with that, she has a unique deficiency in that she has inconsistent epilepsy - which has boggled many medical minds as to how she can fade in and out of epileptic states without anyone else noticing. She feels an electric shock go down her spine when she goes into an epileptic stage, and a chill up her spine when she fades out.

She owns a .44 magnum revolver and a fencing rapier. She keeps the revolver with her at all times, along with a concealed handgun license, and the rapier is kept in her office. She cannot move as quickly or with as much dexterity as Erin, but is small enough to get around easily.

The Fox is a Hound.png
Josslyn's a lithe woman, less muscular than her little sister, but also more attractive by society's standards. She normally wears a black silk women's suit - of which she has quite a few lined up in her closet - and leather shoes, but on special events - expos, publicity meetings, etc - she wears a stylish suit of a dark color, and even dyes her hair to match. She always goes for a sexy look, showing confidence in her shape, and pleasure in the gazing eyes, only toning it down when she feels she's distracting her workers.

Occupation: CEO of Utopia's Mechanical Fineries of the Future
I could join this again, but I would like to scrap my old characters and make new ones. Can my old two just decide to split paths or something?
okays, and that is fine.
Maybe they could drive off into the horizon, disappearing through a sudden wormhole from nowhere? lol. yes, they can split paths.
Ok good. Now to make a new character.
Spoiler alert Erin is bisexual and she and Cory DeFort are an item. They've been together for two and a half years.
Name: Stryker, Fleet Admiral of the Independent Draconian Empire, highest ranking, best training.
Age: 110
Species: Alien [Draconian. Description below this line.]
Draconian Race: The Draconians are a major military nation, far away from the human nation. The Draconians are a military society, with a 86% population in the active military in some form, whether soldier, pilot, commander, or constructor. For the most part, construction is done via 'Construction Drones.' They are tall, 8 foot to 11 foot heavily-scaled creatures, with such advanced training that a squad of armed 2020 US Marines would drop like poorly trained children. Very little fat, mainly muscle. They are smart creatures, with either psionics [mind-scramble, thought suggestion, mind-blanking, etc., and with very powerful psionics, mind reading] or Neural Processors, which are pretty much a computer instead of a brain. While they do not usually leave their nation, the occasional Draconian [assassin, spy, thief, bounty hunter] is seen in human space.

Personality: To be RPed? I don't really like describing personalities, because all of my characters are some part of me, or some part of me that I wish I had.
Appearance: Except with full-body armor that is very sleek and inter-connected. The armor itself looks more like as shiny metal second skin, with straight angles everywhere, where little lights and stuff shine through, projecting the optional energy shield, or stealth shield. Also comes standard with stasis [allowing the suit to have a 'bubble' of breathable air around the suit, and therefore the wearer]. The hands are equipped with a Draconian favorite: directional shockwave on the left hand, a short-range drilling laser on the right.

Occupation: One-man-military.

[[While being obviously superior physically and all that, he is just one Draconian. He is more likely to roar his triumph at every kill, which would draw more 'Perfect Companions' to him, which would tire him more and more. While being the most powerful and more influential Draconian in the entire universe, he is just one. His training consists of:
Daily war simulations
Daily Hand-To-Hand combat with '6-arms', genetically-engineered creatures that are often sent in waves of 20+ against a Expert Level Draconian as training.
And all that other advanced gun stuff and flying stuff.]]
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Might I ask where everyone is? That way my.. Fleet Admiral can... drop in. Literally.
They're all on a trail from the forest, beside a jeep in which Angel is asleep in.
Jae is laying down
Ace is a little away going to the bathroom, lol
and I believe Foxtrot is in a tree above Jae
And the PCs are elsewhere

Also, Josslyn is at the corporate HQ being a mastermind

sorry, almost forgot about them =/ I sorry
Well, you know, just a combat drop nearby...
Oooooooooooh trying to attack him is a very, very, very bad idea. You get that close cause he lets you get that close, and he is far, far stronger.
Ok, so because I didn't see Erin's app, or what she looked like, I went back and found the app. Except it doesn't have appearance, so atm, showing her face does nothing >.< Same with the outfit, I don't know what she's wearing because there a small wall of text and I'm not in my reading mood. Sozzy xP
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